149 research outputs found

    Estudo Dirigido ao Latrocínio: Uma Abordagem ao Delito no Município de Gravataí no Período de 2003 a 2013

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    ESTUDO DIRIGIDO AO LATROCÍNIO: UMA ABORDAGEM AO DELITO NO MUNICÍPIO DE GRAVATAÍ NO PERÍODO DE 2003 A 2013  LARCENY DIRECTED STUDY: AN APPROACH TO CRIME IN MUNICIPALITY OF GRAVATAÍ IN THE PERIOD OF 2003 TO 2013  Andrea Porto da Costa*José Antônio Gerzson Linck**  Resumo: A pesquisa teve como objetivo problematizar cursos de ação exercidos por autores de crime de latrocínio na cidade de Gravataí e a existência de ocorrências violentas na execução da pena destes autores. Para isso, primeiramente buscou-se identificar quantos crimes foram elucidados no Município de Gravataí no período de 2003 a 2013. Após esse levantamento, averiguou-se como e onde esses autores cumprem a pena a fim de rastrear a existência ou não de atitudes violentas no estabelecimento prisional que possam ser caracterizadas como uma extensão da violência. Para responder ao objetivo da pesquisa foram adotados três trajetos: no primeiro relatou-se o contexto da violência na região metropolitana, bem como, um possível parâmetro entre os autores selecionados, no segundo analisou-se a execução penal desses autores e no terceiro trajeto verificou-se de que maneira a Administração Carcerária aborda as condutas no cárcere. No cenário da pesquisa foram utilizadas as opiniões de profissionais que lidam diariamente com o tema violência tanto na sociedade como no ambiente prisional. Não foram verificadas atitudes que demonstrem uma continuidade da violência no ambiente prisional a partir de duas assertivas: primeiro porque os autores analisados não apresentaram condutas violentas no curso da sua execução penal e segundo porque, aparentemente, a Administração Carcerária possui um controle sobre as atitudes violentas no cárcere. Por fim, foi realizado esboço crítico sobre os resultados da pesquisa.  Palavras-chave: Violência. Comportamento. Latrocínio. Cárcere. Abstract: This study aimed to investigate if the violent attitude exercised by robbery crime perpetrators can be caught or return to manifest in the course of execution of the sentence. For this, first sought to identify how many crimes have been elucidated in the municipality of Gravataí from 2003 to 2013. After this survey, it was investigated how and where these authors met the sentence to trace the existence of violent attitudes prison that can be characterized as an extension of violence. To met the objective of the research there was adopted three paths: the first reported to the context of violence in the metropolitan area, as well as a possible parameter of the selected authors, the second analyzed the criminal enforcement of these authors and the third path found itself that way the prison Administration addresses the conduct in prison. In the scenario of the research were used the opinions of professionals who daily deal with the topic violence both in society and in the prison environment. Finally, attitudes have not been verified to demonstrate a continuity of violence in the prison environment from two assertions: first because the authors analyzed showed no violent conduct in the course of its criminal enforcement and second because, apparently, the Prison Administration has control over violent attitudes in prison. Keywords: Violence. Behavior. Armed Robbery. Prison.  SUMÁRIO:Introdução. 1 Sobre o Latrocínio. 2 Metodologia. 3 O Retrato do Latrocínio no Município de Gravataí/RS. 4 A Execução Penal e a Situação Atual dos Autores. Considerações Finais. Referências. * Graduada em Direito pela Campanha Nacional de Escolas da Comunidade (CNEC), Rio Grande do Sul.** Pos-Doutorando, Doutor e Mestre em Ciências Criminais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). Professor Colaborador do programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Criminais da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). Professor da Faculdade de Direito da Campanha Nacional de Escolas da Comunidade (CNEC), Rio Grande do Sul.


