796 research outputs found

    Lesiones en tenistas:percepción subjetiva sobre la importancia de los factores causales

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    The purpose of this study is to ascertain the importance attached by the players to factors that may cause sports injuries, in terms of being or not being injured. The sample consisted of 63 male tennis players with a mean age of 31.62 years (SD 8.93). The questionnaire used to assess the perception of the degree of importance of different factors as causes of injury. The results indicate that the injured players are placing more emphasis on preventive measures to causation of injuries than non-injured, those who have never been injured, placing more importance on the psychological, that the players who have suffered one or more lesions ; to analyze whether the number of injuries suffered in any way affect the importance given to the factors as a cause of injury, the results indicate that only seems to affect the psychological factor, reducing the importance attached by increasing the number of injuries.El propósito del presente trabajo es conocer la importancia concedida por los tenistas a los factores que pueden provocar lesiones deportivas, en función de estar o no estar lesionados. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 63 jugadores varones de tenis con una media de edad de 31,62 años (d.t. 8,93). Se utilizó un cuestionario para evaluar la percepción del grado de importancia que tienen de diferentes factores como causa de lesiones. Los resultados indican que los tenistas lesionados conceden más importancia a las medidas preventivas en la causación de lesiones, que los no lesionados; los que nunca se han lesionado, conceden más importancia a los aspectos psicológicos, que los tenistas que han sufrido una o más lesiones; al analizar si el número de lesiones sufridas afecta de alguna manera a la importancia concedida a los factores como causa de lesión, los resultados señalan que sólo parece afectar al factor psicológico, reduciendo la importancia concedida según aumenta el número de lesiones

    An Historical Review of the Simplified Physical Fire Spread Model PhyFire: Model and Numerical Methods

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    A historical review is conducted of PhyFire, a simplified physical forest fire spread model developed by the research group on Numerical Simulation and Scientific Computation (SINUMCC) at the University of Salamanca. The review ranges from the first version of the model to the current one now integrated into GIS, considering all the mathematical problems and numerical methods involved throughout its development: finite differences, mixed, classical and adaptive finite elements, data assimilation, sensitivity analysis, parameter adjustment, and parallel computation, among others. The simulation of processes as complex as forest fires involves a multidisciplinary effort that is constantly being enhanced, while posing interesting challenges from a mathematical, numerical, and computational perspective, without losing sight of the overriding aim of developing an efficient, effective, and useful simulation tool

    Validating the effect of fuel moisture content by a multivalued operator in a simplified physical fire spread model

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    Fuel moisture content (FMC) plays a significant role in wildfire behavior and rate of spread (ROS). In addition, FMC is a highly dynamic factor and very vulnerable to climate variations. Understanding the effect of FMC on the behavior of fire spread models is crucial, and detailed analysis of specific aspects of complex models is a very effective way to improve them. The simplified physical fire spread model PhyFire considers the effect of FMC in a novel way, involving a multivalued maximal monotone operator. Several numerical experiments have been carried out to confirm that the behavior of the ROS simulated with PhyFire involving FMC is as expected in the reviewed literature: an exponential decrease in fire ROS compared to FMC, for different scenarios, considering different fuel types, terrain slopes and wind speeds. PhyFire performs very accurately, proving that the multivalued operator used is suitable and consistent

    Análisis de envejecimiento en paneles sándwich de madera/ Ageing tests study on wood-based sandwich panels

