282 research outputs found

    Differential clonal evolution in oesophageal cancers in response to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy

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    How chemotherapy affects carcinoma genomes is largely unknown. Here we report whole-exome and deep sequencing of 30 paired oesophageal adenocarcinomas sampled before and after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. Most, but not all, good responders pass through genetic bottlenecks, a feature associated with higher mutation burden pre-treatment. Some poor responders pass through bottlenecks, but re-grow by the time of surgical resection, suggesting a missed therapeutic opportunity. Cancers often show major changes in driver mutation presence or frequency after treatment, owing to outgrowth persistence or loss of sub-clones, copy number changes, polyclonality and/or spatial genetic heterogeneity. Post-therapy mutation spectrum shifts are also common, particularly C>A and TT>CT changes in good responders or bottleneckers. Post-treatment samples may also acquire mutations in known cancer driver genes (for example, SF3B1, TAF1 and CCND2) that are absent from the paired pre-treatment sample. Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy can rapidly and profoundly affect the oesophageal adenocarcinoma genome. Monitoring molecular changes during treatment may be clinically useful

    Combined exome and transcriptome sequencing of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: associations between genomic changes, expression subtypes, and clinical outcomes.

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    BACKGROUND: Three-quarters of bladder cancer patients present with early-stage disease (non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer, NMIBC, UICC TNM stages Ta, T1 and Tis); however, most next-generation sequencing studies to date have concentrated on later-stage disease (muscle-invasive BC, stages T2+). We used exome and transcriptome sequencing to comprehensively characterise NMIBCs of all grades and stages to identify prognostic genes and pathways that could facilitate treatment decisions. Tumour grading is based upon microscopy and cellular appearances (grade 1 BCs are less aggressive, and grade 3 BCs are most aggressive), and we chose to also focus on the most clinically complex NMIBC subgroup, those patients with grade 3 pathological stage T1 (G3 pT1) disease. METHODS: Whole-exome and RNA sequencing were performed in total on 96 primary NMIBCs including 22 G1 pTa, 14 G3 pTa and 53 G3 pT1s, with both exome and RNA sequencing data generated from 75 of these individual samples. Associations between genomic alterations, expression profiles and progression-free survival (PFS) were investigated. RESULTS: NMIBCs clustered into 3 expression subtypes with different somatic alteration characteristics. Amplifications of ARNT and ERBB2 were significant indicators of worse PFS across all NMIBCs. High APOBEC mutagenesis and high tumour mutation burden were both potential indicators of better PFS in G3pT1 NMIBCs. The expression of individual genes was not prognostic in BCG-treated G3pT1 NMIBCs; however, downregulated interferon-alpha and gamma response pathways were significantly associated with worse PFS (adjusted p-value < 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Multi-omic data may facilitate better prognostication and selection of therapeutic interventions in patients with G3pT1 NMIBC. These findings demonstrate the potential for improving the management of high-risk NMIBC patients and warrant further prospective validation

    Using honey to heal diabetic foot ulcers

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    Diabetic ulcers seem to be arrested in the inflammatory/proliferative stage of the healing process, allowing infection and inflammation to preclude healing. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have become a major cause of infections, including diabetic foot infections. It is proposed here that the modern developments of an ancient and traditional treatment for wounds, dressing them with honey, provide the solution to the problem of getting diabetic ulcers to move on from the arrested state of healing. Honeys selected to have a high level of antibacterial activity have been shown to be very effective against antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria in laboratory and clinical studies. The potent anti-inflammatory action of honey is also likely to play an important part in overcoming the impediment to healing that inflammation causes in diabetic ulcers, as is the antioxidant activity of honey. The action of honey in promotion of tissue regeneration through stimulation of angiogenesis and the growth of fibroblasts and epithelial cells, and its insulin-mimetic effect, would also be of benefit in stimulating the healing of diabetic ulcers. The availability of honey-impregnated dressings which conveniently hold honey in place on ulcers has provided a means of rapidly debriding ulcers and removing the bacterial burden so that good healing rates can be achieved with neuropathic ulcers. With ischemic ulcers, where healing cannot occur because of lack of tissue viability, these honey dressings keep the ulcers clean and prevent infection occurring

    Expression of the cancer-associated DNA polymerase Δ P286R in fission yeast leads to translesion synthesis polymerase dependent hypermutation and defective DNA replication.