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    Pretende-se unir dois teoremas famosos, o Problema de Alocação de Tarefas (consiste em distribuir sem ambigüidade tarefas para instalações de maneira otimizada), e os Modelos Econômicos de Leontief (fundamenta-se em analisar as relações econômicas entre empresas ou setores de uma empresa, de modo que haja um equilíbrio), são aplicado métodos da Álgebra Linear para chegar à um resultado: que será o de promover a qualquer tipo de empresa ou negócio, um melhor gerenciamento e tomada de ideias para conquistar o menor custo de investimento com a maior otimização possível. Usaremos uma empresa de transportes ferroviários como exemplo, onde a mesma pretende reduzir os custos de forma que a sua eficiência no atendimento ao cliente não diminua, e que seja possível produzir para uma demanda externa pré-determinada, de modo que a rentabilidade seja equilibrada. Utilizando os conceitos da estatística para representar os gráficos, será possível observar os dados recolhidos da empresa e os resultados obtidos após as aplicações dos métodos. Logo, com a essência de aperfeiçoar o gerenciamento de tarefas vindo da primeira teoria e com uma verificação de rentabilidade por Leontief, tentará ser obtido um resultado plausível ao mesclar os dois teoremas em um mesmo ambient

    Urinary Volatomic Expression Pattern: Paving the Way for Identification of Potential Candidate Biosignatures for Lung Cancer

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    The urinary volatomic profiling of Indian cohorts composed of 28 lung cancer (LC) pa tients and 27 healthy subjects (control group, CTRL) was established using headspace solid phase microextraction technique combined with gas chromatography mass spectrometry methodology as a powerful approach to identify urinary volatile organic metabolites (uVOMs) to discriminate among LC patients from CTRL. Overall, 147 VOMs of several chemistries were identified in the intervention groups—including naphthalene derivatives, phenols, and organosulphurs—augmented in the LC group. In contrast, benzene and terpenic derivatives were found to be more prevalent in the CTRL group. The volatomic data obtained were processed using advanced statistical analysis, namely partial least square discriminative analysis (PLS-DA), support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and multilayer perceptron (MLP) methods. This resulted in the identification of nine uVOMs with a higher potential to discriminate LC patients from CTRL subjects. These were furan, o-cymene, furfural, linalool oxide, viridiflorene, 2-bromo-phenol, tricyclazole, 4-methyl-phenol, and 1-(4-hydroxy-3,5-di-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methyl-3-morpholinopropan-1-one. The metabolic pathway analysis of the data obtained identified several altered biochemical pathways in LC mainly affecting glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, pyruvate metabolism, and fatty acid biosynthesis. Moreover, acetate and octanoic, decanoic, and dodecanoic fatty acids were identified as the key metabolites responsible for such deregulation. Furthermore, studies involving larger cohorts of LC patients would allow us to consolidate the data obtained and challenge the potential of the uVOMs as candidate biomarkers for LC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vermicompostos como substrato na produção de mudas de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum) e couve-folha (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)

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    Com o desenvolvimento tecnológico e da pesquisa nas cadeias produtivas de hortaliças surgiram novas técnicas e metodologias para o cultivo de mudas, passando de canteiros no solo para produção em recipientes, porém, outro requisito importante é a utilização de substrato. Sendo assim, objetivou-se com a pesquisa avaliar o comportamento das mudas de tomate e couve-folha em diferentes combinações de vermicompostos. O ensaio foi realizado na propriedade rural Hortvida, localizada no município de Governador Dix-sept Rosado – RN. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 20 tratamentos, correspondentes aos substratos a base de esterco bovino (EBO) e esterco de pequenos ruminantes (EPR) em diferentes proporções, sendo eles: 10% de esterco bovino (10EBO) e 90% de esterco de pequenos ruminantes (90EPR) = (10EBO+90PR); 20BO+80PR; 30BO+70PR; 40BO+60PR; 50BO+50PR; 70BO+30PR; 80BO+20EPR; 90BO+10PR; 100BO; e 100PR, sendo estes substratos submetidos à produção de mudas de duas espécies: tomate e couve-folha, com 4 repetições. Decorridos 25 dias após a semeadura, as seguintes características foram avaliadas: número de folhas por planta, altura de plântula, diâmetro do coleto, comprimento da folha, largura da folha, peso da massa fresca da plântula e o peso da massa seca da plântula. Em todos os aspectos avaliados o vermicomposto formado pela constituição de 30% de esterco bovino e 70% de esterco de pequenos ruminantes (30EBO+70EPR), foi o que apresentou melhor desempenho dentre os demais, quando avaliado nos caracteres estudados para as mudas de tomate e couve-folha

    Eficiência e uniformidade de distribuição de água em batata-doce irrigado por aspersão no sul tocantinense

