3,165 research outputs found

    Solidification of undercooled liquids

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    During rapid solidification processing (RSP) the amount of liquid undercooling is an important factor in determining microstructural development by controlling phase selection during nucleation and morphological evolution during crystal growth. While undercooling is an inherent feature of many techniques of RSP, the deepest undercoolings and most controlled studies have been possible in carefully prepared fine droplet samples. From past work and recent advances in studies of nucleation kinetics it has become clear that the initiation of crystallization during RSP is governed usually by heterogeneous sites located at surfaces. With known nucleant sites, it has been possible to identify specific pathways of metastable phase formation and microstructural development in alloys. These advances have allowed for a clearer assessment of the interplay between undercooling, cooling rate and particle size statistics in structure formation. New approaches to the examination of growth processes have been developed to follow the thermal behavior and morphology in small samples in the period of rapid crystallization and recalescence. Based upon the new experimental information from these studies, useful models can be developed for the overall solidification process to include nucleation behavior, thermodynamic constraints, thermal history, growth kinetics, solute redistribution and resulting structures. From the refinement of knowledge concerning the underlying factors that govern RSP a basis is emerging for an effective alloy design and processing strategy

    T1T_1- and T2T_2-spin relaxation time limitations of phosphorous donor electrons near crystalline silicon to silicon dioxide interface defects

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    A study of donor electron spins and spin--dependent electronic transitions involving phosphorous (31^{31}P) atoms in proximity of the (111) oriented crystalline silicon (c-Si) to silicon dioxide (SiO2_{2}) interface is presented for [31^{31}P] = 1015^{15} cm−3\mathrm{cm}^{-3} and [31^{31}P] = 1016^{16} cm−3\mathrm{cm}^{-3} at about liquid 4^4He temperatures (T=5T = 5 K−15\mathrm{K} - 15 K\mathrm{K}). Using pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance (pEDMR), spin--dependent transitions between the \Phos donor state and two distinguishable interface states are observed, namely (i) \Pb centers which can be identified by their characteristic anisotropy and (ii) a more isotropic center which is attributed to E′^\prime defects of the \sio bulk close to the interface. Correlation measurements of the dynamics of spin--dependent recombination confirm that previously proposed transitions between \Phos and the interface defects take place. The influence of these electronic near--interface transitions on the \Phos donor spin coherence time T2T_2 as well as the donor spin--lattice relaxation time T1T_1 is then investigated by comparison of spin Hahn--echo decay measurements obtained from conventional bulk sensitive pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance and surface sensitive pEDMR, as well as surface sensitive electrically detected inversion recovery experiments. The measurements reveal that both T2T_2 and T1T_1 of \Phos donor electrons spins in proximity of energetically lower interface states at T≤13T\leq 13 K are reduced by several orders of magnitude

    Poor survival outcomes in HER2 positive breast cancer patients with low grade, node negative tumours

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    We present a retrospective analysis on a cohort of low-grade, node-negative patients showing that human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status significantly affects the survival in this otherwise very good prognostic group. Our results provide support for the use of adjuvant trastuzumab in patients who are typically classified as having very good prognosis, not routinely offered standard chemotherapy, and who as such do not fit current UK prescribing guidelines for trastuzumab

    Comparison of coherence times in three dc SQUID phase qubits

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    We report measurements of spectroscopic linewidth and Rabi oscillations in three thin-film dc SQUID phase qubits. One device had a single-turn Al loop, the second had a 6-turn Nb loop, and the third was a first order gradiometer formed from 6-turn wound and counter-wound Nb coils to provide isolation from spatially uniform flux noise. In the 6 - 7.2 GHz range, the spectroscopic coherence times for the gradiometer varied from 4 ns to 8 ns, about the same as for the other devices (4 to 10 ns). The time constant for decay of Rabi oscillations was significantly longer in the single-turn Al device (20 to 30 ns) than either of the Nb devices (10 to 15 ns). These results imply that spatially uniform flux noise is not the main source of decoherence or inhomogenous broadening in these devices.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon

