104 research outputs found

    Il Seicento russo: rassegna critica degli studi e prospettive di ricerca

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    The Russian 17th Century: State of the Art and Research Perspectives. A remarkable increase in XVII century Russian studies has characterized the past decade. Thanks to the fall of ideological pressure, most interesting critical literature has been produced in the fields of history, history of culture and poetry. Moreover, these years have seen the publication of several, relevant literary texts, which had been only manuscript until the recent past. If, from a historical point of view, a new approach has emerged to the interpretation of historical events and characters, from a literary point of view there has a been a discovery of the Russian Baroque, a literary style which has its own peculiar features, and is sometimes very different from the European Baroque. Hopefully, all this should favour the study of XVII century literature as a literary system and not just as .literaturnye pamjatniki

    Loop observables for BF theories in any dimension and the cohomology of knots

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    A generalization of Wilson loop observables for BF theories in any dimension is introduced in the Batalin-Vilkovisky framework. The expectation values of these observables are cohomology classes of the space of imbeddings of a circle. One of the resulting theories discussed in the paper has only trivalent interactions and, irrespective of the actual dimension, looks like a 3-dimensional Chern-Simons theory.Comment: 13 page

    Algebraic structures on graph cohomology

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    We define algebraic structures on graph cohomology and prove that they correspond to algebraic structures on the cohomology of the spaces of imbeddings of S^1 or R into R^n. As a corollary, we deduce the existence of an infinite number of nontrivial cohomology classes in Imb(S^1,R^n) when n is even and greater than 3. Finally, we give a new interpretation of the anomaly term for the Vassiliev invariants in R^3.Comment: Typos corrected, exposition improved. 14 pages, 2 figures. To appear in J. Knot Theory Ramification

    Three-dimensional BF Theories and the Alexander-Conway Invariant of Knots

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    We study 3-dimensional BF theories and define observables related to knots and links. The quantum expectation values of these observables give the coefficients of the Alexander-Conway polynomial.Comment: 32 pages (figures available upon request); LaTe

    Configuration spaces and Vassiliev classes in any dimension

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    The real cohomology of the space of imbeddings of S^1 into R^n, n>3, is studied by using configuration space integrals. Nontrivial classes are explicitly constructed. As a by-product, we prove the nontriviality of certain cycles of imbeddings obtained by blowing up transversal double points in immersions. These cohomology classes generalize in a nontrivial way the Vassiliev knot invariants. Other nontrivial classes are constructed by considering the restriction of classes defined on the corresponding spaces of immersions.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol2/agt-2-39.abs.htm

    Topological BF Theories in 3 and 4 Dimensions

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    In this paper we discuss topological BF theories in 3 and 4 dimensions. Observables are associated to ordinary knots and links (in 3 dimensions) and to 2-knots (in 4 dimensions). The vacuum expectation values of such observables give a wide range of invariants. Here we consider mainly the 3-dimensional case, where these invariants include Alexander polynomials, HOMFLY polynomials and Kontsevich integrals.Comment: 25 pages, latex, no figures. Transmission problems have been solve

    The Donaldson-Witten Invariants in Pure QCD with Order and Disorder 't Hooft-like Operators

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    We study the first-order formalism of pure four-dimensional SU(2){\rm SU}(2) Yang--Mills theory with theta-term. We describe the Green functions associated to electric and magnetic flux operators \`a la 't~Hooft by means of gauge-invariant non-local operators. These Green functions are related to Witten's invariants of four-manifolds.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX file, no macros used. Revised Versio

    CLARO-CMOS, an ASIC for single photon counting with Ma-PMTs, MCPs and SiPMs

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    An ASIC named CLARO-CMOS was designed for fast photon counting with MaPMTs, MCPs and SiPMs. The prototype was realized in a .35 μm CMOS technology and has four channels, each with a fast amplifier and a discriminator. The main features of the design are the high speed of operation and the low power dissipation, below 1 mW per channel. This paper focuses on the use of the CLARO for SiPM readout. The ASIC was tested with several SiPMs of various sizes, connected to the input of the chip both directly and through a coaxial cable about one meter long. In the latter case the ASIC is still fully functional although the speed of response is affected by the cable capacitance. The threshold could be set just above the single photoelectron level, and with 1 ×1 mm 2 SiPMs the discrete photoelectron peaks could be well resolve

    Search for heavy neutral lepton production in K+ decays

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    A search for heavy neutral lepton production in K + decays using a data sample collected with a minimum bias trigger by the NA62 experiment at CERN in 2015 is reported. Upper limits at the 10−7 to 10−6 level are established on the elements of the extended neutrino mixing matrix |Ue4| 2 and |Uμ4| 2 for heavy neutral lepton mass in the ranges 170–448 MeV/c2 and 250–373 MeV/c2, respectively. This improves on the previous limits from HNL production searches over the whole mass range considered for |Ue4|2 and above 300 MeV/c2 for |Uμ4|2

    Review of Kaon Physics at CERN and in Europe

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    The Kaon physics program at CERN and in Europe will be presented. I will first give a short review of recent results form the NA48/2 and NA62 experiments, with special emphasis to the measurement of RK , the ratio of Kaon leptonic decays rates, K → eν and K → μν, using the full minimum bias data sample collected in 2007-2008. The main subject of the talk will be the study of the highly suppressed decay K → πνν. While its rate can be predicted with minimal theoretical uncertainty in the Standard Model (BR ∼ 8 × 10−11), the smallness of BR and the challenging experimental signature make it very difficult to measure. The branching ratio for this decay is thus a sensitive probe of the flavour sector of the SM. The aim of NA62 is the measurement of the K → πνν BR with ∼ 10% precision in two years of data taking. This will require the observation of 10K decays in the experiment's fiducial volume, as well as the use of high-performance systems for precision tracking, particle identification, and photon vetoing. These aspects of the experiment will also allow NA62 to carry out a rich program of searches for lepton flavour and/or number violating K decays. Data taking will start in October 2014. The physics prospects and the status of the construction and commissioning of the NA62 experiment will be presented. In the last part of the talk I will report on Kaon physics results and prospects from other experiments at CERN (e.g. LHCb) and in Europe (e.g. KLOE and KLOE-2) and briefly mention the status in US
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