72 research outputs found

    A simulation of film cooling in the leading edge region of a turbine blade (trench effect on film effectiveness from cylinder in crossflow)

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    Film cooling is one of the cooling system techniques applied to the turbine blade. Gas turbine use film cooling technique to protect turbine blade from expose directly to a hot gas to avoid the blade from defect. The focus of this investigation is to investigate the effect of embedded three difference depth of trench at cooling holes geometry to the film cooling effectiveness. Comparisons are made under blowing ratio 1.0, 1.25, 1.5 and 2.0. Three configuration leading edge with depth Case A (0.0125D), Case B (0.0350D) and Case C (0.713D) were compared to leading edge without trench. Result shows that as blowing ratio increased from 1.0 to 1.25, the film cooling effectiveness is increase for leading edge without trench and also for all cases. However when the blowing ratio is increase to 1.5, film cooling effectiveness is decrease for all cases. Meanwhile for blowing ratio 2.0, the result shows the effect of depth is too small for all the cases. Overall the Case B with blowing ratio 1.25 has the best film cooling effectiveness with significant improvement compared to leading edge without trench and with trench Case A and Case C

    Praktik Pekerja Sosial Dalam Perlindungan Pekerja Anak di Pertanian Tembakau Melalui Program We Protect

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    Pekerja anak termasuk ke dalam kategori anak rawan, khususnya yang bekerja di pertanian tembakau. Sebagai upaya perlindungan, Yayasan Social Transformation and Public Awareness (STAPA) Center memiliki program perlindungan terhadap pekerja anak di pertanian tembakau melalui program We Protect. Salah satu tim dalam menjalankan program tersebut adalah profesi pekerja sosial. Profesi pekerja sosial dalam melakukan intervensi terhadap pekerja anak menggunakan metode intervensi pekerja sosial makro. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan proses praktik pekerja sosial dalam program We Protect dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Penggalian data dengan wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis intergratif mulai dari pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, serta kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yakni praktik pekerjaan sosial dalam perlindungan pekerja anak di pertanian tembakau melalui program We Protect dilakukan melalui kegiatan pemberian pendidikan keterampilan hidup kepada pekerja anak. Tahapan praktik pekerjaan sosial dilakukan melalui proses engangement, intake and contract, assessment, planning, intervention, evaluation dan and termination. Praktik di tahap engagement dan intake, pekerja sosial melakukan diseminasi program. Kemudian melakukan contract sebagai persetujuan pelaksanaan program. Pada assessment, pekerja sosial melakukan pemetaan yang dibantu dengan calon relawan lokal. Pada tahap planning, dilakukan rekrutmen dan pelatihan relawan lokal serta menyusun modul pembelajaran. Pada tahap intervention dilakukan pembelajaran keterampilan hidup melalui Rumah Kreasi yang memberikan layanan kelompok belajar, pojok literasi, taman edukasi, kelas remaja kreatif dan pelatihan vocational. Sedangkan pada evaluation dilakukan rutin minimal 1 bulan sekali. Tahap termination belum dilakukan karena masih dalam proses pelaksanaan program

