2,127 research outputs found

    Sensorial feedback contribution to the sense of embodiment in brain-machine interfaces: a systematic review

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    The sense of embodiment (SoE) is an essential element of human perception that allows individuals to control and perceive the movements of their body parts. Brain–machine interface (BMI) technology can induce SoE in real time, and adding sensory feedback through various modalities has been shown to improve BMI control and elicit SoEe. In this study, we conducted a systematic review to study BMI performance in studies that integrated SoE variables and analyzed the contribution of single or multimodal sensory stimulation. Out of 493 results, only 20 studies analyzed the SoE of humans using BMIs. Analysis of these articles revealed that 40% of the studies relating BMIs with sensory stimulation and SoE primarily focused on manipulating visual stimuli, particularly in terms of coherence (i.e., synchronous vs. asynchronous stimuli) and realism (i.e., humanoid or robotic appearance). However, no study has analyzed the independent contributions of different sensory modalities to SoE and BMI performance. These results suggest that providing a detailed description of the outcomes resulting from independent and combined effects of different sensory modalities on the experience of SoE during BMI control may be relevant for the design of neurorehabilitation programs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Serious Games for Physical Rehabilitation: Aesthetic discrepancies between custom-made serious games and commercial titles used for healthcare

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    Serious games are videogames that are used with purposes that go beyond the mere entertainment of the player. Among their many applications, healthcare is one of the most prominent ones, as serious games can have a wide range of uses within this field, namely physical rehabilitation of patients. For this purpose, both custom-made serious games and commercial entertainment titles, such as those for Nintendo Wii, can be used. However, while custom-made serious games appear to be more clinically effective, patients seem to prefer the gaming experience of playing a commercial title. This paper aims to compare the game goals and the aesthetics of Wii Sports (a commercial title used in the context of physical rehabilitation) with custom-made serious games that have obtained clinically significant results in upper limb rehabilitation, in order to try and understand what can be done to bridge the gap between these two approaches

    Thertact-System: A Virtual Reality Exoskeleton Gait Training Simulator Controlled by Brain-Computer Interface

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    This paper presents a developer’s overview of the Thertact system that combines virtual reality, brain-computer-interface and thermal-tactile stimulation in a gait training simulator for a reha- bilitation protocol focused in promoting neurological recovery in spinal cord injured patients. We describe each part of the system, with special focus on aspects that have impact on the resulting overall sense of embodiment. The system comprises innovative aspects, such as the simulation of exoskeleton gait movement and thermal-tactile haptic feedback, and have shown promising results on a first case study with one patient in real hospital setting

    Method for positioning and rehabilitation training with the ExoAtlet® powered exoskeleton

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    Exoskeletons for locomotion, support, or other uses are becoming more common. An increasing number of studies are demonstrating relevant results in rehabilitation. Here we describe the steps required to properly place and train patients in ExoAtlet ® powered exoskeletons (Moscow, Russia), for which there is currently limited information available. These steps combine actions related to the hardware, software, as well as safety, rehabilitation, and psycho-emotional state of the subject. Training starts with a general preparation of the environment, the equipment, and the patient. When the actual training program begins, the patient needs to gradually learn to perform the different actions that will be required to control the exoskeleton. Initially, training requires transferring weight between legs to guarantee adequate equilibrium control. Then, actions assisted by computer-controlled motors begin, namely: standing up, walking in place, moving small distances and sitting down. As the patient becomes comfortable with the exoskeleton and the cardiovascular system becomes adjusted to the upright position, training can then include walking over longer distances, inclined planes, opening doors, and climbing stairs.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Neurophysiological correlates of tactile width discrimination in humans

