67 research outputs found

    GIV noroviruses and other enteric viruses in bivalves: A preliminary study

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    We evaluated the presence of the enteric viruses: norovirus, adenovirus, enterovirus, astrovirus, hepatitis A virus, and hepatitis E virus in bivalves using nested PCR methods and cell culture assays. Noroviruses GII.4 and GIV.1, adenoviruses types 1 and 2, hepatitis A, and echovirus type 7 were detected in the shellfish tested, which were often co-infected. This is the first study to detect such a high level of viral contamination in Italian mussels (up to four different viral groups in a single sample), and the first to document the presence of GIV NoV in shellfish

    Nuove varianti di Bronchite Infettiva negli allevamenti avicoli siciliani

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    Avian Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is a disease caused by a Coronavirus, included in Coronaviridae family. The disease, endemic in Italy, affects both broilers and laying hens. It represents one of the main health issue in sicilian poultry farms. The presence of new antigenic variants makes problematic the implementation of an adequate prophylaxis through the use of appropriate vaccines. The present work aims to study the spread of IB strains in Sicily by serological and biomolecular tests in order to investigate the presence of "historical" strains as well as new strains and to carry out the genotyping of viruses isolated. The serological results show that the used vaccination protocols are able to develop an adequate antibody titre along all production steps both laying hens and broilers. The virological results underline the presence of QX strain in a broilers farm. This is a strain widespread in Italy but never reported in the regional territory

    Quality controls for cell cultures: identification of interspecies cross-contamination by PCR-RFLP analysis of the cytochrome b gene

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    Cross-contaminations of a cell line with cells of different species represent a potential risk in laboratories handling human and animal cells. Therefore, it is necessary to control such contaminations. Tests based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are used in forensic analysis, phylogenetic studies and in food authentication. However, the use of mtDNA in quality controls of cell cultures is recent. Mitochondrial sequence differences of closely related animal species are five- to tenfold higher than those of nuclear genes. On the contrary, intraspecies variation in mitochondrial sequences is low in most animal species. Moreover, each cell contains 100–10.000 mitochondrial genomes. The amount of mtDNA is greater than nuclear DNA, so that mtDNA can be analyzed also from small or partially degraded samples. In the present study, a method based on a PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was used (2). This gene has some stable sequences which are recognized from universal primers and some variable sequences used for animal species identification by PCR-RFLP method

    Analisi biomolecolare di ceppi di Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) in furetti domestici (Mustela putorius furo)

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    L\u2019agente eziologico del cimurro (CDV) appartiene alla famiglia Paramyxoviridae, genere Morbillivirus ed \ue8 causa di una patologia infettiva e contagiosa in canidi, mustelidi e procionidi. Gli Autori, descrivono un caso clinico di cimurro in due furetti domestici vaccinati con un ceppo Onderstepoort avianizzato. e la caratterizzazione biomolecolare del CDV isolato. I furetti presentavano un quadro clinico caratterizzato da dermatite pruriginosa e squamo-purulenta, alla regione del mento, peri-labiale, peri-vulvare ed al condotto uditivo esterno. I soggetti venivano a morte tre settimane dopo l\u2019esordio dei sintomi. I campioni di croste prelevati sono stati sottoposti ad estrazione degli acidi nucleici ed analizzati mediante RT-PCR per CDV. E\u2019 stata effettuata l\u2019analisi con enzimi di restrizione (RFLP-PCR) di conferma, per discriminare i ceppi vaccinali dai ceppi di campo. I prodotti di amplificazione sono stati purificati e sottoposti a sequenziamento. Le sequenze di 1823 nt del gene H del CDV sono state comparate mediante Clustal X con analoghe sequenze di ceppi di campo e ceppi vaccinali disponibili su GeneBank. Sulla base dei dati ottenuti le sequenze sono risultate appartenenti al lineage Europa, ben segregato dal lineage America-1, che raccoglie i principali ceppi vaccinali avianizzati, e differente dal cluster dei ceppi Rockborn-like. Il sequenziamento ha confermato il risultato ottenuto con la RFLP-PCR e la mancanza di relazione con il ceppo vaccinale inoculato. Le due sequenze ottenute, presentando un\u2019omologia nucleotidica elevata per ceppi isolati da cani in Italia, sono risultate differenti dal lineage Wildlife. Nel furetto l\u2019infezione da cimurro ha un esito fatale quasi nel 100% dei casi e viene controllata attraverso l\u2019uso di vaccini. Questo lavoro rappresenta un contributo alla esigua disponibilit\ue0 bibliografica in merito alle infezioni da CDV nei mustelidi ed implementa i dati disponibili sui ceppi virali circolanti. Il metodo diagnostico descritto rappresenta un sistema rapido e sensibile per la diagnosi dell\u2019infezione da cimurro

    Valutazione di alcune performance diagnostiche di kit ELISA per la diagnosi sierologica di Anemia Infettiva Equina (AIE)

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    Data on evaluation of some diagnostic parameters of all ELISA kits available in Italy for the serodiagnosis of AIE are presented and discussed. Ten laboratories were involved using a panel of 30 sera ran with 4 commercial kits and 2 in-house kits. Kits were also evaluated using a panel of sera from vaccinated animals at different days post vaccination (p.v.). All sera were also tested in agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID). The parameters evaluated were: diagnostic sensitivity (DSe) and specificity (DSp), Cohen K, weighted Cohen K, coefficient of variation (CV), accordance, concordance. Analysis of these parameters indicates that all kits have a higher sensitivity than AGID, even if a complete evaluation, as indicated by OIE (1) should be carried out

    Caratterizzazione molecolare di norovirus GIV ed altri virus enterici in molluschi bivalvi : uno studio preliminare

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    I virus enterici si replicano nell’intestino umano e possono essere eliminati dagli individui infetti ad elevate concentrazioni; pertanto i reflui urbani possono trasportare una grande quantità di patogeni responsabili di infezioni oro-fecali e contaminare le acque superficiali, incluse quelle marine. I molluschi bivalvi eduli sono spesso implicati nella trasmissione di malattie gastroenteriche di origine virale in quanto, essendo organismi filtratori, rappresentano un potenziale serbatoio di agenti patogeni e sostanze tossiche. Nonostante i miglioramenti delle tecniche per il trattamento delle acque reflue e la classificazione delle aree di allevamento e raccolta dei molluschi, il rischio di trasmissione di patogeni enterici associato al consumo di molluschi bivalvi filtratori rappresenta una problematica sanitaria di grande attualità. Lo scopo del presente studio è stato quello di valutare la contaminazione virale di sei diversi gruppi di virus enterici in molluschi eduli lamellibranchi

    West Nile Disease (WND) in Sicily

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    WND is an emerging vector-borne zoonosis caused by an RNA virus included in the Japanese encephalitis group within the Flavivirus genus. In Italy, after the first appearance in Tuscany in 1998, West Nile Virus (WNV) has been continuously circulating since 2008. A National Surveillance Program consisting of monitoring horses, “sentinel poultries”, wild bird mortality and mosquitoes is active in the entire national territory since 2002. Authors describe the outbreaks which occurred in Sicily in 2010 and 2011. Case study: Between September-October 2010, seven horses from the western part of the island, in the Trapani province, showed neurological symptoms. In October 2011, another two horses suffering from neurological disorders, were observed around Messina, in the eastern part of the island, and near Palermo, in the north west of Sicily
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