5,089 research outputs found

    Estudo da divergência genética em castanha-do-Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa H. B. K.) utilizando marcadores moleculares RAPD (Random Amplied Polymorphic DNA).

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    A devastação de castanhais nativos na Amazônia, devido à implantação de programas de colonizaçã::; e/ou de atividades comerciais, está provocando a diminuição da variabilidade genética de castanha-do-bras (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.), imprescindível na manutenção da diversidade genética da cultura e como base de trabalho para programas de melhoramento, essenciais para a expansão das áreas de cultivo. O presente trabalho te e por objetivo estudar a divergênda genética da castanha-do-brasil, utilizando marcadores moleculares RAPD. Trin;a e quatro indivíduos foram avaliados, sendo dezessete provenientes do Banco de Germoplasma do Centro de Pes-quisa Agroflorestal da Amazônia Oriental (EMBRAPNAmazônia Oriental), localizado na cidade de Belém-PA e outros 17 indivíduos, de um reflorestamento na cidade de Cláudia-MT. O DNA destes indivíduos foi extraído, pur""'- cado e quantificado. Nas análises foram utilizados 51 iniciadores de reação (primers), que geraram 144 bandas pc - mórficas. As distâncias genéticas foram obtidas pelo complemento do coeficiente de similaridade de Sorensen-Dice. Os resultados indicaram a presença de divergência genética entre e dentro das populações estudadas. Três grupos de indivíduos foram formados no gráfico de agrupamento: o primeiro grupo constituiu-se de indivíduos dos dois estados, o segundo apresentou apenas indivíduos do Estado do Mato Grosso e o terceiro, apenas indivíduos do Estado do Pará. Os marcadores RAPD mostraram-se eficientes na separação dos indivíduos de acordo com os centros de origem

    Human-robot interaction in groups: Methodological and research practices

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    Understanding the behavioral dynamics that underline human-robot interactions in groups remains one of the core challenges in social robotics research. However, despite a growing interest in this topic, there is still a lack of established and validated measures that allow researchers to analyze human-robot interactions in group scenarios; and very few that have been developed and tested specifically for research conducted in the wild. This is a problem because it hinders the development of general models of human-robot interaction, and makes the comprehension of the inner workings of the relational dynamics between humans and robots, in group contexts, significantly more difficult. In this paper, we aim to provide a reflection on the current state of research on human-robot interaction in small groups, as well as to outline directions for future research with an emphasis on methodological and transversal issues.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação de perdas no rendimento de grãos de trigo causadas por Pyricularia grisea, no período de 1988 a 1992, em Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    Amostragem de plantas, preparo de amostras e remessa ao laboratório para identificação de doença.

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    YOLO — Your own living object

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    Creativity is at the core of what it means to be human. It is an intrinsic ability that we all have and influences our well-being self-expression throughout life. However, a decline in creativity abilities occurs in children around the age of 7 years old. Our work aims to contribute to a re-balance of creative levels using social robots. In this video, we describe YOLO, an autonomous robotic toy for children that fosters their creativity during play. This robot is envisioned to be used as a character during storytelling, promoting creative story-lines that might not emerge otherwise.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Recovery of platinum from a spent automotive catalyst through chloride leaching and solvent extraction

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    ABSTRACT: Considering economics and environmental sustainability, recycling of critical metals from end-of-life devices should be a priority. In this work the hydrometallurgical treatment of a spent automotive catalytic converter (SACC) using HCl with CaCl2 as a leaching medium, and solvent extraction (SX) with a thiodiglycolamide derivative, is reported. The aim was to develop a leaching scheme allowing high Pt recoveries and minimizing Al dissolution, facilitating the application of SX. The replacement of part of HCl by CaCl2 in the leaching step is viable, without compromising Pt recovery (in the range 75-85%), as found for the mixture 2 M CaCl2 + 8 M HCl when compared to 11.6 M HCl. All leaching media showed good potential to recover Ce, particularly for higher reaction times and temperatures. Regarding SX, results achieved with a model solution were promising, but SX for Pt separation from the real SACC solution did not work as expected. For the adopted experimental conditions, the tested thiodiglycolamide derivative in toluene revealed a very good loading performance for both Pt and Fe, but Fe removal and Pt stripping from the organic phases after contact with the SACC solution were not successfully accomplished. Hence, the reutilization of the organic solvent needs improvement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention: one good turn does not always deserve another

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    Guide to build YOLO, a creativity-stimulating robot for children

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    YOLO is a non-anthropomorphic social robot designed to stimulate creativity in children. This robot was envisioned to be used by children during free-play where they use the robot as a character for the stories they create. During play, YOLO makes use of creativity techniques that promote the creation of new story-lines. Therefore, the robot serves as a tool that has the potential to stimulate creativity in children during the interaction. Particularly, YOLO can stimulate divergent and convergent thinking for story creations. Additionally, YOLO can have different personalities, providing it with socially intelligent and engaging behaviors. This work provides open-source and open-access of YOLO's hardware. The design of the robot was guided by psychological theories and models on creativity, design research including user-centered design practices with children, and informed by expert working in the field of creativity. Specifically, we relied on established theories of personality to inform the social behavior of the robot, and on theories of creativity to design creativity stimulating behaviors. Our design decisions were then based on design fieldwork with children. The end product is a robot that communicates using non-verbal expressive modalities (lights and movements) equipped with sensors that detect the playful behaviors of children. YOLO has the potential to be used as a research tool for academic studies, and as a toy for the community to engage in personal fabrication. The overall bene t of this proposed hardware is that it is open-source, less expensive than existing ones, and one that children can build by themselves under expert supervision.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Boosting children's creativity through creative interactions with social robots

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    Creativity is one of the most important and pervasive of all human abilities. However, it seems to decline during school age years, in a phenomenon entitled “creative crisis”. As developed societies are shifting from an industrialized economy to a creative economy, there is a need to support creative abilities through life. With this work, we aim to use social robots as boosters for creative-driven behaviors with children.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio