679 research outputs found

    A Comparison Study of Deep Learning Methodologies for Music Emotion Recognition

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    Classical machine learning techniques have dominated Music Emotion Recognition. However, improvements have slowed down due to the complex and time-consuming task of handcrafting new emotionally relevant audio features. Deep learning methods have recently gained popularity in the field because of their ability to automatically learn relevant features from spectral representations of songs, eliminating such necessity. Nonetheless, there are limitations, such as the need for large amounts of quality labeled data, a common problem in MER research. To understand the effectiveness of these techniques, a comparison study using various classical machine learning and deep learning methods was conducted. The results showed that using an ensemble of a Dense Neural Network and a Convolutional Neural Network architecture resulted in a state-of-the-art 80.20% F1 score, an improvement of around 5% considering the best baseline results, concluding that future research should take advantage of both paradigms, that is, combining handcrafted features with feature learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring Deep Learning Methodologies for Music Emotion Recognition

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    Classical machine learning techniques have dominated Music Emotion Recognition (MER). However, improvements have slowed down due to the complex and time-consuming task of handcrafting new emotionally relevant audio features. Deep Learning methods have recently gained popularity in the field because of their ability to automatically learn relevant features from spectral representations of songs, eliminating such necessity. Nonetheless, there are limitations, such as the need for large amounts of quality labeled data, a common problem in MER research. To understand the effectiveness of these techniques, a comparison study using various classical machine learning and deep learning methods was conducted. The results showed that using an ensemble of a Dense Neural Network and a Convolutional Neural Network architecture resulted in a state-of-the-art 80.20% F1-score, an improvement of around 5% considering the best baseline results, concluding that future research should take advantage of both paradigms, that is, conbining handcrafted features with feature learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio


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    : Administrative impropriety acquired meaning and relevance, increasingly growing, among the agendas of political-legal discussions in the country. Its close relationship with public morality and its political, administrative, civil and criminal impacts reveal the dynamism and complexity of the topic addressed in specific legislation recently amended. The present research seeks to investigate the changes and legal impacts of the new law of administrative impropriety (Law n. 14.230/2021), especially with regard to the defense of the agent by public law. For due confrontation, bibliographical and documentary research was the widely used methodology, combined with a detailed jurisprudential analysis of ADI 7042 and ADI 7043. In order to build a solid structure that would allow the specific analysis of the aforementioned constitutional remedies, at first, the concept and relationship between probity and administrative morality was critically addressed. Then, in the second part of the work, the functioning of the system of accountability for acts of improbity today in Brazil was specifically analyzed and, finally, in the third part, it was possible to draw conclusions about the reflexes and jurisprudential repercussions of the new law, with emphasis on the defense of the agent by the Public Advocacy.A improbidade administrativa adquiriu significado e relevância, cada vez mais crescentes, entre as pautas de discussões político-jurídicas no país. Sua estreita relação com a moralidade pública e seus impactos políticos, administrativos, cíveis e penais revelam a dinamicidade e complexidade do tema abordado em legislação específica recentemente alterada. A presente pesquisa busca averiguar as alterações e impactos jurídicos da nova lei de improbidade administrativa (Lei n. 14.230/2021), sobretudo no que se refere à defesa do agente pela advocacia pública. Para o devido enfrentamento, a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental foi a metodologia amplamente utilizada, combinada com uma análise jurisprudencial pormenorizada da ADI 7.042 e ADI 7.043. Para construir uma estrutura sólida que permitisse a análise específica dos remédios constitucionais mencionados, em um primeiro momento foi criticamente abordado o conceito e relação entre probidade e moralidade administrativa. Em seguida, na segunda parte do trabalho foi especificamente analisado o funcionamento do sistema de responsabilização por atos de improbidade hoje no Brasil e, por fim, na terceira parte, foi possível elaborar conclusões sobre os reflexos e repercussões jurisprudenciais da nova lei, com destaque à defesa do agente pela Advocacia Pública

    Growth curve and biochemical analyses of callus of ipê-branco (Tabebuia roseo alba (Ridl.) Sand.)

