466 research outputs found

    History of Inundation in Northern Bihar

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    India is a land of various natural and cultural diversities where natural calamities like floods, storms, earth quack, land slides are very natural occurrences. The problem of Inundation (floods) that has caused thousands of human lives occurs when a gently flowing river suddenly gets overflowed of their edges during Monsoon. The demonic flow of the huge stream has devastated the entire Northern Bihar which has always been its victim over the years. This paper is a micro yet analytical scrutiny of the problem of Inundation in the Northern Bihar in particular touching it with historical perspective

    Inter-Caste Marriage and Caste Prejudice: A Study of Perumal Murugan’s Novel ‘Pyre’

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    The 21st century is an era of science and advancement. Due to this advancement, there is an evident threat of climate change, global warming, health issues and biological warfare. In this scenario, our lives are changing rapidly. But one thing that has not changed yet is the caste-system. People are still embedded in caste. The notion of purity and practice of endogamy have contributed in the establishment of the caste system. Endogamy is a founding element of the caste system. It is because of this that caste has become an unaltered force of Indian society. The consequences of inter-caste marriage are often horrible. Couples are rarely accepted by the family and society. Excommunication, torture, honor killing and murder are the consequences of inter-caste marriage. Inter- caste marriage is a great contribution in the eradication of the caste system. Inter-caste marriages not only cast the caste but also bring social harmony and feeling of interdependence among people belonging to different caste. But unfortunately, inter-caste marriages are unaccepted and considered offensive. The present novel ‘Pyre’ illustrates the ethos that leads a community to give their judgment against inter-caste marriage

    Reflection on Uprooting Penury in the Creative Programs of Mahatma Gandhi

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    The fact that Poverty is a bane that checks the growth of any to any developing nation as well as and hinder her progress is now well established. It is rightly stated that India is a rich country whose inhabitants are poor. In fact the age-old problem of Poverty has stricken more than half of India’s population.  Mahatma Gandhi who is also known as the father of nation has tackled this malady with his Sarvodaya program which was focused chiefly on the rural development. This paper tends to throw light on the reflections of Mahatma Gandhi on Poverty elimination through his Sarvodaya program and other related thoughts on cottage industries.ÂÂ

    Incisional Hernia

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    Incisional hernia is one of the most common postoperative complications after abdominal surgery. Several studies have shown that incisional hernias have different etiologies which are related to the patient, the surgical technique, the suture material and experience of the surgeon. Most patients present with abdominal swelling with some level of discomfort, and in emergency the presentation is usually as bowel obstruction or strangulation which requires urgent exploration. The recurrence rate is almost the same for open as well as for laparoscopic approach. The hernia can be repaired either only by closing the defect with nonabsorbable suture or by applying mesh. The recurrence is very minimal with mesh application as compared to repair done only by suture. The mesh can be placed as onlay, inlay and in sublay positions. The intraperitoneal onlay mesh placement (IPOM) is the widely used laparoscopic method for the incisional hernia repair. The incisional hernia with larger defect usually more than 15 cm requires component separation to reconstruct the abdominal wall by releasing the external oblique or transverse abdominal muscle. The outcome of incisional hernia repair is dependent on the associated comorbid conditions like chronic cough, constipation, stricture of the urethra, benign prostate hyperplasia, ascites and obesity

    Narcissistic consumers in retail settings

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    This study aims to investigate how narcissistic consumers perceive and respond to variations in price and store image in retail settings

    The Potential of Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum L.) Seeds for Development of Functional Foods

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    Garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) belonging to Cruciferae family is widely grown in India, Europe, and United States. It has been used as an important medicinal plant since the Vedic era. Its seed, oil, and powder contain significant amount of protein, fat, minerals, fibers, and phytochemicals, which are incorporated in many functional beverages and foods. A number of clinical trials have been conducted on rats that also support the efficacy of garden cress seeds (GCSs). The seed of garden cress was used in the fortification of different food items but due to the lack of their physicochemical properties and medicinal value, the exploration of the potential of garden cress seed was limited. In the present review, we discuss the proximate chemical composition, physicochemical, medicinal properties, and the food product development with garden cress seed. The functional properties of garden cress seed stimulate us to review its different valuable properties and the fortified products developed by incorporating garden cress seeds

    Sintering study of Mag-Al Spinel synthesized via combustion synthesis using glycine as fuel

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    The present work deals with the processing and sintering of phase pure Mag–Al spinel by auto-combustion process. Magnesium and aluminum nitrates have been used as the oxidizers and glycine as the fuel. Addition of glycine to the mixture of magnesium and aluminium nitrates results in a series of redox reactions to form a complex which subsequently crystallizes to form spinel at a lower temperature. Mag-Al spinel has been synthesized by varying metal to glycine ratio as 1:0.5, 1:1 and 1:2 and its effect on the spinel formation was studied. Variation of calcination temperature was done from 5000 C to 10000C for 1 hour and 2 hours and their XRD analysis were performed to identify the exact starting temperature for obtaining phase pure spinel. The phase pure Mag-Al spinel was formed at 700 °C, when using metal to glycine ratio as 1:2. However, the phase pure Mag-Al spinel formation took place at higher temperature in case of other metal to glycine ratios. Bulk density was achieved in the range 3.135 – 3.34. Apparent porosity in the range of (0 – 6.64) % was achieved