71 research outputs found

    Content-based learning object recommendation system using a user profile ontology for high school students

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    The lack of quality of education in Peruvian schools has caused young people to look for other ways to obtain information, of which the web stands out. However, this tool is made up of billions of web pages, which affects the time each student takes to search. To address this situation, we propose the development of a content-based recommendation system that uses ontologies for data storage. Our recommender system allows the user profile data to be integrated into the model to consider its characteristics as part of the recommendation. We carried out two sets of validations for the evaluation of our proposal, one with expert judgment and the other by gathering the opinion of the endusers. As a result of the first evaluation, we found that 76.25% of the items were highly related to the search. For the second evaluation, we found that our system obtained a usability of 78.67%, considering the opinion of the students tested

    Content-Based Learning Object Recommendation System Using a User Profile Ontology for High School Students

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    The lack of quality of education in Peruvian schools has caused young people to look for other ways to obtain information, of which the web stands out. However, this tool is made up of billions of web pages, which affects the time each student takes to search. To address this situation, we propose the development of a content-based recommendation system that uses ontologies for data storage. Our recommender system allows the user profile data to be integrated into the model to consider its characteristics as part of the recommendation. We carried out two sets of validations for the evaluation of our proposal, one with expert judgment and the other by gathering the opinion of the end-users. As a result of the first evaluation, we found that 76.25% of the items were highly related to the search. For the second evaluation, we found that our system obtained a usability of 78.67%, considering the opinion of the students tested

    Caracterización analítica y diferenciación geográfica de pimentón mediante técnicas de reconocimiento de patrones

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    En esta tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo un método para la determinación de metales en muestras de pimentón dulce, picante y agridulce de las Denominaciones de Origen Pimentón de la Vera y Pimentón de Murcia. Los metales determinados han sido aluminio, boro, calcio, cobre, estroncio, fósforo, hierro, magnesio, manganeso, níquel, plomo, potasio, sodio y zinc. Se ha puesto a punto y validado un método de digestión ácida y medida mediante espectroscopía de emisión atómica de plasma inducido acoplado. Otros parámetros estudiados han sido el color en la escala ASTA y las coordenadas CIELab a partir de los espectros obtenidos registrados en el rango 280-800. A partir del contenido metálico y el color se han construidos modelos de clasificación geográfica de pimentones, utilizando técnicas de reconocimiento como componentes principales (PCA), análisis discriminante lineal (LDA), máquinas de vectores soporte (SVM), modelado suave por analogía de clases (SIMCA) y redes neuronales artificiales (ANN). Tanto para el caso del contenido metálico como el del color, los mejores resultados se han obtenido con ANN con porcentajes de eficacia superiores al 95%. Otros componentes determinados han sido la capsaicina y dihidrocapsaicina, compuestos responsables del picor, para lo cual se ha puesto a punto y validado un método de extracción, purificación y separación cromatográfica. Las medidas cromatográficas se han realizado mediante cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia (HPLC) con detección UV-Vis. Utilizando la concentración de capsaicina se ha propuesto un modelo para predecir el grado de picor según la escala Scoville (SHU). Con este fin, se han aplicado técnicas de regresión lineal múltiple, regresión en componentes principales (PCR), regresión por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS) y redes neuronales artificiales (ANN). El modelo que ofrece los mejores resultados está basado en la combinación de PLS y ANN, con una eficacia del 80%

    Creating Virtual Humans with Game Engines for Evaluate Ambient Assisted Living Scenarios

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    In order to evaluate AAL systems, virtual environments help to reduce costs and time, but these environments do not include hyper-realistic human movements. This is something crucial to evaluate activity recognition systems. The present work in progress describes how it is looking for a way to solve this problem and its development using a virtual environment. By means of a game engine and adjusting their parameters, simulations of real acceleration data sets have been generated. It is continuing looking for a valid model to follow.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46801-C4-1-RJunta de Andalucía TIC-805

    Calidad del servicio y su incidencia en la fidelización del cliente del Restaurante Roky´s Primavera, Trujillo-2021

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    El presente proyecto de investigación, tiene como objetivo determinar la incidencia de la calidad del servicio en la fidelización del cliente del Restaurante Roky´s Primavera, Trujillo-2021. En esta investigación la cual es de tipo aplicada, se utilizó un diseño no experimental, de corte transversal, tipo descriptivo y nivel correlacional. Los principales resultados mostraron que la variable Calidad del Servicio incidió significativamente y de forma Positiva en la Fidelización del Cliente del Restaurante Roky´s Primavera, con un coeficiente Rho de Spearman del 0.721 (Correlación alta) y nivel de significancia de p= 0.000, por tal motivo se rechazó la Hipótesis Nula (Ho) y se aceptó la Hipótesis de Investigación (Hi), además el 66% de los encuestados indicaron que el restaurante Roky´s Primavera dispone de un Alto nivel de Calidad en su servicio ofrecido y por último un 62% de los encuestados mencionó que el restaurante posee un nivel Medio de Fidelización del Cliente mientras que el 38% mencionó que el restaurante posee un nivel Alto. Por tal motivo se concluye mencionando que si bien existe una alta incidencia entre ambas variables es necesario implementar mejoras en la calidad de servicio para de esta forma incrementar el Nivel percibido de Fidelidad del Cliente

