39 research outputs found

    Religious Consistency and Commitment to Local Tradition Within the Bawakareng Community in Indonesia’s South Sulawesi

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    Islam and local traditions have been struggling dynamically as seen in the reality of the social and religious life in the Indonesian context. This study aims to reaffirm the relationship between religion and local traditions by observing the consistency of South Sulawesi’s Bawakaraeng community in practicing both Islam and local traditions. This work is based on data collected through observation, interviews, and literature studies with a qualitative descriptive analysis approach. The results of this study show three findings. First, the Bawakaraeng community, represented by some people of Buginese and Macassarese ethnic groups, still believes that a local mountain is the center of a ritual to get closer to the creator. Second, the community has not only a strong consistency in the practice of Islamic teachings, but also a high commitment to maintaining local traditions, as practiced by Bawakaraeng community members. Third, religious consistency and a commitment to local traditions are practiced simultaneously through worshiping rituals such as prayers, remembrances, alms, and the pilgrimage activities (qurban-scarification) and tawaf). Thus, the Islamic spirits are being practiced consistently and continuously within the community’s local context. This study suggests further undiscovered research on local communities using a contextual approach

    Haji Bawakaraeng: The Resistence of Local Society in South Sulawesi

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    This research aims to explore the existence of Haji Bawakaraeng community tradition in South Sulawesi that is still consistent to depend and to keep their belief, also their resistance in depending their tradition. Besides that, researcher wants to describe the ritual phenomenon in the top of Bawakaraeng mountain.This research is the field research focused on the study about ritual tradition of Haji Bawakaraeng in South Sulawesi. Data collection is done with field observation way by using analysis descriptive method that is to observe natural condition and the social life directly to find out the data about the existence of Haji Bawakaraeng community. Data collection is also done by interviewing the figures and the believers of Haji Bawakaraeng deeply, also the documentation study done to complete the data obtained beforehand. The collected data then will be analyzed by using socio- anthropologic approach and will be explored in a qualitative descriptive way. This research shows that the ritual tradition of Haji Bawakaraeng practiced by the believer of this belief still exists until today, although they face many obstacles. They remain depending their belief strongly practiced since a long time ago by doing adaptation and negotiation of any resistance that they face at present.

    Resepsi dan Resistensi: Respons Masyarakat terhadap Jamaah An-Nadzir sebagai Komunitas Muslim di Tengah Arus Demokratisasi di Indonesia

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    The fact that the reformation having been running for more than two decades is still found being influencial in Indonesia today. One of the impacts is the opening of spaces for religious expression in public sphere in the name of democratization. The experience of Jamaah An-Nadzir is an exmple in wich this study is beeing carried out.  This work is intended to explore the public response to Jamaah An-Nadzir's existence as a non-maintstream Islamic religious community in the Mawang area, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi as the product of the reformation. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research approach, with data research methods through observation, interviews and literature studies related to the object of study. Three forms of paradoxical response of society in seeing the existence of Jamaah An-Nadzir were found in this work. First, there is a response to the resistance of th representatives of religious figures who reject the reasons for Islamic reasons, while there are those who accept that they are a community that only has different understanding in Islam or khilafiyah. Second, the response of the surrounding community shows that they tend to accept the An-nadzir community and enter into land management although a few people reject the strange name of the community and show an acceptional understanding to their physical appearance. Third, the local government's persuasive response to An-Nadzir is supported by a community empowerment approach in social and economic aspects. Likewise, the flow of democratization as an external factor cannot be separated from the existence of communities, Jamaah An-Nadzir was no exception. Thus, An-nadzir's existence can be accepted today, although they still has resistance from several elements. This study suggests the need for further study of this kind of religious community which is still undocumented, so that it can be mapped geographically for the life of the nation and state in the democratization era

    From the Indigeneous to the Religious Practices: Islamic Construction of the Local Tradition in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Islam and indigenous tradition in Indonesia have long established interconnected relations in both social and ritual practices. This study elaborates on the Islamic construction of the indigenous Bugis-Makassar tradition. The “Haji Bawakaraeng” is one the familiar practice and is believed to exist in the South Sulawesi region. Term Haji Bawakaraeng is a religious practice contained with local Muslim beliefs carried out on Mount Bawakaraeng. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection done through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. This study finds that the Bugis-Makassar habit of carrying out a series of rituals on the summit of Mount Bawakaraeng is an old belief facing the process of negotiation and adaptation to the teachings of Islam. The presence of the term Hajj as an Islamic construction and Bawakaraeng as a local cultural construction is the result of the construction of Islam on the local beliefs of the Buginese-Makassarnese. In addition, this study also illustrates the dynamics of the inclusion of Islam in South Sulawesi as a variative and authentic inclusion. Finally, this study explains the diversity of the Bugis-Makassar people which tends to change from indigenous traditions to religious practices due to the ongoing construction of Islam. This paper recommends the need for further studies on the issue of religious and cultural relations at the micro level to see the dynamics of changing socio-religious practices in the community

    Dialektika Islam dan Budaya Lokal: Strategi Bertahan Komunitas Bawakaraeng di Sulawesi Selatan

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    Agama dan Budaya telah menjadi satu kesatuan dalam berbagai praktik sosial keagamaan di Indonesia. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memotret kembali hubungan dialektis antara Islam dan budaya lokal orang Bugis-Makassar di Sulawesi Selatan. Pengumpulan data dalam studi melalui observasi partisipatif dan studi literatur terkait objek kajian studi ini, kemudian dianalisis dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Studi ini menunjukkan tiga potret dialektika Islam dan budaya lokal dalam praktik ritual komunitas Bawakaraeeng. Pertama, bahwa kebiasaan orang Bugis-Makassar untuk melaksanakan serangkaian ritual di puncak Gunung Bawakaraeng merupakan budaya lokal masyarakat yang terus berproses dialektis dengan ajaran Islam, sehingga dikenal dengan stilah Haji Bawakaraeng. Kedua, potret budaya masyarakat di Sulawesi Selatan, baik sebelum datangnya Islam maupun pasca kedatangan Islam memperlihatkan hubungan dialektis yang dinamis. Ketiga, dalam proses dialektika dengan ajaran Islam sebagai upaya strategis dalam mempertahankan keberlangsungan praktik ritual komunitas Bawakaraeng. Studi ini sebagai pelengkap studi yang ada, sehingga disarankan studi lanjutan dengan pendekatan yang lebih kontekstual dan komprehensif dalam rangka pemetaan budaya lokal di era Indonesia komporer

    Praktik Ekonomi Islam pada Komunitas Keagamaan di Sulawesi Selatan

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    This article aims to explain the implementation of the Islamic economic system in the process and practice of community empowerment by selecting the An-Nadzir religious community in South Sulawesi as the basis for its analysis. In this case An-Nadzir developed as an independent religious community with the application of Islamic economics in social-economic life. This research is done by qualitative data collection, then presented in descriptive analysis. In the era of the ASEAN economic community and the current global economic competition, various forms of strategy and implementation of the economic system need to be done. One is the implementation of Islamic economics with the empowerment of society as a practical offer. This is endeavourmust be implemented through the empowerement the middle to lower community in order to create a strong, creative, and more independent society. The social-economic empowerment of religious communities is one of the bids as an alternative to implementing the Islamic economic system.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan implementasi sistem ekonomi Islam dalam proses dan praktik pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan memilih komunitas keagamaan An-Nadzir di Sulawesi Selatan sebagai basis analisisnya. Dalam hal ini An-Nadzir berkembang sebagai komunitas keagamaan yang mandiri dengan penerapan ekonomi Islam dalam kehidupan ekonomi-sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara pengumpulan data secara kualitatif, kemudian dipaparkan secara deskriptif analisis. Pada era masyarakat ekonomi ASEAN dan persaingan ekonomi global saat ini, berbagai bentuk strategi dan implementasi sistem ekonomi perlu dilakukan. Salah satunya adalah implementasi ekonomi Islam dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai sebuah tawaran praktis. Hal ini dilakukan  melalui pemberdayaan komunitas menengah ke bawah dalam rangka terciptanya masyarakat yang kuat, kreatif, dan lebih mandiri. Pemberdayaan sosial-ekonomi komunitas keagamaan merupakan salah satu tawaran sebagai alternatif pengimplementasian sistem ekonomi Islam

    Religiusitas dan Kepercayaan Masyarakat Bugis- Makassar

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    This article explores the old beliefs of Bugis and Makassar peoples. The old beliefs which still exist and are preserved within community until nowadays. In the concept of god, for example, the terms of “Dewata SeuwwaE†(Bugis) and “Tau ri A’rana†(Makaasar) still can be heard and believed. In the daily lifes, the influence of local beliefs cover rituals such “mappangre galung†(farmer) and “maccera tasi†(fishermen) still conducted in the community. This article also evaluates the old beliefs of South Sulawesi peoples, both before and after the coming of Islam. Also these religions’ influences in the daily lives are highlighted. A dynamic dialogue between the local religions and Islam becomes the core of this paper.Artikel ini mengulas tentang kepercayaan lama orang Bugis dan Makassar. Kepercayaan yang bentuk dan manifestasinya masih bisa ditelusuri keberadaannya sampai sekarang. Dalam konsep ketuhanan, misalnya, istilah Dewata Seuwa (Bugis) dan Tau ri A’rana (Makassar) masih sering diengar dan diyakini eksistensinya. Demikian pula dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, acara-acara seperti “mappangre galung†dan “maccera tasi†masih sering dilakukan dalam masyarakat petani dan nelayan. Tulisan ini, juga, mengeksplorasi keyakinan masyarakat di Sulawesi Selatan ini, baik sebelum maupun sesudah masuknya Islam. Begitu pula pengaruh agama lokal dan agama baru (Islam) dalam kehidupan sehari-sehari. Dialog yang dinamis antara agama lokal dengan Islam manjadi instisari tulisan ini

    Praktik Ekonomi Islam pada Komunitas Keagamaan di Sulawesi Selatan

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    This article aims to explain the implementation of the Islamic economic system in the process and practice of community empowerment by selecting the An-Nadzir religious community in South Sulawesi as the basis for its analysis. In this case An-Nadzir developed as an independent religious community with the application of Islamic economics in social-economic life. This research is done by qualitative data collection, then presented in descriptive analysis. In the era of the ASEAN economic community and the current global economic competition, various forms of strategy and implementation of the economic system need to be done. One is the implementation of Islamic economics with the empowerment of society as a practical offer. This is endeavourmust be implemented through the empowerement the middle to lower community in order to create a strong, creative, and more independent society. The social-economic empowerment of religious communities is one of the bids as an alternative to implementing the Islamic economic system.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan implementasi sistem ekonomi Islam dalam proses dan praktik pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan memilih komunitas keagamaan An-Nadzir di Sulawesi Selatan sebagai basis analisisnya. Dalam hal ini An-Nadzir berkembang sebagai komunitas keagamaan yang mandiri dengan penerapan ekonomi Islam dalam kehidupan ekonomi-sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara pengumpulan data secara kualitatif, kemudian dipaparkan secara deskriptif analisis. Pada era masyarakat ekonomi ASEAN dan persaingan ekonomi global saat ini, berbagai bentuk strategi dan implementasi sistem ekonomi perlu dilakukan. Salah satunya adalah implementasi ekonomi Islam dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai sebuah tawaran praktis. Hal ini dilakukan  melalui pemberdayaan komunitas menengah ke bawah dalam rangka terciptanya masyarakat yang kuat, kreatif, dan lebih mandiri. Pemberdayaan sosial-ekonomi komunitas keagamaan merupakan salah satu tawaran sebagai alternatif pengimplementasian sistem ekonomi Islam

    Politik Pendidikan Indonesia:

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    This paper explores the problem of inequality in education in Indonesia. Educational facilities have stood firm and can be found up to the district city, its existence cannot be utilized optimally by the nation's children. The high school graduates who want to go to college, can not realize their dreams because of various obstacles. First, the adequacy of information about higher education is not evenly distributed. Access to information is more known to certain circles so that they can also choose institutions as a place to continue education. Information on scholarships, for example, is very limited. Second, the standard of acceptance used by higher education institutions is still 'unbalanced'. Competition for entry to the best colleges is only contested by graduates who come from the best schools as well. Graduates from certain schools, especially those away from access to education, are unable to compete and are marginalized. Third, the design of educational institutions is still ambiguous. The existence of the dichotomy of the state-private, common-religion, modern-traditional and various another naming also influenced the practice of the gap of the Indonesian higher education to the present. Higher education should be a space for all children of the nation and provide services without discriminating treatmen

    Pilgrimage to Bawakaraeng Mountain Among the Bugis- Makassar in Indonesia: A Contestation between Islamic Identity and Local Tradition

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    This study discusses the contestation of Islamic identity and local traditions of the Bugis-Makassar people in socio-religious life. Tradition contains a belief with form and practices that can still be traced to the present. In this case, the identity of the hajj pilgrimage attached to Muslims has been adapted to the Bawakaraeng Hajj community in the South Sulawesi region. The current research employed a qualitative descriptive approach and field-based data collection techniques by conducting observations and interviews with key informants about the Bawakaraeng community. It was found that the Bugis-Makassar practice of carrying out a series of rituals on the summit of Mount Bawakaraeng is an old tradition indicating a contestation between Islamic identity and local traditions. The term Hajj, which is attached to the Bawakaraeng pilgrimage, is a media construct, alluding to the mainstream Hajj, due to the strong influence of Islamization in South Sulawesi. Contestation takes place in three forms. First, mild contestation that shows religion and tradition accept and complement each other. Second, open contestation that distinguishes religious practices and traditions. Third, contestation that seeks to impose influence upon one another - a frontal conflict between religion and local traditions. This paper suggests that the study of Islam and culture in Indonesia, as a multicultural nation, still needs to be explored contextually and comprehensively as an ever-changing social phenomenon