390 research outputs found

    Diversity of seed mineral composition of Phaseolus vulgaris L. germplasm

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    A collection of 155 accessions of ancient Portuguese common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was evaluated in relation to the content of 8minerals (Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, P and K) important for human nutrition. A high degree of variability for P, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Ca was observed in the collection. Total correlation matrix analysis revealed the existence of two important sets of strong positive correlations (P 0.0001), one involving P, Fe, Zn, Cu and protein, and the other Ca and Mn. The principal component analysis showed that Zn, Fe and Cu are highly correlated to the first component (27% of variability) and Mn and Ca to the second component (22% of the variability). The high mineral variability observed in the seeds of this common bean collection could be useful for the selection of cultivars with higher nutrition value and for the improvement of seed nutrition quality traits

    A genome-wide association study using a DNA pooling strategy identifies BBS9 and GLIS3 as novel loci influencing patient’s outcome after stroke

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    Stroke is a major cause of morbidity in developed countries and therefore finding adequate treatments to promote patient’s recovery is a priority task, requiring the elucidation of the molecular pathways influencing brain recovery. Few studies, however, have assessed the role of genes in stroke outcome. This study describes a pilot genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify genetic factors contributing to patient’s outcome, using a DNA pooling design. Methods: Patient’s outcome was assessed using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) three months after stroke. Using the 250K Affymetrix GeneChip Mapping Assay® – Nsp I, we compared SNP allele frequencies in a pool of non-disabled stroke patients (N=87, mRS=0), with a pool of severely disabled or deceased patients (N=100, mRS>=3). The 100 most interesting SNPs were selected for validation by individual genotyping. Results: 36 SNPs were validated, showing significant differences between patients with extremely good and extremely poor outcome at three months (1.7x10-4 ).This work was supported by the grant PTDC/SAU-GMG/64426/2006, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Helena Manso and Tiago Krug were supported by FCT fellowships

    Avaliação de biofertilizantes, extratos vegetais e diferentes substâncias alternativas no manejo de tripes em cebola em sistema orgânico.

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    Avaliou-se substâncias alternativas no manejo de tripes (Thrips tabaci Lind.), em cebola, cv, Crioula, no sistema orgânico. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na EPAGRI, Ituporanga (SC). Os períodos entre transplante e colheita foram de 11/09/1996 a 10/01/1997 e 13/08/1997 a 11/12/1997. O delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso com 8 tratamentos em 1996 e 12 tratamentos em 1997 e quatro repetições. Em 1996 os tratamentos incluíram o biofertilizante anaeróbico 50%, biofertilizante aeróbico 5%, sulfato de manganês 1%, extrato hidroalcoólico de própolis 0,2%, macerado de ervas (“fersoral”) 2% e 4%, extrato de fumo (Nicotiana tabacum) 2 L ha-1 + 1% detergente neutro, testemunha sem aplicação. Em 1997 os tratamentos incluíram o macerado de ervas (“fersoral”) 5% 10%, enxofre pó molhável 0,25% + extrato hidroalcoólico de própolis 0,2% + extrato de samambaia 3%, biofertilizante anaeróbico 50%, biofertilizante aeróbico 5%, extrato de losna (Artemisia verlotorum) 3%, extrato de timbó (Ateleia glazioviana) 0,5%, extrato de samambaia (Pteridium aquilinum) 10%, extrato de erva-de-santa-maria (Chenopodium ambrosioides) 10%, extrato de cinamomo (Melia azedarach) 10%,extrato de camomila (Matricaria chamomilla) 5%, testemunha sem aplicação. Para aplicação dos produtos empregou-se pulverizador de pressão constante a base de CO2. Os tratamentos não causaram redução significativa na incidência de tripes e aumentos significativos na produtividade