177 research outputs found

    Association of environment and place of birth with asthma in Chinese immigrant children

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    Despite the advances in perinatal and neonatal care and use of newer potent antibiotics, the incidence of neonatal sepsis remains high and the outcome is still severe. For years, investigators have sought a test or panel of tests able to identify septic neonates accurately and rapidly in order to obtain an early diagnosis and develop a specific effective treatment for a successful outcome. In addition to the standard procedures (blood, CSF, and urine cultures, chest x-ray), such panels have included a combination of total and differential cell counts, total immature neutrophil counts, immature to total neutrophil ratio, platelet counts, and levels of acute-phase reactants and cytokines. Furthermore, the science of proteomics and genomics has been applied to the search for biomarkers, production of protein profiles and genetic polymorphisms that can rapidly help the prediction, early diagnosis, and treatment of human diseases, but, for now, data are as yet insufficient to confirm their validity

    Reserpine increases BDNF and PCNA expression, but decreases caspase-3, in rat Interstitial cells (Leydig cells)

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    La reserpina es un antipsicótico e hipotensor arterial que reduce significativamente los niveles de monoaminascentrales, y también es utilizada para modelar los cuadros depresivos humanos en animales de laboratorio. Este trabajo estudió, en ratasWistar machos adolescentes, cómo la reserpina afecta indicadores moleculares de la función testicular, la cual se ha visto alterada enhumanos deprimidos. Una semana luego de finalizado el tratamiento con reserpina (4 dosis de 0,0 o 1,0 mg/Kg, cada 2 días) la respuestaansiosa y depresiva fue evaluada en un laberinto en cruz elevado. Posteriormente, se sacrificaron los animales y disecaron los testículos,los cuales fueron fijados e incluidos en bloques de parafina de donde se obtuvieron cortes histológicos de 6 µm de espesor. Estos seutilizaron para medir el diámetro de los túbulos seminíferos y para medir por inmunohistoquímica el porcentaje de células intersticiales(células de Leydig) positivas a (1) Factor neurotrófico derivado del cerebro, (2) antígeno nuclear de células en proliferación (BDNF yPCNA, respectivamente, por sus siglas en inglés), y a (3) caspasa-3. Se obtuvo también un índice de positividad al receptor de andrógenosen las células intersticiales. La expresión del receptor de andrógeno fue evaluada utilizando una escala semicuantitativa de escores (0, 1,2 y 3) y el resto de las moléculas por presencia o ausencia de expresión de cada antígeno investigado en 300 células por preparado. Losresultados comportamentales indicaron alteraciones en la respuesta de ansiedad y una significativa depresión motora (e.g., mayor latenciaen conductas de escape del sector blanco) en los animales tratados con reserpina. No se observaron diferencias en los diámetros de lostúbulos seminíferos ni en la expresión del receptor de andrógeno, mientras que sí se encontró mayor proporción de células intersticialespositivas a BDNF y PCNA, y menor proporción de células positivas a caspasa-3, en los animales tratados. Los resultados corroboran lacapacidad de la reserpina para reproducir rasgos comportamentales de la depresión. La administración de la droga, sin embargo, noparece reproducir a nivel testicular los efectos deletéreos encontrados en humanos deprimidos, e incluso los resultados sugieren que lareserpina puede mejorar algunos aspectos de la funcionalidad testicular relacionadas con la actividad de las células intersticiales en ratas.Reserpine, a drug that depletes central monoamines, has been used as an antipsychotic and arterial hypotensive, and to model depression in animals. The present study analyzed, in adolescent male rats, the effects of chronic reserpine treatment on molecular indexes of testicular function. A week after termination of the treatment (4 doses of 0,0 or 1,0 mg/Kg/every 48 h) the animals were tested for anxiety response and depression patterns in an elevated plus maze. They were then euthanized, their testes dissected, fixed and embedded in paraffin to obtain blocks. Histological sections (6 µm) were obtained and used to measure the diameter of seminiferous tubules and the expression in Leydig cells of Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), Caspase-3 and androgen receptors, by immunohistochemistry. Behavioral results indicated significant alterations in anxiety responses and a significant motor depression (e.g., greater latency to escape from the white sector). There were no differences between groups in the diameter of seminiferous tubules nor in the androgen receptors positivity. Reserpine-treated animals, however, exhibited more BDNF and PCNA positive cells, and less positive Caspase-3 cells in Leydig cells, than control animals. The results corroborate the efficacy of reserpine to reproduce some of the behavioral components of depression. The drug, however, does not seem to exert in rats the same effects on testicular function that have been found in humans diagnosed with depression. Furthermore the drug seems to enhance some aspects of testicular function related to Leydig cells function in rats.Fil: Ruiz, Paul. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Genovese, Patricia. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Bielli Pallela, Alejandro. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Herrera, Emiliano. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Pautassi, Ricardo Marcos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra; Argentin

