38 research outputs found

    Fluoroscopically guided anterior atlantoaxial transarticular screws: a feasibility and trajectory study using CT-based simulation software

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    Background context : Anterior transarticular screw (ATAS) fixation has been suggested as a viable alternative to posterior stabilization. However, we are not aware of previous reports attempting to establish the usefulness of specific fluoroscopic landmark-guided trajectories in the use of ATAS, and we could find no reference to it in a computerized search using MEDLINE. Purpose : To determine the anatomic feasibility of ATAS placement using defined fluoroscopic landmarks to guide screw trajectory. Study design : Evaluation using three-dimensional screw insertion simulation software and 1.0-mm-interval computed tomographic scans. Patient sample : Computed tomographic scans of 100 patients including 50 men and 50 women. Outcome measures : Incidence of violation of the vertebral artery groove of C1 and C2, the spinal canal, and the atlanto-occipital joint and screw lengths and lengths of C1 and C2 purchase. Methods : Four screw trajectories were determined: promontory screw (PS), single central facet (CF) screw, and medial (MF) and lateral (LF) double facet screws. Placement of a 4.0-mm screw was simulated using defined fluoroscopic landmarks for each trajectory. The previously mentioned outcome measures were evaluated and compared for the four trajectories. This study was not supported by any financial sources, and there is no topic-specific potential conflict of interest with this study. Results : No violation of the C1 or C2 vertebral artery groove or of the spinal canal was observed for any of the screw types. Screw lengths and the length of C2 purchase were by far the longest for PS (40.4 +/- 2.8 and 25.7 +/- 2.1 mm, respectively; p < .001 in all post hoc comparisons). The length of C1 purchase was longer for CF (16.4 +/- 2.3 mm) and LF (15.8 +/- 1.6 mm) than PS (14.7 +/- 2.0 mm) and MF (14.6 +/- 2.4 mm) (p <= .001, respectively). There was no atlanto-occipital joint violation if the length of C1 purchase was set at 12 mm for CF and LF and at 10 mm for PS and MF. Conclusions : Our results suggest that it may be possible to place ATASs without violating the vertebral artery groove, spinal canal, or the atlanto-occipital joint by using the described entry points, trajectories, and fluoroscopic landmarks.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2013-01/102/0000004226/16SEQ:16PERF_CD:SNU2013-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000004226ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A079510DEPT_CD:801CITE_RATE:3.355FILENAME:e058t_padua_fluoroscopically guided anterior atlantoaxial transarticular screws.pdfDEPT_NM:의학과EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YCONFIRM:

    Systematics of the Neotropical Genus Leptodactylus Fitzinger, 1826 (Anura: Leptodactylidae): Phylogeny, the Relevance of Non-molecular Evidence, and Species Accounts

