6 research outputs found

    Safinamide differentially modulates in vivo glutamate and GABA release in the rat hippocampus and basal ganglia

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    Safinamide has been recently approved as an add-on to levodopa therapy for Parkinson disease. In addition to inhibiting monoamine oxidase type B, it blocks sodium channels and modulates glutamate (Glu) release in vitro. Since this property might contribute to the therapeutic action of the drug, we undertook the present study to investigate whether safinamide inhibits Glu release also in vivo and whether this effect is consistent across different brain areas and is selective for glutamatergic neurons. To this aim, in vivo microdialysis was used to monitor the spontaneous and veratridine-induced Glu and GABA release in the hippocampus and basal ganglia of naive, awake rats. Brain levels of safinamide were measured as well. To shed light on the mechanisms underlying the effect of safinamide, sodium currents were measured by patch-clamp recording in rat cortical neurons. Safinamide maximally inhibited the veratridine-induced Glu and GABA release in hippocampus at 15 mg/kg, which reached free brain concentrations of 1.89-1.37 mM. This dose attenuated veratridine-stimulated Glu (but not GABA) release in subthalamic nucleus, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra reticulata, but not in striatum. Safinamide was ineffective on spontaneous neurotransmitter release. In vitro, safinamide inhibited sodium channels, showing a greater affinity at depolarized (IC50 5 8 mM) than at resting (IC50 5 262 mM) potentials. We conclude that safinamide inhibits in vivo Glu release from stimulated nerve terminals, likely via blockade of sodium channels at subpopulations of neurons with specific firing patterns. These data are consistent with the anticonvulsant and antiparkinsonian actions of safinamide and provide support for the nondopaminergic mechanism of its action

    Safinamide inhibits in vivo glutamate release in a rat model of Parkinson's disease

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    To investigate whether the reversible MAO-B inhibitor and sodium channel blocker safinamide impairs glutamate release under parkinsonian conditions in vivo, and this effect is dependent on MAO-B inhibition, safinamide (and rasagiline as a comparator) were administered to 6-hydroxydopamine hemilesioned rats, a model of Parkinson's disease, and haloperidol-treated rats, a model of neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism. A microdialysis probe was implanted in the dopamine-depleted dorsolateral striatum, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus or substantia nigra reticulata of 6-hydroxydopamine hemilesioned rats. Glutamate and GABA release was stimulated by reverse dialysis of veratridine, and safinamide or rasagiline were acutely administered before veratridine at doses inhibiting MAO-B > 50%. A microdialysis probe was implanted in the substantia nigra reticulata of naive rats to monitor glutamate and GABA release following acute haloperidol and safinamide administration. Safinamide inhibited the veratridine-evoked glutamate release in the globus pallidus and subthalamic nucleus but not in the striatum and substantia nigra. Moreover, it reduced pallidal and nigral GABA release. Conversely, rasagiline failed to modify the veratridine-induced glutamate and GABA release in the basal ganglia. Safinamide also inhibited the haloperidol-induced nigral glutamate release. MAO-B inhibitors safinamide and rasagiline differ in their abilities to inhibit depolarization-evoked glutamate release in the basal ganglia of parkinsonian rats. The ineffectiveness of rasagiline suggests that MAO-B inhibition does not contribute to the anti-glutamatergic activity of safinamide. The glutamate-inhibiting action of safinamide within the subthalamo-external pallidal loop, which shows abnormal activity in Parkinson's disease, might contribute to its therapeutic actions of improving motor performance without provoking troublesome dyskinesia

    Safinamide's potential in treating nondystrophic myotonias: Inhibition of skeletal muscle voltage-gated sodium channels and skeletal muscle hyperexcitability in vitro and in vivo

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    The antiarrhythmic sodium-channel blocker mexiletine is used to treat patients with myotonia. However, around 30% of patients do not benefit from mexiletine due to poor tolerability or suboptimal response. Safinamide is an add-on therapy to levodopa for Parkinson's disease. In addition to MAOB inhibition, safinamide inhibits neuronal sodium channels, conferring anticonvulsant activity in models of epilepsy. Here, we investigated the effects of safinamide on skeletal muscle hNav1.4 sodium channels and in models of myotonia, in-vitro and in-vivo. Using patch-clamp, we showed that safinamide reversibly inhibited sodium currents in HEK293T cells transfected with hNav1.4. At the holding potential (hp) of −120 mV, the half-maximum inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were 160 and 33 μM at stimulation frequencies of 0.1 and 10 Hz, respectively. The calculated affinity constants of safinamide were dependent on channel state: 420 μM for closed channels and 9 μM for fast-inactivated channels. The p.F1586C mutation in hNav1.4 greatly impaired safinamide inhibition, suggesting that the drug binds to the local anesthetic receptor site in the channel pore. In a condition mimicking myotonia, i.e. hp. of −90 mV and 50-Hz stimulation, safinamide inhibited INa with an IC50 of 6 μM, being two-fold more potent than mexiletine. Using the two-intracellular microelectrodes current-clamp method, action potential firing was recorded in vitro in rat skeletal muscle fibers in presence of the chloride channel blocker, 9-anthracene carboxylic acid (9-AC), to increase excitability. Safinamide counteracted muscle fiber hyperexcitability with an IC50 of 13 μM. In vivo, oral safinamide was tested in the rat model of myotonia. In this model, intraperitoneal injection of 9-AC greatly increased the time of righting reflex (TRR) due to development of muscle stiffness. Safinamide counteracted 9-AC induced TRR increase with an ED50 of 1.2 mg/kg, which is 7 times lower than that previously determined for mexiletine. In conclusion, safinamide is a potent voltage and frequency dependent blocker of skeletal muscle sodium channels. Accordingly, the drug was able to counteract abnormal muscle hyperexcitability induced by 9-AC, both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, this study suggests that safinamide may have potential in treating myotonia and warrants further preclinical and human studies to fully evaluate this possibility