1,006 research outputs found

    Then and now: across ten years of Arkansas women in agriculture

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    The United States Agricultural Census show that between 2002 and 2012, the number of women farm operators in Arkansas grew 14% (from 19,856 to 22,637). These women operators have made up an increasingly larger percentage of all farm operators in the state (from almost 29% to nearly 33%). There is little published information regarding changes over time in the role of women in agriculture, their challenges, and factors important to their success. While some surveys of farm women have been conducted, these surveys are generally insufficient because data exist only for one point in time. This research uses the first, middle and last years of survey data collected across ten years (2005-2014) at Arkansas Women in Agriculture (ARWIA) conferences to compare women’s perceptions regarding: 1) factors important to their choice of business activity, 2) challenges women face in their agriculture-related business, and 3) the decision-making roles they hold in that business. Results suggest that women in Arkansas agriculture engage in important decision-making on the farm. These women consistently identified across all three years, three attributes—applying talents and skills directly, being involved in the community and being excited about the work—as important factors in their decision to choose an agricultural career. They also identified two problems—keeping good employees and finding/affording a good lawyer—within the top five of the largest challenges faced. It is hoped that this set of baseline information can be useful not only to researchers and educators interested in addressing needs of local women but also in illustrating the continuing changes in women’s roles and their needs, and thus the need for extended research over time to address these changes

    An Investigation of the Pricing of Audit Services for Financial Institutions

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    In this paper we investigate audit pricing for financial institutions. We modify the standard audit fee model for industrial companies by incorporating measures of risk and complexity that are either unique to or more relevant for banks, and that are used by bank regulatory agencies. For a sample of 277 financial institutions in fiscal 2000, we find that audit fees are higher for banks having more transactions accounts, fewer securities as a percentage of total assets, lower levels of efficiency, and higher degrees of credit risk. Higher fees also obtain for savings institutions, for banks that are more involved in acquisition activity, and for institutions that are required by regulatory agencies to maintain higher levels of risk-adjusted capital. Our model reveals that the complexities and risks deemed most important by regulatory agencies are also those that tend to be priced by audit firms. The importance of the audit process for banks is likely to intensify in the future as regulatory changes increase the importance of market discipline in controlling bank risk-taking


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    Static stretching has been linked to lesser performance in many sport activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of static stretching upon power and fatigue performance measures during vigorous cycling. In this study, vigorous cycling was assessed using the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT). Using a counterbalanced design, twenty nine female participants completed standardized static stretching and nonstretching protocols prior to completing the WAnT. No statistically-significant differences (p = 0.05) were found between conditions for measures of peak power (PP), low power (LP) or fatigue index (FI). These findings suggest that static stretching had no statistically-significant effect on these performance measures commonly assessed during the WAnT


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    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of static stretching on gross motor coordination patterns (GMCP) exhibited during vigorous cycling. The performance of 29 females between the ages of eighteen and thirty were analyzed during the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT). The participants completed the test under two conditions, following static stretching and no stretching. Results showed statistically significant differences (p = 0.05) between conditions for dependent variables assessed throughout this common 30 second test of maximal cycling. These findings suggest that static stretching subtly influenced GMCP exhibited during the WAnT

    Size Dependence in Non-sperm Ejaculate Production is Reflected in Daily Energy Expenditure and Resting Metabolic Rate

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    The non-sperm components of an ejaculate, such as copulatory plugs, can be essential to male reproductive success. But the costs of these ejaculate components are often considered trivial. In polyandrous species, males are predicted to increase energy allocation to the production of non-sperm components, but this allocation is often condition dependent and the energetic costs of their production have never been quantified. Red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) are an excellent model with which to quantify the energetic costs of non-sperm components of the ejaculate as they exhibit a dissociated reproductive pattern in which sperm production is temporally disjunct from copulatory plug production, mating and plug deposition. We estimated the daily energy expenditure and resting metabolic rate of males after courtship and mating, and used bomb calorimetry to estimate the energy content of copulatory plugs. We found that both daily energy expenditure and resting metabolic rate were significantly higher in small mating males than in courting males, and a single copulatory plug without sperm constitutes 5–18% of daily energy expenditure. To our knowledge, this is the first study to quantify the energetic expense of size-dependent ejaculate strategies in any species

    Linking Nutrient Stoichiometry to Zika Virus Transmission in a Mosquito

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    Food quality and quantity serve as the basis for cycling of key chemical elements in trophic interactions; yet the role of nutrient stoichiometry in shaping host–pathogen interactions is under appreciated. Most of the emergent mosquito-borne viruses affecting human health are transmitted by mosquitoes that inhabit container systems during their immature stages, where allochthonous input of detritus serves as the basal nutrients. Quantity and type of detritus (animal and plant) were manipulated in microcosms containing newly hatched Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. Adult mosquitoes derived from these microcosms were allowed to ingest Zika virus-infected blood and then tested for disseminated infection, transmission, and total nutrients (percent carbon, percent nitrogen, ratio of carbon to nitrogen). Treatments lacking high-quality animal (insect) detritus significantly delayed development. Survivorship to adulthood was closely associated with the amount of insect detritus present. Insect detritus was positively correlated with percent nitrogen, which affected Zika virus infection. Disseminated infection and transmission decreased with increasing insect detritus and percent nitrogen. We provide the first definitive evidence linking nutrient stoichiometry to arbovirus infection and transmission in a mosquito using a model system of invasive Ae. aegypti and emergent Zika virus

