78 research outputs found

    Relationship between upper limb functional ability and respiratory function in people with dementia

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    Background: People with dementia often experience lower respiratory tract infections. It is also known that people with dementia present decreased functionality, namely in upper limbs. These two facts lead to higher level of functional dependence and institutionalisation in people with dementia. It is likely that impaired upper limb functional ability affects respiratory function but this association in people with dementia is unknown. Aim: To explore the relationship between upper limb functional ability, lung function and respiratory muscle strength in people with dementia. Methods: An exploratory cross-sectional study was conducted. People with dementia were recruited in nursing homes, day care centres, long-term care facilities and in the community. Upper limb functional ability (Grocery Shelving Task [GST]), lung function (Peak Expiratory Flow [PEF]) and respiratory muscle strength (Maximal Inspiratory/Expiratory [MIP/MEP] and sniff nasal inspiratory [SNIP] pressures) were recorded. Descriptive statistics was used to characterise the sample. Correlations were explored with the Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Results: Fifty people with dementia [75.9±5.9 years old; 35 (70%) female; Body Mass Index=26.6±3.9 kg/m2] participated. GST was significantly: i) low and negatively correlated with SNIP (r=-0.49, p=0.002); and ii) moderate and negatively correlated with PEF (r=-0.58, p<0.001), MIP (r=-0.54, p=0.001) and MEP (r=-0.57, p=0.001). Conclusions: Upper limb functional ability correlated significantly with lung function and respiratory muscle strength in people with dementia. Those with lower upper limb functional ability seem to present worst lung function and respiratory muscle strength. Thus, early detection and personalised interventions may prevent clinical and functional decline in this population. Further research on respiratory function and upper limb functional ability is needed to enhance knowledge on dementia managemenpublishe

    Balance and healthy aging: a close relationship

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    Objectives: This study explored the: i) correlations between the Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest) and its short-versions (Mini-BESTest and Brief-BESTest), with functional ability, gait speed, physical activity, and health-related quality of life; ii) ability of the Five Times Sit to Stand (5STS), 10 MeterWalk Test (10MWT), Brief Physical Activity Assessment Tool (BPAAT) and World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref (WHOQoL-Bref) to identify the prior history of falls in community-dwelling older people. Methods:An exploratory cross-sectionalstudy was conducted with healthy older people living in the community. Balance (BESTest and its short versions), functional ability (5STS), gait speed (10MWT), physical activity (BPAAT), and health-related quality of life (WHOQoL-Bref) were assessed. Spearman correlation coefficient and receiver operating characteristics analysis were calculated. Results: One hundred and eighteen individuals (76[69-83.3] years; n=79, 66.9% female) participated in this study. Correlations between balance and functional ability (-0.61< r < -0.51, p<0.001), gait speed (0.69 < r < 0.78, p<0.001), physical activity (0.39 < r < 0.42, p<0.001) and health-related quality of life (0.28 < r < 0.57, p≤0.002) were identified.The following cutoff points to differentiate between prior history of falls were established: 80.5 points for the BESTest, 16.5 points for the Mini-BESTest and 12.5 points for the Brief-BESTest, 13.5s for the 5STS, 1.2m/s for the 10MWT, 1.5 points for the BPAAT and 14.5/66; 14.5/66; 14/62.5; 15.5/72 points for domains I, II, III and IV, respectively, of the WHOQoL-Bref 0-20/100. Conclusion: The BESTest and its short versions correlated with functional ability, gait speed, physical activity, and health-related quality of life in older people. These outcomes can differentiate prior history of falls in community-dwelling older people.publishe

    E quando os pais elegem terapêuticas não convencionais?

