26,688 research outputs found

    A note on the cylindrical collapse of counter-rotating dust

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    We find analytical solutions describing the collapse of an infinitely long cylindrical shell of counter-rotating dust. We show that--for the classes of solutions discussed herein--from regular initial data a curvature singularity inevitably develops, and no apparent horizons form, thus in accord with the spirit of the hoop conjecture.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, ijmpd macros (included), 1 eps figure; accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Lande g-tensor in semiconductor nanostructures

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    Understanding the electronic structure of semiconductor nanostructures is not complete without a detailed description of their corresponding spin-related properties. Here we explore the response of the shell structure of InAs self-assembled quantum dots to magnetic fields oriented in several directions, allowing the mapping of the g-tensor modulus for the s and p shells. We found that the g-tensors for the s and p shells show a very different behavior. The s-state in being more localized allows the probing of the confining potential details by sweeping the magnetic field orientation from the growth direction towards the in-plane direction. As for the p-state, we found that the g-tensor modulus is closer to that of the surrounding GaAs, consistent with a larger delocalization. These results reveal further details of the confining potentials of self-assembled quantum dots that have not yet been probed, in addition to the assessment of the g-tensor, which is of fundamental importance for the implementation of spin related applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Alterações físico-químicas durante o amadurecimento de Banana 'Prata Anã' em sete estádios de maturação.

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    A banana 'Prata Anã' é a variedade mais apreciada entre os brasileiros, fato comprovado pelo seu cultivo e sua boa aceitação comercial. A qualidade desses frutos constitui fator importante na comercialização, principalmente quando destinado ao consumo in natura. Desta forma, o objetivo foi avaliar as alterações físico-químicas que ocorrem durante os diferentes estádios de maturação da banana 'Prata Anã' cultivados na cidade de Cruz das Almas ? BA. Frutos foram avaliados diariamente quanto aos sete estádios de maturação estabelecidos na escala de Von Loesecke e avaliados em cada um dos estádios quanto a: perda de massa fresca; espessura da casca; relação polpa/casca; acidez titulável (AT); sólidos solúveis (SS) e relação SS/AT. Os resultados deste trabalho permitiram verificar que o amadurecimento dos frutos de ?Prata Anã? ocorre de maneira lenta durante os dois primeiros estádios, seguido de rápida transição e fortes alterações nas características físico-químicas da polpa entre os estádios 3 e 4. No entanto, o último estádio apresentou frutos com maior proporção de polpa e melhor balanço sólidos solúveis e acidez

    Coherent states, constraint classes, and area operators in the new spin-foam models

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    Recently, two new spin-foam models have appeared in the literature, both motivated by a desire to modify the Barrett-Crane model in such a way that the imposition of certain second class constraints, called cross-simplicity constraints, are weakened. We refer to these two models as the FKLS model, and the flipped model. Both of these models are based on a reformulation of the cross-simplicity constraints. This paper has two main parts. First, we clarify the structure of the reformulated cross-simplicity constraints and the nature of their quantum imposition in the new models. In particular we show that in the FKLS model, quantum cross-simplicity implies no restriction on states. The deeper reason for this is that, with the symplectic structure relevant for FKLS, the reformulated cross-simplicity constraints, in a certain relevant sense, are now \emph{first class}, and this causes the coherent state method of imposing the constraints, key in the FKLS model, to fail to give any restriction on states. Nevertheless, the cross-simplicity can still be seen as implemented via suppression of intertwiner degrees of freedom in the dynamical propagation. In the second part of the paper, we investigate area spectra in the models. The results of these two investigations will highlight how, in the flipped model, the Hilbert space of states, as well as the spectra of area operators exactly match those of loop quantum gravity, whereas in the FKLS (and Barrett-Crane) models, the boundary Hilbert spaces and area spectra are different.Comment: 21 pages; statements about gamma limits made more precise, and minor phrasing change

    Consistent Gravitationally-Coupled Spin-2 Field Theory

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    Inspired by the translational gauge structure of teleparallel gravity, the theory for a fundamental massless spin-2 field is constructed. Accordingly, instead of being represented by a symmetric second-rank tensor, the fundamental spin-2 field is assumed to be represented by a spacetime (world) vector field assuming values in the Lie algebra of the translation group. The flat-space theory naturally emerges in the Fierz formalism and is found to be equivalent to the usual metric-based theory. However, the gravitationally coupled theory, with gravitation itself described by teleparallel gravity, is shown not to present the consistency problems of the spin-2 theory constructed on the basis of general relativity.Comment: 16 pages, no figures. V2: Presentation changes, including addition of a new sub-section, aiming at clarifying the text; version accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Grav

    Vortices in the presence of a nonmagnetic atom impurity in 2D XY ferromagnets

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    Using a model of nonmagnetic impurity potential, we have examined the behavior of planar vortex solutions in the classical two-dimensional XY ferromagnets in the presence of a spin vacancy localized out of the vortex core. Our results show that a spinless atom impurity gives rise to an effective potential that repels the vortex structure.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, RevTex

    Hodge Dual for Soldered Bundles

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    In order to account for all possible contractions allowed by the presence of the solder form, a generalized Hodge dual is defined for the case of soldered bundles. Although for curvature the generalized dual coincides with the usual one, for torsion it gives a completely new dual definition. Starting from the standard form of a gauge lagrangian for the translation group, the generalized Hodge dual yields precisely the lagrangian of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, and consequently also the Einstein-Hilbert lagrangian of general relativity.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Influence of extractive parameters on preparation of a solution from Arrabidaea chica Verl. (Bignoniaceae).

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of extractive parameters on tannin content and dry residue in solutions obtained from leaves of Arrabidaea chica

    Teleparallel Spin Connection

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    A new expression for the spin connection of teleparallel gravity is proposed, given by minus the contorsion tensor plus a zero connection. The corresponding minimal coupling is covariant under local Lorentz transformation, and equivalent to the minimal coupling prescription of general relativity. With this coupling prescription, therefore, teleparallel gravity turns out to be fully equivalent to general relativity, even in the presence of spinor fields.Comment: 2 pages, RevTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev D (Brief Report