214 research outputs found

    Tiny microRNAs Fine-Tune Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Regulation

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    Progressing muscle wasting and dramatic neurodegeneration of upper and lower motor neurons are the initial symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) that eventually cause aetiology or death in quick succession. The functional mechanism of ALS is non-cell autonomous but it strongly influences on non-neural cells including microglia, astrocyte muscles and T cell. In ALS, neurodegeneration is triggered by at least four gene mutations that are not related to any classical signalling pathways, molecular mechanism or known cellular ingredients. MicroRNA is endogenous tiny non-coding RNA, which is required for fine-tuning or micromanaging protein expression post-transcriptionally. In this review, we identified numerous microRNAs and their possible targets in ALS-related genes. These microRNAs misprocess ALS-related protein-coding genes via microRNA-gene circuits. This result sheds a strong link between microRNA and ALS genes. The mechanistic insight of multiple microRNAs related to ALS is required to treat neuro-inflammation and neuro-degradation. It is proposed that the micro-regulation of multiple microRNAs is involved in generation of unique neuroprotective agent against ALS. Therefore, a classical and novel microRNA-mediated therapy might unravel an alternative strategy for ALS-related neurodegeneration. This strategy indeed implicates real promises to illustrate a unique impact for ALS cure

    Gauged B-3L_\tau, low-energy unification and proton decay

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    We point out that if there is a gauged B3LτB-3L_\tau symmetry at low energy, it can prevent fast proton decay. This may help building models with theories with extra dimensions at the TeV scale. For purpose of illustration we present an explicit model with large extra dimensions. The Higgs required for a realistic fermion masses and mixing are included. The problem of neutrino masses are solved with triplet Higgs scalars. The proton remains stable even after the B3LτB-3L_\tau symmetry breaking.Comment: 8 pages, Late

    Long Noncoding RNAs are Frontier Breakthrough of RNA World and RNAi-based Gene Regulation

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    General complexities in versatile animals are not always proportional to their genome size. A notable example is that the salamander genome size is 15-fold larger than that of human, which mostly contains unfolded “junk DNA.” A vast portion of this non-protein-coding unfolded DNA undergoes transcriptional regulation and produces a large number of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). LncRNAs play key roles in gene expression and therapies of different human diseases. Recently, novel lncRNAs and their function on the silencing or activation of a particular gene(s) are regularly being discovered. Another important component of gene regulation is high packing of chromatin, which is composed of mainly repetitive sequences with negligible coding potential. In particular, an epigenetic marker determines the state of the gene associated with it, whether the gene will be expressed or silenced. Here, we elaborately discuss the biogenesis pathway of lncRNAs as well as their mechanism of action and role in gene silencing and regulation, including RNA interference. Moreover, several lncRNAs are the common precursors of small regulatory RNAs. It is thus becoming increasingly clear that lncRNAs can function via numerous paradigms as key regulatory molecules in different organisms

    Interaction Map and Selection of microRNA Targets in Parkinson's Disease-Related Genes

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a complex multigenic neurodisorder frequently occurring in elderly persons. To investigate noncoding tiny microRNA mediated gene regulation, miRanda (version 1.0b) was used to predict human miRNA target sites on selected 29 genes related to PD. To verify output generated from miRanda, a similar analysis was performed only for microRNA target sites in 3′UTR using TargetScan (version 5.1). Data extracted by miRanda elucidates the mode of microRNA action based on the location of target sites in the Parkinson genes. Sites prone to action of multiple miRNAs were identified as “hot spots.” Important properties of each miRNA including multiplicity and cooperativity appear to contribute towards a complex interplay between miRNAs and their targets. Two sets of predicted results were explored for the occurrence of target sites of 112 miRNAs expressed in midbrain. Overall, convergence of results predicted by two algorithms revealed that 48 target sites for midbrain-specific miRNA occur in close proximity in 9 genes. This study will pave a way for selection of potential miRNA candidates for Parkinson's disease-related genes for quick therapeutic applications and diagnosis

    BB0324 and BB0028 are constituents of the Borrelia burgdorferi β-barrel assembly machine (BAM) complex

