311 research outputs found

    Trends in adjuvant development for vaccines: DAMPs and PAMPs as potential new adjuvants

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    Aluminum salts have been widely used in vaccine formulations and, after their introduction more than 80 years ago, only few vaccine formulations using new adjuvants were developed in the last two decades. Recent advances in the understanding of how innate mechanisms influence the adaptive immunity opened up the possibility for the development of new adjuvants in a more rational design. The purpose of this review is to discuss the recent advances in this field regarding the attempts to determine the molecular basis and the general mechanisms underlying the development of new adjuvants, with particular emphasis on the activation of receptors of innate immune recognition. One can anticipate that the use of these novel adjuvants will also provide a window of opportunities for the development of new vaccines

    Etched distributed Bragg reflectors as three-dimensional photonic crystals: photonic bands and density of states

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    The photonic band dispersion and density of states (DOS) are calculated for the three-dimensional (3D) hexagonal structure corresponding to a distributed Bragg reflector patterned with a 2D triangular lattice of circular holes. Results for the Si/SiO2_2 and GaAs/AlGaAs systems determine the optimal parameters for which a gap in the 2D plane occurs and overlaps the 1D gap of the multilayer. The DOS is considerably reduced in correspondence with the overlap of 2D and 1D gaps. Also, the local density of states (i.e., the DOS weighted with the squared electric field at a given point) has strong variations depending on the position. Both results imply substantial changes of spontaneous emission rates and patterns for a local emitter embedded in the structure and make this system attractive for the fabrication of a 3D photonic crystal with controlled radiative properties.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Sterile neutrino production via active-sterile oscillations: the quantum Zeno effect

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    We study several aspects of the kinetic approach to sterile neutrino production via active-sterile mixing. We obtain the neutrino propagator in the medium including self-energy corrections up to O(GF2)\mathcal{O}(G^2_F), from which we extract the dispersion relations and damping rates of the propagating modes. The dispersion relations are the usual ones in terms of the index of refraction in the medium, and the damping rates are Γ1(k)=Γaa(k)cos⁥2Ξm(k);Γ2(k)=Γaa(k)sin⁥2Ξm(k)\Gamma_1(k) = \Gamma_{aa}(k) \cos^2\theta_m(k); \Gamma_2(k) = \Gamma_{aa}(k) \sin^2\theta_m(k) where Γaa(k)∝GF2kT4\Gamma_{aa}(k)\propto G^2_F k T^4 is the active neutrino scattering rate and Ξm(k)\theta_m(k) is the mixing angle in the medium. We provide a generalization of the transition probability in the \emph{medium from expectation values in the density matrix}: Pa→s(t)=sin⁥22Ξm4[e−Γ1t+e−Γ2t−2e−1/2(Γ1+Γ2)tcos⁥(ΔEt)] P_{a\to s}(t) = \frac{\sin^22\theta_m}{4}[e^{-\Gamma_1t} + e^{-\Gamma_2 t}-2e^{-{1/2}(\Gamma_1+\Gamma_2)t} \cos\big(\Delta E t\big)] and study the conditions for its quantum Zeno suppression directly in real time. We find the general conditions for quantum Zeno suppression, which for ms∌keVm_s\sim \textrm{keV} sterile neutrinos with sin⁥2Ξâ‰Č10−3\sin2\theta \lesssim 10^{-3} \emph{may only be} fulfilled near an MSW resonance. We discuss the implications for sterile neutrino production and argue that in the early Universe the wide separation of relaxation scales far away from MSW resonances suggests the breakdown of the current kinetic approach.Comment: version to appear in JHE

    Interference scheme to measure light-induced nonlinearities in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Light-induced nonlinear terms in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation arise from the stimulated coherent exchange of photons between two atoms. For atoms in an optical dipole trap this effect depends on the spatial profile of the trapping laser beam. Two different laser beams can induce the same trapping potential but very different nonlinearities. We propose a scheme to measure light-induced nonlinearities which is based on this observation.Comment: 2 figure

