6 research outputs found

    A Novel Role for the Centrosomal Protein, Pericentrin, in Regulation of Insulin Secretory Vesicle Docking in Mouse Pancreatic β-cells

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    The centrosome is important for microtubule organization and cell cycle progression in animal cells. Recently, mutations in the centrosomal protein, pericentrin, have been linked to human microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism (MOPD II), a rare genetic disease characterized by severe growth retardation and early onset of type 2 diabetes among other clinical manifestations. While the link between centrosomal and cell cycle defects may account for growth deficiencies, the mechanism linking pericentrin mutations with dysregulated glucose homeostasis and pre-pubertal onset of diabetes is unknown. In this report we observed abundant expression of pericentrin in quiescent pancreatic β-cells of normal animals which led us to hypothesize that pericentrin may have a critical function in β-cells distinct from its known role in regulating cell cycle progression. In addition to the typical centrosome localization, pericentrin was also enriched with secretory vesicles in the cytoplasm. Pericentrin overexpression in β-cells resulted in aggregation of insulin-containing secretory vesicles with cytoplasmic, but not centrosomal, pericentriolar material and an increase in total levels of intracellular insulin. RNAi- mediated silencing of pericentrin in secretory β-cells caused dysregulated secretory vesicle hypersecretion of insulin into the media. Together, these data suggest that pericentrin may regulate the intracellular distribution and secretion of insulin. Mice transplanted with pericentrin-depleted islets exhibited abnormal fasting hypoglycemia and inability to regulate blood glucose normally during a glucose challenge, which is consistent with our in vitro data. This previously unrecognized function for a centrosomal protein to mediate vesicle docking in secretory endocrine cells emphasizes the adaptability of these scaffolding proteins to regulate diverse cellular processes and identifies a novel target for modulating regulated protein secretion in disorders such as diabetes

    Metabolic amplification of insulin secretion by glucose is independent of β-cell microtubules

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    Glucose-induced insulin secretion (IS) by β-cells is controlled by two pathways. The triggering pathway involves ATP-sensitive potassium (K(ATP)) channel-dependent depolarization, Ca(2+) influx, and rise in the cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](c)), which triggers exocytosis of insulin granules. The metabolic amplifying pathway augments IS without further increasing [Ca(2+)](c). After exclusion of the contribution of actin microfilaments, we here tested whether amplification implicates microtubule-dependent granule mobilization. Mouse islets were treated with nocodazole or taxol, which completely depolymerized and polymerized tubulin. They were then perifused to measure [Ca(2+)](c) and IS. Metabolic amplification was studied during imposed steady elevation of [Ca(2+)](c) by tolbutamide or KCl or by comparing [Ca(2+)](c) and IS responses to glucose and tolbutamide. Nocodazole did not alter [Ca(2+)](c) or IS changes induced by the three secretagogues, whereas taxol caused a small inhibition of IS that is partly ascribed to a decrease in [Ca(2+)](c). When [Ca(2+)](c) was elevated and controlled by KCl or tolbutamide, the amplifying action of glucose was unaffected by microtubule disruption or stabilization. Both phases of IS were larger in response to glucose than tolbutamide, although triggering [Ca(2+)](c) was lower. This difference, due to amplification, persisted in nocodazole- or taxol-treated islets, even when IS was augmented fourfold by microfilament disruption with cytochalasin B or latrunculin B. In conclusion, metabolic amplification rapidly augments first and second phases of IS independently of insulin granule translocation along microtubules. We therefore extend our previous proposal that it does not implicate the cytoskeleton but corresponds to acceleration of the priming process conferring release competence to insulin granules

    Mapping the β-cell in 3D at the nanoscale using novel cellular electron tomography and computational approaches

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    Multiple roles for the actin cytoskeleton during regulated exocytosis

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    Regulated exocytosis is the main mechanism utilized by specialized secretory cells to deliver molecules to the cell surface by virtue of membranous containers (i.e. secretory vesicles). The process involves a series of highly coordinated and sequential steps, which include the biogenesis of the vesicles, their delivery to the cell periphery, their fusion with the plasma membrane and the release of their content into the extracellular space. Each of these steps is regulated by the actin cytoskeleton. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge regarding the involvement of actin and its associated molecules during each of the exocytic steps in vertebrates, and suggest that the overall role of the actin cytoskeleton during regulated exocytosis is linked to the architecture and the physiology of the secretory cells under examination. Specifically, in neurons, neuroendocrine, endocrine, and hematopoietic cells, which contain small secretory vesicles that undergo rapid exocytosis (on the order of milliseconds), the actin cytoskeleton plays a role in pre-fusion events, where it acts primarily as a functional barrier and facilitates docking. In exocrine and other secretory cells, which contain large secretory vesicles that undergo slow exocytosis (seconds to minutes), the actin cytoskeleton plays a role in post-fusion events, where it regulates the dynamics of the fusion pore, facilitates the integration of the vesicles into the plasma membrane, provides structural support, and promotes the expulsion of large cargo molecules