26 research outputs found

    From VGKC to LGI1 and Caspr2 encephalitis: The evolution of a disease entity over time

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    A wide variety of clinical syndromes has been associated with antibodies to voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKCs). Six years ago, it was discovered that patients do not truly have antibodies to potassium channels, but to associated proteins. This enabled the distinction of three VGKC-positive subgroups: anti-LGI1 patients, anti-Caspr2 patients and VGKC-positive patients lacking both antibodies. Patients with LGI1-antibodies have a limbic encephalitis, often with hyponatremia, and about half of the patients have typical faciobrachial dystonic seizures. Caspr2-antibodies cause a more variable syndrome of peripheral or central nervous system symptoms, almost exclusively affecting older males. Immunotherapy seems to be beneficial in patients with antibodies to LGI1 or Caspr2, stressing the need for early diagnosis. Half of the VGKC-positive patients lack antibodies to both LGI1 and Caspr2. This is a heterogeneous group of patients with a wide variety of clinical syndromes, raising the question whether VGKC-positivity is truly a marker of disease in these patients. Data regarding this issue are limited, but a recent study did not show any clinical relevance of VGKC-positivity in the absence of antibodies to LGI1 and Caspr2. The three VGKC-positive subgroups are essentially different, therefore, the lumping term ‘VGKC-complex antibodies’ should be abolished

    Gene expression profiles of gliomas in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded material

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    Background: We have recently demonstrated that expression profiling is a more accurate and objective method to classify gliomas than histology. Similar to most expression profiling studies, our experiments were performed using fresh frozen (FF) glioma samples whereas most archival samples are fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin (FFPE). Identification of the same, expression-based intrinsic subtypes in FFPE-stored samples would enable validation of the prognostic value of these subtypes on these archival samples. In this study, we have therefore determined whether the intrinsic subtypes identified using FF material can be reproduced in FFPE-stored samples.Methods: We have performed expression profiling on 55 paired FF-FFPE glioma samples using HU133 plus 2.0 arrays (FF) and Exon 1.0 ST arrays (FFPE). The median time in paraffin of the FFPE samples was 14.1 years (range 6.6-26.4 years). Results: In general, the correlation between FF and FFPE expression in a single sample was poor. We then selected the most variable probe sets per gene (n17 583), and of these, the 5000 most variable probe sets on FFPE expre

    Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration associated with antineuronal antibodies: analysis of 50 patients

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    Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by subacute cerebellar ataxia, specific tumour types and (often) associated antineuronal antibodies. Nine specific antineuronal antibodies are associated with PCD. We examined the relative frequency of the antineuronal antibodies associated with PCD and compared the neurological symptoms and signs, associated tumours, disability and survival between groups of PCD with different antibodies. Also, we attempted to identify patient-, tumour- and treatment-related characteristics associated with functional outcome and survival. In a 12-year period, we examined >5000 samples for the presence of antineuronal antibodies. A total of 137 patients were identified with a paraneoplastic neurological syndrome and high titre (> or =400) antineuronal antibodies. Fifty (36%) of these patients had antibody-associated PCD, including 19 anti-Yo, 16 anti-Hu, seven anti-Tr, six anti-Ri and two anti-mGluR1. Because of the low number, the anti-mGluR1 patients were excluded from the statistical analysis. While 100% of patients with anti-Yo, anti-Tr and anti-mGluR1 antibodies suffered PCD, 86% of anti-Ri and only 18% of anti-Hu patients had PCD. All patients presented with subacute cerebellar ataxia progressive over weeks to months and stabilized within 6 months. The majority of patients in all antibody groups had both truncal and appendicular ataxia. The frequency of nystagmus and dysarthria was lower in anti-Ri patients (33 and 0%). Later in the course of the disease, involvement of non-cerebellar structures occurred most frequently in anti-Hu patients (94%). In 42 patients (84%), a tumour was detected. The most commonly associated tumours were gynaecological and breast cancer (anti-Yo and anti-Ri), lung cancer (anti-Hu) and Hodgkin's lymphoma (anti-Tr and anti-mGluR1). In one anti-Hu patient, a suspect lung lesion on CT scan disappeared while the PCD evolved. Seven patients improved by at least 1 point on the Rankin scale, while 16 remained stable and 27 deteriorated. All seven patients that improved received antitumour treatment for their underlying cancer, resulting in complete remission. The functional outcome was best in the anti-Ri patients, with three out of six improving neurologically and five were able to walk at the time of last follow-up or death. Only four out of 19 anti-Yo and four out of 16 anti-Hu patients remained ambulatory. Also, survival from time of diagnosis was significantly worse in the anti-Yo (median 13 months) and anti-Hu (median 7 months) patients compared with anti-Tr (median >113 months) and anti-Ri (median >69 months). Patients receiving antitumour treatment (with or without immunosuppressive therapy) lived significantly longer [hazard ratio (HR) 0.3; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.1-0.6; P = 0.004]. Patients > or =60 years old lived somewhat shorter from time of diagnosis, although statistically not significant (HR 2.9; CI 1.0-8.5; P = 0.06)

