1,059 research outputs found

    Orbital eigenchannel analysis for ab-initio quantum transport calculations

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    We show how to extract the orbital contribution to the transport eigenchannels from a first-principles quantum transport calculation in a nanoscopic conductor. This is achieved by calculating and diagonalizing the first-principles transmission matrix reduced to selected scattering cross-sections. As an example, the orbital nature of the eigenchannels in the case of Ni nanocontacts is explored, stressing the difficulties inherent to the use of non-orthogonal basis sets and first-principles Hamiltonians.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figurs; replaced with final version, introduction revised; to be published in PR

    Magnetic and orbital blocking in Ni nanocontacts

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    We address the fundamental question of whether magneto-resistance (MR) of atomic-sized contacts of Nickel is very large because of the formation of a domain wall (DW) at the neck. Using {\em ab initio} transport calculations we find that, as in the case of non-magnetic electrodes, transport in Ni nanocontacts depends very much on the orbital nature of the electrons. Our results are in agreement with several experiments in the average value of the conductance. On the other hand, contrary to existing claims, DW scattering does {\em not} account for large MR in Ni nanocontacts.Comment: 5 pages, 3 Figure

    Image Calibration

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    Calibrate_Image calibrates images obtained from focal plane arrays so that the output image more accurately represents the observed scene. The function takes as input a degraded image along with a flat field image and a dark frame image produced by the focal plane array and outputs a corrected image. The three most prominent sources of image degradation are corrected for: dark current accumulation, gain non-uniformity across the focal plane array, and hot and/or dead pixels in the array. In the corrected output image the dark current is subtracted, the gain variation is equalized, and values for hot and dead pixels are estimated, using bicubic interpolation techniques

    Jitter Correction

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    Jitter_Correct.m is a MATLAB function that automatically measures and corrects inter-frame jitter in an image sequence to a user-specified precision. In addition, the algorithm dynamically adjusts the image sample size to increase the accuracy of the measurement. The Jitter_Correct.m function takes an image sequence with unknown frame-to-frame jitter and computes the translations of each frame (column and row, in pixels) relative to a chosen reference frame with sub-pixel accuracy. The translations are measured using a Cross Correlation Fourier transformation method in which the relative phase of the two transformed images is fit to a plane. The measured translations are then used to correct the inter-frame jitter of the image sequence. The function also dynamically expands the image sample size over which the cross-correlation is measured to increase the accuracy of the measurement. This increases the robustness of the measurement to variable magnitudes of inter-frame jitte

    Tracker Toolkit

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    This software can track multiple moving objects within a video stream simultaneously, use visual features to aid in the tracking, and initiate tracks based on object detection in a subregion. A simple programmatic interface allows plugging into larger image chain modeling suites. It extracts unique visual features for aid in tracking and later analysis, and includes sub-functionality for extracting visual features about an object identified within an image frame. Tracker Toolkit utilizes a feature extraction algorithm to tag each object with metadata features about its size, shape, color, and movement. Its functionality is independent of the scale of objects within a scene. The only assumption made on the tracked objects is that they move. There are no constraints on size within the scene, shape, or type of movement. The Tracker Toolkit is also capable of following an arbitrary number of objects in the same scene, identifying and propagating the track of each object from frame to frame. Target objects may be specified for tracking beforehand, or may be dynamically discovered within a tripwire region. Initialization of the Tracker Toolkit algorithm includes two steps: Initializing the data structures for tracked target objects, including targets preselected for tracking; and initializing the tripwire region. If no tripwire region is desired, this step is skipped. The tripwire region is an area within the frames that is always checked for new objects, and all new objects discovered within the region will be tracked until lost (by leaving the frame, stopping, or blending in to the background)

