9 research outputs found

    Comparison between unipolar and bipolar electrograms for detecting rotor tip from 2D fibrillation model using image fusion. A simulation study

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    The atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia, which generates the highest costs on clinical systems. Theory of the rotor is one of the most recent approaches to explain the mechanisms that maintain AF. The most promising treatment is the ablation, whose success depends on rotor tip location. In a previous research, the approximate entropy (ApEn) calculated on simulated electrograms from atrial models has shown high capability for detecting the rotor tip, however it needed a human final adjustment. In addition, this technique involves a high computational cost, which is a problem for its effective application. In this study, multiple features maps were generated and different combinations of them were conducted using wavelet image fusion. The rotor tip location when using image fusion, was similar to the results achieved with the methodology based on ApEn, however, our methodology did not require any manual adjustment, and the computational cost was reduced to 85%. This study includes a comparative analysis between unipolar and bipolar electrograms obtained from a simulated 2D model of a human atrial tissue under chronic AF. © 2016 IEEE

    Changing patterns of Salmonella serovars: increase of Salmonella Enteritidis in São Paulo, Brazil Mudança na prevalência dos sorotipos de Salmonella: aumento da Salmonella Enteritidis no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Serovars of a total of 5,490 Salmonella strains isolated during the period of 1991-95, from human infections (2,254 strains) and from non-human materials (3,236 strains) were evaluated. In the studied period, 81 different serovars were determined among human isolates. Salmonella Enteritidis corresponded to 1.2% in 1991, 2% in 1992, 10.1% in 1993, 43.3% in 1994, and 64.9% in 1995 of all isolates. A significant rise on the isolation of this serovar was seen since 1993 linked to food poisoning outbreaks. It is reported also an increase on the isolation of S. Enteritidis from blood cultures, associated mainly with patients with immunodeficiency syndrome. S. Enteritidis was prevalent among one hundred and thirty different serovars isolated from non-human sources. Increasing number of isolation of this serovar was seen from shell eggs, breeding flocks and from environmental samples. It is also reported a contamination of commercial feed stuffs by S. Enteritidis which represents a major concern for Brazilian poultry industry.<br>Foram avaliados os sorotipos de 5.490 cepas de Salmonella isolados no período, 1991-95, de infecções humanas (2.254 cepas) e de materiais de origem não humana (3.236 cepas) bem como o perfil de sensibilidade aos agentes antimicrobianos de 131 cepas de S. Enteritidis (92 de origem humana e 39 de origem não humana). No período estudado, foram determinados 81 diferentes sorotipos. S. Enteritidis correspondeu a 1,2% cm 1991, 2% em 1992, 10,1% em 1993, 43,3% em 1994 e 64,9% em 1995. Um aumento significativo no isolamento de S. Enteritidis foi verificado em 1993 associado à ocorrência de surtos de enfermidades transmitidas por alimentos. É relatado também o aumento deste sorotipo a partir de hemoculturas, principalmente daquelas oriundas de pacientes com síndrome de imunodeficiência. S. Enteritidis foi também o sorotipo prevalente em materiais de origem não humana, particularmente em ovos, aves (matrizes) e em amostras do meio ambiente. Ressalta-se a importância da contaminação, das matérias primas, componentes de ração de aves, pela S. Enteritidis, o que representa um preocupante problema para a avicultura brasileira. Assinala-se a ocorrência de cepas multi-resistentes aos agentes antimicrobianos cm cepas de S. Enteritidis de origem humana e não humana

    Prevalência de Salmonella sp em suínos abatidos em frígoríficos do Rio Grande do Sul Prevalence of Salmonella sp. carrier pigs in slaughterhouses of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar a prevalência de Salmonella sp em suínos abatidos em frigoríficos sob inspeção federal no Rio Grande do Sul. Amostras de fezes e linfonodos foram coletadas em três diferentes frigoríficos no Estado. A partir da análise microbiológica das amostras de 300 animais, encontrou-se uma prevalência de Salmonella sp de 55,66%, com 17,6% de isolamentos a partir dos linfonodos, 18,3% das fezes e 19,6% em ambos os materiais. Foram identificados 26 sorovares diferentes em 226 isolados de Salmonella sp. Os sorovares mais prevalentes foram: Typhimurium (24,3%), Agona (19,9%), Derby (13,2%) e Bredeney (12%). Estes resultados indicam a necessidade de implementar programas de controle com o objetivo de diminuir a prevalência de animais portadores ao abate.<br>This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Salmonella positive pigs at slaughterhouses under federal inspection in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samples of feces and lymph nodes of 300 animals were collected in three different slaughterhouses, and submitted to bacteriological analysis. The prevalence of Salmonella carrier animals was 55.66%, being 17.6% of the animals Salmonella positive in lymph nodes, 18.3% in feces and 19.6% in both materials. Twenty-six different serovars were identified among 226 Salmonella isolates. The most prevalent serovars were: Typhimurium (24.3%), Agona (19.9%), Derby (13.2%) e Bredeney (12%). These results point out the need of control programs to reduce the prevalence of carrier pigs at slaughter