746 research outputs found

    Education, Cultural Change, Territory. The Third Sector's Innovation. An Italian Case Study

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    This contribution proposes a theoretical-empirical reflection on the relationship among the three sociological concepts identified by the authors as essential dimensions of the innovation: cultural change, education, and territory. The aim is to illustrate the complex relationship among these dimensions and the implications involved in terms of s oci ologi cal perspectives and research tools, on the basis of the analysis of an emblematic case study: “FQTS”, Italian acronym of the project of Education of Executives and Leaders of the Third Sector in the Southern Italy. In particular, this investigation will be aimed at: (re)defining sociological concepts considered fundamental for the study of innovation; reconstructing the main empirical evidence emerging from the analysis of the case study; and summarizing the relevance of the research results, in terms of new themes and sociological perspectives, as well as of methodological questions

    Conclusioni. Oltre la (frammentaria) ricchezza, quali prospettive?

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    Questo capitolo propone una sintesi dei risultati della terza indagine (la prima realizzata in collaborazione con l’Università) sulle reti aderenti al Forum Nazionale del Terzo Settore, la più grande rete italiana del non profit. In particolare, due elementi emersi come particolarmente rilevanti (la complessità organizzativa delle associazioni e delle reti di Terzo Settore, e il loro potenziale relazionale) vengono discussi alla luce del nuovo quadro normativo e sociale del Terzo Settore italiano

    Profili, competenze, percezioni delle professioni dell'area politico-sociale dal punto di vista dei datori di lavoro

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    Il saggio riferisce i risultati di una ricerca condotta dalle autrici fra il 2015 e il 2016 all'interno di un gruppo di lavoro del Prin 2010/2011 "Le professioni dello spazio pubblico oltre la crisi". Nello specifico, il campo di azione dell'indagine qui narrata è circoscritto al match tra le organizzazioni produttive e i laureati di tre settori disciplinari delle scienze sociali emblematici delle professioni dello spazio pubblico: Scienze Politiche, Sociologia, Comunicazione. Il punto di vista indagato è quello dei potenziali stakeholder di queste lauree, dirigenti e manager di imprese, enti pubblici e organizzazioni non profit. Il corpus empirico è costituito da una ventina di interviste realizzate per l'occasione ad testimoni privilegiati di enti nazionali e internazionali

    La ricerca

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    Il Terzo Rapporto sulle Reti del Terzo Settore è la prima ricerca nazionale realizzata dal Forum nazionale del Terzo Settore insieme con la Sapienza Università di Roma. Il primo capitolo del volume ha proprio l’obiettivo di analizzare il significato della ricerca, alla luce sia delle importanti trasformazioni politico-legislative del settore, sia della nuova collaborazione con l’università. Alla premessa segue la presentazione degli obiettivi, delle azioni e del metodo di ricerca, e quella dell’universo di organizzazioni coinvolte nel monitoraggio.The Third Report on the Networks of the Third Sector is the first research made by the National Forum in collaboration with the Sapienza University of Rome. The first chapter is aimed at analyzing the meaning of the research, in the light of both the important political and legal transformations of this sector, and the new partnership with the Sapienza. This premise is followed by the presentation of the research goals, phases and methods, and finally the statistical universal of the organizations involved in the monitoring

    Storie di ordinaria radicalizzazione. Fattori causali e trigger events nelle narrazioni inconsapevoli dei giovani italiani di seconda generazione

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the narratives of radicalization (some- times unintended) throughout the verbalization of everyday experiences by young second generation Italians. The causes of radicalization are still under the scrutiny of contemporary literature: micro, meso, and macro factors combine themselves into a complex puzzle, driving to political and religious extremism. Interviews with 42 young generation Italians with Muslim background, aged between 18-30, have been made. Interviews, based in six different Italian cities (Rome, Boulogne, Milan, Turin, Palermo, and Cagliari), have been conducted in the framework of the project Oltre l’Orizzonte. Contro-narrazioni dai margini al centro, aimed to prevent radicalization. In this paper, the testimonies collected isolating interviewees’ narratives on socio-political alienation, globalization and religion, and international and domestic policies are examined. Iden- tity and cultural claims emerge as distinctive matters, depicting continuous struggles leading to a troubled adaptation between religious and cultural values and citizenship practices

    Storie di ordinaria radicalizzazione. Fattori causali e trigger events nelle narrazioni inconsapevoli dei giovani italiani di seconda generazione

