258 research outputs found

    The requirements of the airworthiness of aircraft

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    Cílem této práce je zjistit požadavky a postupy pro získání a zachování osvědčení letové způsobilosti letadel a výrobků letadlové techniky v rozsahu civilního letectví. Vyšetřované požadavky zahrnují normy týkající se požadavků na letovou způsobilost přes návrh, výrobu a provoz letadlové techniky.The focus of this study is to investigate the requirements and procedures for obtaining and maintaining a certificate of airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products within the scope of civil aviation. The requirements investigated include the standards regarding airworthiness requirements for large airplanes, helicopters, small airplanes, engines, and propellers. The procedures for certification and continuing airworthiness throughout the design, production and operating life of an aircraft are explained.

    The Overview of Propellers in General Aviation

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    Cílem této práce je sestavení přehledu konstrukčních řešení vrtulí používaných u letounů všeobecného letectví spolu s přehledem technických, provozních a ekonomických parametrů jednotlivých typů pohonných jednotek s důrazem na aplikované konstrukční řešení vrtule. Vyšetřované druhy vrtulí zahrnují pevné, na zemi stavitelné, dvoupolohové, manualné, automatické, a vrtule s konstantní rychlostí. Konstrukce, provoz a údržba každého z těchto systémů je vysvětlena a navzájem porovnána. Kromě toho jsou vyšetřované podporní systémy vrtule jako ochrana proti námraze a synchronizace, definována je základní teorie vrtule.The purpose of this study is to investigate the technical, operational, and economical aspects of various propeller systems in conjunction with their associated power plants within the scope of General Aviation. Types of propellers investigated include the fixed pitch, ground adjustable, two position, controllable pitch, automatic pitch changing, and the constant speed propeller. The construction, operation, and maintenance of each of these propeller systems is explained and compared. In addition, propeller auxiliary systems such as ice elimination and simultaneous control systems are investigated, and basic propeller theory is defined.

    Telomere length covaries with personality in wild brown trout

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    The prevalence of consistent among-individual differences in behaviour, or personality, makes adaptive sense if individuals differ in stable state variables that shift the balance between the costs and benefits of their behavioural decisions. These differences may give rise to both individual differences in, and covariance among, behaviours that influence an individual's exposure to risks. We here study the link between behaviour and a candidate state variable previously overlooked in the study of state-dependent personality variation: telomere length. Telomeres are the protective endcaps of chromosomes and their erosion with age is thought to play a crucial role in regulating organismal senescence and intrinsic lifespan. Following evidence that shorter telomeres may reduce the lifespan of animals in a wide range of taxa, we predict individuals with shorter telomeres to behave more boldly and aggressively. In order to test this, we measured telomere length and behaviour in wild juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta). We found individuals with shorter fin telomeres to behave consistently more boldly and aggressively under controlled conditions in the laboratory. No such relationship was found with muscle telomere length 3–4 months after the behavioural assays. We suggest that telomere dynamics are an important factor integrating personality traits with other state variables thought to be important in the regulation of behaviour, such as metabolism, disease resistance and growth

    The Diverse Properties of GPS Sources

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    We discuss the morphology and kinematics of five gigahertz-peaked spectrum (GPS) sources that have been observed with the VLBA. We find a wide range of observed properties including core-jet structure, superluminal motion, variability, extended structure, and polarization, all of which appear to deviate from commonly-accepted GPS paradigms (e.g., O'Dea 1998). We suggest that the observed low frequency cutoff in GPS sources may be primarily due to free-free absorption rather than synchrotron self-absorption.Comment: Proceedings of the 6th European VLBI Network Symposium, Ros E., Porcas R.W., Lobanov, A.P., & Zensus, J.A. (eds), MPIfR, Bonn, Germany. (4 pages, 5 figures, needs evn2002.cls style file

    The design of a duel pressure horizontal heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) utilizing flue gas from a natural gas burning turbine

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem dvojtlakého horizontálního kotle využívající teplo spalin za spalovací turbínou na zemní plyn. Zahrnuje návrh a výpočet jednotlivých výměníků, jejich základní uspořádání s ohledem na požadované parametry výstupní páry a dané vstupní a výstupní parametry spalin. Dále tato práce zahrnuje výpočet a konstrukční návrh parních bubnů, zavodňovacích trubek a převáděcích potrubí. Tato práce je zakončena výpočtem a prověřením tlakových ztrát mezi vstupem a výstupem kotle. Důležitou součástí této práce je přiložena výkresová dokumentace.This master’s thesis deals with the design of a dual pressure horizontal heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), utilizing the residual thermal energy of flue gases exhausted by a natural gas turbine. Included is: the design and sizing of individual heat exchangers and their general configuration according to the required outlet steam parameters, and the given inlet flue gas parameters. Furthermore, this thesis includes the design and associated sizing calculations of steam drums, downcomer tubes, and riser tubes. This thesis concludes by calculating and verifying pressure losses between the inlet and outlet of the HRSG. A significant part of this thesis is comprised of a technical drawing attached in the appendix.

