1,082 research outputs found

    Effective lagrangian for a mass dimension one fermionic field in curved spacetime

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    In this work we use momentum-space techniques to evaluate the propagator G(x,x′)G(x,x^{\prime}) for a spin 1/21/2 mass dimension one spinor field on a curved Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime. As a consequence, we built the one-loop correction to the effective lagrangian in the coincidence limit. Going further we compute the effective lagrangian in the finite temperature regime. We arrive at interesting cosmological consequences, as time-dependent cosmological `constant', fully explaining the functional form of previous cosmological models.Comment: 9 pages, 0 figure

    Interação de locais e capacidades combinatórias de linhagens de milho em cruzamento dialélicos.

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    Neste trabalho foram utilizados 45 hibridos simples provenientes de cruzamentos dialelicos entre 10 linhagens de milho considerados de elite pelo Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Milho e Sorgo. Esses hibridos foram estudados em ensaios em blocos casualizados, com quatro repeticoes, e instalados em dois municipios (locais) do estado de Minas Gerais (Sete Lagoas e Capinopolis), no ano agricola de 1976/77. Foi analisado apenas a producao de graos por parcela. Esses ensaios foram analisados individualmente e de forma conjunta. Com a finalidade de verificar a influencia dos locais sobre os parametros geneticos, testou-se a interacao das capacidades combinatorias com locais. Esse estudo indicou maior inconsistencia da capacidade geral de combinacao em ambientes diferentes, quando comparados com a capacidade especifica de combinacao

    Nutrição mineral de seringueira. V. Deficiência e correção de boro em Hevea brasiliensis (Nota prévia).

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    São relatadas experiências com o micronutriente boro, seus sintomas de toxicidade, deficiência e correção. Foi observado que a sintomatologia de carência severa de boro assemelha-se a carência de cobre, e que o nível de 0,5ppm de boro disponível é tóxico à seringueira; sendo 0,1 ppm de boro disponível suficiente para promover o desenvolvimento da planta

    Deficiência de boro em mamoeiro.

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    Informacoes tecnicas sobre a deficiencia de boro em mamoeiro, envolvendo desde a ocorrencia ate as medidas preventivas e controle para o Estado do Amazonas.bitstream/CPAA-2009-09/2729/1/IT_13_98.pd

    Borbulhia: a enxertia econômica para o cajueiro.

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    Relationship among Apis mellifera L. stings, swarming and climate conditions in the city of Rio Claro, SP, Brazil

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    The presence of bees (Apis mellifera L.) in urban areas has increased in recent years due to environmental disturbances caused by humans. Bee migration to cities may provoke serious accidents, since some people present allergic reactions to their venoms. In Rio Claro city, São Paulo state, Brazil, the number of calls to the fire brigade for removal of bee swarms, and the number admissions in local hospitals due to bee stings were investigated during 2002 and 2003, and a correlation between these data and the average temperature, rainfall and relative humidity was found. The study period was divided into three phases according to the number of times that the fire brigade was called to remove swarms (263 times): January to July 2002 - 51 calls (19.39%); August 2002 to July 2003 - 140 calls (53.23%); and August to December 2003 - 72 calls (27.38%). A significant correlation among the number of calls, the local temperature and rainfall was detected. The number of accidents was not associated with environmental variables. Based on the current results, public activities for prevention of bee attacks may be developed to avoid unwanted contact between humans and these insects, and/or provide the appropriate management of the colonies

    Exigências minerais em uma cultura de seringueira.

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    Seringueira: exigencias minerais, concentracao e extracao - nitrogenio, fosforo, potassio, calcio, magnesio, enxofre, boro, cobre, ferro, manganes, zinco -, crescimento. Extracao de nutrientes pelas coberturas verde e morta. Extracao total de nutrientes

    Independence in CLP Languages

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    Studying independence of goals has proven very useful in the context of logic programming. In particular, it has provided a formal basis for powerful automatic parallelization tools, since independence ensures that two goals may be evaluated in parallel while preserving correctness and eciency. We extend the concept of independence to constraint logic programs (CLP) and prove that it also ensures the correctness and eciency of the parallel evaluation of independent goals. Independence for CLP languages is more complex than for logic programming as search space preservation is necessary but no longer sucient for ensuring correctness and eciency. Two additional issues arise. The rst is that the cost of constraint solving may depend upon the order constraints are encountered. The second is the need to handle dynamic scheduling. We clarify these issues by proposing various types of search independence and constraint solver independence, and show how they can be combined to allow dierent optimizations, from parallelism to intelligent backtracking. Sucient conditions for independence which can be evaluated \a priori" at run-time are also proposed. Our study also yields new insights into independence in logic programming languages. In particular, we show that search space preservation is not only a sucient but also a necessary condition for ensuring correctness and eciency of parallel execution
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