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    O entendimento das mudanças bioquímicas que ocorrem durante o crescimento e desenvolvimento dos calos pode fornecer subsídios ao processo de estabelecimento in vitro, permitir a determinação de substâncias presentes nestas estruturas como metabólitos secundários. Com o objetivo de determinar a curva de crescimento de calos de ipê-branco e analisá-los bioquimicamente, por meio da determinação de açúcares solúveis totais, de açúcares redutores, proteínas solveis totais e de aminoácidos, segmentos foliares de ipê-branco foram inoculados em meio MS suplementados com sacarose (30gL-1), ágar (6gL-1) e com 1mg. L-1 de 2,4-D associado a 2mg. L-1 de cinetina. O material foi mantido no escuro por 90 dias. A coleta do material foi feita ao cada 15 dias para as análises. A curva de crescimento de matéria fresca de calos formados a partir de explantes foliares de ipê-branco apresenta crescimento sigmóide, com cinco fases distintas. A repicagem dos calos para um novo meio de cultura deve ser realizada entre 60° e 75° dias cultivo. Teores máximos para açúcares solúveis totais e açúcares redutores foram observados no 45° dia de cultivo. As proteínas solúveis totais apresentaram maiores teores no dia da inoculação, reduzindo em seguida. Teores máximos de aminoácidos foram observados no 15° dia de cultivo

    Import substitution in Brazil between 1995 and 2000

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    This work estimates the import substitution process in Brazilian industrial sectors in a recent period and evaluates whether it is occurring naturally or is in part induced by some kind of external commercial policy. An index to measure import substitution was calculated for forty nine sectors of industry. A regression analysis with this index against effective tariffs and real effective exchange rate, during the period 1995-2000, shows that these variables (effective tariffs and real effective exchange rates) did affect the substitution index. From 1999 on, the influence of the exchange rate over the import substitution index was greater than the influence of the effective tariff, suggesting that the process of import substitution post the Brazilian currency depreciation occurred in 1999 contains elements that characterizes it as a "natural" process

    The right to prevention and the challenges of reducing vulnerability to HIV in Brazil

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    The study evaluates the Brazilian response to the targets established by UNGASS for the prevention of HIV/AIDS. The analysis was based on national research, documents and information from the National Program STD/AIDS and on state-level action plans and targets. Brazil relies on various prevention policies to attain the UNGASS targets proposed for 2005. These include: addressing discrimination issues, promotion of HIV testing, distribution of condoms, needle exchange programs, discussion of sexuality in schools, prevention initiatives for sex workers and homosexuals and prevention in the workplace. These have resulted in increases in testing and condom use. Various challenges are discussed, including: overcoming discontinuity in action plans (particularly with more vulnerable groups), training prevention teams, increasing monitoring of quantity and quality of preventative actions and overcoming regional, racial and gender inequalities. It is concluded that the right to prevention is not a priority for entities of social control, nor is it on the social movement agendas. This contrasts with the right to better HIV treatment. In order to increase the efficacy of these programs, it is suggested that they be understood and incorporated based on the promotion and guarantee of human rights, thereby advancing the ethical/political debate at local and national levels.O estudo analisa a resposta brasileira em contraste com as metas estabelecidas para a prevenção do HIV/Aids pela UNGASS. Analisaram-se pesquisas nacionais, documentos e informações do Programa Nacional de DST/Aids e dos planos de ações e metas estaduais. O Brasil conta com vários programas de prevenção que atendem às metas da UNGASS propostas para 2005. Incluem o confronto do estigma e da discriminação, o estímulo ao teste anti-HIV, a distribuição de preservativos, a troca de seringas, a abordagem franca da sexualidade nas escolas, a prevenção entre trabalhadores do sexo e homossexuais e nos locais de trabalho, que resultaram no crescimento da testagem e do uso do preservativo masculino. Foram discutidos vários desafios: superar a descontinuidade das ações, especialmente junto a alguns grupos mais vulneráveis; capacitar equipes de prevenção; ampliar o monitoramento da qualidade e quantidade das ações de prevenção; superar as desigualdades regionais, de raça e de gênero. Concluiu-se que o direito à prevenção não é prioridade nas instâncias públicas de controle social ou nas agendas do movimento social, como tem sido o direito ao melhor tratamento dos portadores do HIV. Para ampliar a efetividade dessas ações, sugere-se compreendê-las e pactuá-las tendo como referência a promoção e garantia de direitos humanos, abrindo espaços para o debate ético-político no nível local e nacional

    Exploring Song Segmentation for Music Emotion Variation Detection

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    This paper evaluates the impact of song segmentation on Music Emotion Variation Detection (MEVD). In particular, the All-In-One song-structure segmentation system was employed to this end and compared to a fixed 1.5-sec window approach. Acoustic features were extracted for each obtained segment/window, which were classified with SVMs. The attained results (best F1-score of 55.9%) suggest that, despite its promise, the potential of this song segmentation approach was not fully exploited, possibly due to the small employed dataset. Nevertheless, preliminary results are encouraging.This work is funded by FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the projects: MERGE - DOI: 10.54499/PTDC/CCI-COM/3171/2021 financed with national funds (PIDDAC) via the Portuguese State Budget; and project CISUC - UID/CEC/00326/2020 with funds from the European Social Fund, through the Regional Operational Program Centro 2020. Renato Panda was supported by Ci2 - FCT UIDP/05567/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Emotionally-relevant features for classification and regression of music lyrics