    Prevenção e redução do alto índice de ansiedade e depressão nas mulheres do PSF 1 - Vila Esméria do município de Nepomuceno - Minas Gerais

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    A depressão tem se tornado, no último século, um problema de saúde pública. Estima-se que em 2020 a depressão será a segunda causa de incapacidade no mundo. A depressão sofre influência de diversos fatores, sendo estes biológicos, genéticos, ambientais e genéticos e ambientais aliados. Acomete principalmente as mulheres. Esse estudo teve como objetivo principal elaborar um projeto de intervenção, propondo estratégias que auxiliem na redução do alto índice de ansiedade e depressão entre mulheres na faixa etária de 20 a 59 anos, na área de abrangência do PSF I - Vila Esméria do município de Nepomuceno/Minas Gerais. A revisão de literatura foi realizada nos acervos do Nescon, SciELO, bases da Bireme, Programas do Ministério da Saúde e em textos da Biblioteca Virtual do CEABSF. As palavras-chave usadas para buscar os textos pertinentes ao tema foram depressão, mulheres, PSF, diagnóstico e tratamento. De forma específica buscou-se identificar e descrever os principais sintomas de um paciente depressivo, conhecer a equipe de saúde que atua junto aos pacientes depressivos, conhecer como os profissionais de saúde ali presentes atuam frente à depressão, sugerir uma proposta que vise prevenir e controlar a depressão aos usuários do SUS. Concluiu-se ao final que a principal razão da depressão das mulheres do PSF I - Vila Esméria são o desemprego, falta de opções de lazer, que levam ao alcoolismo, baixa autoestima, ansiedade e depressão, e, principalmente, o uso excessivo de ansiolíticos e antidepressivos. Sugeriu-se como plano de ação propostas voltadas para práticas de atividades físicas, atividades artesanais, além da implantação de grupos de apoio

    Transmission of Air Turbines

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je rešerše konstrukcí převodových ústrojí používaných ve větrných elektrárnách. To zahrnuje: popis požadavků kladených na převodová ústrojí větrných elektráren, sestavení přehledu používaných konstrukčních uspořádání, a zhodnocení jejich použití z hlediska účinnosti a životnosti.The purpose of this project is to research the use of transmissions in wind power generation. This includes: investigating various functional requirement imposed on wind power station transmissions throughout their service life, investigating transmission design concepts of various drivetrain arraignments used in the industry today as well as those of the future, and respectively analyzing each design concept in terms of its efficiency and service life.

    Landing gear design for single-engine four-seat aircraft

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    Cílem této práce je návrh pevného tříkolového podvozku pro jednomotorový čtyřmístný celokompozitní letoun s dodržováním certifikačních specifikací CS-23. To zahrnuje návrh kompozitních pružinových hlavních podvozkových vzpěr v kombinaci s hydropneumatickým tlumičem příďového podvozku. Proces návrhu se dělí do pěti specifických fází; požadavky na konstrukci, předběžný návrh, detailní návrh, příprava výroby a zkoušení prototypu. Zatížení podvozku pro jednotlivé případy a konfigurace letounu je definován v předběžné fázi návrhu. Detailní návrh zahrnuje pevnostní analýzu jednotlivých komponentů. Fáze zkoušení prototypu definuje způsob ověření únosnosti zkouškou. Závěr obsahuje podrobnou technickou dokumentaci.The purpose of this project is the design of a fixed tricycle landing gear for a single-engine, four-seat, all composite airplane adhering to the CS-23 Certification Specifications, by which it is intended to be certified. This includes the design of composite spring main landing gear struts, in combination with an oleo nose landing gear strut. The design process is divided into five specific phases; design requirements, preliminary design, detailed design, production planning, and prototype testing. Individual load condition are calculated in the preliminary design phase. The detailed design includes stress analysis of individual components. The prototype testing phase defines an acceptable method used to prove compliance with certification specifications. The study concludes with detailed technical documentation.