22,599 research outputs found

    A model for structural defects in nanomagnets

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    A model for describing structural pointlike defects in nanoscaled ferromagnetic materials is presented. Its details are explicitly developed whenever interacting with a vortex-like state comprised in a thin nanodisk. Among others, our model yields results for the vortex equilibrium position under the influence of several defects along with an external magnetic field in good qualitative agreement with experiments. We also discuss how such defects may affect the vortex motion, like its gyrotropic oscillation and dynamical polarization reversal.Comment: 8 pages, resubmitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    All-sky Relative Opacity Mapping Using Night Time Panoramic Images

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    An all-sky cloud monitoring system that generates relative opacity maps over many of the world's premier astronomical observatories is described. Photometric measurements of numerous background stars are combined with simultaneous sky brightness measurements to differentiate thin clouds from sky glow sources such as air glow and zodiacal light. The system takes a continuous pipeline of all-sky images, and compares them to canonical images taken on other nights at the same sidereal time. Data interpolation then yields transmission maps covering almost the entire sky. An implementation of this system is currently operating through the Night Sky Live network of CONCAM3s located at Cerro Pachon (Chile), Mauna Kea (Hawaii), Haleakala (Hawaii), SALT (South Africa) and the Canary Islands (Northwestern Africa).Comment: Accepted for publication in PAS

    Dynamical Evolution of a Cylindrical Shell with Rotational Pressure

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    We prepare a general framework for analyzing the dynamics of a cylindrical shell in the spacetime with cylindrical symmetry. Based on the framework, we investigate a particular model of a cylindrical shell-collapse with rotational pressure, accompanying the radiation of gravitational waves and massless particles. The model has been introduced previously but has been awaiting for proper analysis. Here the analysis is put forward: It is proved that, as far as the weak energy condition is satisfied outside the shell, the collapsing shell bounces back at some point irrespective of the initial conditions, and escapes from the singularity formation. The behavior after the bounce depends on the sign of the shell pressure in the z-direction. When the pressure is non-negative, the shell continues to expand without re-contraction. On the other hand, when the pressure is negative (i.e. it has a tension), the behavior after the bounce can be more complicated depending on the details of the model. However, even in this case, the shell never reaches the zero-radius configuration.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Characterization of InGaN and InAlN epilayers by microdiffraction X-Ray reciprocal space mapping

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    We report a study of InGaN and InAlN epilayers grown on GaN/Sapphire substrates by microfocused three-dimensional X-ray Reciprocal Space Mapping (RSM). The analysis of the full volume of reciprocal space, while probing samples on the microscale with a focused X-ray beam, allows us to gain uniquely valuable information about the microstructure of III-N alloy epilayers. It is found that “seed” InGaN mosaic nanocrystallites are twisted with respect to the ensemble average and strain free. This indicates that the growth of InGaN epilayers follows the Volmer-Weber mechanism with nucleation of “seeds” on strain fields generated by the a-type dislocations which are responsible for the twist of underlying GaN mosaic blocks. In the case of InAlN epilayer formation of composition gradient was observed at the beginning of the epitaxial growth

    Seleção e avaliação de genes reguladores via RT-qPCR em diferentes tecidos de feijoeiro comum.

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi o de avaliar 18 genes de referência, dos quais 16 encontram-se descritos na literatura e dois foram identificados a partir de sequências do genoma de feijoeiro comum, quanto à estabilidade de expressão em diferentes tecidos e condições ambientaisPôster - graduação

    Caracterização de genes de referência com amplo espectro de uso em feijoeiro comum para validação de dados de expressão gênica.

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    Esse trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo investigar e identificar através de RT-qPCR genes potencialmente constitutivos em feijoeiro comum com estabilidade de expressão em diferentes tecidos vegetais submetidos a condições ambientais adversas em genótipos provenientes de diferentes centros de domesticação

    Predicted defect induced vortex core switching in thin magnetic nanodisks

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    We investigate the influence of artificial defects (small holes) inserted into magnetic nanodisks on the vortex core dynamics. One and two holes (antidots) are considered. In general, the core falls into the hole but, in particular, we would like to remark an interesting phenomenon not yet observed, which is the vortex core switching induced by the vortex-hole interactions. It occurs for the case with only one hole and for very special conditions involving the hole size and position as well as the disk size. Any small deformation in the disk geometry such as the presence of a second antidot changes completely the vortex dynamics and the vortex core eventually falls into one of the defects. After trapped, the vortex center still oscillates with a very high frequency and small amplitude around the defect center.Comment: 11pages, Revtex format, 17 figure

    L\'evy flights of photons in hot atomic vapours

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    Properties of random and fluctuating systems are often studied through the use of Gaussian distributions. However, in a number of situations, rare events have drastic consequences, which can not be explained by Gaussian statistics. Considerable efforts have thus been devoted to the study of non Gaussian fluctuations such as L\'evy statistics, generalizing the standard description of random walks. Unfortunately only macroscopic signatures, obtained by averaging over many random steps, are usually observed in physical systems. We present experimental results investigating the elementary process of anomalous diffusion of photons in hot atomic vapours. We measure the step size distribution of the random walk and show that it follows a power law characteristic of L\'evy flights.Comment: This final version is identical to the one published in Nature Physic