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    With the goal to evaluate the efficiency and uniformity of distribution and the need to when and how much to irrigate through a conventional sprinkler irrigation system in sweet potato area in the municipality of Gurupi-TO, the area between four sprinklers evaluated was divided in square subareas of approximately 3 m x 3 m and collectors were installed in the center of each area, so that the collected blade represents its precipitation. After assembly of the collectors the irrigation system was connected in different periods of time and the collected volumes were measured. The uniformity of water application was estimated by the Uniformity of Christiansen coefficient, coefficient of uniformity of distribution and coefficient of uniformity Static besides these were calculed the applied measurement and collection, system losses, application efficiency and management when and how much to irrigate. Based on the values found it can be concluded that the evaluated irrigation project presented an unacceptable uniformity bad poor water application, water application efficiency found below the recommended literature and management recommended you stop when the irrigate were the dates 18, 22 and 28 February and the amount of current water depth found was 62.64 mm.Com o objetivo avaliar a eficiência e a uniformidade de distribuição e a necessidade de quando e quanto irrigar através do sistema de aspersão convencional em uma área de batata-doce no munícipio de Gurupi - TO, a área entre quatro aspersores avaliada foi dividida em subáreas quadradas de aproximadamente 3m x 3m e coletores foram instalados no centro de cada subárea, de forma que a lâmina coletada representasse a sua precipitação. Após a montagem dos coletores, o sistema de irrigação foi ligado em diferentes períodos de horários e os volumes coletados foram medidos. A uniformidade de aplicação de água foi estimada através do Coeficiente de Uniformidade de Christiansen, Coeficiente de Uniformidade de Distribuição e Coeficiente de Uniformidade Estatística, além desses foram calculadas a lâminas aplicadas medida e coletas, perdas do sistema, eficiência de aplicação e o manejo de quando e quanto irrigar. Com base nos valores encontrados pode-se concluir que o projeto de irrigação avaliado apresentou uma uniformidade inaceitável a ruim de aplicação de água, a eficiência de aplicação de água encontrada abaixo do recomendado pela literatura e o manejo recomendado quando irrigar foram nas datas 18, 22 e 28 de fevereiro e a quantidade de lâmina de água atual encontrada foi de 62,64 mm

    A TV PÚBLICA NO BRASIL E PORTUGAL: Aspectos conceituais e históricos

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    A proposta deste artigo é compreender melhor o sistema público de televisão em Portugal e no Brasil, especificamente as emissoras RTP1 e TV Brasil. Embora os dois países sejam marcados por fortes ligações históricas, culturais e linguísticas, se distanciam no que diz respeito a radiodifusão pública. Enquanto em Portugal a televisão já nasce sob o domínio estatal, que posteriormente vai se moldando aos princípios do serviço público, no Brasil chega pelas mãos da iniciativa privada, que por quase duas décadas dominou de forma exclusiva o cenário televisivo, imprimindo seu modelo no país.   PALAVRAS CHAVE: Televisão; Brasil; Portugal; TV pública; História.     ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to better understand the public television system in Portugal and Brazil, specifically the RTP1 and TV Brazil broadcasters. Although the two countries are marked by strong historical, cultural and linguistic connections, they are distant in relation to public broadcasting. While in Portugal, television is born under state domination, which later is shaping the principles of public service, in Brazil comes through the hands of private initiative, which for almost two decades dominated the television scene exclusively, printing its model in the country.   KEYWORDS: Television; Brazil; Portugal; Public TV; Story.     RESUMEN El propósito de este trabajo es comprender mejor el sistema público de televisión en Portugal y Brasil, específicamente en las emisoras de televisión RTP 1 y Brasil. Aunque los dos países están marcados por fuertes vínculos históricos, culturales y lingüísticos, se distancian en lo que se refiere a la radiodifusión pública. Mientras que en Portugal la televisión nace bajo dominio del Estado, que posteriormente dar forma a los principios de servicio público en Brasil llega a manos de la empresa privada, que desde hace casi dos décadas dominaron exclusivamente el panorama de la televisión mediante la impresión de su modelo en el país .   PALABRAS CLAVES: Televisión; Brasil; Portugal; TV pública; Historia

    A guerra de todos contra todos e a Lava Jato : a crise brasileira e a vitória do Capitão Jair Bolsonaro

