8 research outputs found

    Chemical attack on fragments of asteroids

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    Meteoritic organic matter has been studied widely, especially the solvent soluble or free organic matter (FOM) fraction. However, the different components that make up the insoluble or macromolecular organic matter (MOM) fraction have drawn little attention, with most studies focussed on the overall nature of this organic polymer. The current study has employed a series of analytical techniques, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy, in conjunction with chemical degradation and high pressure procedures, in order to probe the nature of the MOM and FOM fractions of the CM2 chondrites: Murchison and Mighei. GC-MS has revealed that the FOM fraction is easily contaminated by microbial activity, but that there are a considerable variety of pyranone related compounds and aromatic acids that are likely indigenous. FTIR spectroscopic mapping of the FOM and MOM fractions supports the strong relationship between meteoritic organic matter and phyllosilicates, consistent with the generation of portions of meteorite organic matter, including many FOM and some LOM compounds, via aqueous alteration. Ratios of CH2 to CH3 calculated for asymmetric stretching indicate that Murchison has shorter chain length and/or more highly branched aliphatic compounds than Mighei. Petrographic studies indicate a higher degree of aqueous alteration for Mighei than Murchison and this suggests that the CH2/CH3 ratios might be explained by some degradation of the aromatic rings during aqueous alteration, which could generate the longer aliphatic chains and increase the CH2/CH3 ratio of Mighei compared to Murchison. The inverse relationship between the ratio of phyllosilicates to anhydrous silicates and silicate Si-O stretching to carboxyl hydroxyl stretching indicate the Murchison parent body accreted with or synthesised a higher abundance of carboxyl rich organic matter than that of Mighei. The refractory organic matter (ROM) component of MOM, which is isolated after chemical degradation, demonstrates a statistical similarity between both meteorites in FTIR and Raman spectroscopy; an observation that suggests a common organic progenitor may have been accreted by all CM chondrites and possibly all carbonaceous chondrites. Pressure is an important, but often neglected parameter relating to the origin of meteoritic organic matter. Model compounds, representing the oxygen and aromatic containing functionalities of MOM, have revealed the importance of intermolecular hydrogen bonding under pressure. Hydrogen bonding has been observed to facilitate esterification and is a plausible process by which portions of MOM could be generated.Open Acces

    The Albedo of Ryugu: Evidence for a High Organic Abundance, as Inferred from the Hayabusa2 Touchdown Maneuver

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    The Hayabusa2 mission successfully collected samples from the asteroid Ryugu last year and will return these to Earth in December 2020. It is anticipated that the samples will enable the analysis of terrestrially uncontaminated organic matter and minerals. Such analyses are in turn expected to elucidate the evolution of organic matter through Solar System history, including the origination and processing of biogenically important molecules, which could have been utilized by the first organisms on Earth. In anticipation, studies have made predictions concerning the properties of Ryugu, including its composition. The spectral characteristics of Ryugu, such as albedo, have been employed to relate the asteroid to members of the carbonaceous chondrite group that have been identified on Earth. However, the recent Hayabusa2 touchdown highlights a disparity between the color of surfaces of displaced platy fragments, indicating a brightening trend for the surface exposed to space compared to that facing into the body. Here we present a mass balance calculation with reference to data from the literature, which indicates that Ryugu may contain a significantly higher abundance of organic matter (likely >50%) than the currently most accepted meteorite analogues. A high organic content may result in high levels of extractable organic matter for the second touchdown site, where the spacecraft sampled freshly exposed material. However, high abundances of insoluble aromatic/graphitic rich organic matter may be present in the first touchdown site, which sampled the surface of Ryugu that had been exposed to space. Moreover, we suggest that the potentially high organic abundance and the rubble-pile nature of Ryugu may originate from the capture of rocky debris by a comet nucleus and subsequent water-organic-mineral interactions and sublimation of water ice

    On the origin and evolution of the asteroid Ryugu: A comprehensive geochemical perspective

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    Presented here are the observations and interpretations from a comprehensive analysis of 16 representative particles returned from the C-type asteroid Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 mission. On average Ryugu particles consist of 50% phyllosilicate matrix, 41% porosity and 9% minor phases, including organic matter. The abundances of 70 elements from the particles are in close agreement with those of CI chondrites. Bulk Ryugu particles show higher δ18O, Δ17O, and ε54Cr values than CI chondrites. As such, Ryugu sampled the most primitive and least-thermally processed protosolar nebula reservoirs. Such a finding is consistent with multi-scale H-C-N isotopic compositions that are compatible with an origin for Ryugu organic matter within both the protosolar nebula and the interstellar medium. The analytical data obtained here, suggests that complex soluble organic matter formed during aqueous alteration on the Ryugu progenitor planetesimal (several 10’s of km), <2.6 Myr after CAI formation. Subsequently, the Ryugu progenitor planetesimal was fragmented and evolved into the current asteroid Ryugu through sublimation

    Data for "Insights into the formation and evolution of extraterrestrial amino acids from the asteroid Ryugu"

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    Data for the Nature communications Manuscript "Insights into the formation and evolution of extraterrestrial amino acids from the asteroid Ryugu

