51 research outputs found

    Education Program "Safety Management System - Ground Part"

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    Import 04/07/2011Bakalářská práce se zabývá legislativními požadavky a praktickým provedením bezpečnostního managementu v letectví, přesně jeho pozemní částí. Dané téma je řešeno v rámci výukového programu, který sestává z textové a audiovizuální části. Textovou část bakalářské práce lze rozdělit na teoretickou část, ve které je řešena problematika legislativních požadavků na pozemní část bezpečnostního systému v letectví a na praktickou část, ve které je řešena problematika praktického provedení legislativních požadavků na pozemní část bezpečnostního systému v letectví. Audiovizuální část bakalářské práce je vytvořena v rámci programu, který obsahuje ke každé kapitole množství animací a obrazů pro jednoduché znázornění řešené problematiky. Je zde kladen důraz na názornost a co největší zjednodušení pro snadné pochopení řešeného tématu posluchači. Audiovizuální část je dokumentována v příloze bakalářské práce.Bachelor thesis is dealing with legislative requirements and practical design of security management in aviation, rather its ground part. Subject is solved through education program, which is divided into the text and audiovisual part. Text part of bachelor thesis is dividend into theoretical section, which is dealing with legislative requirements, for ground part of aviation security and into practical section, which is dealing with practical design of the ground part aviation security. Audiovisual part was created in computer program. There is number of animations and pictures for each chapter of text part. Audiovisual program is designed for easy and quick understanding of theoretical part by learners. Audiovisual part is documented in the enclosure of the bachelor thesis.342 - Institut dopravyvýborn

    Quantification of fire protection forces and means in the course of extinguishing with inert gases and extinguishing powder

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    Import 11/12/2009Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochrany a ochrany obyvatelstvaNeuveden

    The role of the Cuban missile crisis for the international system during the Cold War

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    Kryzys kubański z 1962 roku był jednym z najniebezpieczniejszych momentów okresu zimnej wojny. Powstał on jako efekt wykształconego po II wojnie światowej systemu międzynarodowego, charakteryzującego się obecnością dwóch potężnych supermocarstw— ZSRR oraz USA. Wymienione powyżej dwa mocarstwa różniły się ze sobą pod każdym względem, posiadały odmienne ideologie, rywalizowały wzajemnie o wpływy na świecie, a przede wszystkim o bycie globalnym mocarstwem panującym nad całym światem. Supermocarstwa doprowadziły do zimnej wojny, wyjściu zbrojeń i ostatecznie do powstania kryzysu kubańskiego, który sprowadził świat nad przepaść wojny atomowej. W pracy autor prześledzi drogę do powstania kryzysu, opisze jego przebieg oraz podejmie próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie jak wypłynął on na politykę supermocarstw i jakie miał oddziaływanie na system międzynarodowy w okresie zimnej wojny. Po zakończeniu kryzysu kubańskiego relacje pomiędzy ZSRR a USA wciąż pozostawały napięte, a świat żył w niepewnej przyszłości, zależnej od tych dwóch potęg.The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 was one of the most dangerous moments during the Cold War. It was a result of the international system developed after the Second World War, characterized by the presence of two superpowers – the USSR and the United States. These two powers differed in every respect, had different ideologies, competed for influence in the world and, above all, for being a global power that ruled the whole world. The superpowers led to the Cold War, the emergence of armaments and ultimately the Cuban missile crisis that brought the world to the abyss of the nuclear war. The author of this paper will follow the path of crisis, describe its course and attempt to answer the question how it has affected the politics of the superpowers and what impact it had on the international system of the Cold War period. After the end of Cuban missile crisis, relations between the USSR and the United States remained tense and the world was living in an uncertain future dependent on these two powers

    Multifunctional residential building

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    Bc. Palica, T. Polyfunkční bytový dom. Ostrava: Vysoká škola banská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavebná, Katedra pozemného staviteľstva, 2020. Vedúci diplomovej práce Ing. Pavel Vlček, Ph.D. Obsahom diplomovej práce je vypracovať stavebnú časť projektovej dokumentácie v stupni pre realizáciu stavby zadaného objektu. Ďalej je súčasťou diplomovej práce tepelne technické posúdenie obvodových konštrukcií, energetický štítok obálky budovy a statický posudok zvoleného konštrukčného prvku. Objekt je podpivničený s troma nadzemnými podlažiami a plochou strechou. Budova je riešená v konštrukčnom systéme Porotherm.Bc. Palica, T. Multifunctional apartment building. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Construction, 2020. Supervisor of diploma thesis: Ing. Pavel Vlcek, Ph.D. The aim of the diploma thesis is to develop the construction part of the project documentation in the stage for the implementation of the construction of the assigned object. Furthermore, the diploma thesis includes thermal engineering assessment of peripheral structures, energy label of the building facade and static assessment of the selected structural element. The building has a basement with three floors and a flat roof. The building is designed in the Porotherm construction system.225 - Katedra pozemního stavitelstvívýborn