    Marine origin collagens and its potential applications

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    Collagens are the most abundant high molecular weight proteins in both invertebrate and vertebrate organisms, including mammals, and possess mainly a structural role, existing different types according with their specific organization in distinct tissues. From this, they have been elected as one of the key biological materials in tissue regeneration approaches. Also, industry is constantly searching for new natural sources of collagen and upgraded methodologies for their production. The most common sources are from bovine and porcine origin, but other ways are making their route, such as recombinant production, but also extraction from marine organisms like fish. Different organisms have been proposed and explored for collagen extraction, allowing the sustainable production of different types of collagens, with properties depending on the kind of organism (and their natural environment) and extraction methodology. Such variety of collagen properties has been further investigated in different ways to render a wide range of applications. The present review aims to shed some light on the contribution of marine collagens for the scientific and technological development of this sector, stressing the opportunities and challenges that they are and most probably will be facing to assume a role as an alternative source for industrial exploitation.The authors would like to acknowledge the funding from ERDF through Atlantic Area Transnational Cooperation Programme Project 2011-1/164 MARMED, POCTEP Projects 0330_IBEROMARE_1_P and 0687_NOVOMAR_1_P and from European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreements nr. KBBE-2010-266033-SPECIAL and nr. REGPOT-CT2012-316331-POLARIS. The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology is also acknowledged for the Post-Doc fellowship SFRH/BPD/70230/2010 (JMS)

    Differential Responses of Proline, Ion Accumulation and Antioxidative Enzyme Activities in Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] lines Differing in Salt Sensitivity

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    Ten-day-old seedlings of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] mapping populations differing in their salinity tolerance levels were exposed to 0 and 150 mM NaCl concentrations for short durations of time (0 to 144 h) to assess the pattern of accumulation of proline, glutathione, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Cl- contents and their antioxidative enzyme activities. Salt-tolerant lines accumulated more proline and K+ than the susceptible ones pointing their accumulation as a possible mechanism of salt tolerance. Specific activities of CAT, SOD and GR were higher in tolerant compared to the sensitive lines under salt stress conditions. High GST activity was noticed in the moderately tolerant line while the increase was transient (till 48 h) in the tolerant line. Lipid peroxidation as measured by MDA levels remained more or less same in the salt-sensitive line ICMB 90111, while it increased considerably in the tolerant line under salt stress till 96 h. The above comparative studies suggest that salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive lines of pearl millet possess differential oxidative components of both enzymatic and non-enzymatic machinery for scavenging ROS generated during salt stress

    Porous hydrogels from shark skin collagen crosslinked under dense carbon dioxide atmosphere

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    The possibility to fabricate marine collagen porous structures crosslinked with genipin under high pressure carbon dioxide is investigated. Collagen from shark skin is used to prepare prescaffolds by freeze-drying. The poor stability of the structures and low mechanical properties require crosslinking of the structures. Under dense CO2 atmosphere, crosslinking of collagen pre-scaffolds is allowed for 16 h. Additionally, the hydrogels are foamed and the scaffolds obtained present a highly porous structure. In vitro cell culture tests performed with a chondrocyte-like cell line show good cell adherence and proliferation, which is a strong indication of the potential of these scaffolds to be used in tissue cartilage tissue engineering.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. KBBE-2010-266033 (project SPECIAL) and from FEDER through POCTEP Project 0330_IBEROMARE_1_P. Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology is also gratefully acknowledged for post-doc grants of J. Moreira-Silva and T.H. Silva

    Fucoxantin: A Treasure from the Sea

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 2.3 billion people will be overweight and 700 million obese in 2015. The reasons for this disastrous trend are attributed to the global tendency toward the reduced magnitude of exercise and physical activity and the increased dietary intake of fats, sugars and calories with reduced amount of vitamins and minerals. To prevent life-style-related diseases, like Metabolic Syndrome (MS), researchers’ attention is increasingly focusing on some of the so called “functional foods” which may be useful for their prevention and treatment. One of these functional ingredients is fucoxanthin (FX), a characteristic carotenoid present in edible brown seaweeds, such as Undaria pinnatifida (Wakame), Hijikia fusiformis (Hijiki), Laminaria japonica (Ma-Kombu) and Sargassum fulvellum. The increasing popularity of this molecule is certainly due to its anti-obesity effect, primarily detected by murine studies. These works revealed FX mediated induction of uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) in abdominal white adipose tissue (WAT) mitochondria, leading to the oxidation of fatty acids and heat production in WAT. Beyond this important role, in recent studies FX has shown a great antioxidant activity, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and anti-photoaging properties. The aim of this review is to highlight the main effects of FX on human health

