616 research outputs found

    Process algebraic non-product-forms

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    AbstractA generalization of the Reversed Compound Agent Theorem of Markovian process algebra is derived that yields separable, but non-product-form solutions for collections of interacting processes such as arise in multi-class queueing networks with Processor Sharing servers. It is based on an analysis of the minimal cycles in the state space of a multi-agent cooperation, which can be simply identified. The extended methodology leads to what we believe are new separable solutions and, more generally, the results represent a viable practical application of the theory of Markovian process algebras in stochastic modelling

    Sobre a Faixa de Pedestres

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    The interference colors resulting from thin films of Al 2O 3 deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on silicon have been rigorously analyzed using a recently developed robotic gonioreflectometer. A series of eleven increasingly thick films was deposited, up to 1613 Å, and their reflectance values obtained for the visible spectrum. A comparison of these values with the predictions of computer simulations employing Fresnel equations has revealed that while there was generally good agreement between predicted and measured spectra, there are some spectral regions that exhibit large deviations from predicted reflectances, typically at near-normal measurement angles and shorter wavelengths. The effect of these discrepancies on color appearance was investigated in the CIE L*a*b* color space for the daylight illuminant D65. Large iridescence is both predicted and measured for most film thicknesses. Chroma and hue differences as large as 20 CIELAB units between the predicted and the measured color centers were obtained. Simulation also predicts larger iridescence than what is actually measured. A likely cause for the observed discrepancies is that the dielectric constants of the ALD films deviate from the literature values for the bulk material

    Transport on percolation clusters with power-law distributed bond strengths: when do blobs matter?

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    The simplest transport problem, namely maxflow, is investigated on critical percolation clusters in two and three dimensions, using a combination of extremal statistics arguments and exact numerical computations, for power-law distributed bond strengths of the type P(σ)σαP(\sigma) \sim \sigma^{-\alpha}. Assuming that only cutting bonds determine the flow, the maxflow critical exponent \ve is found to be \ve(\alpha)=(d-1) \nu + 1/(1-\alpha). This prediction is confirmed with excellent accuracy using large-scale numerical simulation in two and three dimensions. However, in the region of anomalous bond capacity distributions (0α10\leq \alpha \leq 1) we demonstrate that, due to cluster-structure fluctuations, it is not the cutting bonds but the blobs that set the transport properties of the backbone. This ``blob-dominance'' avoids a cross-over to a regime where structural details, the distribution of the number of red or cutting bonds, would set the scaling. The restored scaling exponents however still follow the simplistic red bond estimate. This is argued to be due to the existence of a hierarchy of so-called minimum cut-configurations, for which cutting bonds form the lowest level, and whose transport properties scale all in the same way. We point out the relevance of our findings to other scalar transport problems (i.e. conductivity).Comment: 9 pages + Postscript figures. Revtex4+psfig. Submitted to PR

    Water-like anomalies for core-softened models of fluids: One dimension

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    We use a one-dimensional (1d) core-softened potential to develop a physical picture for some of the anomalies present in liquid water. The core-softened potential mimics the effect of hydrogen bonding. The interest in the 1d system stems from the facts that closed-form results are possible and that the qualitative behavior in 1d is reproduced in the liquid phase for higher dimensions. We discuss the relation between the shape of the potential and the density anomaly, and we study the entropy anomaly resulting from the density anomaly. We find that certain forms of the two-step square well potential lead to the existence at T=0 of a low-density phase favored at low pressures and of a high-density phase favored at high pressures, and to the appearance of a point CC' at a positive pressure, which is the analog of the T=0 ``critical point'' in the 1d1d Ising model. The existence of point CC' leads to anomalous behavior of the isothermal compressibility KTK_T and the isobaric specific heat CPC_P.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Specific heat and magnetic measurements in Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3, Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and Ho0.5Ca0.5MnO3 samples

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    We studied the magnetization as a function of temperature and magnetic field in the compounds Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3, Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and Ho0.5Ca0.5MnO3. It allowed us to identify the ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and charge ordering phases in each case. The intrinsic magnetic moments of Nd3+ and Ho3+ ions experienced a short range order at low temperatures. We also did specific heat measurements with applied magnetic fields between 0 and 9 T and temperatures between 2 and 300 K in all three samples. Close to the charge ordering and ferromagnetic transition temperatures the specific heat curves showed peaks superposed to the characteristic response of the lattice oscillations. Below 10 K the specific heat measurements evidenced a Schottky-like anomaly for all samples. However, we could not successfully fit the curves to either a two level nor a distribution of two-level Schottky anomaly. Our results indicated that the peak temperature of the Schottky anomaly was higher in the compounds with narrower conduction band.Comment: submitted to PR

