21 research outputs found

    Palynomorphs of the Normapolles group and related plant mesofossils from the Iharkút vertebrate site, Bakony Mountains (Hungary)

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    Abstract Palynological and paleobotanical investigation of bonebeds and other strata of the Csehbánya Formation from the vertebrate locality at Iharkút (Bakony Mts, Hungary) reveals well-preserved Santonian palynological assemblages dominated by the Normapolles group, with a minor component consisting of other angiosperm pollen, some gymnosperm pollen, and spores. Eleven species of Normapolles-type pollen grains belonging to seven genera and fruit remains of a new taxon, Sphaeracostata barbackae gen. et sp. nov., are described. The new species is very abundant in the material, represented by ca. 1000 specimens. The genus Caryanthus Friis and an unnamed form previously reported from Haţeg by Lindfors et al. (2010) are also present. Plants producing Normapolles-type pollen grains diversified during the Late Cretaceous, with a bloom in the Santonian. The palynostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous terrestrial sediments in the studied region is based on Normapolles-related species. The studied assemblage is assigned to the Oculopollis zaklinskaiae-Tetracolporopollenites (Brecolpites) globosus Zone (or Zone C) indicating a late Santonian age. Comparison of the Iharkút palynoflora with other known Upper Cretaceous palynofloras of Central Europe shows diachronous occurrence of Normapolles taxa at different geographic localities and warrants further investigation. The ecological requirements of the amphibian fauna reflect azonal conditions controlled by the availability of water, which is in agreement with the inferred ecological conditions based on the paleobotanical investigations. The fauna is of entirely non-marine character, further supported by isotope studies, in line with our data showing that the palynological samples contain no marine forms

    What are the Prime Factors Going into the Selection of a Flexible Form-Fill-Seal Package?

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with dementia: case report Esclerose lateral amiotrófica com demência: relato de caso

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    A patient is described in whom a profound and rapidly progressive dementia occurred in association with clinical features of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A magnetic resonance imaging showed signs of frontal and especially left temporal atrophy. The pattern of dementia indicated impaired frontotemporal lobe functions, evidenced by reduced tracer uptake in the frontotemporal lobes on brain single photon emission computed tomography. Neuropathological examination in this patient revealed mild frontotemporal atrophy with spongiform changes and neuronal loss affecting mainly layers II and III of the frontotemporal cortices. There was atrophy of the hypoglossal nuclei. The spinal cord changes were consistent with motor neuron disease. The patient showed an irreversible and progressive course. A review of the relevant literature was made.<br>Demência de evolução rápida e progressiva associada com esclerose lateral amiotrófica ocorreu em uma paciente de 68 anos. A ressonância magnética mostrou sinais de atrofia frontal e, principalmente, temporal bilateral mais acentuada à esquerda. A demência se caracterizou como de tipo fronto-temporal, como sugere por hipoperfusão moderada nos lobos fronto-temporais através da tomografia cerebral computadorizada por emissão de fóton simples. O exame neuropatológico revelou atrofia leve fronto-temporal com alterações esponjiformes e perda neuronal afetando principalmente as camadas II e III dos córtices fronto-temporais. Havia importante perda de neurônios em ambos os núcleos do hipoglosso. A medula espinhal mostrou alterações consistentes com doença do neurônio motor. O caso teve curso de quatro anos até o óbito

    Spelt (Triticum spelta L.) in Vitro Androgenesis Breeding for Special Food Quality Parameters

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    János Pauk, Csaba Lantos, Katalin Ács, Gyöngyvér Gell, Sándor Tömösközi, Kornélia Hajdú Búza, Ferenc Béké