145 research outputs found

    Effect of Cultivar on Chlorophyll Meter and Canopy Reflectance Measurements in Cucumber

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    Optical sensors can be used to assess crop N status to assist with N fertilizer management. Differences between cultivars may affect optical sensor measurement. Cultivar effects on measurements made with the SPAD-502 (Soil Plant Analysis Development) meter and the MC-100 (Chlorophyll Concentration Meter), and of several vegetation indices measured with the Crop Circle ACS470 canopy reflectance sensor, were assessed. A cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) crop was grown in a greenhouse, with three cultivars. Each cultivar received three N treatments, of increasing N concentration, being deficient (N1), sufficient (N2) and excessive (N3). There were significant differences between cultivars in the measurements made with both chlorophyll meters, particularly when N supply was sufficient and excessive (N2 and N3 treatments, respectively). There were no consistent differences between cultivars in vegetation indices. Optical sensor measurements were strongly linearly related to leaf N content in each of the three cultivars. The lack of a consistent effect of cultivar on the relationship with leaf N content suggests that a unique equation to estimate leaf N content from vegetation indices can be applied to all three cultivars. Results of chlorophyll meter measurements suggest that care should be taken when using sufficiency values, determined for a particular cultiva

    Global trends in nitrate leaching research in the 1960–2017 period

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    Nitrate leaching is the process whereby the nitrate (NO3−) anion moves downwards in the soil profile with soil water. Nitrate leaching is commonly associated with chemical nitrogen (N) fertilizers used in agriculture. Nitrate leaching from different sources and contamination of surface and groundwater is a global phenomenon that has prompted social and political pressure to reduce nitrate leaching and contamination of water bodies. This bibliometric study analyzed global trends in nitrate leaching research. The results showed a rising interest in the last decades in this topic; given the growth tendency over the last years, it was envisaged that the importance on nitrate leaching research will continue increasing in the future. Knowledge on nitrate leaching was mostly disseminated through scientific publications (90% of total documents recovered), both as journal articles and reviews, classified in the Scopus database in the Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Sciences areas. Most publications dealt with soil nitrogen losses from agroecosystems and farmlands and the associated impact on the environment; they were published in journals with a focus on the influence of anthropogenic and soil-crop-animal systems in the environment, and on how such changes in the environment impact agroecosystems. Most documents published on nitrate leaching were indisputably from the United States, followed by China, the United Kingdom and Germany. An analysis of the main keywords showed an overall dominance of the soil nitrogen cycle, fertilizer use in agriculture and water quality aspects. The evolution of main crop species involved in nitrate leaching research showed a rising relevance of research conducted with maize, wheat and grasses from 1990 onwards. The most productive institutions in terms of number of documents dealing with nitrate leaching research, h-index and total citations, were located in the United States, China and the Netherlands. The United States Department of Agriculture stood out, followed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Wageningen University and Research. There were clusters of institutions with intercontinental interaction, on nitrate leaching research, between institutions from Europe, Asia and South and North America. Overall, this study has highlighted, from a bibliometric perspective, the rising concern on nitrate leaching. Progress in this field has been made particularly on the impact of the soil-plant-animal system on the environment and agroecosystems, and on fundamental and applied aspects of plant-soil interactions with an emphasis in cropping systems

    The Use of Chlorophyll Meters to Assess Crop N Status and Derivation of Sufficiency Values for Sweet Pepper

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    Chlorophyll meters are promising tools for improving the nitrogen (N) management of vegetable crops. To facilitate on-farm use of these meters, sufficiency values that identify deficient and sufficient crop N status are required. This work evaluated the ability of three chlorophyll meters (SPAD-502, atLEAF+, and MC-100) to assess crop N status in sweet pepper. It also determined sufficiency values for optimal N nutrition for each meter for pepper. The experimental work was conducted in a greenhouse, in Almería, Spain, very similar to those used for commercial production, in three different crops grown with fertigation. In each crop, there were five treatments of different N concentration in the nutrient solution, applied in each irrigation, ranging from a very deficient to very excessive N supply. In general, chlorophyll meter measurements were strongly related to crop N status in all phenological stages of the three crops, indicating that these measurements are good indicators of the crop N status of pepper. Sufficiency values determined for each meter for the four major phenological stages were consistent between the three crops. This demonstrated the potential for using these meters with sufficiency values to improve the N management of commercial sweet pepper crops

    Effect of cultivar on measurements of nitrate concentration in petiole sap and leaf N content in greenhouse soil-grown cucumber, melon, and sweet pepper crops

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    Excessive N fertilizer applications in intensive vegetable production in soil is commonly associated with appreciable N losses causing negative environmental impact. Measuring petiole sap [NO3−‒N] and leaf N content (%) are simple and practical monitoring methods to assess crop N status for improving N fertilizer management. The effect of cultivar on petiole sap [NO3−‒N] and leaf N content was evaluated. One cucumber, two melon, and two sweet pepper crops were grown in different cropping periods, with three cultivars in each crop. Three N treatments, deficient (N1), sufficient (N2) and excessive (N3) N supply, were applied by combined fertigation with drip irrigation. For a given N supply, there were often significant differences between cultivars in petiole sap [NO3−‒N] and leaf N content in cucumber, the two melon crops and one pepper crop. This was, particularly so with the sufficient (N2) and excessive (N3) N supply. In the cucumber and two melon crops, there were consistent differences in petiole sap [NO3−‒N] between cultivars in two or three of the different N treatments. In some crops, very little petiole sap [NO3−‒N] was measured with deficient (N1) N supply. In the two pepper crops, the differences between cultivars were less clear than with cucumber and melon. In general, for the three species examined, petiole sap [NO3−‒N] was subject to more consistent and larger effects between cultivars, than was leaf N. Average differences between cultivars in petiole sap [NO3−‒N] of 200‒450 mg NO3−‒N L−1 were observed during periods of 4‒6 weeks in cucumber and melon. The differences between different cultivars of the same species in petiole sap [NO3−‒N] and leaf N content, when receiving the same N supply, has implications for the practical applications of these methods for monitoring crop N status

    Petiole sap nitrate concentration to assess crop nitrogen status of greenhouse sweet pepper

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    Vegetable production requires improved nitrogen (N) management practices. Monitoring petiole sap nitrate concentration ([NO3−–N]) is a simple and cheap method to evaluate crop N status. The sensitivity of petiole sap [NO3−–N] to assess crop N status of sweet pepper was evaluated. Three sweet pepper crops were grown in different cropping seasons, each with an autumn-winter growing period. The crops commenced in 2014, 2016, and 2017. Combined fertigation and drip irrigation frequently applied (every 1–4 days) complete nutrient solution throughout each crop. The crops were grown in a greenhouse in soil. Five N treatments as N concentrations were applied throughout each crop: N1 (2.0–2.4 mmol L−1); N2 (5.3–6.2 mmol L−1); N3 (9.7–12.6 mmol L−1); N4 (13.1–16.1 mmol L−1); N5 (16.7–20.0 mmol L−1). These corresponded to very deficient, deficient, conventional, excessive and very excessive N supply. Petiole sap [NO3−–N] was determined every 1–2 weeks and related to Nitrogen Nutrition Index (NNI), which was used as an indicator of crop N status. For each of the N treatments in each crop, petiole sap [NO3−–N] was relatively constant throughout the crop. The relationship between petiole sap [NO3−–N] and NNI, for pooled data from the three pepper crops, was described by (a) the polynomial equation with an R2 of 0.84, and (b) the segmented linear equations and NNI = 1.04, with an R2 of 0.83. Sufficiency values for maximum growth of sweet pepper were obtained by (a) solving the polynomial equation for NNI = 1.0, and (b) using the intercept value of the horizontal line of the segmented linear regression. The corresponding sufficiency values for the duration of a complete crop cycle were 1441 and 1367 mg NO3−–N L−1, respectively. A sufficiency value of 1400 mg NO3−–N L−1 was rounded-off and suggested for the duration of a complete crop cycle of greenhouse-grown sweet pepper in SE Spain. The relationships between petiole sap [NO3−–N] and NNI, and the derived sufficiency values for the flowering and early fruit growth, and harvest phenological stages were similar to those determined for the entire crop. Petiole sap [NO3−–N] is a sensitive and effective method to monitor crop N status of sweet pepper