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    This research addresses the role of lyrics in the music emotion recognition process. Our approach is based on several state of the art features complemented by novel stylistic, structural and semantic features. To evaluate our approach, we created a ground truth dataset containing 180 song lyrics, according to Russell’s emotion model. We conduct four types of experiments: regression and classification by quadrant, arousal and valence categories. Comparing to the state of the art features (ngrams - baseline), adding other features, including novel features, improved the F-measure from 69.9%, 82.7% and 85.6% to 80.1%, 88.3% and 90%, respectively for the three classification experiments. To study the relation between features and emotions (quadrants) we performed experiments to identify the best features that allow to describe and discriminate each quadrant. To further validate these experiments, we built a validation set comprising 771 lyrics extracted from the AllMusic platform, having achieved 73.6% F-measure in the classification by quadrants. We also conducted experiments to identify interpretable rules that show the relation between features and emotions and the relation among features. Regarding regression, results show that, comparing to similar studies for audio, we achieve a similar performance for arousal and a much better performance for valence

    Petrocronologia de rochas metapelíticas: uma revisão de conceitos-chave

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    Metapelitic rocks are key petrochronological markers, not only for their varied and sensitive mineral paragenesis and presence of datable phases but also due to their broad and continuous distribution along terrains, thus supporting integrated and detailed studies of the metamorphism and events that took place in different regions. Therefore, the present work aimed to synthesize relevant aspects to the petrological and geochronological characterization of metapelites for medium pressure regimes. Considering the KFMASH (K2O, FeO, MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, H2O) system, minerals such as chlorite, muscovite, chloritoid, biotite, staurolite, garnet, cordierite, andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite, and potassium feldspar are distinctive of these rocks paragenesis in low to medium pressure regimes, as long as there is chemical availability and sufficient P-T conditions for their formation. With the increase in P-T conditions and the appearance of the respective index-minerals, the indicative metamorphic zones are as follow: chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite, and sillimanite + orthoclase. For the petrogenetic and metamorphic conditions of characterization of such lithotypes, macro- and microstructural studies, associated with mineral chemistry and bulk-rock rock analysis, favor the application of different thermobarometric methods, from conventional ones through optimized and isochemical phase-diagrams, to single-element thermometers, each one with its particularities and application possibilities. To promote a petrochronological study, mineral phases such as zircon, garnet, monazite, and rutile, using their respective isotopic systems, allow assigning ages to these metamorphic events and, with the integration and interpretation of the data obtained, constraining the P-T-t-d trajectory of rocks formation. A systematic approach must be employed, in accordance with the particularities of the studied rock, hence guaranteeing the accuracy of the results obtained.Rochas metapelíticas são importantes marcadores petrocronólogicos, não apenas pelas variadas e sensíveis paragêneses minerais e presença de fases datáveis, mas também por sua ampla e contínua distribuição ao longo de terrenos, permitindo, assim, estudos integrados e detalhados do metamorfismo e eventos em diferentes regiões. O presente trabalho visou sintetizar aspectos relevantes à caracterização petrológica e geocronológica de metapelitos para regimes de pressão média. Considerando o sistema químico KFMASH (K2O, FeO, MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, H2O), minerais como clorita, muscovita, cloritoide, biotita, estaurolita, granada, cordierita, andaluzita, cianita, sillimanita e feldspato potássico são típicos da paragênese de metapelitos para baixas ou médias pressões, desde que haja disponibilidade química e condições P-T para sua formação. De forma geral, tem-se como distintivas, com o aumento das condições P-T e o aparecimento dos respectivos minerais-índice, as zonas metamórficas da clorita, biotita, granada, estaurolita, cianita, sillimanita e sillimanita + ortoclásio. Para a determinação petrogenética e das condições do metamorfismo desses litotipos, estudos macro- e microestruturais, associados com análises de química mineral e de rocha total, propiciam a aplicação de métodos termobarométricos diversos, desde os convencionais, passando pelos otimizados e diagramas isoquímicos de fases e chegando nos termômetros monoelementares, cada qual com suas especificidades e aplicações. De modo a promover um estudo petrocronológico dos litotipos, fases minerais como zircão, granada, monazita e rutilo, em seus respectivos sistemas isotópicos, possibilitam atribuir idades a esses eventos metamórficos e, com a integração e interpretação dos dados obtidos, construir a trajetória P-T-t-d de formação dessas rochas e dos eventos/estágios dos processos envolvidos. Uma abordagem sistemática, de acordo com as particularidades da rocha, deve ser empregada, garantindo, assim, a acurácia dos resultados obtidos.&nbsp