33 research outputs found

    Asymmetries in explosive strength following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

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    Background: Despite its apparent functional importance, there is a general lack of data regarding the time-related changes in explosive strength and the corresponding side-to-side asymmetries in individuals recovering from an ACL reconstruction (ACLR). The present study was designed to assess changes in the maximum and explosive strength of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles in athletes recovering from an ACLR. Methods: Twenty male athletes with an ACL injury completed a standard isometric testing protocol pre-ACLR, four and six months post-ACLR. In addition to the maximum strength (F-max), the explosive strength of quadriceps and hamstrings was assessed through four variables derived from the slope of the force-time curves over various time intervals (REDmax, RED50, RFD150 and RED250). Side-to-side asymmetries were calculated relative to post-ACLR measures of the uninvolved leg ("standard" asymmetries), and relative to pre-ACLR value of the uninvolved leg ("real" asymmetries). Results: Pre-ACLR asymmetries in quadriceps RFD (average 26%) were already larger than in F-max (14%) (p lt 0.05). Six months post-ACLR real asymmetries in RFD variables (33-39%) were larger than the corresponding standard asymmetries (26-28%; p lt 0.01). Average asymmetries in hamstrings' RFD and F-max were 10%, 25% and 15% for pre-ACLR and two post-ACLR sessions, respectively (all p gt 0.05). Conclusions: In addition to the maximum strength, the indices of explosive strength should also be included in monitoring recovery of muscle function following an ACLR. Furthermore, pre-injury/reconstruction values should be used for the post-ACLR side-to-side comparisons, providing a more valid criterion regarding the muscle recovery and readiness for a return to sports

    Between-day reliability of electromechanical delay of selected neck muscles during performance of maximal isometric efforts

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to assess the between-day reliability of the electromechanical delay (EMD) of selected neck muscles during the performance of maximal isometric contractions in five different directions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-one physically active males participated in two testing sessions separated by seven to eight days. Using a custom-made fixed frame dynamometer, cervical force and surface electromyography (EMG) were recorded bilaterally from the splenius capitis, upper trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles during the performance of efforts in extension, flexion, left and right lateral bending, and protraction. The EMD was extracted using the Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator. Reliability indices calculated for each muscle in each testing direction were: the difference in scores between the two testing sessions and corresponding 95% confidence intervals, the standard error of measurement (SEM) and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>EMD values showed no evidence of systematic difference between the two testing sessions across all muscles and testing directions. The SEM for extension, flexion and lateral bending efforts ranged between 2.5 ms to 4.8 ms, indicating a good level of measurement precision. For protraction, SEM values were higher and considered to be imprecise for research and clinical purposes. ICC values for all muscles across all testing directions ranged from 0.23 to 0.79.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>EMD of selected neck muscles can be measured with sufficient precision for the assessment of neck muscle function in an athletic population in the majority of directions tested.</p

    Exercise therapy for prevention of falls in people with Parkinson's disease: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>People with Parkinson's disease are twice as likely to be recurrent fallers compared to other older people. As these falls have devastating consequences, there is an urgent need to identify and test innovative interventions with the potential to reduce falls in people with Parkinson's disease. The main objective of this randomised controlled trial is to determine whether fall rates can be reduced in people with Parkinson's disease using exercise targeting three potentially remediable risk factors for falls (reduced balance, reduced leg muscle strength and freezing of gait). In addition we will establish the cost effectiveness of the exercise program from the health provider's perspective.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>230 community-dwelling participants with idiopathic Parkinson's disease will be recruited. Eligible participants will also have a history of falls or be identified as being at risk of falls on assessment. Participants will be randomly allocated to a usual-care control group or an intervention group which will undertake weight-bearing balance and strengthening exercises and use cueing strategies to address freezing of gait. The intervention group will choose between the home-based or support group-based mode of the program. Participants in both groups will receive standardized falls prevention advice. The primary outcome measure will be fall rates. Participants will record falls and medical interventions in a diary for the duration of the 6-month intervention period. Secondary measures include the Parkinson's Disease Falls Risk Score, maximal leg muscle strength, standing balance, the Short Physical Performance Battery, freezing of gait, health and well being, habitual physical activity and positive and negative affect schedule.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>No adequately powered studies have investigated exercise interventions aimed at reducing falls in people with Parkinson's disease. This trial will determine the effectiveness of the exercise intervention in reducing falls and its cost effectiveness. This pragmatic program, if found to be effective, has the potential to be implemented within existing community services.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>The protocol for this study is registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12608000303347).</p

    Antisense PMO cocktails effectively skip dystrophin exons 45-55 in myotubes transdifferentiated from DMD patient fibroblasts