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    Introduction: Tactile information processing requires the integration of sensory, motor, and cognitive information. Width discrimination has been extensively studied in rodents, but not in humans. Methods: Here, we describe Electroencephalography (EEG) signals in humans performing a tactile width discrimination task. The first goal of this study was to describe changes in neural activity occurring during the discrimination and the response periods. The second goal was to relate specific changes in neural activity to the performance in the task. Results: Comparison of changes in power between two different periods of the task, corresponding to the discrimination of the tactile stimulus and the motor response, revealed the engagement of an asymmetrical network associated with fronto-temporo-parieto-occipital electrodes and across multiple frequency bands. Analysis of ratios of higher [Ratio 1: (0.5–20 Hz)/(0.5–45 Hz)] or lower frequencies [Ratio 2: (0.5–4.5 Hz)/(0.5–9 Hz)], during the discrimination period revealed that activity recorded from frontal-parietal electrodes was correlated to tactile width discrimination performance between-subjects, independently of task difficulty. Meanwhile, the dynamics in parieto-occipital electrodes were correlated to the changes in performance within-subjects (i.e., between the first and the second blocks) independently of task difficulty. In addition, analysis of information transfer, using Granger causality, further demonstrated that improvements in performance between blocks were characterized by an overall reduction in information transfer to the ipsilateral parietal electrode (P4) and an increase in information transfer to the contralateral parietal electrode (P3). Discussion: The main finding of this study is that fronto-parietal electrodes encoded between-subjects’ performances while parieto-occipital electrodes encoded within-subjects’ performances, supporting the notion that tactile width discrimination processing is associated with a complex asymmetrical network involving fronto-parieto-occipital electrodes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of quality of life scale in patients with onychomycosis

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    (1) Background: Onychomycosis (OM) is a fungal nail infection, considered a risk factor for diabetic foot ulcers. It is associated with changes in quality of life, in terms of pain, self-confidence and self-esteem. The aim was to translate and adapt the OM quality of life questionnaire “OnyCOE-t™–Quality Of Life Questionnaire Onychomycosis (Nail Fungal Condition)”. (2) Methods: This study followed the guidelines proposed by Beaton et al. (2000), where two English to Portuguese translations were performed and, after an expert consensus, a common version was obtained. This was followed by two back-translations. The expert committee achieved semantic equivalence, idioms and concepts. The pre-test was applied to 49 people. The final version and processed data were sent to the authors. (3) Results: We adapted terms semantically, modified statements syntactically, altering items from interrogative to affirmative. (4) Conclusions: The translated version of the “Quality of life–Onychomycosis” questionnaire suggested that it can be used for further studies to test validity and reliability in this population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Does symptom recognition improve self-care in patients with heart failure? A pilot study randomised controlled trial

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    Patients with heart failure have difficulty in self-care management, as daily monitoring and recognition of symptoms do not readily trigger an action to avoid hospital admissions. The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of a nurse-led complex intervention on symptom recognition and fluid restriction. A latent growth model was designed to estimate the longitudinal effect of a nursing-led complex intervention on self-care management and quality-of-life changes in patients with heart failure and assessed by a pilot study performed on sixty-three patients (33 control, 30 intervention). Patients in the control group had a higher risk of hospitalisation (IRR 11.36; p < 0.001) and emergency admission (IRR 4.24; p < 0.001) at three-months follow-up. Analysis of the time scores demonstrated that the intervention group had a clear improvement in self-care behaviours (beta Slope. Assignment_group = -0.881; p < 0.001) and in the quality of life (beta Slope. Assignment_group = 1.739; p < 0.001). This study supports that a nurse-led programme on symptom recognition and fluid restriction can positively impact self-care behaviours and quality of life in patients with heart failure.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A formação musical para a música em anos de exame

