777 research outputs found

    The temperature structure in the core of Sersic 159-03

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    We present results from a new 120 ks XMM-Newton observation of the cluster of galaxies Sersic 159-03. In this paper we focus on the high-resolution X-ray spectra obtained with the Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS). The spectra allow us to constrain the temperature structure in the core of the cluster and determine the emission measure distribution as a function of temperature. We also fit the line widths of mainly oxygen and iron lines.Comment: 7 pages and 4 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the COSPAR Scientific Assembly, session E1.2 "Clusters of Galaxies: New Insights from XMM-Newton, Chandra and INTEGRAL", july 2004, Paris (France). Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Researc

    Congestive heart failure in rats is associated with increased expression and targeting of aquaporin-2 water channel in collecting duct

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    We tested whether severe congestive heart failure (CHF), a condition associated with excess free-water retention, is accompanied by altered regulation of the vasopressin-regulated water channel, aquaporin-2 (AQP2), in the renal collecting duct. CHF was induced by left coronary artery ligation. Compared with sham-operated animals, rats with CHF had severe heart failure with elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressures (LVEDP): 26.9 ± 3.4 vs. 4.1 ± 0.3 mmHg, and reduced plasma sodium concentrations (142.2 ± 1.6 vs. 149.1 ± 1.1 mEq/liter). Quantitative immunoblotting of total kidney membrane fractions revealed a significant increase in AQP2 expression in animals with CHF (267 ± 53%, n=12) relative to sham-operated controls (100 ± 13%, n=14). In contrast, immunoblotting demonstrated a lack of an increase in expression of AQP1 and AQP3 water channel expression, indicating that the effect on AQP2 was selective.Furthermore, postinfarction animals without LVEDP elevation or plasma Na reduction showed no increase in AQP2 expression (121 ± 28% of sham levels, n=6). Immunocytochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated very abundant labeling of the apical plasma membrane and relatively little labeling of intracellular vesicles in collecting duct cells from rats with severe CHF, consistent with enhanced trafficking of AQP2 to the apical plasma membrane. The selective increase in AQP2 expression and enhanced plasma membrane targeting provide an explanation for the development of water retention and hyponatremia in severe CHF

    Cabinet-Makers' Awareness and Usage of Rainforest Cabinet Timbers in Queensland

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    This paper reports findings of surveys into the usage of, and attitudes to, rainforest cabinet timbers by cabinet-makers in Queensland, Australia. In determining policies to promote growing of native rainforest trees on private land, it is necessary to know the market requirements for various cabinet species. The species most in demand by cabinet-makers are identified in this paper. Suitability and availability are found to be important determinants of cabinet-maker demand for timber. The species being planted in north Queensland are not a close match with those predicted by cabinet-makers to be in greatest demand in the future

    The Supernova Gamma-Ray Burst Connection

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    The chief distinction between ordinary supernovae and long-soft gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is the degree of differential rotation in the inner several solar masses when a massive star dies, and GRBs are rare mainly because of the difficulty achieving the necessary high rotation rate. Models that do provide the necessary angular momentum are discussed, with emphasis on a new single star model whose rapid rotation leads to complete mixing on the main sequence and avoids red giant formation. This channel of progenitor evolution also gives a broader range of masses than previous models, and allows the copious production of bursts outside of binaries and at high redshifts. However, even the production of a bare helium core rotating nearly at break up is not, by itself, a sufficient condition to make a gamma-ray burst. Wolf-Rayet mass loss must be low, and will be low in regions of low metallicity. This suggests that bursts at high redshift (low metallicity) will, on the average, be more energetic, have more time structure, and last longer than bursts nearby. Every burst consists of three components: a polar jet (~0.1 radian), high energy, subrelativistic mass ejection (~1 radian), and low velocity equatorial mass that can fall back after the initial explosion. The relative proportions of these three components can give a diverse assortment of supernovae and high energy transients whose properties may vary with redshift.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in AIP Conf. Proc. "Gamma Ray Bursts in the Swift Era", Eds. S. S. Holt, N. Gehrels, J. Nouse

    Heat flow and calculus on metric measure spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below - the compact case

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    We provide a quick overview of various calculus tools and of the main results concerning the heat flow on compact metric measure spaces, with applications to spaces with lower Ricci curvature bounds. Topics include the Hopf-Lax semigroup and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation in metric spaces, a new approach to differentiation and to the theory of Sobolev spaces over metric measure spaces, the equivalence of the L^2-gradient flow of a suitably defined "Dirichlet energy" and the Wasserstein gradient flow of the relative entropy functional, a metric version of Brenier's Theorem, and a new (stronger) definition of Ricci curvature bound from below for metric measure spaces. This new notion is stable w.r.t. measured Gromov-Hausdorff convergence and it is strictly connected with the linearity of the heat flow.Comment: To the memory of Enrico Magenes, whose exemplar life, research and teaching shaped generations of mathematician

    Open Issues on the Synthesis of Evolved Stellar Populations at Ultraviolet Wavelengths

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    In this paper we briefly review three topics that have motivated our (and others') investigations in recent years within the context of evolutionary population synthesis techniques. These are: The origin of the FUV up-turn in elliptical galaxies, the age-metallicity degeneracy, and the study of the mid-UV rest-frame spectra of distant red galaxies. We summarize some of our results and present a very preliminary application of a UV grid of theoretical spectra in the analysis of integrated properties of aged stellar populations. At the end, we concisely suggest how these topics can be tackled once the World Space Observatory enters into operation in the midst of this decade.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science, UV Universe special issu

    A microsatellite marker for yellow rust resistance in wheat

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    Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) was used to identify molecular markers associated with yellow rust disease resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). DNAs isolated from the selected yellow rust tolerant and susceptible F-2 individuals derived from a cross between yellow rust resistant and susceptible wheat genotypes were used to established a "tolerant" and a "susceptible" DNA pool. The BSA was then performed on these DNA pools using 230 markers that were previously mapped onto the individual wheat chromosomes. One of the SSR markers (Xgwm382) located on chromosome group 2 (A, B, D genomes) was present in the resistant parent and the resistant bulk but not in the susceptible parent and the susceptible bulk, suggesting that this marker is linked to a yellow rust resistance gene. The presence of Xgwm382 was also tested in 108 additional wheat genotypes differing in yellow rust resistance. This analysis showed that 81% of the wheat genotypes known to be yellow rust resistant had the Xgwm382 marker, further suggesting that the presence of this marker correlates with yellow rust resistance in diverse wheat germplasm. Therefore, Xgwm382 could be useful for marker assisted selection of yellow rust resistances genotypes in wheat breeding programs

    A standardized method for plasma extracellular vesicle isolation and size distribution analysis

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    The following protocol describes our workflow for isolation and quantification of plasma extracellular vesicles (EVs). It requires limited sample volume so that the scientific value of specimens is maximized. These steps include isolation of vesicles by automated size exclusion chromatography and quantification by tunable resistive pulse sensing. This workflow optimizes reproducibility by minimizing variations in processing, handling, and storage of EVs. EVs have significant diagnostic and therapeutic potential, but clinical application is limited by disparate methods of data collection. This standardized protocol is scalable and ensures efficient recovery of physiologically intact EVs that may be used in a variety of downstream biochemical and functional analyses. Simultaneous measurement quantifies EV concentration and size distribution absolutely. Absolute quantification corrects for variations in EV number and size, offering a novel method of standardization in downstream applications
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