    Understanding Self-Talk on a Mirror Tracing Task: A Qualitative Inquiry

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    Gaining a better understanding of self-talk (ST) or interior dialogue while performing a novel psychomotor task (mirror tracing task) was explored using a phenomenological approach in which recorded results were compared to the ST data of diverse research disciplines. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to more fully understand ST (what) and its reported functions (why) while performing a fine motor task. METHODS: Participants, asked to complete three trials of the task, were presented with two open-ended questions regarding their inherent ST before, during and after each trial of the task: (1) self-reported ST, “What specific ST are you currently engaging in?” and (2) self-reported ST function, “Why are you engaging in the specific ST you just reported?” The responses of the 19 participants (over 14,500 words) were audio recorded, transcribed, and analyzed. The recorded data were coded using groupings derived from existing literature and categorized based upon inductive reasoning (emergent from collected data). RESULTS: Our results have revealed the use of motivational, instructional, positive, and negative ST (e.g., “I can do this!”, “Stay between the line”, and “Oh, no!”) before, during and after each trial of the task. Additionally, unique categories of ST emerged, such as ‘prayer’ and ‘no ST’. CONCLUSION: We expected to find instructional and negative ST due to the difficulty and type of task, based upon the majority of current research. The results of this study are beneficial to improving our insight into the array of ST used while performing a difficult and novel fine motor task. The information collected from this study can be used as a foundation toward further understanding ST during other novel tasks and recommend its further study in a variety of disciplines

    Deforestation and Biomass Production in Miombo Forest in Huambo (Angola): A Balance between Local and Global Needs

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    Miombo is one of the most widely distributed ecosystems in Angola, with a great social and environmental value. Thus, the rural population uses the biomass as fuel and miombo provides important ecosystem services, such as its carbon sequestration capacity. The objectives of this work were (i) to assess deforestation in miombo forest in Huambo province (Angola) during the last 20 years, (ii) to evaluate carbon storage capacity of miombo, and (iii) to calculate the charcoal productive capacity of those forests. From 2000 to 2019, 359,130 ha (12.96%) were deforested in Huambo province. Thirty-six woody species were identified as major components of miombo forest, the most frequent being Albizia anthunesiana, Brachystegia spiciformis, Julbernardia paniculata, Monote spp., Brachystegia boemii, Isoberlinea angolensis, Anisophyllea boehmii, Syzygium guineense, and Erythrophleum africanum. The total biomass estimated in miombo forest was 195.05 Mg ha−1 (55.02 Mg ha−1 radical and 140.04 Mg ha−1 area), with a total wood volume of 78.57 m3 ha−1. This represents values of 91.67 Mg ha−1 of accumulated carbon and 336.13 Mg ha−1 of CO2 equivalent. The potential charcoal productivity was 15,359.9 kg ha−1, corresponding to 24.78 trees ha−1. The Annual Allowable Cutting Volume was 10.77 m3 ha−1 year−1, 14.13 m3 ha−1 year−1, 21.17 m3 ha−1, and 32.85 m3 ha−1 year−1 for rotation lengths of 55, 40, 25, and 15 years, respectively, corresponding to a potential annual charcoal productivity of 2107.08 Kg ha−1 year−1, 2762.96 Kg ha−1 year−1, 4139.21 Kg ha−1, and 422.56 Kg ha−1 year−1. However, deforestation rates in the last 19 years and low charcoal productive capacity could compromise the sustainability of the Miombo ecosystem and its value as an ecosystem service provider in the province if appropriate management strategies are not developed

    Héðinsdalsjökull, northern Iceland: geomorphology recording the recent complex evolution of a glacier

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    The objective of this work is to conduct a detailed mapping of the Héðinsdalsjökull foreland, northern Iceland (65°39′N, 18°55′W). This cirque currently shows a variety of glacial and periglacial landforms derived from a complex deglaciation. Mapping was performed combining traditional hand-drawn and digital mapping. A hand-drawn sketch was georeferenced in ArcMap 10.7.1, supported on an aerial photograph (year 2000). Its vectorization, symbolization and final design were done in the computer-aided design (CAD) software MicroStation Connect. Complementary high-resolution Digital Surface Models were obtained from historical aerial photographs and ground-view field photographs through the application of Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry. To improve the topographic expression of the geomorphological map, a photorealistic 3D view has been generated. The final map highlights the complexity of the foreland and the coexistence existence of a range of different units and landforms. The map will ease future studies on the transformation of receding glaciers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio