2,820 research outputs found

    Avaliação do escurecimento de grãos de linhagens de feijoeiro-comum, no Estado de Mato Grosso.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar linhagens de grão carioca com escurecimento lento de grãos no estado de Mato Grosso.CONAF

    Cultivares de feijoeiro-comum para o Estado de Mato Grosso.

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    Os trabalhos de pesquisas envolvendo avaliação de genótipos de feijoeiro-comum vêm acontecendo há muitos anos, num esforço integrado entre a Empaer-MT e Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, o que têm contribuído para a recomendação de cultivares para o estado de Mato Grosso. Uma maneira de ampliar a área de cultivo e produção no Mato Grosso é disponibilizar aos agricultores cultivares que sejam mais adaptadas às diferentes condições climáticas do Estado. Sendo assim, com um maior conhecimento dessas regiões, foram conduzidos doze ensaios compostos por dezenove genótipos com grãos do tipo carioca, preto, rajado, jalo, roxinho e rosinha, nos anos 2008 e 2009, nas safras da seca e irrigada, visando também atender os cultivos na agricultura familiar, que estão localizados em regiões de baixas altitudes com temperaturas mais elevadas.CONAFE

    Market share das marcas comerciais no Estado do Mato Grosso: uma análise indicativa de mudanças na cadeia produtiva do arroz.

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    Diante da necessidade de se estimar a evolução da participação da agroindústria arrozeira mato-grossense no consumo do arroz no Estado a partir de 2006, foi desenvolvida e aplicada uma metodologia para, dentre outros fatores, estimar a participação (Market share) das marcas de arroz no mercado de venda direta ao consumidor do Mato Grosso, cujo empacotamento ocorreu no próprio Estado, em comparação às marcas empacotadas em cujo arroz tenha sido envasado no Estado do Mato Grosso

    Extreme Starbursts in the Local Universe

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    The "Extreme starbursts in the local universe" workshop was held at the Insituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia in Granada, Spain on 21-25 June 2010. Bearing in mind the advent of a new generation of facilities such as JWST, Herschel, ALMA, eVLA and eMerlin, the aim of the workshop was to bring together observers and theorists to review the latest results. The purpose of the workshop was to address the following issues: what are the main modes of triggering extreme starbursts in the local Universe? How efficiently are stars formed in extreme starbursts? What are the star formation histories of local starburst galaxies? How well do the theoretical simulations model the observations? What can we learn about starbursts in the distant Universe through studies of their local counterparts? How important is the role of extreme starbursts in the hierarchical assembly of galaxies? How are extreme starbursts related to the triggering of AGN in the nuclei of galaxies? Overall, 41 talks and 4 posters with their corresponding 10 minutes short talks were presented during the workshop. In addition, the workshop was designed with emphasis on discussions, and therefore, there were 6 discussion sessions of up to one hour during the workshop. Here is presented a summary of the purposes of the workshop as well as a compilation of the abstracts corresponding to each of the presentations. The summary and conclusions of the workshop along with a description of the future prospects by Sylvain Veilleux can be found in the last section of this document. A photo of the assistants is included.Comment: worksho

    Sistema experto para apoyo del proceso de despacho de trámites de un organismo judicial

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    Si bien existe un creciente interés en el desarrollo de sistemas de inteligencia artificial, por parte de los organismos gubernamentales en todo el mundo, es toda-vía muy poco lo realmente desarrollado. Este trabajo llevado adelante en forma inter-disciplinaria entre especialistas del área Jurídica provincial, técnicos de la Corte Suprema de la Provincia de Bs.As. e Investigadores de la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, aborda el análisis, diseño y construcción de una herramienta informática que ayude a la sistematización y optimización de varios de los procesos judiciales que actualmente se realizan en forma manual o semiautomática en dicho juzgado. Este desarrollo, que se denomina “Experticia”, pretende dar soporte a los operadores de la justicia en su decisión para la resolución de una causa. De esta manera se busca estandarizar el proceso de despacho de trámites, y a la vez agilizar y reducir los tiempos de carga, minimizando posibles errores como en el ingreso de datos. A partir de las bases de información generadas con Experticia sentarán las bases para a futuro aplicar otras técnicas asociadas a la Inteligencia Artificial en búsqueda de la optimización de los procesos.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    2 deoxy-D-glucose augments the mitochondrial respiratory chain in heart

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    2-Deoxy-D-glucose (2DG) has recently received emergency approval for the treatment of COVID-19 in India, after a successful clinical trial. SARS-CoV-2 infection of cultured cells is accompanied by elevated glycolysis and decreased mitochondrial function, whereas 2DG represses glycolysis and stimulates respiration, and restricts viral replication. While 2DG has pleiotropic effects on cell metabolism in cultured cells it is not known which of these manifests in vivo. On the other hand, it is known that 2DG given continuously can have severe detrimental effects on the rodent heart. Here, we show that the principal effect of an extended, intermittent 2DG treatment on mice is to augment the mitochondrial respiratory chain proteome in the heart; importantly, this occurs without vacuolization, hypertrophy or fibrosis. The increase in the heart respiratory chain proteome suggests an increase in mitochondrial oxidative capacity, which could compensate for the energy deficit caused by the inhibition of glycolysis. Thus, 2DG in the murine heart appears to induce a metabolic configuration that is the opposite of SARS-CoV-2 infected cells, which could explain the compound's ability to restrict the propagation of the virus to the benefit of patients with COVID-19 disease

    Evaluation of turbulent dissipation rate retrievals from Doppler Cloud Radar

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    Turbulent dissipation rate retrievals from cloud radar Doppler velocity measurements are evaluated using independent, in situ observations in Arctic stratocumulus clouds. In situ validation data sets of dissipation rate are derived using sonic anemometer measurements from a tethered balloon and high frequency pressure variation observations from a research aircraft, both flown in proximity to stationary, ground-based radars. Modest biases are found among the data sets in particularly low- or high-turbulence regimes, but in general the radar-retrieved values correspond well with the in situ measurements. Root mean square differences are typically a factor of 4-6 relative to any given magnitude of dissipation rate. These differences are no larger than those found when comparing dissipation rates computed from tetheredballoon and meteorological tower-mounted sonic anemometer measurements made at spatial distances of a few hundred meters. Temporal lag analyses suggest that approximately half of the observed differences are due to spatial sampling considerations, such that the anticipated radar-based retrieval uncertainty is on the order of a factor of 2-3. Moreover, radar retrievals are clearly able to capture the vertical dissipation rate structure observed by the in situ sensors, while offering substantially more information on the time variability of turbulence profiles. Together these evaluations indicate that radar-based retrievals can, at a minimum, be used to determine the vertical structure of turbulence in Arctic stratocumulus clouds

    2-Deoxy-D-glucose couples mitochondrial DNA replication with mitochondrial fitness and promotes the selection of wild-type over mutant mitochondrial DNA

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    Pathological variants of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) typically co-exist with wild-type molecules, but the factors driving the selection of each are not understood. Because mitochondrial fitness does not favour the propagation of functional mtDNAs in disease states, we sought to create conditions where it would be advantageous. Glucose and glutamine consumption are increased in mtDNA dysfunction, and so we targeted the use of both in cells carrying the pathogenic m.3243A>G variant with 2-Deoxy-D-glucose (2DG), or the related 5-thioglucose. Here, we show that both compounds selected wild-type over mutant mtDNA, restoring mtDNA expression and respiration. Mechanistically, 2DG selectively inhibits the replication of mutant mtDNA; and glutamine is the key target metabolite, as its withdrawal, too, suppresses mtDNA synthesis in mutant cells. Additionally, by restricting glucose utilization, 2DG supports functional mtDNAs, as glucose-fuelled respiration is critical for mtDNA replication in control cells, when glucose and glutamine are scarce. Hence, we demonstrate that mitochondrial fitness dictates metabolite preference for mtDNA replication; consequently, interventions that restrict metabolite availability can suppress pathological mtDNAs, by coupling mitochondrial fitness and replication