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the narratives of radicalization (some- times unintended) throughout the verbalization of everyday experiences by young second generation Italians. The causes of radicalization are still under the scrutiny of contemporary literature: micro, meso, and macro factors combine themselves into a complex puzzle, driving to political and religious extremism. Interviews with 42 young generation Italians with Muslim background, aged between 18-30, have been made. Interviews, based in six different Italian cities (Rome, Boulogne, Milan, Turin, Palermo, and Cagliari), have been conducted in the framework of the project Oltre l’Orizzonte. Contro-narrazioni dai margini al centro, aimed to prevent radicalization. In this paper, the testimonies collected isolating interviewees’ narratives on socio-political alienation, globalization and religion, and international and domestic policies are examined. Iden- tity and cultural claims emerge as distinctive matters, depicting continuous struggles leading to a troubled adaptation between religious and cultural values and citizenship practices

    Straniere in Sardegna. Presenze e rappresentazioni mediali delle donne immigrate

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    Il volume racconta i risultati di alcune ricerche sulle donne immigrate straniere in Sardegna, effettuate da un’équipe di studiose e collaboratrici del corso di laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione dello stesso Ateneo. Il taglio metodologico e la varietà delle fonti utilizzate (dati Istat e anagrafici, articoli di quotidiani e interviste) configurano il testo come uno strumento utile per gli studenti e tutti gli operatori delle pubbliche amministrazioni e del non profit interessati alle problematiche delle Pari Opportunità e dell’immigrazione e intenzionati ad approfondire la conoscenza di questi fenomeni nei propri territori. (IV di copertina)The volume reports the results of the research on the conditions of foreign migrant women in Sardinia and their representation as diffused by local mass media. Its strength is found in its methodological cut, integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches, as well as in the variety of utilised sources (Istat and identity records data, daily newspapers, life stories)

    The Wikiplantbase project: the role of amateur botanists in building up large online floristic databases

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    The Wikiplantbase project, started in 2013, provides a framework where the full set of georeferenced floristic records of Tuscany and Sardinia can be entered, stored, updated and freely accessed through the Internet. Mainly thanks to the collaboration of amateur botanists, data have accumulated quickly. All records entered by collaborators are submitted to the project coordinators, who are enabled to accept, modify, or reject them. As of 22 November 2016, Wikiplantbase #Toscana holds 116,402 verified floristic records (90% based on published literature, 5% on unpublished herbarium specimens, 5% on field observations), and Wikiplantbase #Sardegna 40,043 (77% published literature, 18% unpublished herbarium specimens, 5% on field observations ). The records include over 90% of the specific and subspecific taxa known for Tuscany and about 70% – but rapidly growing – of those known for Sardinia. The most recorded species are Quercus ilex L. (Fagaceae) for Tuscany and Pistacia lentiscus L. (Anacardiaceae) for Sardinia. With minor software tweaking, the online platform Wikiplantbase might be adopted in other contexts, resulting in a well connected network of regional floristic databases suited to exploit the involvement – still largely untapped – of nonacademic collaborators, as advocated by citizen science

    Mda-9/Syntenin Is Expressed in Uveal Melanoma and Correlates with Metastatic Progression

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    Uveal melanoma is an aggressive cancer that metastasizes to the liver in about half of the patients, with a high lethality rate. Identification of patients at high risk of metastases may provide indication for a frequent follow-up for early detection of metastases and treatment. The analysis of the gene expression profiles of primary human uveal melanomas showed high expression of SDCBP gene (encoding for syndecan-binding protein-1 or mda-9/syntenin), which appeared higher in patients with recurrence, whereas expression of syndecans was lower and unrelated to progression. Moreover, we found that high expression of SDCBP gene was related to metastatic progression in two additional independent datasets of uveal melanoma patients. More importantly, immunohistochemistry showed that high expression of mda-9/syntenin protein in primary tumors was significantly related to metastatic recurrence in our cohort of patients. Mda-9/syntenin expression was confirmed by RT-PCR, immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry in cultured uveal melanoma cells or primary tumors. Interestingly, mda-9/syntenin showed both cytoplasmic and nuclear localization in cell lines and in a fraction of patients, suggesting its possible involvement in nuclear functions. A pseudo-metastatic model of uveal melanoma to the liver was developed in NOD/SCID/IL2Rγ null mice and the study of mda-9/syntenin expression in primary and metastatic lesions revealed higher mda-9/syntenin in metastases. The inhibition of SDCBP expression by siRNA impaired the ability of uveal melanoma cells to migrate in a wound–healing assay. Moreover, silencing of SDCBP in mda-9/syntenin-high uveal melanoma cells inhibited the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-triggered invasion of matrigel membranes and inhibited the activation of FAK, AKT and Src. Conversely syntenin overexpression in mda-9/syntenin-low uveal melanoma cells mediated opposite effects. These results suggest that mda-9/syntenin is involved in uveal melanoma progression and that it warrants further investigation as a candidate molecular marker of metastases and a potential therapeutic target
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