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    Los paneles sándwich de madera son un producto de creciente aplicación en la edificación de nuestro país. Este ascendente uso del material debe estar acompañado de las garantías necesarias avaladas por un estudio previo de sus prestaciones. Como es preceptivo y entre otros, se evalúa su durabilidad frente a las condiciones climatológicas, clave en los productos derivados de la madera, acorde a la normativa actual definida con tal fin, la Guía ETAG 016. Sin embargo, debido a la clase de uso del material, se ha detectado que dicha normativa tal y como está concebida no es capaz de valorar su envejecimiento adecuadamente. En este trabajo se proponen ensayos alternativos al establecido tras exhaustivos aná- lisis que recrean las condiciones reales de uso y más acordes a los productos de madera. Se concluye que la incorporación de una lámina impermeable, pero permeable al vapor de agua hacia el exterior, como las utilizadas en el montaje, aportan el mejor procedimiento de ensayo. Composite lightweight wood panels are being increasingly used in construction in Spain. Their growing use should be accompanied by necessary guarantees based on studies of their properties. As it is prescriptive and in addition to others tests, in the present work is examinated the durability of these panels when exposed to the climatic conditions, a characteristic of great importance for wood products, according to Guide ETAG 016, the current standard defining the ageing tests to be used. However, due to the use class of this material, there are indications that the testing outlined in this Guide is inappropriate for assessing the ageing of wood-based sandwich panels. Alternative tests are here proposed that recreate rather better the real conditions under which these products are used. Covering the samples in a waterproof sheeting permeable to the outward movement of water vapour, which is in fact used in the installation, provided the best procedure for testing these panels

    Cholangiocyte anion exchange and biliary bicarbonate excretion

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    Primary canalicular bile undergoes a process of fluidization and alkalinization along the biliary tract that is influenced by several factors including hormones, innervation/neuropeptides, and biliary constituents. The excretion of bicarbonate at both the canaliculi and the bile ducts is an important contributor to the generation of the so-called bile-salt independent flow. Bicarbonate is secreted from hepatocytes and cholangiocytes through parallel mechanisms which involve chloride efflux through activation of Cl- channels, and further bicarbonate secretion via AE2/SLC4A2-mediated Cl-/HCO3- exchange. Glucagon and secretin are two relevant hormones which seem to act very similarly in their target cells (hepatocytes for the former and cholangiocytes for the latter). These hormones interact with their specific G protein-coupled receptors, causing increases in intracellular levels of cAMP and activation of cAMP-dependent Cl- and HCO3- secretory mechanisms. Both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes appear to have cAMP-responsive intracellular vesicles in which AE2/SLC4A2 colocalizes with cell specific Cl- channels (CFTR in cholangiocytes and not yet determined in hepatocytes) and aquaporins (AQP8 in hepatocytes and AQP1 in cholangiocytes). cAMP-induced coordinated trafficking of these vesicles to either canalicular or cholangiocyte lumenal membranes and further exocytosis results in increased osmotic forces and passive movement of water with net bicarbonate-rich hydrocholeresis

    Macromicetes de la comarca del Berguedá (Barcelona)

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    Se da cuenta de ciento cuarenta y ocho especies de macromicetes recolectadas en el transcurso de una serie de excursiones de estudio, realizadas por los autores entre los años 1974 al 1977, por diversas localidades de la comarca del Berguedá (Barcelona).Numerosas especies entre las indicadas fueron recolectadas en varias ocasiones, lo que permitió apreciar detalles de su comportamiento autoecológico.En todos los casos hemos pretendido confirmar las determinaciones taxonómicas utilizando los medios reseñados en la Bibliografia. De cada especie se dispone de su ficha de estudio, con los detalles apreciados al realizar la determinanción, pese a ello no hemos considerado adecuado dar descripciones por no hacer más extenso el presente trabajo.We remark the determinations of a hundred and forty eight species of Macromycets collected the year 1974 to the 1977, mainly in Berguedá district (Barcelona).Most of them could be studied more than once. We tried to confirm the determinations using the last specialized works

    Cien años sin memoria

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    El autor postula el siglo XX hispano como "el siglo del olvido", resultado de una conciencia histórica deformada. Esta condición respondería a la incesante hipercrítica del historiador o intelectual, que, en su afán de erradicar el mito y fundar la historia, crea nuevos mitos o reformula los antiguos. Se analizan las fuentes de la desmemoria, como son: el pesimismo regeneracionista del 98, la España "eterna franquista" y el materialismo histórico marxista de los años 60 y 70. The author proposes the Hispanic 20th century as a "century of oblivion", resulting in a deformed historical conscience. This condition would respond to the incessant hypercriticism of the historian or intellectual who, in eagerness to eradicate the myth and establish history, creates new myths or reformulates the old ones. The sources of forgetfulness that are analyzed are: the regenerationist pessimism of '98, the eternally Francoist Spain, and the historical Marxist materialism of the '60s and '70s