    Business process improvement with the AB-BPM methodology

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    A fundamental assumption of Business Process Management (BPM) is that redesign delivers refined and improved versions of business processes. This assumption, however, does not necessarily hold, and any required compensatory action may be delayed until a new round in the BPM life-cycle completes. Current approaches to process redesign face this problem in one way or another, which makes rapid process improvement a central research problem of BPM today. In this paper, we address this problem by integrating concepts from process execution with ideas from DevOps. More specifically, we develop a methodology called AB-BPM that offers process improvement validation in two phases: simulation and AB tests. Our simulation technique extracts decision probabilities and metrics from the event log of an existing process version and generates traces for the new process version based on this knowledge. The results of simulation guide us towards AB testing where two versions (A and B) are operational in parallel and any new process instance is routed to one of them. The routing decision is made at runtime on the basis of the achieved results for the registered performance metrics of each version. Our routing algorithm provides for ultimate convergence towards the best performing version, no matter if it is the old or the new version. We demonstrate the efficacy of our methodology and techniques by conducting an extensive evaluation based on both synthetic and real-life data

    Strong-field effects in the Rabi oscillations of the superconducting phase qubit

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    Rabi oscillations have been observed in many superconducting devices, and represent prototypical logic operations for quantum bits (qubits) in a quantum computer. We use a three-level multiphoton analysis to understand the behavior of the superconducting phase qubit (current-biased Josephson junction) at high microwave drive power. Analytical and numerical results for the ac Stark shift, single-photon Rabi frequency, and two-photon Rabi frequency are compared to measurements made on a dc SQUID phase qubit with Nb/AlOx/Nb tunnel junctions. Good agreement is found between theory and experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon

    Spectroscopy of Three-Particle Entanglement in a Macroscopic Superconducting Circuit

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    We study the quantum mechanical behavior of a macroscopic, three-body, superconducting circuit. Microwave spectroscopy on our system, a resonator coupling two large Josephson junctions, produced complex energy spectra well explained by quantum theory over a large frequency range. By tuning each junction separately into resonance with the resonator, we first observe strong coupling between each junction and the resonator. Bringing both junctions together into resonance with the resonator, we find spectroscopic evidence for entanglement between all three degrees of freedom and suggest a new method for controllable coupling of distant qubits, a key step toward quantum computation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    On The 5D Extra-Force according to Basini-Capozziello-Leon Formalism and five important features: Kar-Sinha Gravitational Bending of Light, Chung-Freese Superluminal Behaviour, Maartens-Clarkson Black Strings, Experimental measures of Extra Dimensions on board International Space Station(ISS) and the existence of the Particle ZZ due to a Higher Dimensional spacetime

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    We use the Conformal Metric as described in Kar-Sinha work on Gravitational Bending of Light in a 5D Spacetime to recompute the equations of the 5D Force in Basini-Capozziello-Leon Formalism and we arrive at a result that possesses some advantages. The equations of the Extra Force as proposed by Leon are now more elegant in Conformal Formalism and many algebraic terms can be simplified or even suppressed. Also we recompute the Kar-Sinha Gravitational Bending of Light affected by the presence of the Extra Dimension and analyze the Superluminal Chung-Freese Features of this Formalism describing the advantages of the Chung-Freese BraneWorld when compared to other Superluminal spacetime metrics(eg:Warp Drive) and we describe why the Extra Dimension is invisible and how the Extra Dimension could be made visible at least in theory.We also examine the Maartens-Clarkson Black Holes in 5D(Black Strings) coupled to massive Kaluza-Klein graviton modes predicted by Extra Dimensions theories and we study experimental detection of Extra Dimensions on-board LIGO and LISA Space Telescopes.We also propose the use of International Space Station(ISS) to measure the additional terms(resulting from the presence of Extra Dimensions) in the Kar-Sinha Gravitational Bending of Light in Outer Space to verify if we really lives in a Higher Dimensional Spacetime.Also we demonstrate that Particle ZZ can only exists if the 5D spacetime exists.Comment: Withdrawn: author no longer wishes to post work on arXi
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