412 research outputs found

    Hypolipidemic and antioxidant activities of pioglitazone in hyperlipidemic rats

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is an endocrine disorder characterized by abnormal carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism along with specific long-term complications which are associated with hyperlipidemia and oxidative stress. Hence, it is important to find hypoglycemic drug that improves lipid profile and reduces oxidative stress in diabetic patient. This study, therefore, was performed to investigate hypolipidemic and antioxidant potential of Pioglitazone (PIO) in hyperlipidemic rats.Methods: Hyperlipidemia was induced in normal rats by including 0.75 gm% cholesterol and 1.5 gm% bile salt in normal diet and these rats were used for the experiments. PIO hydrochloride was administered as 10 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg dose levels to the hyperlipidemic rats. Hypolipidemic activity was estimated by plasma lipid profile parameters while antioxidant potential was estimated by ascorbic acid, catalase activity, malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase activity using standard methods. Statistical analysis was done by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett’s test.Results:  Treatment with 10 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg dose levels of PIO hydrochloride resulted in a significant decrease in serum TG and VLDL only in 30 mg/kg PIO treated group and significant increase in serum HDL in both groups, but no significant decrease in cholesterol and LDL in both PIO treated groups. PIO increased activities of catalase enzyme and concentration of malondialdehyde significantly in only 30 mg/kg PIO treated group. But there were no significant changes in the superoxide dismutase activity and ascorbic acid concentration in both PIO treated groups.Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that treatment with 10 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg dose levels of PIO hydrochloride improves the plasma lipid profile and also reduces oxidative stress in hyperlipidemic animals

    Lipid lowering and antioxidant potential of Asparagus racemosus in hyperlipidemic rats

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    Background: Atherosclerosis is associated with hyperlipidemia which is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease. Therefore, treatment of hyperlipidemia is one of the major approaches to decrease the atherogenic process. Many studies revealed that Asparagus racemosus (AR) possesses hypolipidemic and antioxidant potential, but results were not consistent. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to investigate lipid lowering and antioxidant potential of AR root powder in hyperlipidemic rats.Methods: Hyperlipidemia was induced in normal rats by including 0.75 gm% cholesterol and 1.5 gm% bile salt in normal diet and these rats were used for the experiments. Dried root powder of Asparagus racemosus was administered as feed supplement at 5 gm% and 10 gm% dose levels to the hyperlipidemic rats. Plasma lipid profile, malondialdehyde, ascorbic acid, catalase and superoxide dismutase were estimated using standard methods. Statistical analysis was done by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA).Results: Feed supplementation with 5 gm% and 10 gm% Asparagus racemosus resulted in a significant decrease in plasma cholesterol, LDL and significant increase in HDL. But there were no significant decrease in triglycerides and VLDL. The feed supplementation increased activities of catalase, superoxide dismutase and ascorbic acid content increased significantly in both the experimental groups (5 and 10 gm% supplemented groups). But there was no significant change in the concentration of malondialdehyde in these groups.Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that addition of Asparagus racemosus root powder at 5 gm% and 10 gm% level as feed supplement reduces the plasma lipid levels and also acts as an antioxidant

    Study of drug prescription pattern in ischemic heart disease patients

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    Background: Drug utilization pattern studies helps to screen, assess and propose appropriate modifications in prescription practices, this would help to make patient care rational and cost effective. Study was intended to analyse the drug prescribing pattern for treatment of Ischemic heart disease using WHO indicators.Methods: This is a cross sectional observational study conducted on ischemic heart disease patients admitted at inpatient department of medicine in a tertiary care teaching hospital. The study consisted of analysis of drug utilization pattern of prescribed drugs.Results: IHD was more commonly seen in males (70.06%) than females (29.94%). IHD was most commonly seen in patients of age group of 61-70 year. Drugs prescribed to patients belong to various therapeutic classes ranging from anti-platelets, anticoagulants, anti-anginal, antithrombin, thrombolytic, hypolipidemics. The most commonly prescribed therapeutic class of drugs was antiplatelet (86.26%) followed by hypolipidemic (82.25%) and ACE inhibitors drugs (46.60%). Average number of drugs per encounter was 7.70. Drugs were prescribed by their generic names were 29.99%. Out of total study group 22.06% patients were prescribed at least one antibiotic. Injections were prescribed only in 1392 (27.86%) out of 4995 drugs. Of total drugs 3270 (65.45%) of drugs were from National List of Essential Medicines-2016 (NLEM -2016) and 2774 (55.53%) drugs prescribed were from WHO-EML-2016.Conclusions: Risk of artery disease increased with increasing age. IHD was more common in males than females. The most commonly prescribed drug classes in Ischemic heart disease were anti-platelet drugs followed by hypolipidemic agents