    The Vector Meson Form Factor Analysis in Light-Front Dynamics

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    We study the form factors of vector mesons using a covariant fermion field theory model in (3+1)(3+1) dimensions. Performing a light-front calculation in the q+=0q^+ =0 frame in parallel with a manifestly covariant calculation, we note the existence of a nonvanishing zero-mode contribution to the light-front current J+J^+ and find a way of avoiding the zero-mode in the form factor calculations. Upon choosing the light-front gauge (\ep^+_{h=\pm}=0) with circular polarization and with spin projection h=↑↓=±h=\uparrow\downarrow=\pm, only the helicity zero to zero matrix element of the plus current receives zero-mode contributions. Therefore, one can obtain the exact light-front solution of the form factors using only the valence contribution if only the helicity components, (hâ€Čh)=(++),(+−)(h'h)=(++),(+-), and (+0)(+0), are used. We also compare our results obtained from the light-front gauge in the light-front helicity basis (i.e. h=±,0h=\pm,0) with those obtained from the non-LF gauge in the instant form linear polarization basis (i.e. h=x,y,zh=x,y,z) where the zero-mode contributions to the form factors are unavoidable.Comment: 33 pages; typo in Eq.(15) is corrected; comment on Ref.[9] is corrected; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Transition Form Factors between Pseudoscalar and Vector Mesons in Light-Front Dynamics

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    We study the transition form factors between pseudoscalar and vector mesons using a covariant fermion field theory model in (3+1)(3+1) dimensions. Performing the light-front calculation in the q+=0q^+ =0 frame in parallel with the manifestly covariant calculation, we note that the suspected nonvanishing zero-mode contribution to the light-front current J+J^+ does not exist in our analysis of transition form factors. We also perform the light-front calculation in a purely longitudinal q+>0q^+ > 0 frame and confirm that the form factors obtained directly from the timelike region are identical to the ones obtained by the analytic continuation from the spacelike region. Our results for the B→D∗lÎœlB \to D^* l \nu_l decay process satisfy the constraints on the heavy-to-heavy semileptonic decays imposed by the flavor independence in the heavy quark limit.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Radiative Scalar Meson Decays in the Light-Front Quark Model

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    We construct a relativistic 3P0^3P_0 wavefunction for scalar mesons within the framework of light-front quark model(LFQM). This scalar wavefunction is used to perform relativistic calculations of absolute widths for the radiative decay processes(0++)→γγ,(0++)â†’Ï•Îł(0^{++})\to\gamma\gamma,(0^{++})\to\phi\gamma, and (0++)â†’ÏÎł(0^{++})\to\rho\gamma which incorporate the effects of glueball-qqˉq\bar{q} mixing. The mixed physical states are assumed to be f0(1370),f0(1500)f_0(1370),f_0(1500),and f0(1710)f_0(1710) for which the flavor-glue content is taken from the mixing calculations of other works. Since experimental data for these processes are poor, our results are compared with those of a recent non-relativistic model calculation. We find that while the relativistic corrections introduced by the LFQM reduce the magnitudes of the decay widths by 50-70%, the relative strengths between different decay processes are fairly well preserved. We also calculate decay widths for the processes ϕ→(0++)Îł\phi\to(0^{++})\gamma and (0^{++})\to\gamma\gamm involving the light scalars f0(980)f_0(980) and a0(980)a_0(980) to test the simple qqˉq\bar{q} model of these mesons. Our results of qqˉq\bar{q} model for these processes are not quite consistent with well-established data, further supporting the idea that f0(980)f_0(980) and a0(980)a_0(980) are not conventional qqˉq\bar{q} states.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Evidence for SU(3) symmetry breaking from hyperon production

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    We examine the SU(3) symmetry breaking in hyperon semileptonic decays (HSD) by considering two typical sets of quark contributions to the spin content of the octet baryons: Set-1 with SU(3) flavor symmetry and Set-2 with SU(3) flavor symmetry breaking in HSD. The quark distributions of the octet baryons are calculated with a successful statistical model. Using an approximate relation between the quark fragmentation functions and the quark distributions, we predict polarizations of the octet baryons produced in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation and semi-inclusive deeply lepton-nucleon scattering in order to reveal the SU(3) symmetry breaking effect on the spin structure of the octet baryons. We find that the SU(3) symmetry breaking significantly affects the hyperon polarization. The available experimental data on the Λ\Lambda polarization seem to favor the theoretical predictions with SU(3) symmetry breaking. We conclude that there is a possibility to get a collateral evidence for SU(3) symmetry breaking from hyperon production. The theoretical errors for our predictions are discussed.Comment: 3 tables, 14 figure
