58 research outputs found

    Nutraceutical characterization of anthocyanin-rich fruits produced by «Sun Black» tomato line

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most cultivated vegetable in the world and it represents a large source of bioactive compounds, including carotenoids and polyphenols (phenolic acids and flavonoids). However, the concentration of flavonoids in tomato is considered sub-optimal, particularly because anthocyanins are not generally present. Therefore, this crop has been the object of an intense metabolic engineering in order to obtain anthocyanin-enriched tomatoes by using either breeding or transgenic strategies. Some wild tomato species, such as S. chilense and S. cheesmaniae, biosynthesize anthocyanins in the fruit sub-epidermal tissue, and some alleles from those genotypes have been introgressed into a new developed purple tomato line, called “Sun Black” (SB). It is a tomato line with a purple skin color, both in green and in red fruit stages, due to the biosynthesis of anthocyanins in the peel, and a normal red color pulp, with a taste just like a traditional tomato. SB is the result of a breeding programme and it is not a genetically modified (GM) product. We report the chemical characterization and structure elucidation of the attractive anthocyanins found in the peel of SB tomato, as well as other bioactive compounds (carotenoids, polyphenols, vitamin C) of the whole fruit. Using one- and two-dimensional NMR experiments, the two main anthocyanins were identified to be petunidin 3-O-[6″-O-(4‴-O-E-p-coumaroyl-α-rhamnopyranosyl) -β-glucopyranoside]-5-O-β-glucopyranoside (petanin) and malvidin 3-O-[6″-O-(4‴-O-E-p-coumaroyl-α-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-5-O-β-glucopyranoside (negretein). The total anthocyanins in the whole ripe fruit was 1.2 mg/g dry weight (DW); 7.1 mg/100 g fresh weight (FW). Chlorogenic acid (the most abundant phenolic acid) was 0.6 mg/g DW; 3.7 mg/100 g FW. The main flavonol, rutin was 0.8 mg/g DW; 5 mg/100 g FW. The total carotenoid content was 211.3 μg/g DW; 1,268 μg/100 g FW. The total phenolic content was 8.6 mg/g DW; 52.2 mg/100 g FW. The vitamin C content was 37.3 mg/100 g FW. The antioxidant activities as measured by the TEAC and ORAC assays were 31.6 and 140.3 μmol TE/g DW, respectively (193 and 855.8 μmol TE/100 g FW, respectively). The results show the unique features of this new tomato genotype with nutraceutical properties.publishedVersio

    TNF-α induced endothelial MAdCAM-1 expression is regulated by exogenous, not endogenous nitric oxide

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    BACKGROUND: MAdCAM-1 is an adhesion molecule expressed in Peyer's patches and lymphoid tissues which is mobilized by cytokines like TNF-α and is a major determinant of lymphocyte trafficking to the gut in human inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It has been suggested that both reactive oxygen and nitrogen metabolites participate in regulating adhesion molecule expression in response to TNF-α. METHODS: To examine how exogenous and endogenous sources of NO modulate MAdCAM-1 induction by TNF-α, we pre-treated mouse lymphatic endothelial cells with either long or short acting NO donors prior to TNF-α-stimulation, and measured MAdCAM-1 induction at 24 h. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: DETA-NO, a long-acting NO donor, and SperNO, a rapid releasing NO donor both inhibited TNF-α-stimulated MAdCAM-1 expression in a concentration dependent manner. Both NO donors also reduced a4b7-dependent lymphocyte endothelial adhesion. Inhibition of endogenous NO production by either L-NAME, a non-selective NOS inhibitor, or by 1400 w, a selective iNOS inhibitor failed to induce, or potentiate TNF-α regulated MAdCAM-1 expression. CONCLUSIONS: Exogenous NO donors may be beneficial in the treatment of IBD, while endogenous nitric oxide synthases may be less effective in controlling adhesion molecule expression in response to cytokines

    Melatonin reduces TNF-a induced expression of MAdCAM-1 via inhibition of NF-kB.

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    BACKGROUND: Endothelial MAdCAM-1 (mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1) expression is associated with the oxidant-dependent induction and progress of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Melatonin, a relatively safe, potent antioxidant, has shown efficacy in several chronic injury models may limit MAdCAM-1 expression and therefore have a therapeutic use in IBD. METHODS: We examined how different doses of melatonin reduced endothelial MAdCAM-1 induced by TNF-a in an in vitro model of lymphatic endothelium. Endothelial monolayers were pretreated with melatonin prior to, and during an exposure, to TNF-a (1 ng/ml, 24 h), and MAdCAM-1 expression measured by immunoblotting. RESULTS: MAdCAM-1 was induced by TNF-a. Melatonin at concentrations over 100 μm (10(-4) M) significantly attenuated MAdCAM-1 expression and was maximal at 1 mM. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that melatonin may exert therapeutic activity in IBD through its ability to inhibit NF-kB dependent induction of MAdCAM-1

    Evaluation of tomato introgression lines diversified for peel color as a source of functional biocompounds and biomass for energy recovery

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    Aim of the work was to characterize the peels of novel tomato lines (with red, orange, pink, black-red, and darkred fruit) for the content of bioactive substances and for some parameters linked to no-food use. Chlorophyll, polyphenols, and carotenoid content, energy value, theoretical biochemical methane potential (TBMP) through stochiometric method were evaluated. The peel color mirrored a different content of the bioactive substances: the dark-red fruits showed a significant increase of the carotenoid content, while the peel of the black-red fruits had the highest values of polyphenols. The preferential accumulation of functional compounds influenced the values of the other parameters. The colored lines compared to the red-fruited control (C) contained less carbon and hydrogen mass fractions and, subsequently, a lower LHV. This, in turn, led to a substantial difference in the estimation of the TBMP. Interestingly, this production was higher in the highly pigmented line, which contained a gene present in some high-lycopene commercial varieties. A circular production model for exhaustive use of peel is proposed