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    O capitalismo brasileiro atravessa, desde 2015 até hoje (2019), uma de suas maiores crises, que ocorre simultaneamente nos planos da acumulação, da cena política e das instituições. Este artigo analisa a crise entre o impeachment de Dilma Rousseff, em 2016, até a vitória eleitoral do capitão Jair Bolsonaro, em 2018. Busca-se evidenciar como os problemas da acumulação – fruto do aumento da luta entre capital e trabalho, de empecilhos na realização das mercadorias e dos efeitos externos – se avolumaram transformando-se numa crise estrutural devido à incapacidade do Estado em reverter essa trajetória. Essa dificuldade estatal decorre (i) do “consenso da insensatez” econômica dos setores dominantes, (ii) do deslocamento do “centro de poder” do Estado brasileiro para as mãos da operação Lava Jato, e (iii) da perda de legitimidade das instituições. Parte significativa dessa dificuldade é fruto do mecanismo de combate à corrupção (flexibilização do regramento legal e geração de instabilidade) utilizado pela Operação Lava Jato. Esse mecanismo, quando posto em movimento, gerou uma guerra de todos contra todos no país, em que os interesses externos são os maiores beneficiados.Brazilian capitalism traverses from 2015 until today (2019) one of its greatest crisis, that occurs simultaneously in the fields of accumulation, political scene and institutions. This paper analyzes the crisis from Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment in 2016 until the victory of Captain Jair Bolsonaro in 2018. It seeks to show how the problems of accumulation – the result of an increasing conflict between capital and labor, of obstacles in the realization of merchandises and of external effects – have grown into a structural crisis due to the state’s inability to reverse this trajectory. This Government-level difficulty stems from (i) the economic “consensus of foolishness” of the dominant sectors, (ii) the displacement of the “power center” of the Brazilian state into the hands of the Lava Jato (“Car Wash”) federal police operation, and (iii) the loss of legitimacy of institutions. A significant part of this difficulty is the result of the anti-corruption mechanism (relaxation of legal regulation and generation of instability) used by Lava Jato. This mechanism, when set in motion, has generated a war of all against all in the country, in which foreign interests are the biggest beneficiaries so far

    Partitioning of bovine lactoferrin in aqueous two-phase system containing poly(ethylene glycol) and sodium citrate

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    The partitioning of the whey protein lactoferrin, which is an iron transporter glycoprotein, in an aqueous two-phase system composed of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and sodium citrate was evaluated. Equilibrium data at 25 °C were determined for each system studied using PEG with a molar mass of 1000 and 4000 g·mol1 at pH values of 5.5, 6.5, and 7.5. An increase in the molar mass of the polymer promoted the expansion of the two-phase region and caused the migration of the lactoferrin to the salt-rich bottom phase. An increase in pH also led to the expansion of the biphasic region. However, changing the pH over the tested range slightly affected protein partitioning. Lactoferrin recovery percentages greater than 94% were observed for all of the systems evaluated. The results indicated that lactoferrin can be successfully partitioned in an aqueous two-phase system formed of 14% (w/w) PEG and 10% (w/w) sodium citrate at pH 5.5 and 25 °C. The protein was concentrated 1000-fold in the salt-rich bottom phase in this system.Brazilian agencies FAPESB,CNPq, and FAPEMIG for their financial suppor