    Education on Democracy

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    Se analizan encuentros, diálogos y comprensiones entre educación y democracia, resaltando concepciones y aportes que los procesos educativos realizan al proyecto democrático, entendido como una apuesta socio-política que requiere cimentar la formación de ciudadanos conscientes, críticos, éticos y participativos en el reconocimiento de valores de convivencia, respeto y búsqueda permanente del equilibrio y desarrollo social, sobre cuya base se requiere dimensionar la educación desde apuestas y narrativas sustentadas teórica y operativamente en los principios de la formación integral, que rescatan dimensiones complejas de la persona humana, esto supone una revisión permanente de los modelos organizativos que estructuran las instituciones educativas.Meetings, dialogues and understandings between education and democracy are analyzed, highlighting conceptions and contributions that educational processes make to the democratic project, understood as a socio-political commitment that requires cementing the formation of conscious, critical, ethical and participatory citizens in the recognition of values of coexistence, respect and permanent search for balance and social development, on the basis of which it is necessary to dimension education from gambling and narratives theoretically and operatively sustained in the principles of integral formation, which rescue complex dimensions of the human person, this implies a permanent review of the organizational models that structure educational institutions

    And suddenly, everybody is talking about ontologies?

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    The number of papers written on ontologies has increased considerably over the last twenty years. This trend can be easily observed by searching words like “ontology” or “thesaurus” in databases. Despite this fact, there hasn’t been a consensus about the significance of this concept. The graphical representation known as ontology spectrum must have generated a lot of confusion amongst readers. In this paper we argue that this confusion is due to the mix of the various types of knowledge organization systems with distinct objectives in the same graphical representation. Thus, constructing a formal ontology for a system does not always presume an improvement, frequently it is adequate with less complex representations

    Predictors of human papillomavirus infection in women undergoing routine cervical cancer screening in Spain : the CLEOPATRE study

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection that may lead to development of precancerous and cancerous lesions of the cervix. The aim of the current study was to investigate socio-demographic, lifestyle, and medical factors for potential associations with cervical HPV infection in women undergoing cervical cancer screening in Spain. The CLEOPATRE Spain study enrolled 3 261 women aged 18-65 years attending cervical cancer screening across the 17 Autonomous Communities. Liquid-based cervical samples underwent cytological examination and HPV testing. HPV positivity was determined using the Hybrid Capture II assay, and HPV genotyping was conducted using the INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping Extra assay. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify putative risk factors for HPV infection. A lifetime number of two or more sexual partners, young age (18-25 years), a history of genital warts, and unmarried status were the strongest independent risk factors for HPV infection of any type. Living in an urban community, country of birth other than Spain, low level of education, and current smoking status were also independent risk factors for HPV infection. A weak inverse association between condom use and HPV infection was observed. Unlike monogamous women, women with two or more lifetime sexual partners showed a lower risk of infection if their current partner was circumcised (P for interaction, 0.005) and a higher risk of infection if they were current smokers (P for interaction, 0.01). This is the first large-scale, country-wide study exploring risk factors for cervical HPV infection in Spain. The data strongly indicate that variables related to sexual behavior are the main risk factors for HPV infection. In addition, in non-monogamous women, circumcision of the partner is associated with a reduced risk and smoking with an increased risk of HPV infection

    Predictors of human papillomavirus infection in women undergoing routine cervical cancer screening in Spain: the CLEOPATRE study

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    Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection that may lead to development of precancerous and cancerous lesions of the cervix. The aim of the current study was to investigate sociodemographic, lifestyle, and medical factors for potential associations with cervical HPV infection in women undergoing cervical cancer screening in Spain. Methods: The CLEOPATRE Spain study enrolled 3 261 women aged 18–65 years attending cervical cancer screening across the 17 Autonomous Communities. Liquid-based cervical samples underwent cytological examination and HPV testing. HPV positivity was determined using the Hybrid Capture II assay, and HPV genotyping was conducted using the INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping Extra assay. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify putative risk factors for HPV infection. Results: A lifetime number of two or more sexual partners, young age (18–25 years), a history of genital warts, and unmarried status were the strongest independent risk factors for HPV infection of any type. Living in an urban community, country of birth other than Spain, low level of education, and current smoking status were also independent risk factors for HPV infection. A weak inverse association between condom use and HPV infection was observed. Unlike monogamous women, women with two or more lifetime sexual partners showed a lower risk of infection if their current partner was circumcised (P for interaction, 0.005) and a higher risk of infection if they were current smokers (P for interaction, 0.01). Conclusion: This is the first large-scale, country-wide study exploring risk factors for cervical HPV infection in Spain. The data strongly indicate that variables related to sexual behavior are the main risk factors for HPV infection. In addition, in non-monogamous women, circumcision of the partner is associated with a reduced risk and smoking with an increased risk of HPV infection