382 research outputs found

    Barium isotopes in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent fluids: A source of isotopically heavy Ba to the ocean

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    Mid-ocean ridge (MOR) hydrothermal vent fluids are enriched with dissolved barium, but due to barite (BaSO4) precipitation during mixing between Ba-bearing vent fluids and SO4-bearing seawater, the magnitude of hydrothermal Ba input to the ocean remains uncertain. Deep-ocean Ba isotopes show evidence for non-conservative behavior, which might be explained by input of isotopically heavy hydrothermal Ba. In this study we present the first Ba isotope data in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent fluids and particles from systems on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Rainbow 36oN and TAG 26oN), the East Pacific Rise (EPR9-10oN and 13oN) and the Juan de Fuca Ridge (MEF and ASHES). The vent fluids display a wide range of dissolved Ba concentrations from 0.43 to 97.9 μmol/kg and δ138/134Ba values from -0.26 to +0.91 ‰, but are modified relative to initial composition due to precipitation of barite. Calculated endmember vent fluid δ138/134Ba values, prior to barite precipitation, are between -0.17 and +0.09 ‰, consistent with the values observed in oceanic basalts and pelagic sediments. Water-rock interaction inside the hydrothermal system appears to occur without isotope fractionation. During subsequent venting and mixing with seawater, barite precipitation preferentially removes isotopically light Ba from vent fluids with a fractionation factor of Δ138/134Bahyd-barite-fluid = -0.35 ± 0.10 ‰ (2SE, n=2). Based on knowledge of barite saturation and isotope fractionation during precipitation, the effective hydrothermal Ba component that mixes with seawater after all barite precipitation has taken place can be calculated: δ138/134Bahyd = +1.7 ± 0.7 ‰ (2SD). This value is isotopically heavier than deep ocean waters and may explain the observed non-conservative of Ba isotopes. These new constraints on hydrothermal Ba compositions enable the hydrothermal input of Ba to Atlantic deep waters to be assessed at ≈ 3 – 9 % of the observed Ba. Barium isotopes might be used as a tracer to reconstruct the history of hydrothermal Ba inputs and seawater SO4 concentrations in the past.US NSF grants: 0549547, 0751771, 0813861, 0961188 and 173667

    Implementation of the CALM intervention for anxiety disorders: a qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Investigators recently tested the effectiveness of a collaborative-care intervention for anxiety disorders: Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management(CALM) []) in 17 primary care clinics around the United States. Investigators also conducted a qualitative process evaluation. Key research questions were as follows: (1) What were the facilitators/barriers to implementing CALM? (2) What were the facilitators/barriers to sustaining CALM after the study was completed?</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Key informant interviews were conducted with 47 clinic staff members (18 primary care providers, 13 nurses, 8 clinic administrators, and 8 clinic staff) and 14 study-trained anxiety clinical specialists (ACSs) who coordinated the collaborative care and provided cognitive behavioral therapy. The interviews were semistructured and conducted by phone. Data were content analyzed with line-by-line analyses leading to the development and refinement of themes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Similar themes emerged across stakeholders. Important facilitators to implementation included the perception of "low burden" to implement, provider satisfaction with the intervention, and frequent provider interaction with ACSs. Barriers to implementation included variable provider interest in mental health, high rates of part-time providers in clinics, and high social stressors of lower socioeconomic-status patients interfering with adherence. Key sustainability facilitators were if a clinic had already incorporated collaborative care for another disorder and presence of onsite mental health staff. The main barrier to sustainability was funding for the ACS.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The CALM intervention was relatively easy to incorporate during the effectiveness trial, and satisfaction was generally high. Numerous implementation and sustainability barriers could limit the reach and impact of widespread adoption. Findings should be interpreted with the knowledge that the ACSs in this study were provided and trained by the study. Future research should explore uptake of CALM and similar interventions without the aid of an effectiveness trial.</p

    Cell-Cycle-Based Strategies to Drive Myocardial Repair

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    Cardiomyocytes exhibit robust proliferative activity during development. After birth, cardiomyocyte proliferation is markedly reduced. Consequently, regenerative growth in the postnatal heart via cardiomyocyte proliferation (and, by inference, proliferation of stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes) is limited and often insufficient to affect repair following injury. Here, we review studies wherein cardiomyocyte cell cycle proliferation was induced via targeted expression of cyclin D2 in postnatal hearts. Cyclin D2 expression resulted in a greater than 500-fold increase in cell cycle activity in transgenic mice as compared to their nontransgenic siblings. Induced cell cycle activity resulted in infarct regression and concomitant improvement in cardiac hemodynamics following coronary artery occlusion. These studies support the notion that cell-cycle-based strategies can be exploited to drive myocardial repair following injury

    Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Is a Therapeutic Target for Murine Ovarian Endometrioid Adenocarcinomas with Dysregulated Wnt/β-Catenin and PTEN

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    Despite the fact that epithelial ovarian cancers are the leading cause of death from gynecological cancer, very little is known about the pathophysiology of the disease. Mutations in the WNT and PI3K pathways are frequently observed in the human ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinomas (OEAs). However, the role of WNT/β-catenin and PTEN/AKT signaling in the etiology and/or progression of this disease is currently unclear. In this report we show that mice with a gain-of-function mutation in β-catenin that leads to dysregulated nuclear accumulation of β-catenin expression in the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE) cells develop indolent, undifferentiated tumors with both mesenchymal and epithelial characteristics. Combining dysregulated β-catenin with homozygous deletion of PTEN in the OSE resulted in development of significantly more aggressive tumors, which was correlated with inhibition of p53 expression and cellular senescence. Induced expression of both mTOR kinase, a master regulator of proliferation, and phosphorylation of its downstream target, S6Kinase was also observed in both the indolent and aggressive mouse tumors, as well as in human OEA with nuclear β-catenin accumulation. Ectopic allotransplants of the mouse ovarian tumor cells with a gain-of-function mutation in β-catenin and PTEN deletion developed into tumors with OEA histology, the growth of which were significantly inhibited by oral rapamycin treatment. These studies demonstrate that rapamycin might be an effective therapeutic for human ovarian endometrioid patients with dysregulated Wnt/β-catenin and Pten/PI3K signaling