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    Antisense-mediated exon skipping has made significant progress as a therapeutic platform in recent years, especially in the case of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Despite FDA approval of eteplirsen-the first-ever antisense drug clinically marketed for DMD-exon skipping therapy still faces the significant hurdles of limited applicability and unknown truncated protein function. In-frame exon skipping of dystrophin exons 45-55 represents a significant approach to treating DMD, as a large proportion of patients harbor mutations within this "hotspot" region. Additionally, patients harboring dystrophin exons 45-55 deletion mutations are reported to have exceptionally mild to asymptomatic phenotypes. Here, we demonstrate that a cocktail of phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers can effectively skip dystrophin exons 45-55 in vitro in myotubes transdifferentiated from DMD patient fibroblast cells. This is the first report of substantive exons 45-55 skipping in DMD patient cells. These findings help validate the use of transdifferentiated patient fibroblast cells as a suitable cell model for dystrophin exon skipping assays and further emphasize the feasibility of dystrophin exons 45-55 skipping in patients

    Changes in muscle contractile characteristics and jump height following 24 days of unilateral lower limb suspension

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    We measured changes in maximal voluntary and electrically evoked torque and rate of torque development because of limb unloading. We investigated whether these changes during single joint isometric muscle contractions were related to changes in jump performance involving dynamic muscle contractions and several joints. Six healthy male subjects (21 ± 1 years) underwent 3 weeks of unilateral lower limb suspension (ULLS) of the right limb. Plantar flexor and knee extensor maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) torque and maximal rate of torque development (MRTD), voluntary activation, and maximal triplet torque (thigh; 3 pulses at 300 Hz) were measured next to squat jump height before and after ULLS. MVC of plantar flexors and knee extensors (MVCke) and triplet torque decreased by 12% (P = 0.012), 21% (P = 0.001) and 11% (P = 0.016), respectively. Voluntary activation did not change (P = 0.192). Absolute MRTD during voluntary contractions decreased for plantar flexors (by 17%, P = 0.027) but not for knee extensors (P = 0.154). Absolute triplet MRTD decreased by 17% (P = 0.048). The reduction in MRTD disappeared following normalization to MVC. Jump height with the previously unloaded leg decreased significantly by 28%. No significant relationships were found between any muscle variable and jump height (r < 0.48), but decreases in torque were (triplet, r = 0.83, P = 0.04) or tended to be (MVCke r = 0.71, P = 0.11) related to decreases in jump height. Thus, reductions in isometric muscle torque following 3 weeks of limb unloading were significantly related to decreases in the more complex jump task, although torque in itself (without intervention) was not related to jump performance

    Risk factors for musculoskeletal pain amongst nurses in Estonia: a cross-sectional study

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    MethodsAs a part of an international investigation (the Cultural and Psychosocial Influences on Disability (CUPID) study), a cross-sectional survey was carried out amongst registered nurses at Tartu University Hospital, focusing on pain at six anatomical sites (low back, neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist/hand and knee) lasting for more than a day during the past year and past month. Associations with regional and multi-site (?2 anatomical sites) pain were analysed by logistic regression. ResultsAnalysis was based on 221 female nurses (response rate 57%). The overall prevalence of MSP was 84% in the past year and 69% in the past month. The prevalence of multi-site pain was 60% in the past year and 40% in the past month. Low back, neck and knee were the sites most commonly painful. Pain in the past year tended to be more frequent at older ages, and with higher emotional exhaustion, and at most sites, with poor self-rated health, and reported distress from somatic symptoms. Multi-site pain was also significantly associated with older age and tendency to somatise. ConclusionsThe prevalence of MSP among Estonian nurses is high. Psychological risk factors such as somatising tendency have an important impact. However, none of the risk factors examined seems likely to explain the high frequency of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Estonia

    Controversies in pain relief in anaesthesia

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    Ethical aspects of aging research

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    During the last 50\u201360 years, due to development of medical care and hygienically safe living conditions, the average life span of European citizens has substantially increased, with a rapid growth of the population older than 65 years. This trend places evergrowing medical and economical burden on society, as many of the older subjects suffer from age-related diseases and frailty. Coping with these problems requires not only appropriate medical treatment and social support but also extensive research in many fields of aging\u2014from biology to sociology, with involvement of older people as the research subjects. This work anticipates development and application of ethical standards suited to dynamic advances in aging research. The aim of this review is to update the knowledge in ethical requirements toward recruitment of older research subjects, obtaining of informed consent, collection of biological samples, and use of stem cells in preclinical and clinical settings. It is concluded that application of adequate ethical platform markedly facilitates recruitment of older persons for participation in research. Currently, the basic ethical concepts are subjected to extensive discussion, with participation of all interested parties, in order to guarantee successful research on problems of human aging, protect older people from undesired interference, and afford their benefits through supporting innovations in research, therapy, and care