264 research outputs found

    Polarized galactic synchrotron and dust emission and their correlation

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    We present an analysis of the level of polarized dust and synchrotron emission using the WMAP9 and Planck data. The primary goal of this study is to inform the assessment of foreground contamination in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements below ℓ∌200\ell\sim200 from 23 to 353 GHz. We compute angular power spectra as a function of sky cut based on the Planck 353 GHz polarization maps. Our primary findings are the following. (1) There is a spatial correlation between the dust emission as measured by Planck at 353 GHz and the synchrotron emission as measured by WMAP at 23 GHz with ρ≈0.4\rho\approx0.4 or greater for ℓ<20\ell<20 and fsky≄0.5f_{\mathrm{sky}}\geq0.5, dropping to ρ≈0.2\rho\approx0.2 for 30<ℓ<20030<\ell<200. (2) A simple foreground model with dust, synchrotron, and their correlation fits well to all possible cross spectra formed with the WMAP and Planck 353 GHz data given the current uncertainties. (3) In the 50%\% cleanest region of the polarized dust map, the ratio of synchrotron to dust amplitudes at 90 GHz for 50 ≀ℓ≀\leq \ell \leq110 is 0.3−0.2+0.30.3_{-0.2}^{+0.3}. Smaller regions of sky can be cleaner although the uncertainties in our knowledge of synchrotron emission are larger. A high-sensitivity measurement of synchrotron below 90 GHz will be important for understanding all the components of foreground emission near 90 GHz.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; Published in JCAP. Source masks updated, minor change

    Galactic emission at 19 GHz

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    We cross-correlate a 19 GHz full sky Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) survey with other maps to quantify the foreground contribution. Correlations are detected with the Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE) 240, 140 and 100 micron maps at high latitudes (|b|>30degrees), and marginal correlations are detected with the Haslam 408 MHz and the Reich & Reich 1420 MHz synchrotron maps. The former agree well with extrapolations from higher frequencies probed by the COBE DMR and Saskatoon experiments and are consistent with both free-free and rotating dust grain emission.Comment: 4 pages, with 4 figures included. Accepted for publication in ApJL. Color figure and links at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~angelica/foreground.html#19 or from [email protected]

    Mapping the CMB I: the first flight of the QMAP experiment

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    We report on the first flight of the balloon-borne QMAP experiment. The experiment is designed to make a map of the cosmic microwave background anisotropy on angular scales from 0.7 to several degrees. Using the map we determine the angular power spectrum of the anisotropy in multipole bands from l~40 to l~140. The results are consistent with the Saskatoon (SK) measurements. The frequency spectral index (measured at low l) is consistent with that of CMB and inconsistent with either Galactic synchrotron or free-free emission. The instrument, measurement, analysis of the angular power spectrum, and possible systematic errors are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, with 5 figures included. Submitted to ApJL. Window functions and color figures are available at http://pupgg.princeton.edu/~cmb/welcome.htm

    Galactic microwave emission at degree angular scales

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    We cross-correlate the Saskatoon Ka and Q-Band Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data with different maps to quantify possible foreground contamination. We detect a marginal correlation (2 sigma) with the Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE) 240, 140 and 100 microm maps, but we find no significant correlation with point sources, with the Haslam 408 MHz map or with the Reich and Reich 1420 MHz map. The rms amplitude of the component correlated with DIRBE is about 20% of the CMB signal. Interpreting this component as free-free emission, this normalization agrees with that of Kogut et al. (1996a; 1996b) and supports the hypothesis that the spatial correlation between dust and warm ionized gas observed on large angular scales persists to smaller angular scales. Subtracting this contribution from the CMB data reduces the normalization of the Saskatoon power spectrum by only a few percent.Comment: Minor revisions to match published version. 14 pages, with 2 figures included. Color figure and links at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~angelica/foreground.htm

    Mapping the CMB II: the second flight of the QMAP experiment

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    We report the results from the second flight of QMAP, an experiment to map the cosmic microwave background near the North Celestial Pole. We present maps of the sky at 31 and 42 GHz as well as a measurement of the angular power spectrum covering the l-range 40-200. Anisotropy is detected at about 20 sigma and is in agreement with previous results at these angular scales. We also report details of the data reduction and analysis techniques which were used for both flights of QMAP.Comment: 4 pages, with 5 figures included. Submitted to ApJL. Window functions and color figures are available at http://pupgg.princeton.edu/~cmb/welcome.htm

    Galactic contamination in the QMAP experiment

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    We quantify the level of foreground contamination in the QMAP Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data with two objectives: (a) measuring the level to which the QMAP power spectrum measurements need to be corrected for foregrounds and (b) using this data set to further refine current foreground models. We cross-correlate the QMAP data with a variety of foreground templates. The 30 GHz Ka-band data is found to be significantly correlated with the Haslam 408 MHz and Reich and Reich 1420 MHz synchrotron maps, but not with the Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE) 240, 140 and 100 micron maps or the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) survey. The 40 GHz Q-band has no significant template correlations. We discuss the constraints that this places on synchrotron, free-free and dust emission. We also reanalyze the foreground-cleaned Ka-band data and find that the two band power measurements are lowered by 2.3% and 1.3%, respectively.Comment: 4 ApJL pages, including 4 figs. Color figures and data at http://www.hep.upenn.edu/~angelica/foreground.html#qmap or from [email protected]

    Power-law Template for Infrared Point-source Clustering

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    We perform a combined fit to angular power spectra of unresolved infrared (IR) point sources from the Planck satellite (at 217, 353, 545, and 857 GHz, over angular scales 100 ≟ ℓ ≟ 2200), the Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST; 250, 350, and 500ÎŒm; 1000 ≟ ℓ ≟ 9000), and from correlating BLAST and Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT; 148 and 218 GHz) maps. We find that the clustered power over the range of angular scales and frequencies considered is well fitted by a simple power law of the form C^(clust)_ℓ ∝ ℓ^(-n) with n = 1.25 ± 0.06. While the IR sources are understood to lie at a range of redshifts, with a variety of dust properties, we find that the frequency dependence of the clustering power can be described by the square of a modified blackbody, Îœ^(ÎČ)B(Îœ, T_(eff)), with a single emissivity index ÎČ = 2.20 ± 0.07 and effective temperature T_(eff) = 9.7 K. Our predictions for the clustering amplitude are consistent with existing ACT and South Pole Telescope results at around 150 and 220 GHz, as is our prediction for the effective dust spectral index, which we find to be α_(150–220) = 3.68±0.07 between 150 and 220 GHz. Our constraints on the clustering shape and frequency dependence can be used to model the IR clustering as a contaminant in cosmic microwave background anisotropy measurements. The combined Planck and BLAST data also rule out a linear bias clustering model