    The Impact Of Government Enhancement Programmes On SME Performance In Malaysia

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    SME has gained attention in the design of development policy plans by the government from time to time. Under the Eleventh Malaysian Plan (2016-2020) presented by prime minister of Malaysia, to enable SMEs meet the business challenges in the global competitive environment, the government allocated totaling RM495.2 million to 760 Bumiputera SMEs to help them in all aspects of their operations. The government has been expanding and diversifying its supports and incentives through several assistance programmes such as innovation programme, partnership, market expansion etc. These programmse are vital in order to ensure that SMEs are able to sustain their economic development although lacking in terms of resources. Therefore, this study has reviewed and analysed the impact of government enhancement programmes (GEPs) towards SME performance in Malaysia. Three objectives are used as guidelines in conducting this thesis which are to determine the types of government enhancement programme that can improve SME performance and competitiveness in the global market, to measure the relationship of government enhancement programme on SMEs performance and to analyse the most effective of government enhancement programme in improving the SME performance. This research has examined the effectiveness of GEP based on four main dimensions consist of technology and infrastructure support, marketing support, product development support and strategic alliance support. A research framework for GEP has been developed and in this framework all factors are being tested in order to determine their influence on the performance of SMEs. This thesis has applied quantitative methodology using questionnaire as the research instrument. The questionnaire was distributed to 550 SMEs from manufacturing sector that have participated in the programmes offered by selected agencies in Melaka, Kuala Lumpur and Johor. Data collected were analysed using statistical package for the social sciences SPSS version 20. The results found that all GEPs factors outcomes serve as the key facilitating role in achieving the higher performance of SME. However, product development support programme (PDS) recorded the most effective factor and significantly influence to the performance of SMEs with beta value of unstandardized coefficient at 0.340. This is due to the various reasons such as the unique characteristics of new product in market will fulfill the demand and increase the satisfaction of customers. Finally, this research makes several contributions and provides further insights on the impacts of GEPs. From the industrial viewpoint, this study provides many valuable discoveries that can be used to the benefit of the respective industries such as expand their market and reduce the R&D costs. An important implication of this study to the government, this research will facilitate the government agencies to develop or improve the enhancement programmes to better suit the needs of SMEs towards producing positive outcomes or effect for increased performance in SMEs industry

    The Application of Ansys-Fluent Software for Aerodynamic Analysis on Rectangular and Moderate Swept Wing Planform

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    ANSYS-Fluent software represents a CFD software having the capability for solving various engineering flow problems. Besides offering a variety of flow solvers, this software also offers various type of turbulence model can be used in the flow analysis. The present work focuses on the use of this software applied to two type wing models, a moderately swept wing and (2) a rectangular wing planform. The moderately swept wing geometry and experimental data were obtained from AGARD AR-138, whereas the rectangular wing planform was obtained from RTO-TR-026. The first model evaluated by using five different turbulent models, namely (1) Spalart-Allmaras, (2) k-ε Standard, (3) k-ε Realizable, (4) k-ω Standard and (5) k-ω SST turbulence models. Comparisons result with AGARD shows that all turbulent models are able to provide in a good agreement. However, Spalart-Allmaras and k-ω SST turbulence models give less CPU time than the others. These two turbulent models then applied to the case of a rectangular wing plan form. The result from the second test case, the k-ω SST turbulence models, give a more accurate result compared to the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence models. It gives a better result compared with the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence models. The k-ω SST turbulence model makes the ANSYS-Fluent result just differ 11.5% from the experiment result while for the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model differs 14.05%.  Here it can be concluded that k-ω SST turbulence mode may represent a suitable turbulence model for solving flow over a rectangular wing to the moderate swept wing plan form

    A Comparative Study on Longitudinal Dynamics Stability Between Two Aircraft Models

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    The present work presents a comparative study on the longitudinal dynamic’s stability behavior for two aircraft models, namely the Learjet 24 and the Cessna 182. The longitudinal flight dynamics behaviors are evaluated by introducing a disturbance to the elevator. This device uses a single doublet impulse as well as multiple doublet impulses. The governing equation of longitudinal flight motion, which was derived based on a small perturbation theory and a linearized process by dropping the second order and above to the disturbance quantities, allowed one to formulate the governing equation of flight motion in the form of an equation known as the longitudinal equation of flight motion. This equation describes the flight behavior of an aircraft and can be expressed in the disturbance quantity as translational velocity in the x-direction u, angle of attack , and pitch angle . The implementation in the case of the Cessna 182 and the Learjet 24, where the Cessna 182 uses a single doublet impulse or a multiple doublet impulse, demonstrates that the aircraft response in these three variable states is better than that of the Learjet 24

    Real-time system identification of an unmanned quadcopter system using fully tuned radial basis function neural networks

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    In this paper, we present the performance analysis of a fully tuned neural network trained with the extended minimal resource allocating network (EMRAN) algorithm for real-time identification of a quadcopter. Radial basis function network (RBF) based on system identification can be utilised as an alternative technique for quadcopter modelling. To prevent the neurons and network parameters selection dilemma during trial and error approach, RBF with EMRAN training algorithm is proposed. This automatic tuning algorithm will implement the network growing and pruning method to add or eliminate neurons in the RBF. The EMRAN’s performance is compared with the minimal resource allocating network (MRAN) training for 1000 input-output pair untrained attitude data. The findings show that the EMRAN method generates a faster mean training time of roughly 4.16 ms for neuron size of up to 88 units compared to MRAN at 5.89 ms with a slight reduction in prediction accuracy