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    Sabendo-se que Portugal carece de um programa de Formação Musical único e homologado, questionam -se as linhas orientadoras no ensino da disciplina, a identidade da mesma e dos professores que a lecionam. Propõe -se uma Formação Musical para'a'música, mesmo em anos de exame, no equilíbrio entre o que é atualmente promovido pelos professores e as exigências dos contextos educativos reais, nomeadamente a necessidade de bons resultados académicos. Durante a maturação destas questões foi realizado o estágio onde estas ideias se refletiram. A experiência ímpar de observar em primeira mão outros procedimentos trouxe a curiosidade de conhecer mais práticas da Formação Musical. O presente trabalho compreendeu investigação bibliográfica no que se refere aos assuntos legislativos para contextualizar o ensino da música em Portugal, às questões curriculares e às que discutem o binómio treino ou instrução musical e educação musical. Incluiu ainda a reflexão mais específica decorrente do estágio e respetiva contextualização. Foi complementado por uma investigação que pretendeu recolher dados sobre as práticas educativas da disciplina por meio de questionários enviados para um elevado número de escolas de música oficiais a nível nacional. Sobre a Formação Musical para'a'música, é de acreditar que ela fosse sempre possível, mesmo que fosse desejável ter mais tempo semanal dedicado à disciplina. Sobre o estágio, as aprendizagens foram imprevistas e impulsionadas essencialmente pela reflexão conjunta com os professores intervenientes. A terceira parte trouxe informação nova sobre as práticas educativas realizadas pelo país. No final, permaneceu a necessidade de se conhecer mais profundamente as realidades e de efetivar projetos colaborativos que ajudem o ensino da Formação Musical a ser com e para'a' música nos diversos contextos.Portugal does not have an official syllabus of Music Education1. In this work, we elaborate on the guidelines, identity and teacher´s practices of Music Education and on the relationships between them. Our initial thesis was that this discipline has to have music as its main goal, even in exam years, respecting the balance between what is being taught in the class and the demands of the educative context, such as good marks in final exams. During the elaboration of this thesis I did my pedagogic internship. This rich experience of observing other pedagogic practices increased the need to know even more different practices and elaborate on those observations. This work consists of a first part of bibliographic research about legislation of Music Education teaching in Portugal, curricula matters and previous work about the dichotomy between music training and music education. It then includes specific thoughts arising from practice in the pedagogic internship. Finally, it was complemented by data collected on an internet quiz answered by teachers of several public schools, private and professional schools that offers certificate programs in Portugal. About a music based Music Education, we belief that this is always possible, even if more time is needed in the student timetable. About the pedagogical internship, we must stress that it contributed significantly to the accomplishment of this work with several fruitful brainstorming with the teachers involved. Finally, the teacher´s quiz brought valuable information about the different pedagogical practices in Portugal. After this work it emerged the need of knowing even more what is being done in Music Education teaching all over the country, and the need of collaborative initiatives that help us to practice a Music Education teaching with music and for'music

    Differential width discrimination task for active and passive tactile discrimination in humans

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    The neurophysiological basis of width discrimination has been extensively studied in rodents and has shown that active and passive tactile discrimination engage fundamentally different neural networks. Although previous studies have analyzed active and passive tactile processing in humans, little is known about the neurophysiological basis of width discrimination in humans. Here we present a width discrimination task for humans that reproduces the main features of the width discrimination task previously developed for rodents. The task required subjects to actively or passively sample two movable bars forming a “narrow” or “wide” aperture. Subjects were then required to press one of two buttons to indicate if the bar width was “narrow” or “wide”. Behavioral testing showed that subjects were capable of discriminating between wide or narrow apertures up to distances of 0.1 cm. Electroencephalography (EEG) recordings further suggested distinct topographic maps for active and passive versions of the task during the period associated with the aperture discrimination. These results indicate that the Human Differential Width Discrimination Task is a valuable tool to describe the behavioral characteristics and neurophysiological basis of tactile processing. • Active and passive width discrimination has been extensively studied in rodents but not in humans. • Human subjects were capable of discriminating aperture widths of 0.1 cm. • Electroencephalography recordings showed that active and passive versions of the task were associated with different topographic maps.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the following institutions: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia IF/00098/2015 (MPV), UID/CEC/00319/2019 (EB), BIAL Foundation 95/2016 (MPV, MK, CPV), Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa MC-12-18 (AVP, CPV, EB)

    A Agência do Assistente Social e a Reprodução da Pobreza e da Exclusão Social

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    O presente trabalho teve como objectivo principal, analisar a agência do assistente social nos contextos da pobreza e exclusão social, tendo em conta que a mesma se desenvolve inserida numa estrutura social reguladora. Assim, pretendia-se compreender de que forma o assistente social, enquanto agente competente e capacitado de uma acção reflexiva, produz transformações e mudanças sociais nas relações que estabelece com outros agentes (utilizadores dos serviços de assistência social) considerando perspectivas de acção normalizante e/ou emancipatórias das situações de pobreza e exclusão social. Para isso, é feita uma exposição dos conceitos de cidadania e politica social uma vez que estas podem ser um meio para que os cidadãos possam ver reconhecidos os seus direitos de cidadania. Além disso, estabelece-se uma relação com estes conceitos e a pobreza e exclusão social, pois os indivíduos em situação de pobreza e exclusão social, estão desapossados de direitos, pelo que é urgente a criação de políticas e programas sociais eficazes para combater estes fenómenos sociais. O assistente social, enquanto técnico privilegiado na intervenção social, deve ser além de executor, participante na avaliação e elaboração dessas políticas. O trabalho apresenta ainda um estudo empírico utilizando como instrumento a medida do RSI, enquanto política actualmente definida pelo Estado como prioritária na intervenção realizada pelos assistentes sociais na pobreza e exclusão social