    Unusual magnetic relaxation behavior in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3

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    We have carried out a systematic magnetic relaxation study, measured after applying and switching off a 5 T magnetic field to polycrystalline samples of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3. The long time logarithmic relaxation rate (LTLRR), decreased from 10 K to 150 K and increased from 150 K to 195 K in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3. This change in behavior was found to be related to the complete suppression of the antiferromagnetic phase above 150 K and in the presence of a 5 T magnetic field. At 195 K, the magnetization first decreased, and after a few minutes increased slowly as a function of time. Moreover, between 200 K and 245 K, the magnetization increased throughout the measured time span. The change in the slope of the curves, from negative to positive at about 200 K was found to be related to the suppression of antiferromagnetic fluctuations in small magnetic fields. A similar temperature dependence of the LTLRR was found for the Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 sample. However, the temperature where the LTLRR reached the minimum in Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 was lower than that of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3. This result agrees with the stronger ferromagnetic interactions that exist in Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 in comparison to La0.5Ca0.5MnO3. The above measurements suggested that the general temperature dependence of the LTLRR and the underlying physics were mainly independent of the particular charge ordering system considered. All relaxation curves could be fitted using a logarithmic law at long times. This slow relaxation was attributed to the coexistence of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions between Mn ions, which produced a distribution of energy barriers.Comment: Accepted to PRB as a regular article, 10 figures, Scheduled Issue: 01 June 200

    Aharonov-Bohm Interferometry with Interacting Quantum Dots: Spin Configurations, Asymmetric Interference Patterns, Bias-Voltage-Induced Aharonov-Bohm Oscillations, and Symmetries of Transport Coefficients

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    We study electron transport through multiply-connected mesoscopic geometries containing interacting quantum dots. Our formulation covers both equilibrium and non-equilibrium physics. We discuss the relation of coherent transport channels through the quantum dot to flux-sensitive Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the total conductance of the device. Contributions to transport in first and second order in the intrinsic line width of the dot levels are addressed in detail. We predict an interaction-induced asymmetry in the amplitude of the interference signal around resonance peaks as a consequence of incoherence associated with spin-flip processes. This asymmetry can be used to probe the total spin of the quantum dot. Such a probe requires less stringent experimental conditions than the Kondo effect, which provides the same information. We show that first-order contributions can be partially or even fully coherent. This contrasts with the sequential-tunneling picture, which describes first-order transport as a sequence of incoherent tunneling processes. We predict bias-voltage induced Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of physical quantities which are independent of flux in the linear-response regime. Going beyond the Onsager relations we analyze the relations between the space symmetry group of the setup and the flux-dependent non-linear conductance.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Suppressing CMB Quadrupole with a Bounce from Contracting Phase to Inflation

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    Recent released WMAP data show a low value of quadrupole in the CMB temperature fluctuations, which confirms the early observations by COBE. In this paper, a scenario, in which a contracting phase is followed by an inflationary phase, is constructed. We calculate the perturbation spectrum and show that this scenario can provide a reasonable explanation for lower CMB anisotropies on large angular scales.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Interference in Superconducting Wire Networks and Josephson Junction Arrays: Analytical Approach based on Multiple-Loop Aharonov-Bohm Feynman Path-Integrals

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    We investigate analytically and numerically the mean-field superconducting-normal phase boundaries of two-dimensional superconducting wire networks and Josephson junction arrays immersed in a transverse magnetic field. The geometries we consider include square, honeycomb, triangular, and kagome' lattices. Our approach is based on an analytical study of multiple-loop Aharonov-Bohm effects: the quantum interference between different electron closed paths where each one of them encloses a net magnetic flux. Specifically, we compute exactly the sums of magnetic phase factors, i.e., the lattice path integrals, on all closed lattice paths of different lengths. A very large number, e.g., up to 108110^{81} for the square lattice, exact lattice path integrals are obtained. Analytic results of these lattice path integrals then enable us to obtain the resistive transition temperature as a continuous function of the field. In particular, we can analyze measurable effects on the superconducting transition temperature, Tc(B)T_c(B), as a function of the magnetic filed BB, originating from electron trajectories over loops of various lengths. In addition to systematically deriving previously observed features, and understanding the physical origin of the dips in Tc(B)T_c(B) as a result of multiple-loop quantum interference effects, we also find novel results. In particular, we explicitly derive the self-similarity in the phase diagram of square networks. Our approach allows us to analyze the complex structure present in the phase boundaries from the viewpoint of quantum interference effects due to the electron motion on the underlying lattices.Comment: 18 PRB-type pages, plus 8 large figure