1,259 research outputs found

    Mollusc-shell debris can mitigate the deleterious effects of organic pollution on marine sediments

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    1. Organic pollution is widespread in coastal areas and can have profound impacts on the seabed. Coastal sediments play an important role at a global scale in the recycling of organic matter, and this process is influenced by the habitat complexity of the sediments, among other factors. Mollusc shells are produced as a waste product from a range of anthropogenic activities, but we demonstrate that they can be used to increase the habitat complexity of sediments. 2. We studied the effect of mussel-shell debris (shell-hash) on the biogeochemical processes of marine sediments affected by organic pollution, using a mesocosm experiment simulating the bioturbation effects of macrofauna. 3. We found that shell-hash improved the ecological status of organically polluted sediments by reducing the accumulation of sulphide from anaerobic metabolic pathways. 4. Additionally, when shell-hash was present in an organically polluted sediment, there was a decrease in ammonium release to the water column, thus preventing the negative ecological consequences of eutrophication. 5. Synthesis and applications. Our study indicates that shell-hash debris can be used as a potential tool to mitigate the effects of organic enrichment on marine sediments. A density of shell-hash debris of 1900 g m-2 in the sediment can diminish toxic by-products (sulphides and ammonium) derived from the stimulation of anaerobic metabolic pathways by organic pollution, at levels that are biologically relevant. The mitigation effect of shell-hash is more pronounced in sediments where macrofauna is not present.This work has been funded by the projects: GRE14-19 from the University of Alicante, GV/2015/001 from the ‘Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Deporte’ of the government of the Valencia region and CGL2015-70136-R from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO/FEDER) of Spain. CS was funded by the contract ‘Juan de la Cierva’ (ref. JCI-2012-12413) from MINECO

    Nurses' and midwives' perceptions and strategies to cope with perinatal death situations: A systematic literature review

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    Aim The aim of this paper is to describe the strategies used by nurses and midwives to cope with experiences of dealing with perinatal death and maintain their satisfaction at work. Design Systematic literature review, in accordance with the PRISMA Declaration. Data Sources (2000–2021) Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, CINALH and Dialnet, for articles in English and Spanish from the period between January 2000 and March 2021. Review Methods The outcome of the review was the perceptions of nurses and midwives who have cared for people in a situation of perinatal loss. Results Thirteen studies were identified that evaluated the attitudes, experiences and needs of these healthcare professionals. The combined size of all samples was 2196 participants. Conclusions The negative effects on these professionals' satisfaction with their situation at work could be mitigated by covering their needs for knowledge, experience, and emotional and technical skills to deal with such events. Impact As potential protective factors against dissatisfaction in nurses and midwives during perinatal death experiences, we identified older age and experience in perinatal care and coping strategies based on communicating one's feelings to peers, empathetic listening to the families cared for, training and institutional support.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA

    Measuring the Burden of Hospitalization in Patients with Parkinson´s Disease in Spain

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    Introduction: This epidemiological survey estimates the hospitalization burden related to Parkinson´s Disease in Spain. Methods: This observational retrospective survey was performed by reviewing data from the National Surveillance System for Hospital Data, which includes more than 98% of Spanish hospitals. All hospitalizations of patients with Parkinson´s disease that were reported from 1997-2012 were analyzed. Codes were selected using the 9th International Classification of Diseases: ICD-9-CM: 332.0. Results: A total of 438,513 hospital discharges of patients with Parkinson´s Disease were reported during the study period. The annual hospitalization rate was 64.2 cases per 100,000. The average length of hospital stay was 10 days. The trend for the annual hospitalization rate differed significantly depending on whether Parkinson´s disease was the main cause of hospitalization (n = 23,086, 1.14% annual increase) or was not the main cause of hospitalization (n = 415,427, 15.37% annual increase). The overall case-fatality rate among hospitalized patients was 10%. The case fatality rate among patient´s hospitalized with Parkinson´s disease as the main cause of hospitalization was 2.5%. The hospitalization rate and case-fatality rate significantly increased with age. The primary causes of hospitalization when Parkinson´s disease was not coded as the main cause of hospitalization were as follows: respiratory system diseases (24%), circulatory system diseases (19%), injuries and poisoning, including fractures (12%), diseases of the digestive system (10%) and neoplasms (5%). The annual average cost for National Health Care System was € 120 M, with a mean hospitalization cost of €4,378. Conclusions: Parkinson´s disease poses a significant health threat in Spain, particularly in the elderly. While hospitalizations due to Parkinson´s Disease are relatively stable over time, the number of patients presenting with Parkinson´s disease as an important comorbidity has increased dramatically. Medical staff must be specifically trained to treat the particular needs of hospitalized patients suffering from Parkinson´s disease as an important comorbidity.Funding sources for study: The cathedra “Evaluación de Resultados en Salud. Rey Juan Carlos University” is sponsored by Abbvie.S

    Vibrotactile captioning of musical effects in audio-visual media as an alternative for deaf and hard of hearing people: An EEG study

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    Standard captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing people cannot transmit the emotional information that music provides in support of the narrative in audio-visual media. We explore an alternative method using vibrotactile stimulation as a possible channel to transmit the emotional information contained in an audio-visual soundtrack and, thus, elicit a greater emotional reaction in hearing-impaired people. To achieve this objective, we applied two one-minute videos that were based on image sequences that were unassociated with dramatic action, maximizing the effect of the music and vibrotactile stimuli. While viewing the video, using EEG we recorded the brain activity of 9 female participants with normal hearing, and 7 female participants with very severe and profound hearing loss. The results show that the same brain areas are activated in participants with normal hearing watching the video with the soundtrack, and in participants with hearing loss watching the same video with a soft and rhythmic vibrotactile stimulation on the palm and fingertips, although in different hemispheres. These brain areas (auditory cortex, superior temporal cortex, medial frontal cortex, inferior frontal gyrus, superior temporal pole and insula) have been consistently reported as areas involved in the emotional perception of music. We conclude that vibrotactile stimuli can generate cortex activation while watching audio-visual media in a similar way to sound. Thus, a further in-depth study of the possibilities of these stimuli can contribute to an alternative subtitling channel for enriching the audiovisual experience of hearing-impaired people.This work was supported in part by the Comunidad de Madrid through the SINFOTON2-CM Research Program under Grant S2018/NMT-4326-SINFOTON2-CM

    Clinical and Functional Outcome of Meniscal Injuries Treated with Platelet-Rich Plasma: A Single-Center Case Series

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    Meniscal injuries are among the most frequently encountered conditions in the knee joint. Therapeutic approaches are diverse and are largely dependent on the extent and location of the injury. The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical and functional outcomes of an intraarticular and percutaneous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection regime in patients with stable meniscal injuries. Demographics, the type of tear, affected knee, surgical procedure, type of intervention, follow-up period, and outcomes were recorded in all cases. Patient-reported outcome measures included the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) and Tegner activity level scale. Overall patient satisfaction, quality of life, and pain intensity were also assessed. A total of 38 cases (8 females) had sustained a stable meniscal lesion (32 medial, 6 lateral) and met the inclusion criteria. All of them received three intraarticular and percutaneous PRP injections. Patients receiving the PRP injection regime reported clinically (p = 0.000) and functionally (p = 0.000 and p = 0.001) significant improvement in all outcome measures during this interval. All patients reported they were very satisfied or satisfied with the outcome. The results of this study suggest that the treatment of stable meniscal injuries with percutaneous–intraarticular PRP injections can achieve a significant clinical and functional improvement.This research received no external funding. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Adaptación de los TFGs de Ciencias al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior: valoración del alumnado

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    Este estudio tiene el objetivo de obtener una percepción desde el punto de vista del alumnado del Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG). Para ello, se realizaron encuestas a estudiantes de grado que están finalizando el (TFG) en la facultad de Ciencias (Biología, Ciencias del Mar, Geología, Matemáticas, Óptica y Optometría, y Química) de la Universidad de Alicante. En un principio, se analizaron para cada grado de forma independiente con el propósito de tener una visión global de la percepción de los alumnos para cada grado. A continuación, se contrastaron los resultados obtenidos entre los grados para buscar posibles similitudes entre ellos y entender las singularidades de cada uno. Mediante este estudio podemos conocer la opinión sobre TFG desde el punto de vista del alumnado. Dichos resultados pueden sentar las bases para enriquecer y optimizar el desarrollo de los TFGs con el fin de favorecer su capacidad formativa al ser una asignatura obligatoria común en todos los grados

    Evaluación de metodologías didácticas en trabajos de fin de grado en titulaciones de Ciencias Experimentales

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    Mediante encuestas a estudiantes que se encuentran finalizando el Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) y profesores que dirigen de los seis grados de la facultad de Ciencias (Biología, Ciencias del Mar, Geología, Matemáticas, Óptica y Optometría, Química) de la Universidad de Alicante, se han identificado los puntos de menor fortaleza de los TFGs independientemente para cada grado. A continuación, hemos comparado los resultados entre grados para ver el nivel de similitud entre ellos y la singularidad de cada uno de ellos. A partir de ahí, hemos identificado los posibles factores que configuran cada TFG con el fin de intentar entender su singularidad en cada caso. Esta información es importante para ayudarnos a comprender cómo se podrían fortalecer posibles carencias en TFGs específicos. Con esta información y en base a la experiencia previa, proponemos medidas que permitan favorecer la implementación y desarrollo de los TFGs. Con estas propuestas se espera mejorar la eficiencia de los TFGs y conseguir un mayor nivel de satisfacción y el rendimiento en esta asignatura común en todos los grados

    Análisis de los Trabajos de Fin de Grado desde la visión docente

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    El Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) en los grados de la Facultad de Ciencias, constituye una asignatura con importantes competencias transversales que representa la fase final del plan de estudios, y supone la realización por parte del estudiante de un proyecto, memoria o estudio bajo la supervisión de un tutor o tutora. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio general de los TFGs y la utilización del UA-project, desde la visión del profesorado. Para poder optimizar el desarrollo de los TFGs, en este trabajo se realizó un análisis interno mediante un cuestionario. Para dar mayor amplitud y proyección a la propuesta se han enviado los cuestionarios a profesores de todos los grados de la Facultad de Ciencias: Biología, Ciencias del Mar, Química, Geología, Matemáticas y Óptica y Optometría. Estos cuestionarios reflejan la experiencia docente obtenida en los últimos años en la tutorización de los TFGs, para así poder obtener conclusiones e ideas de mejora para su posterior aplicación

    New role of the antidepressant imipramine as a Fascin1 inhibitor in colorectal cancer cells

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    Colorectal cancer: Antitumor antidepressant The antidepressant drug imipramine can block the activity of a protein that contributes to the progression of certain aggressive tumors. Serrated adenocarcinoma (SAC) is a form of colorectal cancer with a poor prognosis. A key factor in SAC development is the overexpression of the protein fascin1, which promotes the formation of structures that help cancer cells move around, thereby leading to metastasis. Pablo Conesa-Zamora at Santa Lucia University Hospital in Cartagena, Horacio Perez-Sanchez at the Universidad Catolica de Murcia in Guadalupe, Spain, and coworkers demonstrated that imipramine shows promise in binding to fascin1 and blocking its activity. The team analyzed over 9500 compounds as potential fascin1 blockers, identifying imipramine as a possible option. In tests on human tissues and in vivo studies using zebrafish, the drug reduced cancer invasion and metastasis. Serrated adenocarcinoma (SAC) is more invasive, has worse outcomes than conventional colorectal carcinoma (CRC), and is characterized by frequent resistance to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and overexpression of fascin1, a key protein in actin bundling that plays a causative role in tumor invasion and is overexpressed in different cancer types with poor prognosis. In silico screening of 9591 compounds, including 2037 approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), was performed, and selected compounds were analyzed for their fascin1 binding affinity by differential scanning fluorescence. The results were compared with migrastatin as a typical fascin1 inhibitor. In silico screening and differential scanning fluorescence yielded the FDA-approved antidepressant imipramine as the most evident potential fascin1 blocker. Biophysical and different in vitro actin-bundling assays confirm this activity. Subsequent assays investigating lamellipodia formation and migration and invasion of colorectal cancer cells in vitro using 3D human tissue demonstrated anti-fascin1 and anti-invasive activities of imipramine. Furthermore, expression profiling suggests the activity of imipramine on the actin cytoskeleton. Moreover, in vivo studies using a zebrafish invasion model showed that imipramine is tolerated, its anti-invasive and antimetastatic activities are dose-dependent, and it is associated with both constitutive and induced fascin1 expression. This is the first study that demonstrates an antitumoral role of imipramine as a fascin1 inhibitor and constitutes a foundation for a molecular targeted therapy for SAC and other fascin1-overexpressing tumors.Peer reviewe

    Synthesis and structure determination via ultra-fast electron diffraction of the new microporous zeolitic germanosilicate ITQ-62

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    [EN] Here, we present the synthesis and structure determination of the new zeolite ITQ-62. Its structure was determined via ultra-fast electron diffraction tomography and refined using powder XRD data of the calcined material. This new zeolite contains a tridirectional channel system of highly distorted 8-rings, as well as a monodirectional 12-ring channel system.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Government (MAT2015-71842-P and MAT2015-71261-R MINECO/FEDER and Severo Ochoa SEV-2016-0683). The authors thank ALBA Light Source for beam allocation at the beamline MSPD, and specially thank the Electron Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Finally, the authors thank Dr Alejandro Vidal and Dr Teresa Blasco for helping in the NMR data discussion.Bieseki, L.; Simancas Coloma, R.; Jorda Moret, JL.; Bereciartua-Pérez, PJ.; Cantin Sanz, A.; Simancas-Coloma, J.; Pergher, SB.... (2018). Synthesis and structure determination via ultra-fast electron diffraction of the new microporous zeolitic germanosilicate ITQ-62. Chemical Communications. 54(17):2122-2125. https://doi.org/10.1039/c7cc09240gS212221255417Barrer, R. M., & Denny, P. J. (1961). 201. Hydrothermal chemistry of the silicates. Part IX. Nitrogenous aluminosilicates. Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed), 971. doi:10.1039/jr9610000971Kerr, G. T. (1966). Chemistry of Crystalline Aluminosilicates. II. The Synthesis and Properties of Zeolite ZK-4. Inorganic Chemistry, 5(9), 1537-1539. doi:10.1021/ic50043a015Burton, A. W., & Zones, S. I. (2007). Organic Molecules in Zeolite Synthesis: Their Preparation and Structure-Directing Effects. Introduction to Zeolite Science and Practice, 137-179. doi:10.1016/s0167-2991(07)80793-2Zones, S. I., Nakagawa, Y., Lee, G. S., Chen, C. Y., & Yuen, L. T. (1998). Searching for new high silica zeolites through a synergy of organic templates and novel inorganic conditions. 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