    Tumor-specific mutations in low-frequency genes affect their functional properties

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    Causal genetic changes in oligodendrogliomas (OD) with 1p/19q co-deletion include mutations in IDH1, IDH2, CIC, FUBP1, TERT promoter and NOTCH1. However, it is generally assumed that more somatic mutations are required for tumorigenesis. This study aimed to establish whether genes mutated at low frequency can be involved in OD initiation and/or progression. We performed whole-genome sequencing on three anaplastic ODs with 1p/19q co-deletion. To estimate mutation frequency, we performed targeted resequencing on an additional 39 ODs. Whole-genome sequencing identified a total of 55 coding mutations (range 8–32 mutations per tumor), including known abnormalities in IDH1, IDH2, CIC and FUBP1. We also identified mutations in genes, most of which were previously not implicated in ODs. Targeted resequencing on 39 additional ODs confirmed that these genes are mutated at low frequency. Most of the mutations identified were predicted to have a deleterious functional effect. Functional analysis on a subset of these genes (e.g. NTN4 and MAGEH1) showed that the mutation affects the subcellular localization of the protein (n = 2/12). In addition, HOG cells stably expressing mutant GDI1 or XPO7 showed altered cell proliferation compared to those expressing wildtype constructs. Similarly, HOG cells expressing mutant SASH3 or GDI1 showed altered migration. The significantly higher rate of predicted deleterious mutations, the changes in subcellular localization and the effects on proliferation and/or migration indicate that many of these genes functionally may contribute to gliomagenesis and/or progression. These low-frequency genes and their affected pathways may provide new treatment targets for this tumor type

    Metabolic changes related to the IDH1 mutation in gliomas preserve TCA-cycle activity: An investigation at the protein level

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    The discovery of the IDH1 R132H (IDH1 mut) mutation in low-grade glioma and the associated change in function of the IDH1 enzyme has increased the interest in glioma metabolism. In an earlier study, we found that changes in expression of genes involved in the aerobic glycolysis and the TCA cycle are associated with IDH1 mut. Here, we apply proteomics to FFPE samples of diffuse gliomas with or without IDH1 mutations, to map changes in protein levels associated with this mutation. We observed significant changes in the enz

    Mutation and drug-specific intracellular accumulation of EGFR predict clinical responses to tyrosine kinase inhibitors

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    Background: Clinical responses to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are restricted to tumors harboring specific activating mutations and even then, not all tyrosine kinase inhibitors provide clinical benefit. All TKIs however, effectively inhibit EGFR phosphorylation regardless of the mutation present. Methods: High-throughput, high-content imaging analysis, western blot, Reversed phase protein arrays, mass spectrometry and RT-qPCR. Findings: We show that the addition of TKIs results in a strong and rapid intracellular accumulation of EGFR. This accumulation mimicked clinical efficacy as it was observed only in the context of the combination of a TKI-sensitive mutation with a clinically effective (type I) TKI. Intracellular accumulation of EGFR was able to predict response to gefitinib in a panel of cell-lines with different EGFR mutations. Our assay also predicted clinical benefit to EGFR TKIs on a cohort of pulmonary adenocarcinoma patients (hazard ratio 0.21, P=0.0004 [Cox proportional hazard model]) and could predict the clinical response in patients harboring rare mutations with unknown TKI-sensitivity. All investigated TKIs, regardless of clinical efficacy, inhibited EGFR phosphorylation and downstream pathway activation, irrespective of the mutation present. Intracellular accumulation of EGFR depended on a continued presence of TKI indicating (type I) TKIs remain associated with the protein even after its dephosphorylation. Accumulation therefore is likely caused by two consecutive conformational changes, induced by both activating mutation and TKI, that combined block EGFR-membrane recycling. Interpretation: We report on an assay that mimics the discrepancy between molecular and clinical activity of EGFR-TKIs, which may allow response prediction in vitro and helps understand the mechanism of effective inhibitors

    Idh1-mutated transgenic zebrafish lines: An in-vivo model for drug screening and functional analysis