    Assessing Performance of Vegetation Indices to Estimate Nitrogen Nutrition Index in Pepper

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    Vegetation indices (VIs) can be useful tools to evaluate crop nitrogen (N) status. To be effective, VIs measurements must be related to crop N status. The nitrogen nutrition index (NNI) is a widely accepted parameter of crop N status. The present work evaluates the performance of several VIs to estimate NNI in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum). The performance of VIs to estimate NNI was evaluated using parameters of linear regression analysis conducted for calibration and validation. Three different sweet pepper crops were grown with combined irrigation and fertigation, in Almería, Spain. In each crop, five different N concentrations in the nutrient solution were frequently applied by drip irrigation. Proximal crop reflectance was measured with Crop Circle ACS470 and GreenSeeker handheld sensors, approximately every ten days, throughout the crops. The relative performance of VIs differed between phenological stages. Relationships of VIs with NNI were strongest in the early fruit growth and flowering stages, and less strong in the vegetative and harvest stages. The green band-based VIs, GNDVI, and GVI, provided the best results for estimating crop NNI in sweet pepper, for individual phenological stages. GNDVI had the best performance in the vegetative, flowering, and harvest stages, and GVI had the best performance in the early fruit growth stage. Some of the VIs evaluated are promising tools to estimate crop N status in sweet pepper and have the potential to contribute to improving crop N management of sweet pepper crops

    Crop response of greenhouse soil-grown cucumber to total available N in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone

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    Intensive vegetable production in soil is commonly associated with low N use efficiency (NUE) and consequently appreciable N losses that have negative environmental impacts. Improved N management practices for intensive vegetable crops require detailed knowledge of crop response to N supply. This study evaluated the effects of increasing total available N (TAN, i.e. the sum of soil mineral N at planting, N mineralized from organic matter, and mineral fertilizer N applied by fertigation) on cucumber grown in soil in a greenhouse. Parameters assessed were: yield, dry matter production (DMP), crop N uptake, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and potential NO3− leaching loss. The study was conducted in three growing seasons, in autumn, spring and late spring. Three commercial cultivars were examined, in the Late Spring crop, to assess possible cultivar differences. Five N treatments were applied, in the Autumn and Spring crops, as different N concentrations in nutrient solution that were applied in all irrigations throughout the crops. The applied N concentrations were N1: 0.7–1.0 mmol L-1, N2: 4.7–5.7 mmol L-1, N3: 12.1–13.8 mmol L-1, N4: 16.3–17.6 mmol L-1 and N5: 19.7–21.1 mmol L-1. The cultivar ´Strategos´ was used in both crops. Three N treatments (N1: 2.4 mmol L-1; N2: 8.5 mmol L-1and N3: 14.8 mmol L-1) were continuously applied throughout the Late Spring crop to three different cultivars (´Strategos´, ´Padrera´, and ´Mitre´). Total and marketable yield, relative to maximum value, and DMP were strongly related to TAN in linear-plateau relationships for the three growing seasons and three cultivars. Using relationships that include data from the three cropping seasons and the three cultivars, TAN values for maximum DMP, total yield, and marketable yield were 222 ± 15 kg ha−1, 221 ± 14 kg ha−1 and 228 ± 15 kg ha−1, respectively, for the Autumn, Spring and Late Spring crops. The relationships of crop N uptake to TAN, and DMP to crop N uptake, were described by a logarithmic equation. The relationship of N uptake efficiency to TAN (i.e. N uptake/TAN) was described by an exponential decay equation. Considering all crops and cultivars, these relationships were described by individual equations with R2 values of 0.75-0.96. The consistency of these relationships indicate that there are general responses of greenhouse-grown cucumber to N, which is not affected by growing season or cultivar. Measured NO3− leaching losses were low because of good irrigation management. Residual mineral N was considered to be indicative of the potential NO3− leaching loss; residual soil mineral N increased exponentially with TAN, being 196 and 330 kg N ha−1 for the highest N treatments in the Autumn and Spring crops, respectively. The information provided by this study will enable the total N supply (TAN) to be matched to cucumber crop N requirements thereby reducing excessive N supply and consequent negative environmental impacts

