49 research outputs found
Integrated marketing communications for guava
The following paper presents an Integrated Marketing Communications campaign for the
brand Guava, which was recently restructured to pursue an online approach. The main
purpose of the project is to increase Guava’s brand awareness and recognition worldwide.
Therefore, based on an analysis of the current marketing strategy of the brand and research of
the industry and how companies are approaching its online consumers, a campaign was
elaborated so as to build brand recognition and credibility
Portuguese Diaspora: Life Stories / Documentaries
The return is a change that is configured at various levels - relationships , routines , roles - and can interfere with the self - concept and the concept that individuals have about the other . (Schlossberg , Waters & Goodman , 1995).The mobility in this case the return is a transition and / or a crisis in that the individual initiates an adaptation process . This process is influenced by several variables , including the subjective perception regarding the event and the different characteristics of the contexts of exit and reception and the characteristics of the actors in this event. (Pine and Ferreira , 2002; Evans & Forney , Guido DiBrito , 1998). If migrations occur regularly , this process can not interfere with the return movement of the Portuguese diaspora since decolonization that constituted for the Portuguese a transition not expected and , but configuring contexts breakthrough.The intention is to understand the contexts of life of the people involved in the process ( rupture, integration , opportunities , etc. ) through the documentaries made for the purpose
This study intends to be an extension of another, already published in 2012 titled "ERASMUS students in Portugal: The perception and the impact of international crisis." However, even if both studies remain in the domain of social representations, what we propose is a comparative analysis of how international students in Portugal look at the host country depending on being, or not being, from Latin countries. In methodological terms, we decided to construct a questionnaire that was subjected to statistical analysis. We present some comments on the evolution of the Portuguese economy, before and after the crisis, and on the importance of EU policies to improve the perception of European values among students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Studies on social representations already seem to be relatively common in the field of Social Sciences. However, the particular circumstances being experienced throughout Europe as a result of the international crisis seem to bring with it new possibilities for analysis. It is in this context that falls this present analysis in which are presented the preliminary results of a larger study on the perception and experience of
Erasmus students in Portugal within the economic environment in which we live in. Thus, we intend to initially assess the extent the financial crisis has had impact on the motivations and expectations of those students, later to suggest an interpretative model of these results. From a conceptual standpoint, we supported this analysis in international studies and on migratory phenomena studies. In terms of methodology we chose to carry out a questionnaire then subjected to statistical analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
This study seeks to understand the consequences of this phenomenon in the relocation of human resources from other countries to Portugal and to evaluate the impact of immigrants in northern Portugal, including help to clarify the mechanisms for determining the measures of economic policy (sectors most wanted, integration,
interactions in organizations). With decolonization and later integration into the European Union, the social and cultural fabric has undergone profound changes. Portugal has become a host country.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
This study intends to be an extension of another, already published in 2012
titled "ERASMUS students in Portugal: The perception and the impact of international
crisis." However, even if both studies remain in the domain of social representations,
what we propose is a comparative analysis of how international students in Portugal look
at the host country depending on being, or not being, from Latin countries.
In methodological terms, we decided to construct a questionnaire that was subjected to
statistical analysis. We present some comments on the evolution of the Portuguese
economy, before and after the crisis, and on the importance of EU policies to improve the
perception of European values among students
Pretreatment of textiles through atmospheric plasma
There are several technologies available for the treatment of textile substrates. In a context where more environmentally and sustainable attitudes need to be adopted, industries must find technologically advanced solutions towards it, such as waterless technologies. An example is the atmospheric plasma, which allows the continuous and uniform pre-treatment of textile substrates, to make the next step – functionalization – more efficient. This alternative technology allows cleaning textile surfaces, remove organic contaminants and low molecular weight materials, as well as increase surface energy with the improvement of adhesion and creation of active chemical groups for prior bonding. This technology presents many advantages, like the speed of treatment, the possibility of cleaning and activation the surface in a single step, reduction of energy consumption, maintenance of the intrinsic properties of textile substrates, no need of water or chemical reagents and, consequently, no liquid effluents are generated; being, in general, a cleaner process.