    Effect of tylophora asthmatica on hepatotoxicity induced by antitubercular drugs in albino rats

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    Background: The burden of metabolism and exposure to dangerous chemicals make liver vulnerable to variety of disorders like acute or chronic inflammation, toxin/ drug related hepatitis or cirrhosis. Tuberculosis is a common problem in India and worldwide. Drug induced liver injury (DILI) is a problem of increasing significance, but has been a long standing concern in treatment of tuberculous (TB) infection. Several studies have revealed that, tylophora asthmatica (Burnf.) Merill. (Family: asclepidaceae) commonly known as antmul possess hepatoprotective property. There is less scientific work regarding the effect of Tylophora asthmatica on hepatotoxicity induced by antitubercular drugs, hence the present study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the effect of tylophora asthmatica on antitubercular drug induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats.Methods: Total 24 Albino rats weighing about 150-200 grams were divided in four groups, 6 animals in each group. In the study, antitubercular drugs: INH (50 mg/kg) and rifampicin (50 mg/kg), test drug: aqueous extract of tylophora asthmatica doses (200 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg) were used. Drugs were given by oral route for 14 days. Biochemical tests for Sr. ALT, AST, bilirubin (total and direct) and histopathological examination of liver was done.Results: Tylophora asthmatica treated group had no significant rise in values of Sr.ALT, AST, bilirubin (total and direct) and also there were no significant histopathological changes in this group, indicating hepatoprotective effect of tylophora asthmatica.Conclusions: It was concluded that tylophora asthmatica has hepatoprotective activity in antitubercular drug induced hepatotoxicity

    Canadian Physicians' Use of Antiobesity Drugs and Their Referral Patterns to Weight Management Programs or Providers: The SOCCER Study

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    Antiobesity pharmacotherapy and programs/providers that possess weight management expertise are not commonly used by physicians. The underlying reasons for this are not known. We performed a cross-sectional study in 33 Canadian medical practices (36 physicians) examining 1788 overweight/obese adult patients. The frequency of pharmacotherapy use and referral for further diet, exercise, behavioral management and/or bariatric surgery was documented. If drug treatment or referral was not made, reasons were documented by choosing amongst preselected categories. Logistic regression models were used to identify predictors of antiobesity drug use. No single antiobesity management strategy was recommended by physicians in more than 50% of patients. Referral was most common for exercise (49% of cases) followed by dietary advice (46%), and only 5% of eligible patients were referred for bariatric surgery. Significant predictors of initiating/continuing pharmacotherapy were male sex (OR 0.70; 95% CI 0.52–0.94), increasing BMI (1.02; 95% CI 1.01–1.03), and private drug coverage (1.78; 95% CI 1.39–2.29). “Not considered” and “patient refusal” were the main reasons for not initiating further weight management. We conclude that both physician and patient factors act as barriers to the use of weight management strategies and both need to be addressed to increase uptake of these interventions