    The Albedo of Ryugu: Evidence for a High Organic Abundance, as Inferred from the Hayabusa2 Touchdown Maneuver

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    The Hayabusa2 mission successfully collected samples from the asteroid Ryugu last year and will return these to Earth in December 2020. It is anticipated that the samples will enable the analysis of terrestrially uncontaminated organic matter and minerals. Such analyses are in turn expected to elucidate the evolution of organic matter through Solar System history, including the origination and processing of biogenically important molecules, which could have been utilized by the first organisms on Earth. In anticipation, studies have made predictions concerning the properties of Ryugu, including its composition. The spectral characteristics of Ryugu, such as albedo, have been employed to relate the asteroid to members of the carbonaceous chondrite group that have been identified on Earth. However, the recent Hayabusa2 touchdown highlights a disparity between the color of surfaces of displaced platy fragments, indicating a brightening trend for the surface exposed to space compared to that facing into the body. Here we present a mass balance calculation with reference to data from the literature, which indicates that Ryugu may contain a significantly higher abundance of organic matter (likely >50%) than the currently most accepted meteorite analogues. A high organic content may result in high levels of extractable organic matter for the second touchdown site, where the spacecraft sampled freshly exposed material. However, high abundances of insoluble aromatic/graphitic rich organic matter may be present in the first touchdown site, which sampled the surface of Ryugu that had been exposed to space. Moreover, we suggest that the potentially high organic abundance and the rubble-pile nature of Ryugu may originate from the capture of rocky debris by a comet nucleus and subsequent water-organic-mineral interactions and sublimation of water ice

    An investigation of the internal morphology of asbestos ferruginous bodies: constraining their role in the onset of malignant mesothelioma

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    Abstract Background Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that was widely used in the past. However, asbestos inhalation is associated with an aggressive type of cancer known as malignant mesothelioma (MM). After inhalation, an iron-rich coat forms around the asbestos fibres, together the coat and fibre are termed an “asbestos ferruginous body” (AFB). AFBs are the main features associated with asbestos-induced MM. Whilst several studies have investigated the external morphology of AFBs, none have characterised the internal morphology. Here, cross-sections of multiple AFBs from two smokers and two non-smokers are compared to investigate the effects of smoking on the onset and growth of AFBs. Morphological and chemical observations of AFBs were undertaken by transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and selected area diffraction. Results The AFBs of all patients were composed of concentric layers of 2-line or 6-line ferrihydrite, with small spherical features being observed on the outside of the AFBs and within the cross-sections. The spherical components are of a similar size to Fe-rich inclusions found within macrophages from mice injected with asbestos fibres in a previous study. As such, the spherical components composing the AFBs may result from the deposition of Fe-rich inclusions during frustrated phagocytosis. The AFBs were also variable in terms of their Fe, P and Ca abundances, with some layers recording higher Fe concentrations (dense layers), whilst others lower Fe concentrations (porous layers). Furthermore, smokers were found to have smaller and overall denser AFBs than non-smokers. Conclusions The AFBs of smokers and non-smokers show differences in their morphology, indicating they grew in lung environments that experienced disparate conditions. Both the asbestos fibres of smokers and non-smokers were likely subjected to frustrated phagocytosis and accreted mucopolysaccharides, resulting in Fe accumulation and AFB formation. However, smokers’ AFBs experienced a more uniform Fe-supply within the lung environment compared to non-smokers, likely due to Fe complexation from cigarette smoke, yielding denser, smaller and more Fe-rich AFBs. Moreover, the lack of any non-ferrihydrite Fe phases in the AFBs may indicate that the ferritin shell was intact, and that ROS may not be the main driver for the onset of MM

    The Formation of a Rubble Pile Asteroid: Insights from the Asteroid Ryugu

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    The Hayabusa2 mission returned primitive samples from the C-type asteroid Ryugu to Earth. The C-type asteroids hold clues to the origin of Earth’s water and the building blocks of life. The rubble pile structure of C-type asteroids is a crucial physical feature relating to their origin and evolution. A rubble pile asteroid is hypothesized to be bound primarily by self-gravity with a significant void space among irregularly shaped materials after catastrophic impacts between larger asteroids. However, the geological observations from Hayabusa2 and the analyses of the returned sample from Ryugu revealed that the high microporosity was common to various >10 m- to mm-sized materials of Ryugu, which suggests that the asteroid Ryugu is not just a loosely bound agglomeration of massive rocky debris from shattered asteroids. For a better understanding of the origin and evolution of the rubble pile asteroid, the current most accepted hypothesis should be verified by observations and laboratory analyses and improved upon based on this information. Here, the previous models are examined using Hayabusa2’s geological observations of the asteroid and the analytical data from the samples returned from Ryugu’s surface and subsurface material. Incorporating the new findings, a hypothesis for the evolution of the rubble pile asteroid Ryugu from a cometary nucleus through sublimation and subsequent dynamic resurfacing is proposed. The proposed hypothesis is applicable to other rubble-pile asteroids and would provide perspectives for near-Earth objects in general