15 research outputs found

    Coherent structures in a baroclinic atmosphere

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, 1985.Microfiche copy available in Archives and Science.Bibliography: leaves 127-130.by Piero Malguzzi.Ph.D

    Effects of Increasing Horizontal Resolution in a Convection-Permitting Model on Flood Forecasting: The 2011 Dramatic Events in Liguria, Italy

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    Abstract Coupling meteorological and hydrological models is a common and standard practice in the field of flood forecasting. In this study, a numerical weather prediction (NWP) chain based on the BOLogna Limited Area Model (BOLAM) and the MOdello LOCale in Hybrid coordinates (MOLOCH) was coupled with the operational hydrological forecasting chain of the Ligurian Hydro-Meteorological Functional Centre to simulate two major floods that occurred during autumn 2011 in northern Italy. Different atmospheric simulations were performed by varying the grid spacing (between 1.0 and 3.0 km) of the high-resolution meteorological model and the set of initial/boundary conditions driving the NWP chain. The aim was to investigate the impact of these parameters not only from a meteorological perspective, but also in terms of discharge predictions for the two flood events. The operational flood forecasting system was thus used as a tool to validate in a more pragmatic sense the quantitative precipitation forecast obtained from different configurations of the NWP system. The results showed an improvement in flood prediction when a high-resolution grid was employed for atmospheric simulations. In turn, a better description of the evolution of the precipitating convective systems was beneficial for the hydrological prediction. Although the simulations underestimated the severity of both floods, the higher-resolution model chain would have provided useful information to the decision-makers in charge of protecting citizens

    High resolution simulations of a flash flood near Venice.

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    Abstract. During the MAP D-PHASE (Mesoscale Alpine Programme, Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation of flood Events in the Alpine region) Operational Period (DOP, 1 June–30 November 2007) the most intense precipitation event observed south of the Alps occurred over the Venice Lagoon. In the early morning of 26 September 2007, a mesoscale convective system formed in an area of convergence between a south-easterly low level jet flowing along the Adriatic Sea and a north-easterly barrier-type wind south of the Alps, and was responsible for precipitation exceeding 320 mm in less than 12 h, 240 mm of which in only 3 h. The forecast rainfall fields, provided by several convection resolving models operated daily for the D-PHASE project, have been compared. An analysis of different aspects of the event, such as the relevant mechanisms leading to the flood, the main characteristics of the MCS, and an estimation of the predictability of the episode, has been performed using a number of high resolution, convection resolving models (MOLOCH, WRF and MM5). Strong sensitivity to initial and boundary conditions and to model parameterization schemes has been found. Although low predictability is expected due to the convective nature of rainfall, the forecasts made more than 24 h in advance indicate that the larger scale environment driving the dynamics of this event played an important role in favouring the achievement of a relatively good accuracy in the precipitation forecasts

    Tide-surge-wave modelling and forecasting in the Mediterranean Sea with focus on the Italian coast

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    Abstract A tide-surge-wave modelling system, called Kassandra, was developed for the Mediterranean Sea. It consists of a 3-D finite element hydrodynamic model (SHYFEM), including a tidal model and a third generation finite element spectral wave model (WWMII) coupled to the hydrodynamic model. The numerical grid of the hydrodynamic and wave models covers the whole Mediterranean with variable resolution. The comparison with coastal tide gauge stations along the Italian peninsula results in a root sum square error for the main tidal components equal to 1.44 cm. The operational implementation of the Kassandra storm surge system through the use of a high resolution meteorological model chain (GFS, BOLAM, MOLOCH) allows accurate forecast of total water level and wave characteristics. The root mean square error for the first day of forecast is 5 cm for the total water level and 22 cm for the significant wave height. Simulation results indicate that the use of a 3-D approach with a depth-varying loading factor and the inclusion of the non-linear interaction between tides and surge improve significantly the model performance in the Italian coast

    The role of nonlinear self-interaction in the dynamics of planetary-scale atmospheric fluctuations

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    A central role in the general circulation of the atmosphere is played by planetary-scale inertial fluctuations with zonal wavenumber in the range k = 1–4. Geopotential variance in this range is markedly non-gaussian and a great fraction of it is non-propagating, in contrast with the normal distribution of amplitudes and the basically propagating character of fluctuations in the baroclinic range (3 10 days). We investigate the hypothesis that nonlinear self-interaction of planetary waves influences the mobility (and, therefore, the dispersion) of ultra-long planetary fluctuations. By means of a perturbation expansion of the barotropic vorticity equation we derive a minimal analytic description of the impact of self-nonlinearity on mobility and we show that this is responsible for a correction term to phase speed, with the prevalent effect of slowing down the propagation of waves. The intensity of nonlinear self-interaction is shown to increase with the complexity of the flow, depending on both its zonal and meridional modulations. Reanalysis data of geopotential height and zonal wind are analysed in order to test the effect of self-nonlinearity on observed planetary flows.ISSN:1751-8113ISSN:1361-644