PLASMAMED project exemplifies the application of this specific technology. The goal is to produce a new generation of coatings containing bionanocomposites with controllable antibacterial activity on medical textiles, using plasma at atmospheric pressure for the pretreatment of textile substrates, aiming to obtain antimicrobial dressing for pressure injury. Thus, different substrates (cotton, polyester, polyamide) have been pretreated by atmospheric plasma technology, where different conditions of speed and discharge power have been tested, as well as various gases (such as helium, oxygen, nitrogen, or synthetic air), using argon as carrier gas. In general, water contact angle measurements and wicking tests confirmed that plasma modification increased the wettability of textiles substrates, with lower values of contact angle and greater wetting distance achieved, when compared with standard values of the substrates without pretreatment. Additionally, this treatment proved to be more effective than common washing, in removing surface impurities, allowing better results by both methods. After optimizing plasma treatment conditions, polyester-based textiles were functionalized with nanoparticles, enzymes as antimicrobial agents, immobilized using mordenite zeolites and polysaccharide-based matrixes to mitigate cytotoxicity. Antimicrobial tests showed high antimicrobial activity. Therefore, the results show the possibilities of using plasma in the modification of polymeric surfaces, through the increase of surface energy, as for specific functionalization, compared to the absence of pretreatment
Imigração: implicações profissionais e socioculturais
Este estudo inscreve-se no âmbito do projecto intitulado “Imigração: implicações económicas, profissionais, socioculturais e linguísticas”. Uma vasta literatura empírica revela o fenómeno do despedimento no
mercado de trabalho, sendo que os custos em termos de desemprego (incidência e duração) e de perdas salariais (magnitude e persistência) têm sido os aspectos mais estudados. Neste estudo procura-se
compreender as consequências deste fenómeno na deslocalização dos recursos humanos de outros países para Portugal e avaliar a incidência dos imigrantes na região norte de Portugal, nomeadamente ajudar a
clarificar os mecanismos de determinação das medidas de política económica. (sectores mais procurados, integração, interacções nas organizações). Com a descolonização e, mais tarde, com a integração na União
Europeia, o tecido social e cultural sofreu profundas alterações. Portugal foi-se tornando país de acolhimento.
Foi criada uma base de dados com informação sobre um conjunto significativo de empresas (distrito, concelho, actividade económica, natureza jurídica e forma de gestão), bem como informação individualizada sobre características do pessoal imigrante em serviço (sexo, idade, nível de escolaridade, nível de qualificação, profissão, remunerações, horas de trabalho). Optou-se por métodos quantitativos (foram desenhados e aplicados inquéritos) e qualitativos, por concordarmos com Stiles (1993, in Gonçalves, 2000), ao defender que a condensação da experiência humana em palavras é menos redutora que a sua simbolização em
números. Na análise do conteúdo, optou-se pela análise da narrativa, método cada vez mais usado, nomeadamente no estudo de períodos específicos de transição de ciclo de vida (Farrel, Rosenberg &
Rosenberg, 1993, in Zilber et al, 1998).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Teor de sódio e potássio em refeições servidas em cantinas universitárias
ABSTRACT - A high sodium intake is associated with high blood pressure,
an important risk factor for noncommunicable diseases
(NCDs). In contrast, the ingestion of high levels of potassium
counteracts this negative effect of high sodium intake on
blood pressure, thus reducing the sodium-to-potassium ratio.
The aim of this work was to determine the sodium and
potassium content of meals served in university canteens in
Portugal. The analysis included 35 samples of soup and 35
samples of main dish collected at 5 random days from a total
of 7 university canteens. The samples were analyzed for sodium
and potassium by atomic emission spectrometry technique.
On average, a meal (soup and main dish) had a sodium
content of 1,069.4 mg (mean sodium content was 671.4
± 374.5 mg/portion in the main dish and 398.0 ± 153.0 mg/
portion in the soup) and a potassium content of 1,004 mg
(mean potassium content was 731.4 ± 385.9 mg/serving in
the main dish and 272.6 ± 272.6 mg/serving in the soup). Our
results revealed that with a single university meal, students
can reach 53% of the maximum daily value recommended
for sodium and 27% of the minimum daily value recommended
for potassium. An investment to decrease sodium
and increase potassium in meals served is imperative in order
to prevent NCDs.RESUMO - Uma elevada ingestão de sódio está associada à hipertensão,
um importante fator de risco para doenças crónicas
não transmissíveis (DCNT). Em contraste, a ingestão de
níveis elevados de potássio contrabalança esse efeito
negativo da elevada ingestão de sódio na pressão arterial,
reduzindo, assim, a relação sódio/potássio. O objetivo
deste trabalho foi determinar o teor de sódio e potássio
de refeições servidas em cantinas universitárias em Portugal. A análise incluiu 35 amostras de sopa e 35 amostras
de prato principal recolhidas em 5 dias aleatórios de um
total de 7 cantinas universitárias. As amostras foram analisadas
para sódio e potássio pela técnica de espectroscopia
de emissão atómica. Uma refeição (sopa e prato principal)
apresentou em média um teor de sódio de 1.069,4
mg (teor médio de sódio foi 671,4 ± 374,5 mg/porção no
prato principal e 398,0 ± 153,0 mg/porção na sopa) e um
teor de potássio de 1.004 mg (teor médio de potássio foi
de 731,4 ± 385,9 mg/porção no prato principal e 272,6 ±
272,6 mg/porção na sopa). Os resultados mostraram que,
com uma única refeição universitária, os alunos podem
atingir 53% do valor máximo diário recomendado para o
sódio e 27% do valor mínimo diário recomendado para o
potássio. Um investimento para diminuir o sódio e aumentar
o potássio nas refeições servidas é imperativo
para prevenir as DCNT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio