241 research outputs found

    La enseñanza de las ciencias mediante proyectos didácticos en la Universidad de los Andes - Venezuela

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    Los paradigmas de la pedagogía científica incorporan estrategias activas, pero, en el trabajo de aula sigue prevaleciendo el modelo pasivo. En contraposición a esto, el presente ensayo describe la experiencia que hemos acumulado desde 1999 con el desarrollo de una metodología denominada Proyectos Didácticos para la Enseñanza de la Ciencia que tiene por finalidad principal aportar diferentes propuestas metodológicas para abordar el trabajo de aula y fuera de ésta, para el caso especial de la enseñanza de las ciencias. Esta estrategia implica la participación activa del estudiante diseñando propuestas prácticas o juegos para el desarrollo de diversos contenidos típicos de la ciencia en el contexto de la formación inicial de docentes en la Universidad de Los Andes

    Permutation Invariant Parking Assortments

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    We introduce parking assortments, a generalization of parking functions with cars of assorted lengths. In this setting, there are nNn\in\mathbb{N} cars of lengths y=(y1,y2,,yn)Nn\mathbf{y}=(y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_n)\in\mathbb{N}^n entering a one-way street with m=i=1nyim=\sum_{i=1}^ny_i parking spots. The cars have parking preferences x=(x1,x2,,xn)[m]n\mathbf{x}=(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)\in[m]^n, where [m]:={1,2,,m}[m]:=\{1,2,\ldots,m\}, and enter the street in order. Each car i[n]i \in [n], with length yiy_i and preference xix_i, follows a natural extension of the classical parking rule: it begins looking for parking at its preferred spot xix_i and parks in the first yiy_i contiguously available spots thereafter, if there are any. If all cars are able to park under the preference list x\mathbf{x}, we say x\mathbf{x} is a parking assortment for y\mathbf{y}. Parking assortments also generalize parking sequences, introduced by Ehrenborg and Happ, since each car seeks for the first contiguously available spots it fits in past its preference. Given a parking assortment x\mathbf{x} for y\mathbf{y}, we say it is permutation invariant if all rearrangements of x\mathbf{x} are also parking assortments for y\mathbf{y}. While all parking functions are permutation invariant, this is not the case for parking assortments in general, motivating the need for a characterization of this property. Although obtaining a full characterization for arbitrary nNn\in\mathbb{N} and yNn\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{N}^n remains elusive, we do so for n=2,3n=2,3. Given the technicality of these results, we introduce the notion of minimally invariant car lengths, for which the only invariant parking assortment is the all ones preference list. We provide a concise, oracle-based characterization of minimally invariant car lengths for any nNn\in\mathbb{N}. Our results around minimally invariant car lengths also hold for parking sequences

    Far from the madding crowd: The molecular basis for immunological escape of plasmodium falciparum

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    Like Thomas Hardy’s famous novel Far from the Madding Crowd, Plasmodium falciparum parasites display their most relevant survival structures (proteins) involved in host cell invasion far away from the immune system’s susceptible regions, displaying tremendous genetic variability, to attract the immune response and escape immune pressure. The 3D structure localisation of the conserved amino acid sequences of this deadly parasite’s most relevant proteins involved in host cell invasion, as well as the location of the highly polymorphic, highly immunogenic regions, clearly demonstrates that such structures are far apart, sometimes 90° to 180° opposite, thereby rendering the immune response useless. It is also shown here that these conserved, functionally-relevant structures are immunologically silent, since no immune response has been induced. © 2017, Caister Academic Press. All rights reserved

    Acondicionador ferroresonante de voltaje

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    Electric power supply is one of the most important services supporting daily life in modern society, so the importance of power quality is to find effective ways to prevent disturbances and voltage fluctuations from the user side and propose solutions to correct the failures that occur on the side of the system of the electric power supply company, thereby achieving a quality electric power supply. This article presents the design and implementation of a power quality conditioner based on ferroresonance, the analysis of equivalent electrical circuit and equivalent magnetic circuit is carried out, obtaining the necessary equations for its implementation. In the last part, the operation of the transformer is validated by testing the input voltage variation with no load and with load, evidencing the proper functioning in case of variations above the nominal value.  El suministro de la energía eléctrica es uno de los servicios más importantes que respaldan la vida cotidiana en la sociedad moderna, por lo que la importancia de la calidad de la energía es encontrar formas efectivas de prevenir perturbaciones y fluctuaciones de voltaje para el usuario y proponer soluciones para las fallas que se presentan del en sistema de la compañía operadora de la red eléctrica, logrando con ello un suministro de la energía eléctrica con calidad. Este artículo presenta el diseño e implementación de un acondicionador de calidad de la energía basado en ferroresonancia, se realiza el análisis de circuito eléctrico equivalente y de circuito magnético equivalente, obteniendo las ecuaciones necesarias para la implementación del mismo. En la última parte se valida el funcionamiento del transformador mediante pruebas de variación de voltaje de entrada en vacío y con carga, evidenciando el buen funcionamiento ante variaciones por encima del valor nominal. &nbsp

    Eficacia de un modelo integral de dieta muy baja en calorías con reemplazo de comida y liraglutida en reducción de peso en pacientes con obesidad

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    Introducción: la prevalencia de la obesidad en los últimos años ha aumentado a nivel mundial, convirtiéndose en un problema de salud pública. Lograr una disminución de peso se ha vuelto un reto tanto para el personal de salud como para los pacientes: una disminución del 5 % al 10 % del peso en pacientes con obesidad o sobrepeso impacta positivamente en la morbimortalidad. En el presente estudio se describen los resultados de un programa de intervención terapéutica dirigido a lograr la disminución de peso en una población con obesidad. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de un grupo de 63 pacientes que ingresaron a un programa integral de restricción calórica controlada con el uso de liraglutida, dosis titulada, de 3 meses de duración, en la ciudad de Pasto, Nariño, desde abril de 2018 hasta diciembre de 2019. Resultados: el 77,7 % de pacientes fueron mujeres y el 22,3 %, hombres; con una media de edad de 43,4 años. En promedio, se logró una disminución del 11,85 % del peso inicial, una pérdida de grasa corporal de 11,67 % y una disminución en el perímetro abdominal de 13,2 cm; no hubo cambios estadísticamente significativos en la masa magra corporal ni en el metabolismo basal. Conclusión: la metodología planteada, de un modelo integral multidisciplinario, de restricción calórica, con el uso de liraglutida puede ser una estrategia efectiva en la pérdida de peso significativa a corto plazo en pacientes con obesidad, sin disminución estadísticamente significativa de la masa magra ni de la tasa metabólica en reposo

    The Effect of Endogenous Expression of HIV-1 gp120 on Glutamate Metabolism in Human Astrocytes

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is a global epidemic that targets the immune system. HIV infects white blood cells and spreads throughout the entire body via blood stream and makes its way to the brain. HIV infection in the brain may lead to HIV associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). To be able to address this problem, we have to better understand how HIV infection damages neurons. We hypothesize that gp120 causes neurotoxicity in the cells by inhibiting the conversion of glutamate to glutamine by glutaminase. As a result, glutamate concentrations will build up both inside and outside the cell causing excitatory neurotoxicity. To better understand this process, we transfected human astrocytes (U87MG cells) with mock (control), an empty vector (control), and with gp120 plasmid. Seventy-two hours post transfection, the cells were collected and run through a series of tests including SDS-PAGE/Western Blot and qRT-PCR to assess protein and mRNA levels of glutaminase and gp120. We expect production of gp120 by astrocytes to lead to a decrease in expression of glutaminase. This would inhibit the process of converting glutamate to glutamine and explain how excess of glutamate accumulates inside and outside of the cell causing neurotoxicity and cell death. In conclusion, we expect to find a direct relationship between gp120 and the glutamate metabolism in human astrocytes. Understanding the effect gp120 has on neurons will help develop more effective treatments to better fight the virus

    Evolution of Class IITCPgenes in perianth bearing Piperales and their contribution to the bilateral calyx in Aristolochia

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    [EN] Controlled spatiotemporal cell division and expansion are responsible for floral bilateral symmetry. Genetic studies have pointed to class II TCP genes as major regulators of cell division and floral patterning in model core eudicots. Here we study their evolution in perianth-bearing Piperales and their expression in Aristolochia, a rare occurrence of bilateral perianth outside eudicots and monocots. The evolution of class II TCP genes reveals single-copy CYCLOIDEA-like genes and three paralogs of CINCINNATA (CIN) in early diverging angiosperms. All class II TCP genes have independently duplicated in Aristolochia subgenus Siphisia. Also CIN2 genes duplicated before the diversification of Saruma and Asarum. Sequence analysis shows that CIN1 and CIN3 share motifs with Cyclin proteins and CIN2 genes have lost the miRNA319a binding site. Expression analyses of all paralogs of class II TCP genes in Aristolochia fimbriata point to a role of CYC and CIN genes in maintaining differential perianth expansion during mid- and late flower developmental stages by promoting cell division in the distal and ventral portion of the limb. It is likely that class II TCP genes also contribute to cell division in the leaf, the gynoecium and the ovules in A. fimbriata.We thank Anny Garces Palacio, Sarita Munoz, Pablo Perez-Mesa (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia), Cecilia Zumajo-Cardona (The New York Botanical Garden), Ana Berbel and Clara Ines Ortiz-Ramirez (Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas, CSIC-UVP, Valencia, Spain) for photographs and assistance during laboratory work. We also thank Sebastian Gonzalez (Massachusetts College of Art and Design) for taking some of the photographs in Figs 1 and 2. Thanks are also due to the Dresden Junior Fellowship for allowing the visiting professor fellowship of NPM to the Technishe Universitat Dresden during 2019. This research was funded by Estrategia de Sostenibilidad 2018-2019 the Convocatoria Programaticas 2017-2018 (code 2017-16302), and the 2018-2019 Fondo de Internacionalizacion (code 201926230) from the Universidad de Antioquia, the iCOOP + 2016 grant COOPB20250 from Centro Superior de Investigacion Cientifica, CSIC and the ExpoSEED (H2020.MSCA-RISE2015-691109) EU grant.Pabon-Mora, N.; Madrigal, Y.; Alzate, JF.; Ambrose, BA.; Ferrandiz Maestre, C.; Wanke, S.; Neinhuis, C.... (2020). Evolution of Class IITCPgenes in perianth bearing Piperales and their contribution to the bilateral calyx in Aristolochia. New Phytologist. 228(2):752-769. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.167197527692282Aguilar-Martínez, J. A., Poza-Carrión, C., & Cubas, P. (2007). Arabidopsis BRANCHED1Acts as an Integrator of Branching Signals within Axillary Buds. 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