    Factors affecting the quality of QPF: a multi-method verification of multi-configuration BOLAM reforecasts against MAP D-PHASE observations

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    This paper discusses the results of a quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) verification study aimed at comparing different alternative new configurations of the meteorological BOlogna Limited Area Model (BOLAM) to be implemented in 2013 into the ISPRA’s Hydro-Meteo-Marine forecasting system (SIMM) in place of the currently operational version, dated 2009. Five new configurations are defined after considering several combinations of the following model settings: horizontal grid spacing, domain extension, initial and boundary conditions, nesting design and the BOLAM code version. Such testing configurations are inter-compared with the operational BOLAM version following a multi-method approach including Fourier spectral analysis, several categorical scores, quasi-relative operating characteristic diagram and visual inspection of the spatial distributions of the contingency table elements. Rain gauge measurements available between June and November 2007 within the international initiative ‘Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation of flood Events in the Alpine region’ of the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP D-PHASE) are considered as observational dataset. A 6month reforecast campaign is performed in order to produce, for each compared configuration, the corresponding forecast series. Results show that decreasing model grid spacing and simultaneously increasing model domain extension is effective in improving the QPF quality when higher-resolution initial and boundary conditions are directly applied to BOLAM, without using a coarser-resolution parent model run. Therefore, such skilful configuration has been deployed in late 2012 within the international research programme ‘HYdrological cycle in Mediterranean EXperiment’ (HyMeX). On the contrary, when keeping the low-resolution, double nesting configuration, improving input data decreases the QPF performance

    The On-Line Integrated Mesoscale Chemistry Model BOLCHEM

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    This work presents the on-line coupled meteorology–chemistry transport model BOLCHEM, based on the hydrostatic meteorological BOLAM model, the gas chemistry module SAPRC90, and the aerosol dynamic module AERO3. It includes parameterizations to describe natural source emissions, dry and wet removal processes, as well as the transport and dispersion of air pollutants. The equations for different processes are solved on the same grid during the same integration step, by means of a time-split scheme. This paper describes the model and its performance at horizontal resolution of 0.2∘× 0.2∘ over Europe and 0.1∘× 0.1∘ in a nested configuration over Italy, for one year run (December 2009–November 2010). The model has been evaluated against the AIRBASE data of the European Environmental Agency. The basic statistics for higher resolution simulations of O3, NO2 and particulate matter concentrations (PM2.5 and PM10) have been compared with those from Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) ensemble median. In summer, for O3 we found a correlation coefficient R of 0.72 and mean bias of 2.15 over European domain and a correlation coefficient R of 0.67 and mean bias of 2.36 over Italian domain. PM10 and PM2.5 are better reproduced in the winter, the latter with a correlation coefficient R of 0.66 and the mean bias MB of 0.35 over Italian domain

    The On-Line Integrated Mesoscale Chemistry Model BOLCHEM

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    This work presents the on-line coupled meteorology–chemistry transport model BOLCHEM, based on the hydrostatic meteorological BOLAM model, the gas chemistry module SAPRC90, and the aerosol dynamic module AERO3. It includes parameterizations to describe natural source emissions, dry and wet removal processes, as well as the transport and dispersion of air pollutants. The equations for different processes are solved on the same grid during the same integration step, by means of a time-split scheme. This paper describes the model and its performance at horizontal resolution of 0.2∘× 0.2∘ over Europe and 0.1∘× 0.1∘ in a nested configuration over Italy, for one year run (December 2009–November 2010). The model has been evaluated against the AIRBASE data of the European Environmental Agency. The basic statistics for higher resolution simulations of O3, NO2 and particulate matter concentrations (PM2.5 and PM10) have been compared with those from Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) ensemble median. In summer, for O3 we found a correlation coefficient R of 0.72 and mean bias of 2.15 over European domain and a correlation coefficient R of 0.67 and mean bias of 2.36 over Italian domain. PM10 and PM2.5 are better reproduced in the winter, the latter with a correlation coefficient R of 0.66 and the mean bias MB of 0.35 over Italian domain