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    Introdução: No seu exercício profissional, o enfermeiro vê-se confrontado com a recusa dos pais para com algumas atitudes terapêuticas, relacionadas com a medicina convencional, preferindo as terapêuticas não convencionais. De notar que se tem verificado um aumento da procura da Medicina Alternativa e Complementar em todo o mundo, incluindo Portugal. Torna-se, pertinente esclarecer e refletir com base nos princípios éticos (autonomia, não maleficiência e beneficiência) sobre a atitude dos profissionais de saúde perante a decisão parental na escolha de cuidados e tratamentos a prestar ao seu filho. Métodos: Efetuada pesquisa bibliográfica em base de dados, na análise de artigos científicos, normas e legislação publicada com posterior reflexão ética acerca do tema. Resultados: Na Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança (1989), reitera-se o “interesse superior da criança” tendo ela o direito de "exprimir livremente a sua opinião sobre questões que lhe digam respeito e de ver essa opinião tomada em consideração”, de acordo com a sua idade e maturidade e a “liberdade de expressão”. Perante uma recusa terapêutica, que ponha em risco a vida ou a qualidade de vida da criança, o profissional de saúde deve comunicar ao Tribunal de Menores, assumindo este a decisão, em nome do menor. Nas situações comuns e no respeito pelo principio da autonomia, cabe aos pais e ouvida a criança em função da sua capacidade de discernimento, a decisão sobre qual o tratamento de eleição. Neste processo de escolha de tratamentos, cabe ao profissional de saúde fornecer adequada informação para uma decisão livre e esclarecida, sem nunca colocar os pais numa posição de se sentirem desrespeitados na sua função parental. O interesse da criança deve sempre prevalecer. Conclusões: A atitude do profissional de saúde deve ter como base principios éticos enunciados. A relação entre profissional e pais/criança será no sentido da percepção que todos possuem o mesmo objetivo, o de promover saúde e/ou bem-estar à criança, e sempre que possível com o envolvimento da criança. No caso de decidir por uma terapia não convencional alertar para que procurem profissionais creditados e com práticas regulamentadas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatos de um estágio na Solution Ozone

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    Com o propósito de concluir o mestrado em Marketing Management da Faculdade de Economia, da Universidade do Algarve, foi realizado, por escolha da estagiária, um estágio curricular, numa start up que vende essencialmente a empresas e pratica um Marketing Business to Business. Objetivando descrever as funções e tarefas desempenhadas ao longo das 720 horas de estágio, este relatório é enquadrado através da revisão de literatura no âmbito da temática do Marketing Business to Business associado à problemática do lançamento de novos produtos no mercado. De referir que a revisão de literatura focada na problemática do B2B se revelou um marco essencial do trabalho, desenvolvido em simultâneo, na medida em que permitiu adquirir e aprofundar conhecimentos nesta área específica. O atual documento é constituído por três capítulos principais: síntese da revisão de literatura (enquadramento teórico das temáticas principais do estágio), apresentação das metodologias mais relevantes e implementadas ao longo do estágio curricular e, finalmente, a apresentação do estágio através da descrição das principais atividades desenvolvidas durante o período em análise. Tais atividades incluem sobretudo, o acompanhamento de todo o processo do lançamento do produto Swimming Pools, desde a sua conceção, desenho da embalagem, design, passando pelas estratégias de vendas e comunicação, em mercados B2B. É de concluir que o estágio curricular é, de facto, uma componente essencial para adquirir experiência em contexto profissional, na medida em que o desenvolvimento das diversas atividades permitiram a aquisição de novos conhecimentos assim como o desenvolvimento de competências técnicas, criativas e comunicacionais.In order to complete the Master in Marketing Management at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, it was, by choice of the intern, to do the curricular internship, in start-up company that sells essentially your products to companies and practices the Business to Business Marketing. With the main objective of describing the functions and tasks performed throughout the 720 hours of internship, this report is framed through the literature review under the Marketing Business to Business topic, associating the issue of launching new products in the market. It should be noted that the literature review focused on B2B issues proved to be an essential topic of work, developed simultaneously. It allowed to obtain and deepen knowledge in this specific area. The present document consists of three main chapters: synthesis of the literature review (theoretical framework of the main themes of the internship), presentation of the most relevant methodologies implemented throughout the curricular internship and, finally, the presentation of the internship through the description of the main activities carried out during the period under review. These activities were mainly to follow the all process of launching the Swimming Pools product, from its conception, packaging, design, sales and communication strategies in B2B markets. Therefore, the curricular internship is, in fact, an essential component to obtain experience in professional context. The developments of the various activities provided new knowledge as well as the development of technical, creative and communication skills

