4 research outputs found

    Development of Co-aggregated Cells as Bioinoculants Using Plant Seed Powders- A Novel Delivery System for Rice Grown under Lowland Condition

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    Co-aggregation was attempted in Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS-571 with other agriculturally important microorganisms such as Azospirillum brasilense MTCC-125, Azotobacter chroococcum MTCC-446, Bacillus megatherium MTCC-3353, and Pseudomonas fl uorescens MTCC-4828 to develop coaggregates with multiple benefi ts using seed powders of diff erent plants viz., Moringa oleifera, Strychnos potatorum and Sappindus emaignatus. Among the different treatments evaluated, the combination of Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS-571 and Azospirillum brasilense MTCC-125 with the plant seed powder of Moringa oleifera recorded the maximum co-aggregation of cells to the tune of 96.8%. The co-aggregates were also studied for their phyto-stimulatory effect such as seed vigour, plant height, plant dry weight, plant N content and endophytic colonization of A. caulinodans ORS-571 in rice var. ADT 43 grown under in vitro conditions. Th e co-aggregates of A. caulinodans and A. brasilense were found to be superior in positively augmenting the characters studied above

    Influence of nanoemulsion on the adhesion and survival of Aeromonas sp. in meat and contact surfaces of meat

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    In the present investigation, coconut oil–based nanoemulsion, designated as AUSN3, was evaluated for its influence on the adhesion and survival of Aeromonas sp. AUBAS34 to beef, pork, and mutton and contact surfaces of meat such as polystyrene, glass, and stainless steel. AUSN3 treatment reduced the hydrophobicity, motility, biofilm formation, and bacterial adhesion of AUBAS34 to meat and the contact surfaces. AUSN3 treatment completely eliminated the AUBAS34 population in the contact surfaces of meat within a time period of 20 min. In meat surfaces, AUSN3 treatment resulted in 1.3–1.8 log reduction in Aeromonas population compared to sodium nitrite treatment and 2.4–3.2 log reduction compared to control