    Challenges And Expectation For Implementation Of Technical And Vocational Education Training (TVET) In Malaysian Prison Institutions: A Preliminary Study

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    The Malaysian Prison Department offers rehabilitation programmes for inmates that include guidance and counselling, disciplinary, religious and moral education, vocational and skills training and pre-release programs before they return to society as law-abiding citizens, and the success of this program is based on the recidivism rate. Implementation of Technical dan Vocational Education Training (TVET) in the Human Development Program (PPI) depends on the professional development of the instructor and must be in line with the national level requirement. Prison vocational instructors need to possess different teaching competencies due to their unique environment. This study aimed to identify and provide a new approach for training vocational teachers according to the needs of different stakeholders such as instructors, trainers (inmates) and related parties involved in TVET training. This study used a qualitative approach to collect the data. It used a semi-structured interview strategy with the educational experts in TVET, including training module developers, teaching experts, national industrial experts, prison senior officers, NDTS coaches, NDTS trainers and NDTS coordinators. The interview was to develop in-depth knowledge to enhance the data on the important domains of teaching competencies by thematic analysis. Analysis using NVivo, this study identified five core teaching competencies challenges faced by vocational instructors in prison: planning and preparation competencies, classroom preparation competencies, carrying out professional responsibilities’ competencies; instruction competencies; and assessment competencies. This study can be useful to Prison Vocational Instructors, Prison Management and also Prison Institutions that pursue accreditation on TVET teaching and learning. Keywords: Teaching Competency; Education; Prison; TVE

    Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteran Keluarga Melalui Pemberdayaan pada Kelompok Perempuan Sido Makmur di Desa Pasrujambe

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    Abstract This research was aimed at describing and analyzing the efforts devoted to escalating family prosperity through empowerment on Sido Makmur of woman community in Pasrujambe village. Research question under investigation was germane to how the efforts devoted to improving family prosperity on Sido Makmur woman community were carried out to improve the prosperity of families in Pasrujambe village. The presence of empowerment carried out in Sido Makmur community was one a kind of farming-based woman community which was intended to rally the appreciations of farming women. The research method operative in the study was descriptive, which was coupled with qualitative approach. The research site was Pasrujambe village, Pasrujambe sub-district of Lumajang district. Research informants were determined by purposive sampling, leading to including primary and secondary informants. To gain research data, observation, interview, and documentation were operationalized. Upon testing data validity, the researcher applied source trianglation. Research findings revealed that the empowerment to household women was done by enacting Sido Makmur woman community, through which various soft skill and  hard skills trainings were given. As a corollary, such undertakings exerted benefits to family prosperity in the form of economy improvement, knowledge improvement, and improvement.&nbsp

    Elements of Digital Technology Needs Among Technical and Vocational Education Students

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    This study was conducted to identify digital technology needs among final year students of Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) at the School of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)-. The elements selected for this study are the students' technical skills, attitudes and the availability of facilities. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument in this quantitative study. A total of 89 respondents were selected at random. The collected data was analyzed using the Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 26.0 to obtain frequency values, percentages (%), means, and standard deviations. According to the findings of the study, the need for digital technology among final-year TVE students is satisfactory, with the mean value for the entire research question obtained being 3.50 at a moderate score level. Therefore, the School of Education at UTM needs to increase the need for the use of digital technology to facilitate students in the teaching and learning process

    Determine physical properties of an organic citric acid (processed lime juice) dissolve with water using experimental apparatus

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    This paper describes experimental studies on the physical properties of processed lime juice to dissolve with water. Lime juice as known as organic citric acid have many advantages in our life especially in food industries, pharmaceutical industries, anticancer and antioxidant and cleaning agent. Physical properties of liquid include pH, viscosity, density, molar mass and surface tension. This Study conducted using common laboratory apparatus such as Pycnometer, the pH device (HI 9811 pH), Viscolite700 etc. The additional organic citric acid by percentage in water was changed the physical properties of liquids. The future strategy of this research is to introduce organic lime juice mixed with water in spray system as cleaning agent, reduce air pollution and reduce water consumption for Commercial Restaurant Equipment
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