1,579 research outputs found

    Complete eigenstates of identical qubits arranged in regular polygons

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    We calculate the energy eigenvalues and eigenstates corresponding to coherent single and multiple excitations of an array of N identical qubits or two-level atoms (TLA's) arranged on the vertices of a regular polygon. We assume only that the coupling occurs via an exchange interaction which depends on the separation between the qubits. We include the interactions between all pairs of qubits, and our results are valid for arbitrary distances relative to the radiation wavelength. To illustrate the usefulness of these states, we plot the distance dependence of the decay rates of the n=2 (biexciton) eigenstates of an array of 4 qubits, and tabulate the biexciton eigenvalues and eigenstates, and absorption frequencies, line widths, and relative intensities for polygons consisting of N=2,...,9 qubits in the long-wavelength limit.Comment: Added a figure showing how these results can be used to compute deviations from "equal collective decoherence" approximation

    Ab initio many-body calculation of excitons in solid Ne and Ar

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    Absorption spectra, exciton energy levels and wave functions for solid Ne and Ar have been calculated from first principles using many-body techniques. Electronic band structures of Ne and Ar were calculated using the GW approximation. Exciton states were calculated by diagonalizing an exciton Hamiltonian derived from the particle-hole Green function, whose equation of motion is the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Singlet and triplet exciton series up to n=5 for Ne and n=3 for Ar were obtained. Binding energies and longitudinal-transverse splittings of n=1 excitons are in excellent agreement with experiment. Plots of correlated electron-hole wave functions show that the electron-hole complex is delocalised over roughly 7 a.u. in solid Ar.Comment: 6 page

    Polarization Diffusion from Spacetime Uncertainty

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    A model of Lorentz invariant random fluctuations in photon polarization is presented. The effects are frequency dependent and affect the polarization of photons as they propagate through space. We test for this effect by confronting the model with the latest measurements of polarization of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photons.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Chronic rhinosinusitis and mood disturbance

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    BACKGROUND: This study is part of the Chronic Rhinosinusitis Epidemiology Study (CRES). The overarching aim is to determine factors that influence the onset and severity of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). The aim of this analysis is to determine whether those with CRS are more likely to report psychiatric morbidity and in particular mood disturbance compared with healthy controls.  METHODS: CRES consists of a study-specific questionnaire regarding demographic and socioeconomic factors and past medical history as well as a nasal symptom score (SNOT-22) and SF-36 (QoL - quality of life tool). Both of these tools contain mental health or emotional well-being domains. Participants were specifically asked whether they had ever consulted with their General Practitioner for anxiety or depression. Questionnaires were distributed to patients with CRS attending ENT outpatient clinics at 30 centres across the United Kingdom from 2007-2013. Controls were also recruited at these sites. Patients were divided into subgroups of CRS according to the absence/presence of polyps (CRSsNPs/CRSwNPs) or allergic fungal rhinosinusitis (AFRS).  RESULTS: Consultations with a family physician for depression or anxiety were higher amongst those with CRS than controls, but this was only significant for those with CRSsNPs. Odds ratio (OR) for CRSsNPs vs controls: 1.89; OR for CRSwNPs: 1.40. Patients with CRS showed significantly higher mental health morbidity than controls across the mental health and emotional wellbeing domains of the SF-36 and SNOT-22. Mean difference in the mental health domain of SF-36 was 8.3 for CRSsNPs and 5.3 for CRSwNPs. For the emotional domain of SNOT-22, differences were 7.7 and 6.3 respectively.  CONCLUSIONS: Depression and anxiety are significantly more common in patients with CRS compared to healthy controls, especially in those with CRSsNPs. This added mental health morbidity needs consideration when managing these patients in primary and secondary care settings

    The F-box protein Cdc4/Fbxw7 is a novel regulator of neural crest development in Xenopus laevis.

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    BACKGROUND: The neural crest is a unique population of cells that arise in the vertebrate ectoderm at the neural plate border after which they migrate extensively throughout the embryo, giving rise to a wide range of derivatives. A number of proteins involved in neural crest development have dynamic expression patterns, and it is becoming clear that ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation is partly responsible for this. RESULTS: Here we demonstrate a novel role for the F-box protein Cdc4/Fbxw7 in neural crest development. Two isoforms of Xenopus laevis Cdc4 were identified, and designated xCdc4alpha and xCdc4beta. These are highly conserved with vertebrate Cdc4 orthologs, and the Xenopus proteins are functionally equivalent in terms of their ability to degrade Cyclin E, an established vertebrate Cdc4 target. Blocking xCdc4 function specifically inhibited neural crest development at an early stage, prior to expression of c-Myc, Snail2 and Snail. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that Cdc4, an ubiquitin E3 ligase subunit previously identified as targeting primarily cell cycle regulators for proteolysis, has additional roles in control of formation of the neural crest. Hence, we identify Cdc4 as a protein with separable but complementary functions in control of cell proliferation and differentiation

    Neurogenin3 phosphorylation controls reprogramming efficiency of pancreatic ductal organoids into endocrine cells

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    β-cell replacement has been proposed as an effective treatment for some forms of diabetes, and in vitro methods for β-cell generation are being extensively explored. A potential source of β-cells comes from fate conversion of exocrine pancreatic cells into the endocrine lineage, by overexpression of three regulators of pancreatic endocrine formation and β-cell identity, Ngn3, Pdx1 and MafA. Pancreatic ductal organoid cultures have recently been developed that can be expanded indefinitely, while maintaining the potential to differentiate into the endocrine lineage. Here, using mouse pancreatic ductal organoids, we see that co-expression of Ngn3, Pdx1 and MafA are required and sufficient to generate cells that express insulin and resemble β-cells transcriptome-wide. Efficiency of β-like cell generation can be significantly enhanced by preventing phosphorylation of Ngn3 protein and further augmented by conditions promoting differentiation. Taken together, our new findings underline the potential of ductal organoid cultures as a source material for generation of β-like cells and demonstrate that post-translational regulation of reprogramming factors can be exploited to enhance β-cell generation

    Mesoscopic Cooperative Emission From a Disordered System

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    We study theoretically the cooperative light emission from a system of N1N\gg 1 classical oscillators confined within a volume with spatial scale, LL, much smaller than the radiation wavelength, λ0=2πc/ω0\lambda_0=2\pi c/\omega_0. We assume that the oscillators frequencies are randomly distributed around a central frequency, ω0\omega_0, with some characteristic width, Ωω0\Omega\ll\omega_0. In the absence of disorder, that is Ω=0\Omega=0, the cooperative emission spectrum is composed of a narrow subradiant peak superimposed on a wide superradiant band. When Ω0\Omega\neq 0, we demonstrate that if NN is large enough, the subradiant peak is not simply broadened by the disorder but rather splits into a system of random narrow peaks. We estimate the spectral width of these peaks as a function of N,L,ΩN, L, \Omega, and λ0\lambda_0. We also estimate the amplitude of this mesoscopic structure in the emission spectrum.Comment: 25 pages including 6 figure

    GLI1 confers profound phenotypic changes upon LNCaP prostate cancer cells that include the acquisition of a hormone independent state

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    The GLI (GLI1/GLI2) transcription factors have been implicated in the development and progression of prostate cancer although our understanding of how they actually contribute to the biology of these common tumours is limited. We observed that GLI reporter activity was higher in normal (PNT-2) and tumourigenic (DU145 and PC-3) androgen-independent cells compared to androgen-dependent LNCaP prostate cancer cells and, accordingly, GLI mRNA levels were also elevated. Ectopic expression of GLI1 or the constitutively active NGLI2 mutant induced a distinct cobblestone-like morphology in LNCaP cells that, regarding the former, correlated with increased GLI2 as well as expression of the basal/stem-like markers CD44, beta1-integrin, Np63 and BMI1, and decreased expression of the luminal marker AR (androgen receptor). LNCaP-GLI1 cells were viable in the presence of the AR inhibitor bicalutamide and gene expression profiling revealed that the transcriptome of LNCaP-GLI1 cells was significantly closer to DU145 and PC-3 cells than to control LNCaP-pBP (empty vector) cells, as well as identifying LCN2/NGAL as a highly induced transcript which is associated with hormone independence in breast and prostate cancer. Functionally, LNCaP-GLI1 cells displayed greater clonal growth and were more invasive than control cells but they did not form colonies in soft agar or prostaspheres in suspension suggesting that they do not possess inherent stem cell properties. Moreover, targeted suppression of GLI1 or GLI2 with siRNA did not reverse the transformed phenotype of LNCaP-GLI1 cells nor did double GLI1/GLI2 knockdowns activate AR expression in DU145 or PC-3 cells. As such, early targeting of the GLI oncoproteins may hinder progression to a hormone independent state but a more detailed understanding of the mechanisms that maintain this phenotype is required to determine if their inhibition will enhance the efficacy of anti-hormonal therapy through the induction of a luminal phenotype and increased dependency upon AR function

    Clusters of ant colonies and robust criticality in a tropical agroecosystem

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    Although sometimes difficult to measure at large scales, spatial pattern is important in natural biological spaces as a determinant of key ecological properties such as species diversity, stability, resiliency and others(1-6). Here we demonstrate, at a large spatial scale, that a common species of tropical arboreal ant forms clusters of nests through a combination of local satellite colony formation and density- dependent control by natural enemies, mainly a parasitic fly. Cluster sizes fall off as a power law consistent with a so-called robust critical state(7). This endogenous cluster formation at a critical state is a unique example of an insect population forming a non- random pattern at a large spatial scale. Furthermore, because the species is a keystone of a larger network that contributes to the ecosystem function of pest control, this is an example of how spatial dynamics at a large scale can affect ecosystem service at a local level.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62598/1/nature06477.pd