    Splenectomy Normalizes Hematocrit in Murine Polycythemia Vera

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    Splenic enlargement (splenomegaly) develops in numerous disease states, although a specific pathogenic role for the spleen has rarely been described. In polycythemia vera (PV), an activating mutation in Janus kinase 2 (JAK2V617) induces splenomegaly and an increase in hematocrit. Splenectomy is sparingly performed in patients with PV, however, due to surgical complications. Thus, the role of the spleen in the pathogenesis of human PV remains unknown. We specifically tested the role of the spleen in the pathogenesis of PV by performing either sham (SH) or splenectomy (SPL) surgeries in a murine model of JAK2V617F-driven PV. Compared to SH-operated mice, which rapidly develop high hematocrits after JAK2V617F transplantation, SPL mice completely fail to develop this phenotype. Disease burden (JAK2V617) is equivalent in the bone marrow of SH and SPL mice, however, and both groups develop fibrosis and osteosclerosis. If SPL is performed after PV is established, hematocrit rapidly declines to normal even though myelofibrosis and osteosclerosis again develop independently in the bone marrow. In contrast, SPL only blunts hematocrit elevation in secondary, erythropoietin-induced polycythemia. We conclude that the spleen is required for an elevated hematocrit in murine, JAK2V617F-driven PV, and propose that this phenotype of PV may require a specific interaction between mutant cells and the spleen

    Array algorithms for H^2 and H^∞ estimation

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    Currently, the preferred method for implementing H^2 estimation algorithms is what is called the array form, and includes two main families: square-root array algorithms, that are typically more stable than conventional ones, and fast array algorithms, which, when the system is time-invariant, typically offer an order of magnitude reduction in the computational effort. Using our recent observation that H^∞ filtering coincides with Kalman filtering in Krein space, in this chapter we develop array algorithms for H^∞ filtering. These can be regarded as natural generalizations of their H^2 counterparts, and involve propagating the indefinite square roots of the quantities of interest. The H^∞ square-root and fast array algorithms both have the interesting feature that one does not need to explicitly check for the positivity conditions required for the existence of H^∞ filters. These conditions are built into the algorithms themselves so that an H^∞ estimator of the desired level exists if, and only if, the algorithms can be executed. However, since H^∞ square-root algorithms predominantly use J-unitary transformations, rather than the unitary transformations required in the H^2 case, further investigation is needed to determine the numerical behavior of such algorithms

    Promoter polymorphisms of DNMT3B and the risk of colorectal cancer in Chinese: a case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>DNA-methyltransferase-3B (DNMT3B), which plays a role in DNA methylation, is usually aberrant expression involved in carcinogenesis. Polymorphisms of the DNMT3B gene may influence DNMT3B activity on DNA methylation in several cancers, thereby modulating the susceptibility to cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>DNMT3B -579G>T genotypes and -149C>T were determined by PCR-RFLP and sequencing in 137 colorectal cancer patients and 308 controls matched for age and sex, who did not receive radiotherapy or chemotherapy for newly diagnosed and histopathologically confirmed colorectal cancer. The association between two SNPs of the <it>DNMT3B </it>promoter and the risk of the development of colorectal cancer was analyzed in a population of Chinese.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The allele frequency of -149C >T among patients and controls was 0.73% versus 0.65%, respectively. The allele frequency of -597G>T for patients and controls was 6.57% versus 11.53%, respectively. Individuals with at least one -149C>T allele were no at a significantly increase risk of colorectal cancer compared with those having a -149TT genotype. However, Individuals with at least one 579G>T allele were decreased risk of colorectal cancer compared with those having a -579TT genotype.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The relative distribution of -149C>T <it>DNMT3B </it>SNPs among a Chinese population can not be used as a stratification marker to predict an individual's susceptibility to colorectal cancer. However, the DNMT3B -579G>T polymorphism may contribute to the genetic susceptibility to colorectal cancer.</p

    Justice and Corporate Governance: New Insights from Rawlsian Social Contract and Sen’s Capabilities Approach

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    By considering what we identify as a problem inherent in the ‘nature of the firm’—the risk of abuse of authority—we propound the conception of a social contract theory of the firm which is truly Rawlsian in its inspiration. Hence, we link the social contract theory of the firm (justice at firm’s level) with the general theory of justice (justice at society’s level). Through this path, we enter the debate about whether firms can be part of Rawlsian theory of justice showing that corporate governance principles enter the “basic structure.” Finally, we concur with Sen’s aim to broaden the realm of social justice beyond what he calls the ‘transcendental institutional perfectionism’ of Rawls’ theory. We maintain the contractarian approach to justice but introduce Sen’s capability concept as an element of the constitutional and post-constitutional contract model of institutions with special reference to corporate governance. Accordingly, rights over primary goods and capabilities are (constitutionally) granted by the basic institutions of society, but many capabilities have to be turned into the functionings of many stakeholders through the operation of firms understood as post-constitutional institutional domains. The constitutional contract on the distribution of primary goods and capabilities should then shape the principles of corporate governance so that at post-constitutional level anyone may achieve her/his functionings in the corporate domain by exercising such capabilities. In the absence of such a condition, post-constitutional contracts would distort the process that descends from constitutional rights and capabilities toward social outcomes