    Gastric bypass versus best medical treatment for diabetic kidney disease: 5 years follow up of a single-centre open label randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: We compared the albuminuria-lowering effects of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) to best medical treatment in patients with diabetic kidney disease and obesity to determine which treatment is better. METHODS: A 5 year, open-label, single-centre, randomised trial studied patients with diabetic kidney disease and class I obesity after 1:1 randomization to best medical treatment (n = 49) or RYGB (n = 51). The primary outcome was the proportion of patients achieving remission of microalbuminuria after 5 years. Secondary outcomes included improvements in diabetic kidney disease, glycemic control, quality of life, and safety. For efficacy outcomes, we performed an intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. This study was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01821508. FINDINGS: 88% of patients (44 per arm) completed 5-year follow-up. Remission of albuminuria occurred in 59.6% (95% CI = 45.5–73.8) after best medical treatment and 69.7% (95% CI = 59.6–79.8) after RYGB (risk difference: 10%, 95% CI, −7 to 27, P = 0.25). Patients after RYGB were twice as likely to achieve an HbA1c ≤ 6.5% (60.2% versus 25.4%, risk difference, 34.9%; 95% CI = 15.8–53.9, P < 0.001). Quality of life after five years measured by the 36-Item Short Form Survey questionnaire (standardized to a 0-to-100 scale) was higher in the RYGB group than in the best medical treatment group for several domains. The mean differences were 13.5 (95% CI, 5.5–21.6, P = 0.001) for general health, 19.7 (95% CI, 9.1–30.3, P < 0.001) for pain, 6.1 (95% CI, −4.8 to 17.0, P = 0.27) for social functioning, 8.3 (95% CI, 0.23 to 16.3, P = 0.04) for emotional well-being, 12.2 (95% CI, 3.9–20.4, P = 0.004) for vitality, 16.8 (95% CI, −0.75 to 34.4, P = 0.06) for mental health, 21.8 (95% CI, 4.8–38.7, P = 0.01) for physical health and 11.1 (95% CI, 2.24–19.9, P = 0.01) for physical functioning. Serious adverse events were experienced in 7/46 (15.2%) after best medical treatment and 11/46 patients (24%) after RYGB (P = 0.80). INTERPRETATION: Albuminuria remission was not statistically different between best medical treatment and RYGB after 5 years in participants with diabetic kidney disease and class 1 obesity, with 6–7 in ten patients achieving remission of microalbuminuria (uACR <30 mg/g) in both groups. RYGB was superior in improving glycemia, diastolic blood pressure, lipids, body weight, and quality of life. FUNDING: The study was supported by research grants from Johnson & Johnson Brasil, Oswaldo Cruz German Hospital, and by grant 12/YI/B2480 from Science Foundation Ireland (Dr le Roux) and grant 2015-02733 from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Dr le Roux). Dr Pereira was funded by the Chevening Scholarship Programme (Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK)

    Influence of pyroligneous extract on water quality and productive performance of Penaeus vannamei/ Influência do extrato pirolenhoso na qualidade de água e no desempenho produtivo de Penaeus vannamei

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    Water is the main input used in shrimp farming, and the good quality of this natural resource is not only essential for the farmed animals’ welfare, but also for a good profitability at the end of the farming process inaquaculture species. Pyroligneous extract (PE) is a yellow to reddish-brown liquid obtained from the condensation of gases produced by partial wood combustion. This compound has been used for several purposes in different areas, such as in the fertilization of various vegetable crops and in soil conditioning. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the possible benefits of the application of pyroligneous extract on water quality and its consequences on the production performance of Penaeus vannamei. Six 1.0 ha ponds were used, 3 of which were used for the application of pyroligneous extract (WPE) and the other 3 without the extract (wPE) for comparison purposes. The extract was diluted in water and applied directly to the dry soil and after a few hours of reaction the ponds were filled with water and prepared for cultivation. There was a significant difference (p0.05) between the ponds (WPE) and (wPE) in the following water quality parameters: dissolved oxygen, pH, total alkalinity, total hardness, magnesium and silica. However, the values found were within the recommended range for shrimp farming. No significant differences (p0.05) were found in the parameters analyzed in relation to production performance.Water is the main input used in shrimp farming, and the good quality of this natural resource is not only essential for the farmed animals’ welfare, but also for a good profitability at the end of the farming process inaquaculture species. Pyroligneous extract (PE) is a yellow to reddish-brown liquid obtained from the condensation of gases produced by partial wood combustion. This compound has been used for several purposes in different areas, such as in the fertilization of various vegetable crops and in soil conditioning. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the possible benefits of the application of pyroligneous extract on water quality and its consequences on the production performance of Penaeus vannamei. Six 1.0 ha ponds were used, 3 of which were used for the application of pyroligneous extract (WPE) and the other 3 without the extract (wPE) for comparison purposes. The extract was diluted in water and applied directly to the dry soil and after a few hours of reaction the ponds were filled with water and prepared for cultivation. There was a significant difference (p0.05) between the ponds (WPE) and (wPE) in the following water quality parameters: dissolved oxygen, pH, total alkalinity, total hardness, magnesium and silica. However, the values found were within the recommended range for shrimp farming. No significant differences (p0.05) were found in the parameters analyzed in relation to production performance