16 research outputs found

    Field research in Hanawi: A story about working with the world’s most endangered bird.

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    A serologic survey for avian polyomavirus and Pacheco's disease virus in Australian cockatoos

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    Sera collected from wild and captive Australian cockatoos and other psittacine species (n = 411) were tested for antibodies to avian polyomavirus (APV) and Pacheco's disease virus (PDV). Of 144 wild sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) sampled at three regions in New South Wales (NSW) 96 (64.4%) birds had positive (≤ 1:32) neutralizing antibody titres to avian polyomavirus (range 1:321:2048). Two of 17 wild long-billed corellas (Cacatua tenuirostris) were also APV-antibody positive. However, no samples from 107 wild galahs (Eolophus roseicapillus) were positive for neutralizing antibody to APV. Sera were also collected from captive psittacine bird flocks from NSW, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia. In a mixed aviary of cockatoos and lorikeets, APV antibody was detected in sera from sulphur-crested cockatoos, Major Mitchell's cockatoos (Cacatua leadbeateri), a white-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus baudinii latirostris), a red-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus magnificus) a single galah, a rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus), and a scaley-breasted lorikeet (Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus). All 411 wild and captive birds were negative for the presence of neutralizing antibody to PDV. These results indicate that wild sulphur-crested cockatoos in NSW are enzootically infected with avian polyomavirus and that the sampled populations are free of Pacheco's disease

    Doenças de aves selvagens diagnosticadas na Universidade Federal do Paraná (2003-2007) Diseases of wild birds diagnosed at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (2003-2007)

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    Dentre os 253 atendimentos realizados em aves selvagens entre agosto de 2003 a agosto de 2006 no Ambulatório de Animais Selvagens do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal do Paraná, 45 casos (17,8%) referiram-se a consultas à espécie Serinus canarius (canário-belga). Dentre as aves atendidas e suas respectivas ordens obteve-se uma maior ocorrência da ordem Psittaciforme. As enfermidades mais freqüentemente visualizadas foram as afecções traumáticas com 56 casos (22,13%). Destas, 17 animais (30,91%) possuíam algum tipo de fratura, sendo a fratura rádio-ulnar a mais comum, com 17,65% de ocorrência. As outras moléstias mais relatadas foram a presença de ectoparasitos (12,50%) e endoparasitos (10,68%), doenças respiratórias (10,42%), procedimentos preventivos (7,55%), afecções dermatológicas (6,51%), neoplasias (4,95%), afecções oftálmicas (4,43%), afecções gastrintestinais (3,91%), caquexia (3,39%), afecções neurológicas (2,86%), automutilação (2,86%), obesidade (2,34%), agressão por outros animais (1,56 %), doenças nutricionais (1,30%), retenção de ovo (1,04%), bouba aviária (0,78%) e gota úrica (0,52%). Tendo em vista a alta prevalência de traumatismos e presença de ecto e endo parasitas que poderiam ser evitados se estivesse ocorrendo um manejo adequado com a ave, sugere-se a necessidade que o Médico Veterinário assuma um papel mais efetivo na Medicina Veterinária Preventiva buscando informar e debater questões referentes ao modo correto de alimentação, criação e manejo das aves, assim como também o esclarecimento acerca das questões referentes às zoonoses quando da consulta veterinária.<br>From 253 wild birds attended at the Wild Animal Ambulatory of the Veterinary Hospital, Paraná Federal University, between August 2003 and August 2006, 45 cases (17.8%) were related to the species Serinus canarius (Belgian Canary). Within these attended birds and its respective orders, most morbid conditions occurred with the Psittaciforme order and were caused by traumatism, in 45 cases (14.32%). Of these, 17 animals (30.91%) had bone fractures; the most common were on radius-ulna (17.65%). Other conditions were presence of ectoparasites (12.50%) and endoparasites (10.68%), respiratory disease (10.42%), dermatological ailments (6.51%), neoplasms (4.95%), ophthalmic illnesses (4.43%), gastrointestinal diseases (3.91%), cachexia (3.39%), neurological diseases (2.86%), self-mutilation (2.86%), obesity (2.34%), aggression by other animals (1.56%), nutritional deficiencies (1.30%), egg retention (1.04%), avian poxvirus (0.78%) and uric gout (0.52%), as well as there was clinical routine measures to be taken (7.55%). Traumas and illnesses were observed as the highest prevalence on the casuistic, which could be prevented by correct husbandry practices