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    Somatic and germline mutations in the proofreading domain of the replicative DNA polymerase Δ (POLE-exonuclease domain mutations, POLE-EDMs) are frequently found in colorectal and endometrial cancers and, occasionally, in other tumours. POLE-associated cancers typically display hypermutation, and a unique mutational signature, with a predominance of C > A transversions in the context TCT and C > T transitions in the context TCG. To understand better the contribution of hypermutagenesis to tumour development, we have modelled the most recurrent POLE-EDM (POLE-P286R) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Whole-genome sequencing analysis revealed that the corresponding pol2-P287R allele also has a strong mutator effect in vivo, with a high frequency of base substitutions and relatively few indel mutations. The mutations are equally distributed across different genomic regions, but in the immediate vicinity there is an asymmetry in AT frequency. The most abundant base-pair changes are TCT > TAT transversions and, in contrast to human mutations, TCG > TTG transitions are not elevated, likely due to the absence of cytosine methylation in fission yeast. The pol2-P287R variant has an increased sensitivity to elevated dNTP levels and DNA damaging agents, and shows reduced viability on depletion of the Pfh1 helicase. In addition, S phase is aberrant and RPA foci are elevated, suggestive of ssDNA or DNA damage, and the pol2-P287R mutation is synthetically lethal with rad3 inactivation, indicative of checkpoint activation. Significantly, deletion of genes encoding some translesion synthesis polymerases, most notably Pol Îș, partially suppresses pol2-P287R hypermutation, indicating that polymerase switching contributes to this phenotype

    Signatures of TOP1 transcription-associated mutagenesis in cancer and germline

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    The mutational landscape is shaped by many processes. Genic regions are vulnerable to mutation but are preferentially protected by transcription-coupled repair1. In microorganisms, transcription has been demonstrated to be mutagenic2,3; however, the impact of transcription-associated mutagenesis remains to be established in higher eukaryotes4. Here we show that ID4—a cancer insertion–deletion (indel) mutation signature of unknown aetiology5 characterized by short (2 to 5 base pair) deletions —is due to a transcription-associated mutagenesis process. We demonstrate that defective ribonucleotide excision repair in mammals is associated with the ID4 signature, with mutations occurring at a TNT sequence motif, implicating topoisomerase 1 (TOP1) activity at sites of genome-embedded ribonucleotides as a mechanistic basis. Such TOP1-mediated deletions occur somatically in cancer, and the ID-TOP1 signature is also found in physiological settings, contributing to genic de novo indel mutations in the germline. Thus, although topoisomerases protect against genome instability by relieving topological stress6, their activity may also be an important source of mutations in the human genome

    BMP2/BMP4 colorectal cancer susceptibility loci in northern and southern european populations

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    Genome-wide association studies have successfully identified 20 colorectal cancer susceptibility loci. Amongst these, four of the signals are defined by tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on regions 14q22.2 (rs4444235 and rs1957636) and 20p12.3 (rs961253 and rs4813802). These markers are located close to two of the genes involved in bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling (BMP4 and BMP2, respectively). By investigating these four SNPs in an initial cohort of Spanish origin, we found substantial evidence that minor allele frequencies (MAFs) may be different in northern and southern European populations. Therefore, we genotyped three additional southern European cohorts comprising a total of 2028 cases and 4273 controls. The meta-analysis results show that only one of the association signals (rs961253) is effectively replicated in the southern European populations, despite adequate power to detect all four. The other three SNPs (rs4444235, rs1957636 and rs4813802) presented discordant results in MAFs and linkage disequilibrium patterns between northern and southern European cohorts. We hypothesize that this lack of replication could be the result of differential tagging of the functional variant in both sets of populations. Were this true, it would have complex consequences in both our ability to understand the nature of the real causative variants, as well as for further study designs

