29 research outputs found

    Hydrothermal dedolomitisation of carbonate rocks of the Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation, NW Russia — Implications for the preservation of primary C isotope signals

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    This study was supported by Estonian Science Agency project PUT696 and PRG447, and Estonian Centre of Analytical Chemistry. K.P. and A.L. were supported by the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence funding scheme grant No. 223259.The Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation in Karelia, NW Russia, has played a key role in understanding the environmental conditions postdating the Great Oxidation and Lomagundi-Jatuli Events. Its carbonate- and organic-rich rocks (shungite) define the postulated Shunga Event representing an accumulation of very organic-rich sediments at c. 2 Ga and are central in ideas about changing ocean-atmosphere composition in the wake of those worldwide biogeochemical phenomena. Our work focussed on a key interval of carbonate rocks in the upper part of the Formation to: (i) obtain new high-resolution carbon, oxygen and strontium isotope data complemented by detailed petrography and mineralogical characterisation and (ii) expand upon previous studies by using our data to constrain geochemical modelling and show in greater detail how magmatic hydrothermal fluids induced dedolomitisation and altered geochemical signals. Our findings show that the δ13Ccarb of calcite-rich intervals are the most altered, with values between −16.9 to 0.6‰, whereas the dolomite-dominated parts retain the best-preserved (i.e. most original) values. Those define a trend of steadily increasing δ13Ccarb, from −6 to +0.5‰, which we interpret as a return to normal marine conditions and carbonate‑carbon values following the Lomagundi-Jatuli Event.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Petrography and the REE-composition of apatite in the Paleoproterozoic Pilgujärvi Sedimentary Formation, Pechenga Greenstone Belt, Russia

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    The first globally significant phosphorous-rich deposits appear in the Paleoproterozoic at around 2 Ga, however, the specific triggers leading to apatite precipitation are debated. We examine phosphorous-rich rocks (up to 8 wt% P2O5) in 1.98–1.92 Ga old Pilgujärvi Sedimentary Formation, Pechenga Greenstone Belt, Russia. Phosphates in these rocks occur as locally derived and resedimented sand-to-gravel/pebble sized grains consisting of apatite-cemented muddy sediments. Phosphatic grains can be subdivided into four petrographic types (A–D), each has a distinct REE signature reflecting different early-to-late diagenetic conditions and/or metamorphic overprint. Pyrite containing petrographic type D, which typically has a flat REE pattern, negative Ce anomaly and positive Eu anomaly, is the best preserved of the four types and best records conditions present during apatite precipitation. Type D phosphatic grains precipitated under (sub)oxic basinal conditions with a significant hydrothermal influence. These characteristics are similar to Zaonega Formation phosphates of NW Russia’s Onega Basin, and consistent with phosphogenesis triggered by the development of anoxic(sulfidic)–(sub)oxic redoxclines at shallow sediment depth during the Paleoproterozoic


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    The preserved Zechstein succession on the Utsira High in the NE part of the Norwegian North Sea is 25-100 m thick and is dominated by shelf carbonates. Internal subdivision of the succession is based on the recognition of key surfaces in petrophysical logs and cores, and suggests that the carbonates mainly consist of ZS2 and ZS3 deposits and that younger ZS4 and ZS5 deposits are only locally preserved. The carbonates have undergone early, syn-depositional dolomitization followed by later dolomite recrystallization and calcitization. Calcitization, interpreted as dedolomitization, is restricted to the upper part of the ZS3 carbonate unit and based on U/Pb dating took place during the Triassic, with a later phase of recrystallization linked to mid-Jurassic uplift. Both dedolomitization and dolomite recrystallization relate to fresh-water infiltration with the resetting of δO18 values prior to the Late Jurassic drowning of the Utsira High. The reservoir quality of the carbonates is directly linked to post-depositional meteoric diagenesis, and the best reservoir properties are recorded in intervals dominated by recrystallized dolomites in ZS2 and lower ZS3 carbonates. Dedolomitization significantly reduced porosity in the upper ZS3 carbonates

    Unsuccessful placement of transesophageal echocardiography probe because of esophageal pathology.

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    Paiste, J., & Williams, J. P. (2001). Unsuccessful placement of transesophageal echocardiography probe because of esophageal pathology. Anesthesia and analgesia, 92(4), 870–871. https://doi.org/10.1097/00000539-200104000-0001

    Hydrothermal dedolomitisation of carbonate rocks of the Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation, NW Russia — Implications for the preservation of primary C isotope signals

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    The Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation in Karelia, NW Russia, has played a key role in understanding the environmental conditions postdating the Great Oxidation and Lomagundi-Jatuli Events. Its carbonate- and organic-rich rocks (shungite) define the postulated Shunga Event representing an accumulation of very organic-rich sediments at c. 2 Ga and are central in ideas about changing ocean-atmosphere composition in the wake of those worldwide biogeochemical phenomena. Our work focussed on a key interval of carbonate rocks in the upper part of the Formation to: (i) obtain new high-resolution carbon, oxygen and strontium isotope data complemented by detailed petrography and mineralogical characterisation and (ii) expand upon previous studies by using our data to constrain geochemical modelling and show in greater detail how magmatic hydrothermal fluids induced dedolomitisation and altered geochemical signals. Our findings show that the δ13Ccarb of calcite-rich intervals are the most altered, with values between −16.9 to 0.6‰, whereas the dolomite-dominated parts retain the best-preserved (i.e. most original) values. Those define a trend of steadily increasing δ13Ccarb, from −6 to +0.5‰, which we interpret as a return to normal marine conditions and carbonate‑carbon values following the Lomagundi-Jatuli Event

    Barite mineralization in Kalana speleothems, Central Estonia: Sr, S and O isotope characterization

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    Barite mineralization in association with calcitic speleothem precipitates in cave structures in Silurian Aeronian carbonate rocks in Kalana quarry, Central Estonia, was studied. Barite mineralization in Kalana occurs in two generations – euhedral bladed-tabular barite zonal crystals from a few to 10 cm in size, growing on the limestone-dolomite wall-rock (generation I), and sparsely placed thin tabular crystals a few millimetres thick and up to 1 cm in size, growing on calcitic crusts (generation II). The barite crystals of generation I are frequently found embedded by paragenetically later calcitic botryoidal crusts. The Sr and S isotopic composition of barite crystals shows a trend of increasing Sr isotope ratios (from 0.7114 to 0.7120) and δ34S values (from 13‰ to 33‰) from the central parts towards the edges of zonal crystals. This suggests barite precipitation by mixing of two endmember fluids at varying ratios during barite formation: warm (up to 70 °C) reducing fluid bearing Ba, characterized by an elevated radiogenic Sr- and 34S-enriched isotopic signal, and a cooler ambient fluid bearing an isotopically lighter dissolved sulphate, characterized by lower Sr isotope ratios. The excess of radiogenic 87Sr in barite compared to Phanerozoic seawater values suggests Sr derived from a continental source, whereas sulphate was derived either from oxidized H2S or a modified seawater source. Gradual increase in δ34S values towards the outer zones could also indicate the 34S enrichment due to bacterial sulphate reduction, even though there is no paired 34S and 18O enrichment of sulphate, characteristic of bacterial reworking. This can be interpreted as indicating an open system with limited sulphate resupply where the δ18O composition of sulphate was equilibrated with warm ascending hydrothermal fluid

    Minimally invasive coronary bypass without general endotracheal anesthesia.

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    This report describes the case of a 51-year-old man with myocardial ischemia resulting from in-stent restenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery who underwent a minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass using thoracic epidural analgesia while awake, without general endotracheal anesthesia