    Drug utilization pattern in geriatric out patient in tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Inappropriate drug prescribing is a global problem affecting the healthcare system. Aim and objective of the study was to study the drug utilization pattern in geriatric patient at rural tertiary care hospital.Methods: This was a cross- sectional observational study involving 600 geriatric outpatient. This study was carried out from Nov 2015 to May 2016. The data were collected using predesigned proforma specially designed for this purpose. Relevant information was obtained by analyzing prescription for World Health Organization (WHO) core drug indicators.Results: Total number 600 prescriptions analyzed at the end of six months were from general medicine department. The mean age of the patients was 63.9 years in which male (61.33%) outnumber the female. Total number 2598 drugs were prescribed to 600 patients for different diseases. The mean number of drugs per prescription were 4.33, drugs were prescribed by generic name 26.42%. drugs were prescribed from WHO essential drug list86.33. The type of formulations used were tablets and capsules in 88.5%, syrups in 5%, injections 3.5 % and inhalers 2%. Drug for Cardiovascular diseases were the most common (29.66) followed gastrointestinal (16.67), vitamins and minerals (14.66). Analgesic and NSAIDS (14.13) also prescribed commonly. Antimicrobial drugs prescribed in (7.46%) and common antibiotic prescribed were Amoxicillin ciprofloxacin and metronidazole.Conclusions: This study also effectively provides very useful baseline data also demonstrates the prescribing patterns of drugs in the geriatric patients

    Drug utilization pattern in outpatient department of Government Medical College and C.P.R. Hospital, Kolhapur

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    Background: Drug utilization studies are used to analyze different aspects of the use of drugs and to implement methods of improving therapeutic quality. This study was conducted to study drug prescription pattern in outpatient department of Government Medical College and C.P.R. Hospital, Kolhapur which is one of the important medical college in western Maharashtra.Methods: One thousand prescriptions were screened & analyzed as per the study parameters from OPD of Government Medical College & C.P.R. Hospital, Kolhapur. Study parameters like demographic profile of the patient like age, sex and diagnosis were recorded. Also groups of drugs commonly prescribed, number of drugs per patient, drug profile and drawbacks of prescription if any were recorded and analyzed.Results: Most common group of drugs prescribed by physicians was Analgesics (32.83%), followed by Antimicrobials (22.82%), Multivitamins (16.42%) and Antacids (9.14%). The average number of drugs prescribed per patient was four; the average number of analgesic was one. The incidence of polypharmacy was common occurrence and some prescriptions had small drawbacks like absence of diagnosis, absence of doctor’s signature, etc.Conclusions: We conclude that most of the prescriptions which were analyzed at R.C.S.M. Government Medical College and C.P.R. Hospital, Kolhapur, were according to the standard norms of WHO prescriptions and also most of the drugs prescribed were from the list of essential drug list. But still there is scope for improvement in prescription pattern

    Evaluation of anticonvulsant activity of angiotensin receptor antagonists in an animal model

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    Background: Epilepsy is common chronic disorder in clinical practice and there was some studies which shows brain renin angiotensin system may be involved in upregulation of seizures hence present study was planned to investigate whether angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonists possess anticonvulsant activity in experimental animals.Methods: The anticonvulsant activity of angiotensin receptor antagonists, losartan (50 mg/kg), telmisartan (30 mg/kg) and candesartan (20 mg/kg), were administered intraperitoneally to the mice and evaluated by using maximum electroshock (MES) and pentylenetetrazol induced seizures (PTZ) seizure methods. The standard was taken as phenytoin for MES and diazepam for PTZ method. Motor impairment of performance was assessed by the inverted screen test and spontaneous motor activity with digital actophotometer.Results: Losartan demonstrated the anticonvulsant efficacy in MES and PTZ models. Telmisartan and candesartan have anticonvulsant activity in MES induced seizures, but did not show protection against pentylenetetrazol induced seizures. Losartan at dose 50 mg/kg prolonged the mean latency to convulsion (p<0.01) and mean number of convulsions also significantly reduced (p<0.05) convulsions in the mice. Telmisartan and candesartan at dose 30 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg respectively showed significant prolongation in mean latency to convulsion (p<0.05). None of the test drugs i.e. angiotensin receptor antagonists showed significant motor impairment.Conclusions: Angiotensin receptor antagonists: losartan, telmisartan and candesartan had showed anticonvulsant activity in PTZ and MES seizure methods. The exact mechanism of action of their anticonvulsant action not precisely known and hence there is more studies need to test it in various other animal anticonvulsant models