    Signatures of TOP1 transcription-associated mutagenesis in cancer and germline

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    The mutational landscape is shaped by many processes. Genic regions are vulnerable to mutation but are preferentially protected by transcription-coupled repair1. In microorganisms, transcription has been demonstrated to be mutagenic2,3; however, the impact of transcription-associated mutagenesis remains to be established in higher eukaryotes4. Here we show that ID4—a cancer insertion–deletion (indel) mutation signature of unknown aetiology5 characterized by short (2 to 5 base pair) deletions —is due to a transcription-associated mutagenesis process. We demonstrate that defective ribonucleotide excision repair in mammals is associated with the ID4 signature, with mutations occurring at a TNT sequence motif, implicating topoisomerase 1 (TOP1) activity at sites of genome-embedded ribonucleotides as a mechanistic basis. Such TOP1-mediated deletions occur somatically in cancer, and the ID-TOP1 signature is also found in physiological settings, contributing to genic de novo indel mutations in the germline. Thus, although topoisomerases protect against genome instability by relieving topological stress6, their activity may also be an important source of mutations in the human genome.We thank S. Jinks-Robertson for suggesting the traffic light reporter approach; H. Klein for guidance on fluctuation assays; R. van Boxtel for sharing sequencing data for MLH1-KO organoids; A. Bretherick, O. B. Reina and G. Kudla for advice on HygroR re-coding; staff at the IGC core services (L. Murphy, C. Nicol, C. Warnock, E. Freyer, S. Brown and J. Joseph), C. Logan, A. Fluteau, A. Robertson and the staff at Edinburgh Genomics for technical assistance; staff at Liverpool CLL Biobank (funded by Blood Cancer UK) for samples used to generate GEL WGS data; A. Ewing, C.-A. Martin, N. Hastie and W. Bickmore for discussions. Funding for this work: UK Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit core grants (MC_UU_00007/5 to A.P.J., MC_UU_00007/11 to M.S.T.); Edinburgh Clinical Academic Track PhD programme (Wellcome Trust 204802/Z/16/Z) to T.C.W.; 2021 AACR-Amgen Fellowship in Clinical/Translational Cancer Research (grant number 21-40-11-NADE) to F.N.; a CRUK Brain Tumour Centre of Excellence Award (C157/A27589) to M.D.N.; EKFS research grant (2019_A09), Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung (2019.046.1) to K.A., CRUK programme grant (C20807/A2864) to T.S.; La Caixa Foundation (CLLEvolution-LCF/PR/HR17/52150017, Health Research 2017 Program HR17-00221) to E.C.; E.C. is an Academia Researcher of the Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Edinburgh Genomics is partly supported by NERC (R8/H10/56), MRC (MR/K001744/1) and BBSRC (BB/J004243/1). This research was made possible through access to the data and findings generated by the 100,000 Genomes Project. The 100,000 Genomes Project is managed by Genomics England Limited (a wholly owned company of the Department of Health and Social Care). The 100,000 Genomes Project is funded by the National Institute for Health Research and NHS England. The Wellcome Trust, Cancer Research UK and the Medical Research Council have also funded research infrastructure. The 100,000 Genomes Project uses data provided by patients and collected by the National Health Service as part of their care and support.Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 22 autors/es: Martin A. M. Reijns, David A. Parry, Thomas C. Williams, Ferran Nadeu, Rebecca L. Hindshaw, Diana O. Rios Szwed, Michael D. Nicholson, Paula Carroll, Shelagh Boyle, Romina Royo, Alex J. Cornish, Hang Xiang, Kate Ridout, The Genomics England Research Consortium, Colorectal Cancer Domain UK 100,000 Genomes Project, Anna Schuh, Konrad Aden, Claire Palles, Elias Campo, Tatjana Stankovic, Martin S. Taylor & Andrew P. Jackson "Postprint (published version