    Variaciones temporales del contenido en ácidos grasos de leche de oveja

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    El presente trabajo ha consistido en la estimación de la repetibilidad tem- poral diaria, semanal y mensual, del contenido de los ácidos grasos de la leche de oveja en el curso de una lactación. Se ha realizado la cuantificación para 36 ácidos grasos y 6 agrupaciones en 596 muestras de leche procedente de 32 ovejas de las razas Churra y Assaf. Las bajas repetibilidades, en aquellos ácidos con muy baja concentración, son debido a un efecto de falta de precisión en su cuantificación, originado por el bajo contenido de dicho ácido graso. La concentración de ácidos grasos en la leche ovina, presenta una variación a lo largo de la lactación que es proporcional a las distancia entre controles. Para las variables cuantitativamente importantes, las repetibilidades medias diarias, semanales y mensuales fueron 0,55, 0,46 y 0,32 respectivamente

    Detection of Gravitational Redshift on the Solar Disk by Using Iodine-Cell Technique

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    With an aim to examine whether the predicted solar gravitational redshift can be observationally confirmed under the influence of the convective Doppler shift due to granular motions, we attempted measuring the absolute spectral line-shifts on a large number of points over the solar disk based on an extensive set of 5188-5212A region spectra taken through an iodine-cell with the Solar Domeless Telescope at Hida Observatory. The resulting heliocentric line shifts at the meridian line (where no rotational shift exists), which were derived by finding the best-fit parameterized model spectrum with the observed spectrum and corrected for the earth's motion, turned out to be weakly position-dependent as ~ +400 m/s near the disk center and increasing toward the limb up to ~ +600 m/s (both with a standard deviation of sigma ~ 100 m/s). Interestingly, this trend tends to disappear when the convectiveshift due to granular motions (~-300 m/s at the disk center and increasing toward the limb; simulated based on the two-component model along with the empirical center-to-limb variation) is subtracted, finally resulting in the averaged shift of 698 m/s (sigma = 113 m/s). Considering the ambiguities involved in the absolute wavelength calibration or in the correction due to convective Doppler shifts (at least several tens m/s, or more likely up to <~100 m/s), we may regard that this value is well consistent with the expected gravitational redshift of 633 m/s.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, electronic materials as ancillary data (table3, table 4, ReadMe); accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Estudio de la frecuencia, distribución y rendimiento diagnóstico en las lesiones neoplásicas sincrónicas del carcinoma colo-rectal

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    ABSTRACT To analyse the frequency, characteristics and diagnosis of synchronic neoplastic lesions in colorectal cancer. A review was carried out of 384 colorectal cancers, diagnosed through complete colonoscopy and resected. The synchronic cancers and the characteristics of the adenomas were determined: number, size, histological type, dysplasia, as well as their localisation in the colon and with respect to the carcinoma. Twenty-eight synchronic cancers were found (7.3% of the total); 8 developed tumours and 20 malignant polyps. In 54.4% of the cases there was a synchronic adenoma. In patients with synchronic lesions, 43% showed an advanced adenoma. Twenty percent of the synchronic polyps found were proximal to the splenic flexure; 41% were distal and 38% had both localisations. Fifty-nine point one percent of the patients had some adenoma proximal to the cancer, with criteria of advanced adenoma in 13.9%. The distribution of the adenomas was more uniformly spread in the cancers with a proximal localisation (p = 0.038). Seventeen percent of the distal cancers presented synchronic lesions with a proximal colon localisation exclusively. Partial endoscopies would diagnose the distal cancers, but would omit a synchronic adenoma in 42.3% of the sigmoidoscopies and 40% of the short colonoscopies. High rates of carcinoma and synchronic adenomas were registered. We underline the high index of advanced adenomas and the frequency of synchronic lesions proximal to the cancer, which is why incomplete colonoscopies, although allowing the diagnosis of the distal cancer, omit a high percentage of synchronic adenomas, including advanced lesions. All of this confirms the need to perform a complete pre- , intra- and post operational colonoscopy in resectable colorectal cancer