    Aqueous and Methanolic Extracts of Caulerpa mexicana Suppress Cell Migration and Ear Edema Induced by Inflammatory Agents

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    The regulation of the inflammatory response is essential to maintaining homeostasis. Several studies have investigated new drugs that may contribute to avoiding or minimizing excessive inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of extracts of green algae Caulerpa mexicana on models inflammation. In mice, the inflammatory peritonitis model is induced by zymosan. Previous treatment of mice with aqueous and methanolic extracts of C. mexicana was able to suppress the cell migration to the peritoneal cavity, in a time-dependent but not in a dose-dependent manner. The treatment of mice with C. mexicana extracts also decreased the xylene-induced ear edema, exerting strong inhibitory leukocyte migration elicited by zymosan into the air pouch. We concluded that administration of the extracts resulted in a reduction of cell migration to different sites as well as a decrease in edema formation induced by chemical irritants. This study demonstrates for the first time the anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous and methanolic extracts from the green marine algae Caulerpa mexicana

    Marine Antitumor Drugs: Status, Shortfalls and Strategies

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    Cancer is considered as one of the deadliest diseases in the medical field. Apart from the preventive therapies, it is important to find a curative measure which holds no loopholes and acts accurately and precisely to curb cancer. Over the past few decades, there have been advances in this field and there are many antitumor compounds available on the market, which are of natural as well as synthetic origin. Marine chemotherapy is well recognized nowadays and profound development has been achieved by researchers to deal with different molecular pathways of tumors. However, the marine environment has been less explored for the production of safe and novel antitumor compounds. The reason is a number of shortfalls in this field. Though ample reviews cover the importance and applications of various anticancerous compounds from marine natural products, in the present review, we have tried to bring the current status of antitumor research based on marine inhibitors of cancer signaling pathways. In addition, focus has been placed on the shortfalls and probable strategies in the arena of marine antitumor drug discovery

    Cross-Sectional Analysis of Late HAART Initiation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Late Testers and Late Presenters

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    Background: Starting HAART in a very advanced stage of disease is assumed to be the most prevalent form of initiation in HIV-infected subjects in developing countries. Data from Latin America and the Caribbean is still lacking. Our main objective was to determine the frequency, risk factors and trends in time for being late HAART initiator (LHI) in this region. Methodology: Cross-sectional analysis from 9817 HIV-infected treatment-naive patients initiating HAART at 6 sites (Argentina, Chile, Haiti, Honduras, Peru and Mexico) from October 1999 to July 2010. LHI had CD4+^+ count \leq200cells/mm3^3 prior to HAART. Late testers (LT) were those LHI who initiated HAART within 6 months of HIV diagnosis. Late presenters (LP) initiated after 6 months of diagnosis. Prevalence, risk factors and trends over time were analyzed. Principal Findings: Among subjects starting HAART (n = 9817) who had baseline CD4+^+ available (n = 8515), 76% were LHI: Argentina (56%[95%CI:52–59]), Chile (80%[95%CI:77–82]), Haiti (76%[95%CI:74–77]), Honduras (91%[95%CI:87–94]), Mexico (79%[95%CI:75–83]), Peru (86%[95%CI:84–88]). The proportion of LHI statistically changed over time (except in Honduras) (p0.02p\leq0.02; Honduras p = 0.7), with a tendency towards lower rates in recent years. Males had increased risk of LHI in Chile, Haiti, Peru, and in the combined site analyses (CSA). Older patients were more likely LHI in Argentina and Peru (OR 1.21 per +10-year of age, 95%CI:1.02–1.45; OR 1.20, 95%CI:1.02–1.43; respectively), but not in CSA (OR 1.07, 95%CI:0.94–1.21). Higher education was associated with decreased risk for LHI in Chile (OR 0.92 per +1-year of education, 95%CI:0.87–0.98) (similar trends in Mexico, Peru, and CSA). LHI with date of HIV-diagnosis available, 55% were LT and 45% LP. Conclusion: LHI was highly prevalent in CCASAnet sites, mostly due to LT; the main risk factors associated were being male and older age. Earlier HIV-diagnosis and earlier treatment initiation are needed to maximize benefits from HAART in the region