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Similar to Gram-negative bacteria, the outer membrane (OM) of the pathogenic spirochete, <it>Borrelia burgdorferi</it>, contains integral OM-spanning proteins (OMPs), as well as membrane-anchored lipoproteins. Although the mechanism of OMP biogenesis is still not well-understood, recent studies have indicated that a heterooligomeric OM protein complex, known as BAM (β-barrel assembly machine) is required for proper assembly of OMPs into the bacterial OM. We previously identified and characterized the essential β-barrel OMP component of this complex in <it>B. burgdorferi</it>, which we determined to be a functional BamA ortholog.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the current study, we report on the identification of two additional protein components of the <it>B. burgdorferi </it>BAM complex, which were identified as putative lipoproteins encoded by ORFs BB0324 and BB0028. Biochemical assays with a BamA-depleted <it>B. burgdorferi </it>strain indicate that BB0324 and BB0028 do not readily interact with the BAM complex without the presence of BamA, suggesting that the individual <it>B. burgdorferi </it>BAM components may associate only when forming a functional BAM complex. Cellular localization assays indicate that BB0324 and BB0028 are OM-associated subsurface lipoproteins, and <it>in silico </it>analyses indicate that BB0324 is a putative BamD ortholog.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The combined data suggest that the BAM complex of <it>B. burgdorferi </it>contains unique protein constituents which differ from those found in other proteobacterial BAM complexes. The novel findings now allow for the <it>B. burgdorferi </it>BAM complex to be further studied as a model system to better our understanding of spirochetal OM biogenesis in general.</p

    Revue du Marche Commun no. 78 = Review of the Common Market March 1965 No. 78

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    Argonaute family proteins are well conserved among all organisms. Its role in mitotic cell cycle progression and apoptotic cell elimination is poorly understood. Earlier we have established the contribution of Ago-1 in cell cycle control related to G2/M cyclin in Drosophila. Here we have extended our study in understanding the relationship of Ago-1 in regulating apoptosis during Drosophila development. Apoptosis play a critical role in controlling organ shape and size during development of multi cellular organism. Multifarious regulatory pathways control apoptosis during development among which highly conserved JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) pathway play a crucial role. Here we have over expressed Ago-1 in Drosophila eye and brain by employing UAS (upstream activation sequence)-GAL4 system under the expression of eye and brain specific driver. Over expression of Ago-1 resulted in reduced number of ommatidia in the eye and produced smaller size brain in adult and larval Drosophila. A drastic reversal of the phenotype towards normal was observed upon introduction of a single copy of the dominant negative mutation of basket (bsk, Drosophila homolog of JNK) indicating an active and physical involvement of the bsk with Ago-1 in inducing developmental apoptotic process. Further study showed that Ago-1 stimulates phosphorylation of JNK through transforming growth factor-β activated kinase 1- hemipterous (Tak1-hep) axis of JNK pathway. JNK phosphorylation results in up regulation of pro-apoptotic genes head involution defective (hid), grim & reaper (rpr) and induces activation of Drosophila caspases (cysteinyl aspartate proteinases);DRONC (Death regulator Nedd2-like caspase), ICE (alternatively Drice, Death related ICE-like caspase) and DCP1 (Death caspase-1) by inhibiting apoptotic inhibitor protein DIAP1 (Death-associated inhibitor of apoptosis 1). Further, Ago-1 also inhibits miR-14 expression to trigger apoptosis. Our findings propose that Ago-1 acts as a key regulator in controlling cell death, tumor regression and stress response in metazoan providing a constructive bridge between RNAi machinery and cell death

    Borrelia burgdorferi elongation factor EF-Tu is an immunogenic protein during Lyme borreliosis

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    Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiological agent of Lyme disease, does not produce lipopolysaccharide but expresses a large number of lipoproteins on its cell surface. These outer membrane lipoproteins are highly immunogenic and have been used for serodiagnosis of Lyme disease. Recent studies have shown that highly conserved cytosolic proteins such as enolase and elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) unexpectedly localized on the surface of bacteria including B. burgdorferi, and surface-localized enolase has shown to contribute to the enzootic cycle of B. burgdorferi. In this study, we studied the immunogenicity, surface localization, and function of B. burgdorferi EF-Tu. We found that EF-Tu is highly immunogenic in mice, and EF-Tu antibodies were readily detected in Lyme disease patients. On the other hand, active immunization studies showed that EF-Tu antibodies did not protect mice from infection when challenged with B. burgdorferi via either needle inoculation or tick bites. Borrelial mouse-tick cycle studies showed that EF-Tu antibodies also did not block B. burgdorferi migration and survival in ticks. Consistent with these findings, we found that EF-Tu primarily localizes in the protoplasmic cylinder of spirochetes and is not on the surface of B. burgdorferi. Taken together, our studies suggest that B. burgdorferi EF-Tu is not surfaced exposed, but it is highly immunogenic and is a potential serodiagnostic marker for Lyme borreliosis