    Diagnóstico e tratamento da mordida aberta dentária com aparatologia removível

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    A Mordida Aberta, está maioritariamente presente na infância. A sua presença, normalmente está relacionada com a presença de hábitos orais deletérios, sendo de fácil tratamento, quando diagnosticada precocemente. Quando deixada sem tratamento, pode originar alterações a nível crânio-facial. Este trabalho, teve como objectivo principal, a realização de uma análise de um caso clínico de mordida aberta, já tratado na Clínica Dentária Universitária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, tendo em vista avaliar as características clínicas patognomónicas de mordida aberta, bem como a efectividade do tratamento com aparatologia removível. A paciente escolhida, apresentava mordida aberta anterior, a qual foi corrigida com recurso a uma placa palatina removível em acrílico, com uma grelha lingual incorporada. A utilização deste tipo de aparelho removível, obteve sucesso neste caso, tendo corrigido a mordida aberta anterior que se encontrava presente. Adicionalmente, foi também avaliada a prevalência de mordidas abertas, bem como a sua relação com hábitos orais deletérios, em crianças de idades compreendidas entre os 7 e os 12 anos, do Agrupamento de Escolas do Mundão, no distrito de Viseu. Foi então observado, 3,6% da amostra apresentava algum tipo de mordida aberta. E relativamente à presença de hábitos orais deletérios, apenas 11,9% das crianças não possuíam qualquer tipo de hábitoThe Open Bite is mostly present in children before puberty. It’s conclusive that open bite has the tendency to decline as the age advances. It presence can be related with the presence of harmful oral habits. This malocclusion, is easy to treat when early diagnosis is done. If left without treatment, can lead to craniofacial changes. The main objective of this work, was the evaluation of a open bite case report already treated in Clínica Dentária Universitária of Portuguese Catholic University, aiming the evaluation of the pathognomonic clinical characteristics of open bite, as well as, the effectiveness of the treatment with removable appliances. The selected patient, presented anterior open bite, which was corrected with a palatal crib and the use of this type of appliance, was succeeded, so, the anterior open bite was effectively corrected. Farther, oral screenings were performed to assess the prevalence of open bite in children between 7 and 12 years, from the Agrupamento de Escolas do Mundão, in Viseu. Concomitantly, was also evaluated the presence of oral habits in the target population. Relatively to the prevalence study, that 3,6% of the sample had some type of open bite. Fairly to the presence of harmful oral habits, merely 11,9% of children doesn’t have any one

    Predictive equation for the unsupported upper limb exercise test (UULEX) in healthy adults?

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    The Unsupported Upper Limb Exercise Test (UULEX) has been increasingly used to assess upper limb exercise capacity. However, contrary to lower limb exercise tests, predictive equations for the UULEX have never been established. This study developed a reference equation to predict UULEX capacity in healthy adults. 556 healthy volunteers (43% male; 53.6±24.6yrs) were enrolled. Gender, age, smoking habits, physical activity (PA), using the brief questionnaire of PA, and body mass index were collected. Participants performed 2 UULEX tests and the best performance was kept for analysis. Data from 389 participants was used in a stepwise multiple regression to produce a predictive equation, which was then validated in 167 participants using Pearson correlations. Age, gender and PA were independent predictors of the UULEX test, explaining 58% (p<0.001) of the variability. The derived reference equation was: 15.753-(0.135*age)+(2.428*gender)+(0.274*PA), where males=1; females=0. A significant and high correlation (r=0.715; p<0.001) was found between the values predicted by the developed equation and participants’ real performance.This equation is a valuable tool to interpret UULEX obtained from people with or without a health condition. Future studies including measures of the upper limb, such as arm strength and/or length, might aid increasing the variability explained by the predictive equation proposed.publishe