    Impact of Two Types of Fitness Programs on Soldier Physical Fitness

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(4): 1326-1346, 2022. This study compared an expert supervised, fully resourced physical training (PT) program compared to a traditional physical training PT plan on Army Officer Candidate School (OSC) soldier fitness outcomes. This retrospective cohort study compared 228 OCS soldiers (179 male [26.74±3.78 years] and 49 female [26.55±4.18 years]) in two companies for 12 weeks. One company participated in a fully resourced PT program designed by fitness experts to improve overall fitness and mobility (TAP-C). One company participated in traditional physical training designed to excel on the Army combat fitness test (ACFT, includes deadlift, power throw, push up, sprint-drag-carry, core strength, run) developed and led by OCS soldiers with standard resources. We assessed performance on the ACFT events, and grip strength, standing broad jump, overhead squat, and 90/90 switch assessment. Analysis of covariance was used to compare main effects of company on ACFT measures, controlling for covariates of pretest score differences and sex. Results included a significant effect of group on ACFT performance (N=228), F(1, 223) = 12.8, p\u3c0.001 and on performance of five of the six ACFT events: MDL, F(1, 223) = 5.44, p = 0.021; HRP, F(1, 223) = 11.67, p \u3c 0.001; SDC, F(1, 223) = 20.06, p \u3c 0.001; LTK, F(1, 223) = 16.95, p \u3c 0.001; and 2MR, F(1, 223) = 23.76, p \u3c 0.001. The traditional company performed significantly better on ACFT muscular, anerobic and aerobic endurance focused events; the TAP-C company performed significantly better on muscular strength/explosive power events and mobility assessments


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    Wildland fires play a critical role in maintaining the ecological integrity of boreal forests in Alaska. Identifying and maintaining natural fire regimes is an important component of fire management. There are numerous research projects that directly or indirectly address historical fire regimes in the Alaskan boreal forest, but many are unpublished, have many unprocessed dendrochronological (tree age and fire scar) samples, or their data were used for other purposes. Furthermore, no assessment of these data exists to understand how fire has historically affected the boreal forest ecosystems of Alaska. The goal of this project was to compile and synthesize existing Alaska boreal-forest fire-history literature and datasets (http://frames.nbii.gov/alaska/borealfirehistory). We include a literature review and synthesis of publications related to fire regimes in boreal forests in Alaska (the pending general technical report “Fire Regimes of the Alaskan Boreal Forest”), and incorporate the reference information into the Alaska Fire Effects Reference Database (http://frames.nbii.gov/alaska; funded by JFSP as part of project 05-4-2-03: Expanding FIREHouse to Alaska). Fourteen published and unpublished fire-history or stand-age datasets were compiled and processed into the Alaska Fire History Database (http://frames.nbii.gov/documents/alaska/fire_history/ak_fire_history_db.zip), and data summarized by plot are available through a dynamic map interface (within the Alaska Fire and Fuels Research Map; http://afsmaps.blm.gov/imf/imf.jsp?site=firehouse). Data compiled in the Alaska Fire History Database have also been submitted to the International Multiproxy Paleofire Database (IMPD). Finally, some of the project funds were used to clean up and improve data within the Alaska Large Fire Database, a database started in the early 1990s that includes reported fire locations since 1939 and fire perimeters since 1942 (http://afsmaps.blm.gov/imf/imf.jsp?site=firehistory)

    Dioxin Exposure and Age of Pubertal Onset Among Russian Boys

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    Background: Animal data demonstrate associations of dioxin, furan, and PCB exposures with altered male gonadal maturation. It is unclear whether these associations apply to human populations. Objectives: We investigated the association of dioxins, furans, PCBs and corresponding toxic equivalent (TEQ) concentrations with pubertal onset among boys in a dioxin-contaminated region. Methods: Between 2003-2005, 489 boys were enrolled at ages 8-9 years in a longitudinal study in Chapaevsk, Russia. Pubertal onset - stages 2 or higher for genitalia (G2+) or testicular volume (TV) \u3e 3 ml - was assessed annually between ages 8-12 years. Serum levels at enrollment were analyzed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA. Cox proportional hazards models were used to assess age at pubertal onset as a function of exposure adjusted for potential confounders. Sensitivity analyses were conducted excluding boys with pubertal onset at enrollment. Results: The median (range) total serum TEQ concentration was 21 (4-175) pg/g lipid, approximately three times higher than values in European children. At enrollment, boys were generally healthy and normal weight (mean BMI 15.9 kg/m2), with 30% having entered puberty by G2+ and 14% by TV criteria. Higher dioxin TEQs were associated with later pubertal onset by TV, hazard ratio = 0.68, 95% CI: 0.49-0.95 for the highest compared with the lowest quartile. Similar associations were observed for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and dioxin concentrations for TV but not G2+. Results were robust to sensitivity analyses. Conclusions: Findings support an association of higher peri-pubertal serum dioxin TEQs and concentrations with later male pubertal onset reflected in delayed testicular maturation
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