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    A phylogeny of the species-rich clade of the Neotropical frog genus Leptodactylus sensu stricto is presented on the basis of a total evidence analysis of molecular (mitochondrial and nuclear markers) and non-molecular (adult and larval morphological and behavioral characters) sampled from > 80% of the 75 currently recognized species. Our results support the monophyly of Leptodactylus sensu stricto, with Hydrolaetare placed as its sister group. The reciprocal monophyly of Hydrolaetare and Leptodactylus sensu stricto does not require that we consider Hydrolaetare as either a subgenus or synonym of Leptodactylus sensu lato. We recognize Leptodactylus sensu stricto, Hydrolaetare, Adenomera, and Lithodytes as valid monophyletic genera. Our results generally support the traditionally recognized Leptodactylus species groups, with exceptions involving only a few species that are easily accommodated without proposing new groups or significantly altering contents. The four groups form a pectinate tree, with the Leptodactylus fuscus group diverging first, followed by the L. pentadactylus group, which is sister to the L. latrans and L. melanonotus groups. To evaluate the impact of non-molecular evidence on our results, we compared our total evidence results with results obtained from analyses using only molecular data. Although non-molecular evidence comprised only 3.5% of the total evidence matrix, it had a strong impact on our total evidence results. Only one species group was monophyletic in the molecular-only analysis, and support differed in 86% of the 54 Leptodactylus clades that are shared by the results of the two analyses. Even though no non-molecular evidence was included for Hydrolaetare, exclusion of that data partition resulted in that genus being nested within Leptodactylus, demonstrating that the inclusion of a small amount of non-molecular evidence for a subset of species can alter not only the placement of those species, but also species that were not scored for those data. The evolution of several natural history and reproductive traits is considered in the light of our phylogenic framework. Invasion of rocky outcrops, larval oophagy, and use of underground reproductive chambers are restricted to species of the Leptodactylus fuscus and L. pentadactylus groups. In contrast, larval schooling, larval attendance, and more complex parental care are restricted to the L. latrans and L. melanonotus groups. Construction of foam nests is plesiomorphic in Leptodactylus but their placement varies extensively (e.g., underground chambers, surface of waterbodies, natural or excavated basins). Information on species synonymy, etymology, adult and larval morphology, advertisement call, and geographic distribution is summarized in species accounts for the 30 species of the Leptodactylus fuscus group, 17 species of the L. pentadactylus group, eight species of the L. latrans group, and 17 species of the L. melanonotus group, as well as the three species that are currently unassigned to any species group.Se presenta una filogenia del género Leptodactylus, un ciado neotropical rico en especies, basada en análises combinados de datos moleculares (marcadores nuclear y mitocondriales) y no moleculares (caracteres de la morfología de adultos y larvas así como de comportamiento) se muestrearon > 80% de las 75 especies reconocidas. Los resultados apoyan la monofília de Leptodactylus sensu stricto, con Hydrolaetare como su grupo hermano. La monofília recíproca de Hydrolaetare y Leptodactylus no requiere considerar a Hydrolaetare como un subgénero o sinónimo de Leptodactylus sensu lato. Se reconocen Leptodactylus sensu stricto, Hydrolaetare, Adenomera y Lithodytes como géneros monofiléticos válidos. Los resultados en general resuelven los grupos tradicionalmente reconocidos de Leptodactylus, con excepciones de algunas especies que son reasignadas sin la necesidad de proponer nuevos grupos o alterar significativamente el contenido de los grupos tradicionales. Los cuatro grupos de especies forman una topología pectinada donde el grupo de L. fuscus tiene una posición basal, seguido por el grupo de L. pentadactylus que es el grupo hermano al clado formado por los grupo de L. latrans y L. melanonotus. Se estimó el impacto de los datos no moleculares en los resultados, comparándose los resultados de evidencia total con los de los análises de datos moleculares solamente. Los datos no moleculares representan un 3.5% de la matriz de evidencia total, pero estos datos tuvieron un impacto significativo en los resultados del análisis de evidencia total. En el análisis estrictamente molecular solamente un grupo de especies resultó monofilético, y el apoyo difirió en 86% de los 54 ciados de Leptodactylus compartidos entre los dos análises. A pesar que datos no moleculares no fueron incluidos para Hydrolaetare, la exclusión de evidencia no molecular resultó en el género estar dentro de Leptodactylus, demostrando que la inclusión de evidencia no molecular pequeña para un subgrupo de especies altera no solamente la posición topológica de esas especies, sino tambien de las especies para las cuales dichos datos no fueron codificados. La evolución de patrones de historia natural y reprodución se evalúan en el contexto filogenético. La invasión de afloramientos rocosos y la construción de cámaras de reprodución subterraneas está limitada a los grupos de Leptodactylus fuscus y L. pentadactylus, mientras que la oofagia larval está restringida al grupo de L. pentadactylus. Por otro lado, los cárdumenes larvales, la proteción del cárdumen, y otros comportamientos parentales complejos carecterizan al clado formado por los grupos de especies de L. latrans y L. melanonotus. Los resúmenes de especies incluyen información de sinonimias, etimología, morfología de adultos y larvas, cantos, y distribución geográfica para las 30 especies del grupo de Leptodactylus fuscus, 17 especies del grupo L. pentadactylus, ocho especies del grupo de L. latrans, 17 especies del grupo de L. melanonotus, así como para las tres especies que actualmente no se encuentran asociadas a ninguno de los grupos de especies.Taran Grant was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico Proc. 307001/2011-3 and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo Proc. 2012/10000-5

    Defective endogenous retroviral elements in a canine lyphosarcoma cell line

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    A canine lymphosarcoma (LSA) cell has has been reported to produce particles with properties characteristic of mammalian retroviruses. However, it has proved difficult to reproduce this result. To search for retroviral proviral elements in this cell h e a bacteriophage Lambda genomic DNA library was made. The library was probed with a murine retrovirus (FMuLV) and hybridizing phage plaques were picked. DNA extracted from hybridizing phages was digested with restriction endonucleases and fragments were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. Southern transfer and hybridization with FMuLV and baboon endogenous retrovirus (BaEV) revealed that 2 phage clones contained fragments which hybridized strongly with both FMuLV and BaEV. These fragments were subcloned into the plasmid vector "Bluescript" and sequenced by the dideoxy chain termination method.\ud \ud DNA sequence analysis identified 2 distinct elements homologous with a variety of retroviruses.The larger fragment (2.5 kilobase pairs) contained 1.5kbp of a defective retroviral pol gene sharing 63% homology at the DNA level with AKV murine leukemia virus. The smaller fragment (0.45kb) consisted exclusively of retroviral pol gene almost identical to that in the large fragment, but with an additional 4Obp deletion. Sequencing on either side of these fragments is continuing.\ud \ud In summary, defective endogenous retroviral elements have been found in a canine LSA cell he. The elements differ in their defects but appear otherwise to be closely related. Because of their defects, these elements could not be responsible for the production of intact retroviruses as reported in this cell line. Further study is in progress to determine whether other endogenous elements capable of producing intact retroviruses are present in this cell line. It is of interest to determine the prevalence of retroviral elements in normal canine DNA and to investigate whether they are of etiological significance in canine diseases