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    Introduction The gene encoding isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) is frequently mutated in several tumor types including gliomas. The most prevalent mutation in gliomas is a missense mutation leading to a substitution of arginine with histidine at the residue 132 (R132H). Wild type IDH1 catalyzes oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) whereas mutant IDH1 converts α-KG into D2-hydroxyglutarate (D2HG). Unfortunately, there are few in vivo model systems for IDH-mutated tumors to study the effects of IDH1 mutations in tumor development. We have therefore created transgenic zebrafish lines that express various IDH1 mutants. Materials and methods IDH1 mutations (IDH1R132H, IDH1R132C and loss-of-function mutation IDH1G70D), IDH1wildtype or eGFP were cloned into constructs with several brain-specific promoters (Nestin, Gfap or Gata2). These constructs were injected into fertilized zebrafish eggs at the one-cell stage. Results In total more than ten transgenic zebrafish lines expressing various brain-specific IDH1 mutations were created. A significant increase in the level of D2HG was observed in all transgenic lines expressing IDH1R132C or IDH1R132H, but not in any of the lines expressing IDH1wildtype, IDH1G70D or eGFP. No differences in 5-hydroxymethyl cytosine and mature collagen IV levels were observed between wildtype and mutant IDH1 transgenic fish. To our surprise, we failed to identify any strong phenotype, despite increased levels of the oncome-tabolite D2HG. No tumors were observed, even when backcrossing with tp53-mutant fish which suggests that additional transforming events are required for tumor formation. Elevated D2HG levels could be lowered by treatment of the transgenic zebrafish with an inhibitor of mutant IDH1 activity. Conclusions We have generated a transgenic zebrafish model system for mutations in IDH1 that can be used for functional analysis and drug screening. Our model systems help understand the biology of IDH1 mutations and its role in tumor formation

    Pediatric autoimmune encephalitis: Recognition and diagnosis

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    OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were (1) to describe the incidence of autoimmune encephalitis (AIE) and acute dissemi

    Peptides from the variable region of specific antibodies are shared among lung cancer patients

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    Late diagnosis of lung cancer is still the main reason for high mortality rates in lung cancer. Lung cancer is a heterogeneous disease which induces an immune response to different tumor antigens. Several methods for searching autoantibodies have been described that are based on known purified antigen panels. The aim of our study is to find evidence that parts of the antigen-binding-domain of antibodies are shared among lung cancer patients. This was investigated by a novel approach based on sequencing antigen-binding- fragments (Fab) of immunoglobulins using proteomic techniques without the need of previously known antigen panels. From serum of 93 participants of the NELSON trial IgG was isolated and subsequently digested into Fab and Fc. Fab was purified from the digested mixture by SDS-PAGE. The Fab containing gel-bands were excised, tryptic digested and measured on a nano-LC-Orbitrap-Mass- spectrometry system. Multivariate analysis of the mass spectrometry data by linear canonical discriminant analysis combined with stepwise logistic regression resulted in a 12-antibody-peptide model which was able to distinguish lung cancer patients from controls in a high risk population with a sensitivity of 84% and specificity of 90%. With our Fab-purification combined Orbitrap-mass-spectrometry approach, we found peptides from the variable-parts of antibodies which are shared among lung cancer patients

    Neurologic syndromes related to anti-GAD65: Clinical and serologic response to treatment

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    OBJECTIVE: Antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (anti-GAD65) are associated with a number of neurologic syndromes. However, their pathogenic role is controversial. Our objective was to describe clinical and paraclinical characteristics of anti-GAD65 patients and analyze their response to immunotherapy. METHODS: Retrospectively, we studied patients (n = 56) with positive anti-GAD65 and any neurologic symptom. We tested serum and CSF with ELISA, immunohistochemistry, and cell-based assay. Accordingly, we set a cutoff value of 10,000 IU/mL in serum by ELISA to group patients into high-concentration (n = 36) and low-concentration (n = 20) groups. We compared clinical and immunologic features and analyzed response to immunotherapy. RESULTS: Classical anti-GAD65-associated syndromes were seen in 34/36 patients with high concentration (94%): stiff-person syndrome (7), cerebellar ataxia (3), chronic epilepsy (9), limbic encephalitis (9), or an overlap of 2 or more of the former (6). Patients with low concentrations had a broad, heterogeneous symptom spectrum. Immunotherapy was effective in 19/27 treated patients (70%), although none of them completely recovered. Antibody concentration reduction occurred in 15/17 patients with available pre- and post-treatment samples (median reduction 69%; range 27%-99%), of which 14 improved clinically. The 2 patients with unchanged concentrations showed no clinical improvement. No differences in treatment responses were observed between specific syndromes. CONCLUSION: Most patients with high anti-GAD65 concentrations (>10,000 IU/mL) showed some improvement after immunotherapy, unfortunately without complete recovery. Serum antibody concen