    Návrh nové technologie výroby soustružnických nožů - náhrada pájených břitových destiček lepením

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta strojní. Katedra (346) obrábění a montáž

    Development of phosphorus-containing metallo-β-lactamase inhibitors : Synthesis and binding studies by solution NMR and molecular docking

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    The rapidly growing bacterial resistance development is turning into one of the main challenges of the 21st century. Our antibiotics are becoming ineffective for the treatment of bacterial infections, and without successful action, simple infections, such as pneumonia or Septicemia, will soon carry a highly probable mortal prognosis. Among the most widely spread mechanisms of bacterial resistance are the degradation and modification of antibiotics, prior to them reaching the target site, by bacterial enzymes. This thesis work aims to contribute to solving a major societal challenge by providing new knowledge on the binding site of the NDM-1, which is one of the clinically most relevant enzymes used by bacteria to degrade antibiotics. The work includes the design and synthesis of potential β-lactamase inhibitors that mimic the transition state of the enzymatic hydrolysis of β-lactam antibiotics. These bioisosteric transition state analogues are expected to bind and inhibit NDM-1, without being hydrolysable. Thereby they could potentially slow down or even halt the degradation of our β-lactam antibiotics is use. The first chapter describes the specific aims, whereas the second presents a general overview of bacterial resistance showing the mechanism of β-lactam hydrolysis along with our current knowledge of the structure of metallo-β-lactamases and examples for known inhibitors. The third chapter reviews the key features of the applied methods including those of enzyme assays, NMR protein backbone resonance assignment, chemical shift perturbation, NOESY and molecular docking. Subsequently, the investigation of the three groups of metallo-β-lactamase inhibitors are discussed. First, the design and synthesis of phosphoamidate- and phosphonic acid-based metallo-β-lactamase inhibitors is presented. Subsequently, enzyme - inhibitor binding studies as well as combined solution NMR spectroscopic and computational docking studies aiming the determination of binding site and pose of inhibitor candidates is described. The binding affinities and binding modes for three types of enzyme inhibitors are disclosed along with a comparison of their binding to the New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM-1) and Verona integron-encoded metallo-β-lactamase (VIM-2), pointing out similarities and differences. The binding pose of a previously developed inhibitor has also been determined with the help of fluorine-labeling.  The knowledge generated in this thesis work is expected to be useful for the development of wide spectrum metallo-β-lactamase inhibitors, which may become a long-sought relief in an escalating crisis

    Technological Process of the Implementation of the Flat Roof of a House with Small-Sized in Ostrava Flats

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    Palica, T. Technologický postup pro provádění ploché střechy domu s malometrážními byty v Ostravě. Ostrava: Vysoká škola banská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavebná, Katedra pozemného staviteľstva, 2019. Vedúci bakalárskej práce Ing. Marcela Halířová, Ph.D. Cieľom bakalárskej práce je spracovať stavebne technologický postup prevedenia jednoplášťovej plochej strechy s klasickým poradím vrstiev. Bytový dom je riešený ako podpivničený s troma nadzemnými podlažiami a plochou strechou. Celý objekt je navrhnutý v systéme Porotherm. Súčasťou bakalárskej práce je spracovanie projektovej dokumentácie, časový plán výstavby a položkový rozpočet stavebných práci.Palica, T. Technological Process of the Implementation of the Flat Roof of a House with Small-Sized in Ostrava Flats. Ostrava: VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Constructions, 2019. Supervisor of bachelor thesis: Ing. Marcela Halířová, Ph.D. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to process a constructional technological procedure of a single-layer flat roof with a classical layer order. The apartment building have three above-ground floors, flat roof and a basement. The whole building is designed in the system Porotherm. The bachelor thesis includes the processing of project documentation, construction schedule and itemized budget of construction work.225 - Katedra pozemního stavitelstvívýborn


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    The purpose of this study was to compare factors in the parent-child relationships of peer perceived popular adolescents to those of sociometrically popular adolescents. Factors included autonomy, relatedness, and idealization. Participants were 71 8th grade adolescents. Results showed similarities in parent-child relationships between perceived popular and sociometrically popular adolescents for autonomy, relatedness, and idealization. Results suggest that future research should explore other factors, such as affection from mother and father and levels of psychological control behavior to differentiate perceived popularity from sociometrically popular adolescents