    Nitro-fatty acids in plant signaling: Nitro-linolenic acid induces the molecular chaperone network in Arabidopsis

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    Nitro-fatty acids (NO-FAs) are the product of the reaction between reactive nitrogen species derived of nitric oxide (NO) and unsaturated fatty acids. In animal systems, NO-FAs are considered novel signaling mediators of cell function based on a proven antiinflammatory response. Nevertheless, the interaction of NO with fatty acids in plant systems has scarcely been studied. Here, we examine the endogenous occurrence of nitro-linolenic acid (NO-Ln) in Arabidopsis and the modulation of NO-Ln levels throughout this plant’s development by mass spectrometry. The observed levels of this NO-FA at picomolar concentrations suggested its role as a signaling effector of cell function. In fact, a transcriptomic analysis by RNA-seq technology established a clear signaling role for this molecule, demonstrating that NO-Ln was involved in plant defense response against different abiotic-stress conditions, mainly by inducing heat shock proteins and supporting a conserved mechanism of action in both animal and plant defense processes. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that NO-Ln was also involved in the response to oxidative stress conditions, mainly depicted by HO, reactive oxygen species, and oxygen-containing compound responses, with a high induction of ascorbate peroxidase expression. Closely related to these results, NO-Ln levels significantly rose under several abiotic-stress conditions such as wounding or exposure to salinity, cadmium, and low temperature, thus validating the outcomes found by RNA-seq technology. Jointly, to our knowledge, these are the first results showing the endogenous presence of NO-Ln in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and supporting the strong signaling role of these molecules in the defense mechanism against different abiotic-stress situations.C.M.-P. thanks the University of Jaén for funding the Ph.D. fellowship. LC-MS/MS analyses were carried out at the Technical Services Department of the University of Granada, Spain. ACSCs were kindly provided by Dr. Juan Bautista Arellano from the Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology (IRNASA-CSIC, Salamanca, Spain).Peer Reviewe

    Sample Temperature Affects Measurement of Nitrate with a Rapid Analysis Ion Selective Electrode System Used for N Management of Vegetable Crops

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    The practical value of portable hand-held ion selective electrode sensors (ISE) for on-farm [NO3−] measurement to assist with crop N management of vegetable crops has been demonstrated in numerous previous studies. They provide rapid, in-situ measurement of the nitrate concentration ([NO3−]) in nutrient and soil solutions, and in petiole sap. Sample temperatures, for on-farm measurements, vary appreciably. This study evaluated the effects of sample temperature on [NO3−] measurement using two different models of a commonly used, commercially available, portable ISE meter. The temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 °C) examined were in the range likely to be encountered in practical on-farm work. Aqueous solutions of 6, 12, and 18 mmol NO3− L−1 were prepared from KNO3, Ca(NO3)2 and NaNO3. [NO3−] was measured in three replicate samples of each of the three concentrations, made from each NO3− compound, at each temperature. The results consistently and clearly demonstrated a strong negative linear relationship between temperature-induced errors and sample temperatures. The temperature-induced error was considerable for cooled samples, being +50% at 5 °C and +31% at 10 °C. At sample temperatures of 17–20 °C, the temperature effects were minimal. Above this range, the temperature effect caused underestimation. At 25 °C, the temperature-induced error was −24%. These results show that care must be taken to ensure that sample temperatures do not erroneously affect the measurement of [NO3−] with ISE meters. Particular care needs to be taken with both refrigerated and warmer samples
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